"I can't sing even to save my life. Just let me be."
"Even if you sound like a frog, I really don't mind. Just sing me something please?" I begged and pouted,looking at him even though his eyes were shut and he could not see me.
"Why do I need to be the one to sing?"
"Because I asked nicely and also I'm the one who can't get any sleep here cause I'm scared."
"I'm literally holding you in my arms right now. What more do you want?"
"You could fall asleep any moment, that's why I need to fall asleep first."
He sighed deeply. "You're really something aren't you? What do you want me to sing?"
"Any song by Justin Bieber. Or Chris Brown," I quietly responded.
I thought he was gonna argue with me again but then he started singing. Okay what?
His eyes were still closed but then I pushed my head back to look at him just to be sure he was the one actually singing. The lights were turned off and I could not really see his face but oh my God, what was that sound coming out from his mouth?
Maybe he was possessed by Chris Brown. Because, what the hell!
He finished the final note and then said dryly, "There. Can you leave me alone now?"
I hastily withdrew from him and reached out to turn on the lights. His eyes suddenly snapped open.
"What the hell, bro?" He asked me with a slight frown.
"Was that you singing? That sounded too good to be true! How can you sing like this and Joey sounds like a cat dying?"
A small smile crept on to Julian's face.
"Well we are fraternal twins remember?" He asked me.
"Your voice is really so beautiful. I can't even deny that honestly." I truthfully said.
"Thank you. Can we go to sleep now?" His arms were spread out.
"Only if you sing me to sleep," I said to him.
He groaned. "Fine. Anything to get you to sleep so you can finally leave me the hell alone."
I gave a sweet smile and lay next to him again as he put off the lights.
He started singing to me very softly while stroking my hair gently and I didn't even know when I drifted off to sleep.
When I awoke the next morning, Julian was nowhere to be found and I was all by myself.
I adjusted and stretched, accompanied by a loud yawn. Looking around, sunlight was already seeping through the windows and I was glad it was morning finally.
Reluctantly, I got out of bed and called out Julian's name. There was no response. Well, was he in the bathroom?
I decided to be on my way and carefully slid out of the room.
I started hearing that deep voice of his in a throaty laughter. Walking over to the living room, I found him seated on the couch, having a video chat with Mandy.
"Yeah of course I miss your ass everyday," he was speaking. "I really can't wait to have you back beside me again. Its been far too long."
I don't know why but I suddenly felt a twinge of jealousy hit me. He was holding me the previous night and singing to me like a baby. And then the next morning he was talking to the actual love of his life so lovingly.
He didn't even notice my presence and I had to admit it made me feel some type of way. Ugh. It sucked real bad.
If only Joey could give me just the quality attention that I needed, maybe I wouldn't have to go through all of that.
Slowly, I retraced my steps to my bedroom and tried to dial Joey's number. It went straight to voicemail.
"Why are you being weird?" I poked at Kara's shoulders a little. She had been acting strange all morning and I really could not understand what I had done to her.
At least I didn't kick her out the previous night and even sang a song for her to sleep so what the hell was her deal?
"Its nothing. I just wanna concentrate on my work," she answered without averting her eyes from her laptop screen.
I stared at her for a while and suddenly snatched the laptop.
"What the hell Julian?" she asked me, visibly annoyed.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you," I told her simply as I fixed my gaze on her.
"Oh yeah? Who do you think you are?"
"Your brother in law. Anyways, we agreed to do fun things didn't we?"
"You agreed. And I'm really not in the mood today. Just let me work."
"You refused to let me sleep last night so there is no way I'm gonna let you off the hook so easily and let you work."
She sighed deeply and eyed me a little. "What do you want from me?"
"I want us to go do something fun. I don't like being cooked up in here like you if you've noticed. How about we go for a drive around town?"
"I can't right now. I'm really busy."
"Night driving it is then. I guess its even more fun that way. Be ready by eight. Don't be late," I clicked my tongue and then stood up after carefully placing her laptop back on her laps.