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"Okay, I think that quite all you can say. Please leave the premises. Also, there is no way you are taking this away from me." I said to all of them and looked Carter in the eye before he had one last look before leaving.

"Kendall come on we're leaving," Carter said, not looking back.

"Brother, I think I'm going to stay here since Rose and I are friends in all," Kendal said, avoiding his older brother's gaze.

That's when Carter's father stepped in and said, "Son, if Kendall wants to stay here, it's his choice, not yours. Kendall is an adult; he can make his own choice now let's go your Mother wants us home for us now." Mr.Lozenreo said before he waved at Ronnie, Kendall, and I goodbye. Even Damien said bye, and Kendall's Father smiled and waved back.

"Kendall, I can't believe you tried to make me do on a blind date with him," I said while getting all of the dishes from the conference room.

"Also, you need to stop your brother from walking all over you," I said, not slightly raging.

"Rose, calm down. I've tried, but he's always going to be my older brother, and I have to have that respect for him like that."

"Respect, no! That was not respected, Kendall. That was fear; he intimidates you until he gets what he wants." I said, and little Damien pipped in as well.

"He's a bully, mommy. He doesn't look nice", Damien said for a quick second and then going back to his own thing. I look at Damien and Kendall, "He's not wrong, Kendall. Stand up for yourself. Also, I knew you were going to be a pain in the ass when I first met you," I said, smiling, and Ronnie came back from the restroom now entirely composed.

"You okay, Ronnie," I asked, and then she turned to me and said, "You're asking me if I'm doing well. This man just told you that you're going to have to marry the asshole. You just came back from Kyle's. I know you, Rose Jamie Morin, I know that you still are hurting from Kyle even if you don't want to show it." Ronnie said, slightly ranting.

"Sorry," Ronnie said to Kendal for calling Carter an asshole.

"No, no, no, your good. My brother is an asshole most of the time", Kendall said.

Veronica knows me well. She really exposed me to Kyle. She can read me like an open book; it's super funny about how everyone in my family can do that.

"I'm alright, Ronnie. I get call my lawyer up soon to see what I cant do. And well you know find some kind of a loophole in that. But for now, I have to set up a meeting with them to figure this stuff out."

I said, groaning and putting my face into my hands. "Ugh! I thought I handled all of this crap in Texas". I said before composing myself again.

"Ronnie, I'm going to go home now. I want Damien to see them along with Ethan. I think Sabrina told him but not Mom and Dad yet. Also, I've got some work to do, and I'll call you later tonight. Bye," I said while hugging her and Damien hugging his Aunt and kiss.

"Bye-bye, Aunt Ronnie. You too sir", He said while waving bye. Kendall and Ronnie both smiled at his gesture, and we started to go back home.

Kendall and Ronnie both smiled at his gesture, and we started to go back home. Damien was already asleep when we arrived back at our house. I grabbed all of my stuff and went finally made it to the front door. I unlocked that door and carried Damien to his bedroom, where I changed his clothes into his pajamas and placed him into bed. I can bathe him later tonight. I now had to clean the house because of how messy it was. After a good half an hour of cleaning and making dinner. I can finally start my work. My assignment went hard and only took me an hour and a half to finish, but then I had to start work for the company. I called up my Dad, who initially takes care of the company since I'm still in school.

"Hello, Hi Dad. Yeah, we're good. Damien is sleeping right now. I just wanted to tell you that we're back home now. Also that the strangest thing happened today. Yeah, so I was at the Bakery, and some men came, and their name was? Yeah, them, Dad. They said there was a contract. Wait? What! You knew! How could nobody tell me! Okay fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay, bye, Dad. Love you. You too?". The call was bizarre.

My Dad has known since forever, but we're going to talk about it later tomorrow. My thought was interrupted by a small voice calling me.

"Mommy! Are you here?" Damien said while walking down the dim hallway.

"Yeah, baby, I'm here," I said, turning and seeing him run towards me on the couch. I watch him with a bright smile. He's grown up so much; I can't believe it has been three years. I can still remember the day he was born so vividly. Chloe was rushed to the hospital, along with me. The two of both covered in blood, but none of it was ours. She had to have an emergency c-section. I was there the entire night. It was about seven in the morning when the doctors came out for me. They said we needed to talk. The doctor explained the situation, and I felt empty again. She was the last person I thought was going to get hurt that night. I quickly met up with my family's lawyer, along with Chloe's.

We discussed the situation, and three days after Damien was born, I was his parent. During those times of me dealing with adopting Damien, Mom and Dad, and the rest of our family helped me settle in. It was such a change from being an eighteen-year-old who could barely take care of herself to being a mom. Our family moved from Texas up to New York after everyone's death. I couldn't stand New York back then, so I moved back to Texas, where I met Kyle again, after such a long time. He was the first guy; I had been with since Christopher. He was the first guy I introduced to Damien, and the two boys became inseparable. I miss that.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Damien said while trying to pull me up from the couch.

"Okay, sweetie, I'm coming," I said while pulling him up into my arms and walking towards his seat. I gave him his food which he liked except for the vegetables.

"Damien don't forget to eat your vegetables," I said while eating as well.

"No! I don't want to. They're yucky !" He said, crossing his arms and throwing a fit.

