I opened my eyes, so see that I'm nowhere near my home. I'm laying in someone's bed. I tried to get up, but my head started to feel like someone was punching me in the head multiple times. Then it all came flooding back to me. Noah, he got to me. I need to get out of here. I looked over at the nightstand and saw the time 6:57 a.m. Thank god I don't have any morning classes today.
"What the hell? Where am I," I spoke, but I instantly regretted it because it started to make my headache even worse? I pulled the sheets off my body to see thank I'm in somebody else's clothes. This is a man's shirt and shorts. I know for a fact that I didn't have sex. I got up and instantly wanted to throw up. I ran towards the bathroom. After a good ten minutes, I was done. I washed my face and found some mouth wash and fixed my messy ass hair. I walked out of the room and down a long empty hallway.
I stopped in front of the man with his back turned from me. That for a fact wasn't Noah; he wasn't as nearly as tall.
"Ahm," I said while clearing my throat to get the mains attention. He turned around, and I was baffled.
"Lozenreo! What the hell am I doing in you're house," I said while trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm in his house and most likely his clothes.
"Don't feel special; you passed out, and my friend Jake was pretty adamant about helping you," He said in his dismissive tone.
"I didn't ask you to help me. Now who the hell changed my clothes in sleep," I said while going towards his fridge.
"You didn't ask for help, but it became my problem when you and your dumb ex started to fight and cause a scene. Are you sure that you can handle being a mother with him in your life? My maid Dorothea changed your clothes, and there isn't anything I would want to see anyway," He said before leaving the kitchen.
"How dare you, Carter! You are such an ass," I wasn't finished though I followed him back into the room I was sleeping in. I pushed my way in front of him as he walked towards the closet. "Look at me, look at me, Carter! You have no right! No fucking right to call me a bad mother! You know nothing about me or my predicament that I've been in," I said, now poking his chest. I was so angry I wanted to slap him, but I wasn't because I'm not like that.
"Listen here, you don't get to tell me off in my house, while I saved your life," Carter said while grabbing my wrist. For a split second, I thought he was going to hit me, so my initial reaction was to flinch away from him. He let go and watched me as I could feel my eyes are to water.
I walked outside the room to find my phone and wallet on the table along with my outfit from last night nicely folded and washed, I think. It's smelled like flowers instead of alcohol. I checked my phone to see over 50 texts in the group chat, along with a couple of missed calls from Ronnie, Ethan, Josh, and Brina. I'm screwed; they are all going to kill me. On the counter were some water and some painkillers.
I started my adventure to find a bathroom and finally found one. I began to change out of his clothes and wore my clothes again, but to see me formed bruises all over my arms and back. My necklace, where is it, I had it on last night. I went to the living room and looked around for it, but nothing helped. I heard the door close, so that means Carter out of his room, and I'm leaving like now.
I quickly went down the hallway of his apartment, which is funny because he lives on the top floor. I found an elevator and descended to the lobby, and people from the building all watched me. I need a cab. I went outside and called one and told them the address of my house.
"Incoming call - Joshua," I answered the call and boy didn't he sound upset.
"Rose Jamie Morin! Do you know how worried we've all been? I was this close to get the team and me to call a missing person to search for you. No, where the hell are you because Ronnie is home and you aren't. Why is that? You're the responsible one, Jamie. How could you be so irresponsible Jamie, he out and now he's a free man."
I felt hopeless all over again. "Josh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you guys, I was super drunk and went home with some guy. I should have texted you guys. I'm sorry. I promise I'm on my way home now. How's Damien?"
"He is alright, Jamie, he doesn't even know that anything was wrong. Okay, good, I'll see you when your home".
Josh ended the call, and I can feel the butterflies all in my stomach. It's everywhere. Josh is apart of the New York Police Department, so he's very cautious with all of us. Sometimes he doesn't know when he's being mean of scaring us. He has always been overprotective over Ronnie, Sabrina, and me; I just feel terrible for scaring him like that.
After a good hour, I got home. My entire body felt sore, and not to mention the headache was ultimately worse. I opened my front door and saw all the relieved faces and a happy little boy.
"Mommy, did you have fun," Damien asked.
"Yeah, baby, I did. I'm just a little tired, and we've had to go to school soon," I said, hugging him. He soon ran off to play and out came Ronnie and Sabrina with pissed off faces, and the scariest ones were Ethan and Josh.
"Jamie, thank god you're okay! We were so worried," Sabrina said, she was trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm proud of you, Jamie next time just send me a text," Ronnie said while drying her wet hair.
Before the boys could say anything, I started my rant. "I'm sorry, boys! I promise never to scare you guys like that again. I was just so drunk; it got the best of me. I'm sorry!" I said now in tears.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's alright we didn't mean to make you cry. We were just scared in all since Christopher is out," Josh said, now holding me.
"I know you guys were worried; I'm sorry," I said while my face still in his shirt. I pulled away, and Josh wipes my tears away like any other big brother.
"Jamie, you need some sleep, so we're going to go. We are talking Damien too since you have class later, and Mom and Dad want to see him," Ethan said before hugging me.
"Okay, guys. Thank you, I just need a shower now and some sleep," I said walking into my room and packing some of Damiens's things and Ethan followed me. He keeps following me around like a lost puppy.
"Ethan! Don't you have anything better to do!" I said before he grabbed my arms
"Don't think that I didn't see this, Jamie. We're not done having this conversation. The rest of them and might, but you and I aren't," Ethan said, still inspecting my hands.
