Sweet Aphrodite's POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar room. On my right side is the white wall and on the left is a green curtain. I helped myself to sit as things began to sink in my mind. I'm still wearing my uniform and I am in a clinic.
My lips twitched when I felt a little headache. I slowly stood and pushed the curtain in the side to get out. I saw a nurse on the table scribbling something on her notes. She looked at me when I am already in front of her then stopped writing.
"How are you feeling?" she asked while smiling.
I let out a small smile. "I am fine, thank you."
"We found you unconscious in the comfort room, sitting on the floor. What happened to you?" She stood and opened a cabinet beside her. Then she pulled out my bag from the inside. "Here are your things. Check it," she added and handed it to me.
I stared at her while accepting it. My eyes widened a bit when memories filled me after thinking the answer for her question. Contemplating if I should tell her when I saw her waiting for my answer, I slightly looked away.
"T-thank you. W-well, s-someone attacked me..." I almost whispered.
Remembering the exact fear that I experienced disturbed me. A shiver went down my spine when I could think of almost all of the details.
"What? What do you mean? Did someone harass you?" Her furrowed brows and concerned face told me that she's ready to report it if that happened.
I bit my lower lip and stared at her. I let out a sigh and smiled hesitantly.
"It is... it is a monstrous creature, almost human-like but with red eyes, fangs, and long nails. Then suddenly, another stranger came and he killed-"
I stopped midway when I realized that the nurse is showing a weird face, confused about what I am talking about. I knew it, it is hard to believe. A story that sounds like it was made by a child.
"Nevermind..." I uttered and reached for the logbook on her table.
Her eyes widened a bit then she smiled awkwardly like she was caught. "Do you have a phobia or have you been diagnosed with something with hallucination?" she slowly asked, sounding like she's trying to understand me.
I smiled politely and grabbed a pen to fill in the needed information on the logbook of the clinic.
I understand her. No one would believe me because it seems out of this world. And maybe she's right. I am afraid of the darkness that my mind would make up things to scare me more.
That happened a lot when I was still young. I could see a figure in the darkness that shouldn't be there. Sometimes, there is some movement that drives me crazy.
But what happened earlier, it feels so real. I can still feel the terror that I felt. The stranger's touch and the way his lips touched mine. It seems surreal.
I glanced at the nurse who looks very concerned. I smiled at her again, ready to leave.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Ma'am," I said before turning my back.
"Hija, if that happens a lot, try to consult a professional."
I do not know what to believe anymore. That is the first time that it was so strong and real.
Wearing an apron and hairnet, I served the customers. I am doing a part-time job in a small BBQ store after class. I start at 6 p.m and my shift ends at midnight. It is exhausting since I cook and serve inside a hot store but I need to do this to help myself. Even I am a scholar at Ruther University, I still need money for projects, for my food, and rent.
"Sweet, deliver this to Nyx Salon," said by Gab who is the owner.
I nodded and accepted the two paper bags containing the roasted chicken. I remove my apron before going out of the store. The salon is just across the street. I opened the sliding door and the smell of hair products welcomed me.
"Delivery!" I said that caught the attention of the busy hairdressers.
"Hi there, pretty!" Hillary, a gay hairdresser greeted me like the usual.
They are used to me, delivering here and they are so nice. I handed them their order and accepted their payment. I can't stop smiling while hearing their happy chattering. It's already night but they are still energetic and bubbly.
I'm on my way back to the store when I suddenly felt that someone is watching me. It feels like each step that I make is being watched. I stopped for a second and looked around but everything seems normal. I think I am just being paranoid. I shrugged it off and resume walking.
I almost jumped out of shock when there are sudden shouts from the people around. With wide eyes, I looked for what just happened and I saw a guy running with a knife in his hand. He looks terrified and pale like he just saw a ghost. A police officer caught the guy and handcuffed him.
"You just got out of the jail and here you are, looking for your new victim!" An old bystander scolded the guy.
"There is a monster there!" he cried.
I looked at the place that he's pointing to but I can't see anything because it is dark in there.
"Monster? He's probably high again!"
I froze and watched him being dragged by the police officers. Monster? Just like what I encountered earlier. Red eyes, sharp fangs, and long nails. Like a mythical creature called a vampire. Although mine is probably an imagination and that guy is just high.
I shook my head and resumed walking.
This night is exhausting because of the crowding of customers. My co-worker was absent so it's just me and the owner. I was supposedly out at 12 but was extended for an hour because of the late customers.
The light from the lamposts inside the village guided my steps. It's already late and I am alone. I walked faster, wanting to rest as soon as I can.
I am already near our apartment when I noticed something. A familiar chill ran over my body when I saw a built kneeling on the ground. The stranger's head is moving slightly. I squinted my eyes, trying to see whatever he's doing. I swallowed the lump in my throat when I heard the sound of him, sipping aggressively. My lips parted when I realized that there is a body lying in front of the stranger.
My hand flew on my mouth when I saw the body after he stood. The skin of the woman is dried out and there is a pair of hole on her neck. Just like what I saw in the news.
I stepped backward when I noticed that the man is now staring at me. My heart pounded painfully after seeing the blood on his mouth. Breathing became hard for me and the coldness crept in my every vein.
Am I hallucinating again? But it is not dark in here. Am I being tricked by my mind again?
He grinned widely that the side of his mouth is already ripping. I feel like my color drained out of my face. My body began to feel numb and before it could even paralyze me, I turned my back to run but ended up screaming in terror.
He's in my front! He is fast!
I almost fell but I managed to step backward.
How could I escape when he's that fast? His frightening face makes me want to vomit in a mixture of fear and disgust. The cold wind made my situation worse.
"So sweet.Your blood smell so sweet," he said after inhaling deeply. He raised his hand while looking at my neck dreamily as if he's touching me there. "That would be my target. The blood would gush out from there generously."
That's what the monster from earlier said, too. They are really vampires. Creatures that are fed by blood.
I hope I'm just hallucinating and I could wake up from this nightmare. It seems helpless against them. If I run, he could easily catch me. If I ask for help, we have no chance against a monster.
My surrounding turned into a slow-motion when he was about to grab me by my neck. But a blade of samurai passed through his stomach before he could even touch me. Blood splattered on me and the ground. The blade thrust out of his body and in a second, it cut his head effortlessly.
I tried to catch my breath while watching his head falling off from his body. I have never seen such bloody and brutal like this. His body remains standing, headless.
I couldn't even cry or move because of shock. My stomach is twisting in disgust, wanting to puke but my body is frozen.
I silently watched his body turned into ashes.
I remain standing there, too weak to move. Until two strong arms enveloped my body. I slowly looked down to see pale skin. A cold breath fanned my neck.
"Did I scare you, my Sweet Aphrodite?" he asked with his husky voice.
It's him. What's special about him? Why am I suddenly not scared even his hug surprised me?
With his hand on my arms, he slowly made me face him. I immediately looked up to see his face but it is covered with a half-mask. He is wearing a black jacket with its hood on his head. He touched my face gently with his thumb that sent small voltages of electricity on my body.
"W-who are you?" I asked that came out as a whisper.
His dark red lips curved into a small smile that affected me in a foreign way.
"You need to sleep now, my Sweet."
I shook my head, eager to know him but he just touched my lips and everything went blank.