"Well, you have to eat them, sweetie! If you don't, you're not going to be strong like Spiderman." His new favorite thing is Spiderman and wants to be him now.

"But I don't want to be like him. Daddy is stronger than him," He said, and I froze for a quick second when he mentioned Kyle.

"Yeah, baby, just like him. Okay, baby, so tonight I'm going out with you're Aunt Ronnie, but your Uncle Josh and Aunt Brina are coming over to watch you. I want you to show them that your a big boy and can be helpful. Is it alright if I go with you, Aunt Ronnie ", I said while asking him?

"Yeah, mommy, Is Uncle Ethan coming too! Is he bringing his ship," he said while asking for Ethan, who's now sixteen and can drive.

"Maybe baby, I'll have to ask him," I said while grabbing my phone to text in our group chat of Me, Ronnie, Ethan, Sabrina, and Josh.


To: Dumbasses

Me: "Hey, Ethan! Since Josh and Sabrina are coming over tonight to watch Damien, do you want to come over? Damien has been asking for you!"

Ethan:" Wait... DAMN MINUTE. !!! YOU"RE BACK HOME"

Me: "No, no, I would just ask you to fly to Texas to babysit for me."

Ethan: "No need to be snappy, but sure, I'll come over."

Brina: "I get to see my baby."

Josh: "Wait, when did you come back home, Jamie."

Me:" I came back a while ago, but that's not the point. Just come babysit with Sabrina."

Josh:" Why? Where are you going."

Ronnie: "None of your damn business, big brother, just please come."

Josh:" Veronica istg if you're dragging Jamie out for no reason."


Ethan:" Bro chill they are just trying to get some?"

Josh: "Next time you have a party when Mom and Dad are out, someone gonna get arrested."

Brina: "Okay, that's enough, boys. Jamie, we'll be there in half an hour."

Ronnie:" Also, big bro, I AM GOING GET SOME TONIGHT."

Me:" No, we aren't chill out. Dont worry I'll keep an eye on her"


By far, these are my favorite conversations ever. We're all so open with each other. Since Ethan is now a semi-adult and knows things, we can be open with our jokes and such.

"Hey baby, your Uncle Ethan is also coming over," I said while cleaning up our dishes. Damien was too busy watching tv than responding. I had to give him a bath first before they came.

"Damien, it's time for your bath," I said, smiling with his towel in hand.

"No, no, no! I don't want a bath. Tomorrow mommy! Please, tomorrow!" He said while begging.

"No, baby, come on, please! It won't take long! Please, baby." I said, trying to get closer to him, but he ended up running away to the other side of the living room.

Bath time was always Kyle's job. Every night after dinner, he would bath Damien, and there wasn't a fight for him to get in. Damien begged to take a bath multiple times. I always made dinner, and Kyle did bathtime and PJs. It took a good fifteen minutes of chasing him all over the house to get in the bathtub. Note to self-work out more.

As I wash placing in the body wash on him, my doorbell started to ring along with my phone. I somehow managed to answer the call; it was Ronnie. "Ronnie come on in the code is 7531. Sorry, I'm giving Damien his bath."

Shortly after, my house was filled with footsteps. They all soon followed the noise of a little boy and entered the bathroom.

"Hey, guys sorry! I didn't think it would take this long! He put up a long fight until I somehow managed to get him in here." I said, looking at Sabrina, Josh, and Ronnie.

"Oh, it's fine let me finish up," Sabrina said while pushing me aside to finish Damien's bath. Well, that was taken care of.

"Josh, I've missed you," I said, hugging him. "Wait a minute, where's Ethan," I asked.

"I'm in here, Jamie," called out a now deep voice. I walked into the living room and saw what was now an adult.

"Oh my gosh! Ethan, you've, oh my gosh. When the frick did you become a giant," I asked while hugging him. He's now over a foot taller than me. I remember when he was shorter than me and had the highest pitched voice ever.

"Yeah, puberty does that to you shorty," He said while using my head to rest his elbow.

"You guys have no idea how much I've missed you. Ronnie chill out I'm coming," I said, calling back to her since she was yelling for me to get ready. She placed the skimpiest outfit she could ever fin and expected me to wear it.

"You're kidding, right. Josh and Ethan are going to kill us, "I said no, realizing Ethan is a lot stronger and isn't a stick anymore.

"Just wear a jacket over it, don't worry, I've got this, "She said as I went to the bathroom and wore the piece of fabric instead of a shirt. I came out, and she started on my makeup, which was light and delicate. Thank god for that part.

Ronnie's outfit is goals, but I couldn't ever wear that out. We walked out our my room, and the boys gave us the weirdest look ever.

"Change," Ethan deadpanned. Josh was holding back because Sabrina was there with Damien gathering all of his stuff so he could be happy at their house.

"Yeah, no, sorry, Ethan. Ronnie won't let me go in anything else, and the faster we leave, the faster I get to come home and be in bed," I paused and added, " Brina I packed everything in the bag, and call me if anything goes wrong," I said.

"Jamie, trust me, I've got this now go have fun. You've got to act like a twenty-one-year-old at one point in your life. She said while hugging me.

"Okay, fine, but promise me that you'll call," I walked over to Damien." Hey, baby, I'm going to go now. I love you and be good for them."

I said while kissing his forehead and trying not to cry. I walked over to the boys and hugged them and said our goodbyes and headed to the car.

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