I awoke to someone shaking me and I could hear the sound of his annoying voice saying, "Rise and shine'. It was Julian alright. I knew before I lazily opened my eyes. The curtains had been opened bringing sunlight to my eyes.
Was it his plan to blind me?
I groaned and covered my head with a pillow which he snatched away in an instant. My head was banging.
"Ugh. I feel like shit."
"You should have thought about that before drinking so much last night. Here, have some water and aspirin."
I reluctantly got into a sitting position, my eyes being open for real this time.
He sat just right in front of me holding out a glass and some pills.
I took it from him and threw them in my mouth before taking a sip of water.
"What are you even doing here? Who told you to could come into my room?" I was asking him with a slight frown on my face.
"Well I had to make sure you weren't dead, judging from the fact that you've been sleeping for way too long." He answered.
I struggled to remember what happened the previous night but it was a bit vague.
"What happened last night?"
"Well other than the fact that you drank some wine obviously not good for your system, almost vomited your lungs out, said some crazy stuffs and tried to sleep with me, it was all good."
I spat the water back into my glass, coughing and almost choking.
"Sorry what now?" I looked at him in disbelief.
"You suggested we should have sex last night. You practically almost raped me."
"No I didn't!" I quickly defended. His face was serious though. Those blue eyes of his were piercing into my soul and he kept a straight face. Wait, he wasn't kidding?
I blinked a few times trying to recollect my memories and was able to get some.
Me saying some really weird things, losing my balance, him carrying me to this very bed. And then, he held my hair up while I vomited everything into my stomach into the toilet.
He helped me washed my face and guided me back to the bed, pulling the sheets over me.
He held my hand and waited for me to fall asleep.
Wait. If Julian had done all that, it was actually sweet of him.
"I just remembered what happened," I paused. "Well, most of it. There's no part where I tried to rape you."
"Oh yeah?" He raised a brow. "Think harder. You were rubbing your body against mine, trying to pull off my shirt and trying to get me to kiss you.Isn't that attempted rape?"
I gasped and then clamped my hand over my mouth for a second. "We didn't.." I gulped. "We didn't kiss, did we?"
"What do you think?" That stupid sexy smirk was coming on to his lips again.
I drew out a pillow about to swat him with it when he raised his hands in the air.
"No we didn't, okay? I have a fiancèe remember?"
"Yeah yeah and you are very faithful to her," I said in a sarcastic tone. "Anyways, I just missed Joey alright, if I did of any of that. You're twins after all and it was the influence of the alcohol."
He ruffled his curly hair a little. "Yeah yeah, blame it on the alcohol. If you want me, just tell me. Maybe I could make an exception for you"
And then he winked. Oh my God.
"Shut up," I said and swat him with the pillow this time. "Or else I'd break your head with this glass."
"Alright I have some good news for you" he rubbed his palms together.
"Instead of you being so miserable, how about some fun things to cheer you up and lighten the mood?"
"I am not miserable."
"You said that a lot last night. More than I can count. Anyway, just imagine I'm Joey.."
"You're not Joey," I interrupted.
"Okay.. How about I'm your best friend?"
"You are not my best friend."
"Just imagine!" He groaned.
"You are my crazy brother in law who pisses me the fuck off,"
"Ouu. First time I'm hearing you use the 'f' word. Sounds just right rolling out of your tongue. I wonder how it would sound when you.."
"Screw you," I cut him off right away and he laughed.
"Using cuss words this morning are we? Seems you are in the mood. Look if you really wanna screw me just say so and---"
"If you continue that statement, I swear to God, I'll punch you on your left eye."
He chuckled. "Why my left eye though?" He touched it briefly.
"Are you sure you want to find out why hmm?"
"No thank you. Point is," he clapped his hands."We're still in summer season and its the perfect time to do a whole lot of fun things! This is San Diego after all, there's so much to try out and I could draw up a list if you'd let me. Just give it a try. Its to your benefit anyways.
Leave or take?"
I looked at him while thinking for a few seconds. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Now, what crazy ideas have you got up your sleeve?"
"That's the spirit. Now we're talking," he gave a lopsided smile.
I was sporting a white sleeveless tank top and a tight fit stretchy patterned swim leggings that made my butt look more rounder. I was able to find my wide brim hat this time as Julian and I were going boat sailing.
He just had this thing for waters.
Maybe he was a fish. Or a merman.
I put some gloss over my small rounded pink lips and wore over my black beautiful curls, the hat I had found in the midst of Joey's stuff. I wondered what it was doing there anyway.
I heard Julian yelling my name. It was the third time now. Gosh. He was so impatient. He had to take a chill pill.
Speaking of pills. Just to be on the safe side and not having any sea sickness, I took some pills along to avert it.
I grabbed my bag and hurried out before Julian called my name from his stupid mouth one more time.
I met him tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. He was wearing ash cargo pants and a black light weight T-shirt and had some dope dark shades on.
I had never seen him wear this particular one. Made him look like some sort of movie star.
I wondered why he loved black so much anyways.
"You took forever in there. What were you doing? Giving birth?" He was asking me as he stood up.
"Shut up and let's go?"