"Ms. Alex look up at me would you?" The makeup artist said, breaking Alex out of the trance she was in. She looked up at the makeup artist, his hand on her chin as he applied lip gloss on her soft plump lips.
Alex was completely taken aback when she was woken up from her sleep, only to be greeted by an entire crew of makeup artist, hairstylist, and fashion stylist.
She didn't expect herself to be dolled up just to met The Rossi's, she just thought that she would go there with her natural look and probably wear a pretty dress.
She had a feeling that it was her father's idea, her mom didn't care about her enough to even know how she even looked like on a regular day.
By the time they were finished, Alex looked like a completely different person. She couldn't even recognize who was staring at her in the mirror, she felt her stomach twist in knots, she tried to surpress it the best way she can.
She walked down the stairs in a satin dress that hugged at her curves and showed off her lower back, along with black 4 inch heels. Her parents looked at her, her father had a smile on his face, Lorenzo looked at her with pure admiration in his face, her mother just had a blank stare, her eyes looked over her entire dress then a scowl appeared on her face.
When she got to the bottom of the stairs, her father held her hand. "Mi Cara, you look absolutely beautiful."
"You look like a cheap prostitute." Her mother shot at her, and her father sent her a death glare which made her to keep quiet in fear.
However the damage of what she said was already done. Alex notice that her mother doesn't like her right from when she was just a child, the motherly affection she sees her classmates receive from their mothers she never received it from her's.
"Theresa, learn to shut that mouth of yours, no one fucking asked for opinion.". Giovanni said with venom in her tongue.
"I'm sorry." She said, her eyes on the vase that was at corner almost as if it was something interesting to look at.
"Shall we be on our way then." Lorenzo suggested, trying to make the awkwardness go away.
It was a long drive from their villa to Rossi's manor. As her father actively insisted on Alex having her own care sperate from them.
Which Alex was grateful for as she could finally be alone with her thoughts. Lorenzo was seated in the front sit, his beady eyes on the road in front of them were her parents car.
She softly tapped Lorenzo on his shoulder and he turn his attention to her. "What's the problem?"
"Does this dress actually make me look like a prostitute?"
Lorenzo eyes soften on hearing those words from her, he then place his hand on her hand that rested on his shoulder.
"Alex, you don't look like a prostitute. The dress is fitting of a girl your age."
"But mom said..."
"Who gives a shit about what your mother said. The dress is beautiful, plus I feel like your mother was in a bad mood that's a why she said what she said."
Alex nodded her head, she told a small thank you and he told her that she was welcome. She suddenly felt better, she always knew she could depend on Lorenzo, of everyone in her house, he was the only one that gets her.
They arrived at Rossi's Manor, as thee golden gates opened up. It was then Alex realize that her family was rich rich, her father tends to place investment and has shares in large companies. Even though The Rossi family was at the top of the Mafia in the underground world, the Santi was at the top in the real world.
That's the only reason why the head of the family would actually agree for an arrange marriage in the first place.
As all three cars packed in the driveway, Lorenzo open up the door and Alex stepped outside. She walked up to meet her parents as they walked up to the front door.
Being met by a pretty woman with luscious brown hair and blue eyes, her lips were full and she wore the traditional maid attire.
"Welcome to Rossi Manor, please come inside Mr and Mrs Rossi awaits you." She said in a soothing voice that almost made Alex to melt.
As she showed them the way inside the house, Alex couldn't help but look at the vast expanse of the inner part of the house.
The entire floor was covered in shiny marble, the florescent lightening bounced off and gave it a beautiful glow. It was absolutely breathtaking.
Lorenzo waited outside the mansion, saying that it wasn't his place to go in. As they walked down a narrow hallway, the maid stopped in front of a door, opening it up, she took them to seat in a plush couch that was made of red velvety material.
The door on the other side opened up and in came Mr and Mrs Rossi, dressed to the nines. There was an exchange of greetings, handshakes, and light peck on the cheeks.
As they all settled, Mr Rossi ordered for food to be brought. Within minutes a long tray of food were placed on the table that was in between them.
Mr Rossi told them to eat, which they did. As Alex was munching on the chocolate cake, savoring how delectable it was, her parents and The Rossi's were conversing about how the wedding would be like.
Alex couldn't help but wonder why they were already preparing for a wedding when she haven't even seen the man that she was being arranged to marry too.
She didn't even want to partake in this wedding, but sadly she couldn't say no to her father lest he be upsets.
She took a sip of her orange juice, she began to wonder where the hell was the Rossi's second son Leonardo going to come in.
And it seems that everyone else is thinking the same thing, as Mr Rossi called for one of the maids and whisper something into her ear. Then the maid took her leave.
Then the conversation went back to the preparations of the wedding, while Alex mind zone off somewhere else entirely.