Here it is the day I've been dreading since the day Damien and I moved to New York. Its been officially two months since we moved from Texas to New York and I still haven't told my parents that we're back in New York. With all of the money I've saved up, I finally was able to afford a decent sized apartment with an amazing view. I recently told the dean of Columbia that I was transferring from the University of Texas and might take a bit until I get back to college because of Damien my son.
I'm seriously worried about our wellbeing back into New york. Along with going to such a prestigious school. Back in Texas, I didn't have the time to be a party kid. I had to grow up and take care of Damien and the trips to the doctors along with my schooling. All of my peers watched me back in Texas judging me without knowing what actually happened.
"Deep breath Rose. In and out," I said to myself as I saw the dean approaching me from the bench I was sitting at. Lord give me the strength to get thought this hellhole called college.
I got up and waited for her to completely be next to me. That when she said, "Hello, you must be the new transfer from Texas. Welcome Rose Morin, we are so glad to have you here. I'm Alice the Dean".
"Nice to meet you, Alice. I'm Rose Morin, I'm so glad that I'm attending your college. I've actually wanted to go here since I was a child."
"Ah yes. It's an honor to have you here anyways follow me so I can help figure out your schedule."
We got to her office and she started to explain how many credit hours I need to do here since I've done most of them back in Texas.
She started with,"So Rose, as you can see we known about how you a mother of a young boy and feel free to drop him off at the daycare on campus. Also since you're sister works here we've made the decision to make her your American Literature Professor. Anyways all of the other things are in your class schedule." She said and I said my thank yous and left to find my American Literature class. I turned my heels to walk to my first class, American Literature with Professor Walker.
"YEEEESSSSS I FOUND IT", I said under my breath. I walked into Professors Walker's class, with all eyes on me. I interrupted her mid-lecture and she watched me wide eye looking at me with disbelief. I quickly sat down and got out my laptop out since today was the first day of the new semester so it's syllabus day.
I quickly sat down and got out my laptop out since today was the first day of the new semester so it's syllabus day
The second her class was over I rushed over to my favorite sister's side. I ran and gave her the biggest hug ever.
"Sabrina! I've missed you so much." I said holding on to her and not wanting to let go of her. We pulled away and she gave me the most puzzled look ever.
"Rose what in the world are you doing back in New York. Where's Damien? Is he alright? Is something wrong?" She said being super overprotective.
"Brina, stop worrying. We're back in town for good. I just wanted to get away from Texas once and for all. Since I got all the legal stuff fixed I don't need to worry about that anymore. So I came back to New York. And the college practically begged me into coming here. Damien and I are doing well, right now he's at a daycare and we have a nice apartment for the two of us. I'm going to call Mom and Dad that I'm back home now, Ethan is going to be so surprised to see me home after school" I said.
"You have no idea how much all of us missed you. Josh is going to thrilled to see you. I have so much to tell you when's your next class?" Sabrina asked.
"My next class is in four hours, so I've got time. What about you Professor anymore classes to teach?" I said nudging her.
"I only had one class to teach, which you were late at," She said.
I put my hand up in defense " Hey I've got a three-year-old to take care of".
"Yeah, yeah. I know, anyways let's go get something to eat and we'll talk there about everything and don't you dare leave anything out." She said giving me a warning look.
Sabrina and I walked around the campus. She gave me the initial tour of everything and pointed out the places where there's the most fun and stuff like that. Every couple of time boy's and girls would come up to Sabrina and say hi, but it was mostly the guys. We found a seat outside with the food we brought.
"So tell me everything. I want to know what going on in my baby sister's life" I said while sipping on her coffee.
So I started with everything, which took initially forty-five minutes to explain to her because of my long past. " And well now Damien and I are here, So tell me about you and Josh. I've missed you guy's so much. Do you remember when the three of us were just friends, and you and Josh hadn't started dating yet and before Mom and Dad adopted me? The three of us, living our best lives in high school, except you guys, graduated three years before. So I was stuck all alone there and would call and text you guy's literally every second of the day." Recalling those memories were so much more fun.
"Yeah, I remember those days. I remember once wanting to throw my phone across the room because you wouldn't stop texting us in the group chat while Josh and I were together. It made me so mad. What happened to us Jamie" She said quietly and using my middle name which only a couple of people used since they were close to me.
