Leonardo stood by the corner of the mall, cigarette in-between his lips. Not yet lit, but soon to be.
He didn't even know why he decided to come to the mall today. It was like something was beckoning him to come there, for reasons unbeknownst to him.
He hates the mall and usually the only reason why he goes to the mall, its cause of his mom. He lit up the cigarette, letting the smoke blow out of his lips, he watched as it disappears into the air.
He watched as some people walk past him, giving him questioning looks, but none of them bothered to question him on why he was smoking in the mall.
His eyes caught something and he saw... Alex? It was Alex, he could recognize that curly hair and beautifully sculpted body anywhere.
It seems like she is in a bit of a pinch at the moment, there was a man, quite tall if he was being honest, bothering her.
He rested his body on the wall, his hands in the pocket of his jeans as he watched in amusement, wondering what she was going to do in this situation.
He watched as she bend her head, her hair covering her face when the man grabbed her hand. As she looked up, he saw it. Heck he even felt it from where he stood.
Murderous intent, it was written allover her, that was when he took action, walking in long strides, grabbing the man by the arm and yanking him away from her.
"Sir, I would advice to go on now, she clearly doesn't feel comfortable around you."
"And who the fuck are you?" The man sneered at him.
"Her fucking husband. Now move on along."
"Husband." The man let out a snort. "If you are her husband, then where is her wedding ring. And I don't see one on you either."
Leonardo rubbed his face with his hand. Get a load of this guy. "Sir, if you don't want anymore trouble or embarrassment it's best if you just leave her alone."
The man wanted to say something, but he stopped on seeing the fact that they were getting attention from the passerbys. He grudgingly took his leave.
Leonardo turned to Alex, inspecting her to see if she was ok.
"Thank you for rescuing me." She said expressing her gratitude.
Leo let out a laugh. "I wasn't rescuing you, I was rescuing him."
Alex titled her head, a confused look on her face. "What do you mean?"
"I saw that look, it was a look of someone that had the intention to hurt and maim someone. If I had left a second longer, that man would have left with a broken jaw."
"I wouldn't have hurt him that bad." She shrugged her shoulders.
Leonardo looked at her, so she would have hurt him. Guess his father wasn't wrong about him being weary of her killing him.
He did a once over on her build, she looks very flexible and agile, she can probably slip through someone's grasp if she wanted too
"Anyways that's in the past now. What brings you here?"
Alex looked around, as if searching for something or someone. "I came here to shop for something, and someone is following me or rather watching me." Her voice went low at the last part.
"Someone is watching you?" Leo asked curiosity laced in his voice.
"Yes, I am being followed by someone." She once again search to see if anyone was watching her, which made Leonardo to let out a snort.
"What? What's so funny? You think I'm lying?"
Leonardo shook his head repeatedly. "It's the way you are checking to see if you are actually being followed."
"I have to be careful, or else I risk the chance of my house being figured out. And I do not want that to happen."
"Well, do you have plans on buying anything?" Leo asked, and Alex stood there. He could see the cogs in her mind working, then she shook her head.
"I wanted too, but after everything that has happened, I have had enough." She threw away the empty cup of smoothie away in a nearby trashcan.
"Well, I can take through the backdoor." He pointed his thumb behind him.
"I would be grateful." Alex said, and Leo grabbed her hand, which caused her to freeze. Realizing this, he let go of her hand, tendering an apology to her.
As they walked towards the direction of one of the exit in the mall. Leo could see someone from the corner of his eyes, staring at them. So she wasn't lying.
He opened the door and walked down a hallway that had dim lightening, that he was all to familiar with. It was narrow so he had to stay in front with her behind him as he led the way.
"It seems you know this place so well. Do you come her often?"
"Well, kinda. My dad owns this place, so pretty much all the staffs and bodyguards know who I am."
"Wow, you have really long hair, that's an unlikely trait of a mafia son."
Leo let out a chuckle, "Well, I just like keeping long hair. I have had many people call me a woman due to me keeping it. But I don't care, it's practically no one's business as to why I decide to keep my hair so long."
"You quite interesting." He heard her mutter underneath her breath.
The reach the end of the hallway, a door was waiting for them at the end. Opening it up, and they were greeted with an alleyway. A homeless man was asleep next to a dumpster, rats were running along and floor had oil stains allover it.
It also smelt of sour beans. "Well from her you can head on back to your house."
"Let me call my driver and tell him to pick me up."
He looked at her as she picked up her phone from the pocket of her jeans and dialled a number.
His attention turned to the homeless man who stirred around on his sleep a little bit and let out a gruff before snoring quite loudly.
"He said that he is coming. So I just have to wait for him a little."
Leo rested his body on the wall nearby, and Alex joined him as well. He brought out a packet of cigarettes from the pocket of his trousers. He looked at Alex, showing the pack of cigarettes in his hand and asking her if she would like one.
She took one from the pack and brought out a lighter, taking a huge drag from the cigarette and blowing it out from her lips.
Leo watched her, with keen interest in his eyes, her driver came to pick her up and she threw the cigarette to the floor and stomped it with her feet.
She turned to Leo, a smile on her face. "See you later Leonardo." She said in a singsong voice, before she entered the car. Leo looked as the car drove down the busy streets of Rome.
He couldn't for the life of him believe that he was going to marry her in the next few months from now.