I pulled my hands away from Ethan, "Listen, Ethan, nothing happened, those are from my bracelets. You don't have to worry about me; I'm the older sibling. Not the other way around. Also, shouldn't you be in school right now?" The second I said that his facial expressions turned into a very worried ones.
"Dont worry baby brother, I won't tell mom. If you don't tell anyone about my hands, please, "I am not letting anyone find out what happened last night. Ethan's stubborn ass gave up, "Fine, I won't just make sure you won't wear those bracelets again." He emphasized bracelets as if it meant anything, but it didn't. I handed him Damien's bag, and he was out of there, Damien was ready to visit his grandparents.
They all left, and I was utterly alone at last. Peace and quiet, nobody can bother me. I started up the shower and started to change. My entire body felt sore, and I smelt like a dude. That s not what I was going for last night. I got in and felt the warm water relax my muscles. I felt sick at this point; all the nasty bruises left by Noah. I ended the shower pretty quickly because I needed to get some school done and call my lawyer. I changed into some comfy clothes and started on a couple of my assignments, which didn't take long.
I wanted to know more about Lozenreos. I've been engaged to them since I was a kid, and I don't know anything about them. I started to fall down the rabbit hole-spiraling, seeing what every media website said about them.
"Carter Lozenreo Does it Again," Mr. Lozenreo just made the most significant contract to ever date in technology. He and the Morins from Morin Crops are signing off a giant deal with a merger of the two companies". I read that stupid headline over and over again. How come the stupid media knows more about this than me. It also said that his parents are both Italian, and graduated top of their class from Yale and Penn State. His younger sister is Milan working as a Model for Gucci, and the three siblings went to Columbia University. It also said that he likes to sleep around so, that's so great for me.
I had to stop and get ready for class since it was eleven-thirty, and it was already ten o'clock. I changed into a semi-cute outfit. I didn't want to drive there, so I took a cab, and the drive went by super fast. The class was boring as usual, but I sat outside to get some work done and eat. I was so focused on my work I didn't realize that Kendall was sitting right in front of me.
"Woah, Earth to Rose," He said, waving his hands in front of my eyes to get my attention.
"Oh! Sorry, I was focused. So how are you, and tell me what you think about Ronnie," I said, smiling and closing up my book. I needed to get some food in me.
"Well, if you must, Rose. I like her, and she's super cool and chill-she not one of those girls who are just in it for money or fame. But what the hell happened to you last night. All I know is that my brother closed the freaking club, and you and some guy were fighting."
"Yeah, that... umm. I don't want to think about that from last night, just please don't tell Ronnie or anyone. They all thought I slept with someone, and that's why I didn't respond. He's Damien's father, and he's just a bad person. Carter told you right."
"No, he didn't, Jake did. Our friend Jake likes to work at the bar sometimes to see if he can pick up cute girls. He already has a job." Kendall explained.
"Oh, nice. I should have seen that one coming. He was nice; he found out that I have a kid too so that a no-go for him."
"Yeah, he's a pretty good friend, he didn't want to leave you there like that, and his wife would freak if he brought home a girl. So my brother had to take you," Kendall said.
"Ugh, he is such an asshole. I can't believe that I might have to marry him. You've got to kill me before it happens," I said, joking around and saw Kendall's smile. It suits him.
"Yeah, right! My parents would murder me, but there is something that I've been asked to do. My parents want you to come to the office to talk about the situation later tonight and have dinner with us." He said, handing me an invitation.
"Woah! That is a lot Kendall, but I'll be there. Is it alright if Damien comes?"
"Yeah! of course, my mom is dying to meet him. She misses having little kids around. Also, your lawyer and ours are going to be there too, so just a little heads up," He said.
"Okay, umm, I guess I'll see you later tonight; I've got a buttload of work to do, so yeah," I said, smiling, and Kendall left.
This is going to be an exciting night for sure. I packed up my stuff and called another cab and head to Mom and Dad's.
The front door opened, and Mom stood there loud and proud."Ahh, Jamie, you're back home, come inside, sweetie. I've missed you so much," Mom said before smacking me upside the head."Ouch! Mom, what was that for?" I said.
"That is for not calling us and telling us that you've been home for so long, and scaring us after Kyle died and you went MIA." She said with now tears in her eyes.
"Mom! Come on; I didn't mean to make you cry, come here," I said while hugging her and inhaling the smell of home."Oh, stop it now. You're so thin; I made you all of your favorite foods, eat." She said, and I knew I couldn't tell her that I already ate. I sat down to eat with Damien, who was drooling already at sight.
"Momma, where's Dad ?" I asked, and she pointed to the office. I knocked twice on the door, and he told me to come in.
"Dad! I'm home," I said while going to hug him while he was sitting."It's so good to have you back now, come on it's time for food. We're waiting for you." Dad said while walking with me.
Dad sat at the end of the table, along with Mom, and the rest of us sat in our spots. We ended up talking for hours, and time went by so fast it was already four. We discussed everything about the companies and the merger and engagement.
"Dad, they invited Damien and me to have dinner with them and to talk about this tonight. I'm going to try to figure this stupid mess and be done with it." I told Dad, and Damien was curled up next to Mom already half-asleep.
"Sweetie can Damien just stay here, he's already asleep and has his clothes," Mom asked because she doesn't ever get to see him that often.
"Mom, they asked for him to come too, but I'll bring him over tomorrow if you want. The clothes I packed are for here, so; If he wants to stay, he already has some," I said, now calling an Uber for the two of us.
Mom and Dad kissed Damien and me on our forehead and we left to go home.