"After all with Chloe, Noah, and Christopher. I had to get away. You all knew that I was scared for months, hell I would flinch and turn around every time someone made a noise. I was grateful for Mom and Dad adopting me after my biological family died, but it was just too much for me to handle by myself. Along with Damien just being born, I changed, I had to be a proper adult and not a childish kid. He was a small sick baby, I couldn't let down Chloe like that, so I had to leave for the greater good. Me moving back to Texas was me trying to get closure with everyone's death. Along with dealing with my father's company which is really complicated. There are so many business deals and transactions that I have no clue about what's really going on. All I know is that my father made lots of deals including my brother and me, which is really scary in reality." I said before stuffing my face with chicken from my salad.
"I know it's been hard Jamie, but we're all here for you. You need to stop worrying so much, you're twenty-one years old for god's sake. You should be partying, and be going out with friends, not being such a grandma. I fully understand you being a mom but sometimes you need some alone time yourself."She said while grabbing my hands which I instantly pulled from. She noticed and gave me a look.
"I'm sorry Brina, I'll try and be better. So tell me what's going on with you and Josh." I said wiggling my eyebrows in a mischievous way.
"Well if you must know, Josh and I are trying. We thought now would be the best time since we're both working and have a nice home."
"OH MY GOSH !!! That's so good to hear. Soon there are going to be mini you and Josh's running around at Mom and Dad's. Damien will have a baby cousin soon, and you're going to be apart of the worrying mother's club" I said. She slapped my hand in a playful way. Then something caught my eye, well more like someone. A man who seems to be lost, or something like that.
"Hey Brina, do you know what's wrong with him", I asked and she sighed.
"Jamie those are just one of the Lozenreo. They act like this all the time, but it's none of my business" She said.
"What's the deal with him ?" I asked, being genuinely curious.
"Their parents own a large company and are super-rich. That one over there is Kendall, he's the same year as you Along with his twin sister. They have an older brother, who's currently running the damn company and generously gives the school a nice fat check." She said rolling her eyes. We ignored his presence and finished our lunch. Sabrina had to go back to her office, to grade her papers and I had my next class.
Sadly my next class was across campus. It's literally the hardest workout ever. Note to self, work out more. I walked into class and found an empty seat in the back. I looked around my surroundings as I've done since I was a little girl and my eyes landed on Kendall's eye.
I looked at him and then he made contact. Abort mission! Abort mission! My brain screamed at me as he started to walk towards me. Or so I thought, instead of coming and sitting next to me he sat behind me. I tried to ignore the feeling of someone staring at me and opened up my laptop. The second my laptop opened there was a loud noise of Peppa Pig. Dammit, Damien was watching his youtube videos on my school laptop. My cheeks turned beet red out of embarrassment since literally everyone looked back at me.
I quickly shut off the stupid video and went onto my log screen which was Damien and me together in a picture at the Dallas Zoo. He was around one and a half when we went there. He was obsessed with giraffes at the time and wanted a picture.
The hour-long lecture went on but it felt like a whole century went by. I'm trying my best right now, to not fall asleep. As my eyes started to shut I felt a tug on the back of my head. My eyes wide open now and I look back and see Kendall playing with a strand of my hair.
"Hi could you please not touch my hair ", I said quietly before returning back to my notes. I thought that would be the end of it but no... He again pulled my hair and this time jumped down to the seat next to me. The nerve of this guy, he's already radiating bad vibes.
He now grabbed my hair and started to play with it in his hand. In the corner of my eye, I can see him slightly looking over at me for a reaction. At the last tug, I broke.
"Ok, buddy, as you can see you are testing my patience and I already have a lot, but right now I'm about this close into kicking you in your prized jewels to stop," I say putting my hair in a bun.
A couple of seconds later I felt my hair fall over my shoulder again. I turned and faced "Mr. Touchy".
"Ok, I've already asked nicely before so please stop.", I said boldly.
"And what if I don't," He shot back.
"I'm not sure what I'm going to do but you won't like it. Just leave me alone, I just need my first day not be like this. Just stop, I'm begging you, I'll do anything with limitations though" I said pleaded the man named Kendall.
"Ok well since you're begging me. I want you to meet my brother" He said super confidently. Maybe his brother is like five years old.
"Okay deal, how old is brother and when do I meet him", I question.
"My brother's name is Carter and meet him in front of the school, you can bring your brother with you too if you want", He suggested.
"Well, now that's settled. Don't bother me anymore please, but just wondering what's you're name ?" I said.
"My name is..."He said but was cut off with the Professor telling everyone that class was over.
"KENDALL" He yelled as he practically ran out the door.