It had only been two days yet and I really couldn't understand what I was seeing on my screen. It was Joey's Snapchat story. In the picture, was he and some girl grinning from ear to ear.
They were both dressed in business clothes and it was obvious their meeting was work related. But still. Why did she have to be that close to him like that and why did she have to freaking hold him!
I dialed Joey's number immediately and he picked up on the third ring.
"Hey baby," he started.
"Where did you keep your phone huh?"
"I was just a bit busy. I had to.."
I cut in. "Busy huh? You weren't busy enough not to post that picture with that pretty redhead on your story right? But you were too busy to take my call"
"Gosh. Relax will you? I was in the bathroom for crying out loud. And I posted that on my story about an hour ago. And she's just my business partner. Its nothing, babe."
I exhaled, realizing that maybe I was just saying too much. It was just pent up frustration.
"I'm sorry baby. I'm just like this because I want more of you and get so little.Maybe I am overreacting."
"No its okay.Its my fault and I'll make it up to you somehow when I return."
"Okay fine. So tell me how your day has been so far,"
"Well my day has been..."he paused for a moment. "Babe I got to go right now. Its work related. I'll call you later okay? Kisses."
And the line went dead.
Typical Joey.
I felt the frustration building up inside me again and decided to call the only other person who could adequately calm my nerves down.
I had called four times and was almost giving up when he finally answered.
The place was noisy as hell.
"Hey dude, what's up! Can you hear me? I really need someone to talk to right now."
"Dude, my girl and I are at a local concert and I can't really talk. I'll call you up later okay? Love you."
I felt like smashing my phone against the wall as the call disconnected. I had to restrain myself with everything in me not to do that.
Instead, I made my way to the balcony and pulled out a bottle of red wine with high alcohol content.
I poured myself a glass.
Was she drinking again?
I walked over to her and grabbed the bottle away from her.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked dryly, tracing her fingers over the top of the glass cup. "My life is a sorry mess right now."
I sat besides her trying to take away the glass but she didn't budge. She held it more firmly and I just had to let her be so we didn't break it in the process.
"Okay," I let out a sigh. "Tell me about it."
"I'm a loner, always cooked up in my house most of the times with zero friends, I have a workaholic husband who wouldn't even give me any attention but busy clicking pictures with his business partner who happens to be a very pretty lady and the only best friend I have is busy with his stupid girlfriend I hate.You see? My life sucks."
She took a sip of her drink.
"Um.. Can't relate," I shrugged. "My life is pretty perfect,"
"Oh really?" She chuckled. "Says the guy who is jobless, except for freelance writing by the way that I introduced him to. The same guy that has been in San Diego for a while now and his so called fiancèe isn't anywhere to be found. For all we know, she might have actually gotten engaged over there and might just send your ring back to you."
"Okay chill," I raised my hands to the air briefly. "Don't come at me like that. One, I'm not jobless. I do have a job. Just like you said, freelance writing. Which you do as well. And I have businesses waiting for me. I'm just waiting for my girl. Besides, she loves me too much to leave me just like that. She can't get enough of me even while being so far away." I paused for only a second. "Unlike some people I know."
I watched as she opened her mouth dramatically, face in shock as she put her hands over her chest.
"Harsh! You do not have to rub it in."
"You started it. Anyways, I do have a solution to all of your problems which aren't really problems at all."
"Oh yeah? Spill the tea."
I interlocked my fingers together and cleared my throat before I began, "About you being a loner and not having any friends, no one got you chained to this house in the first place. Get the fuck out, go to gatherings. Get a job outside of this house and meet some new people."
"But you know Joey doesn't want me working--"
"Then," I cut in. "You have to explain things to him. And about him not having time for you, maybe you do have a part to play. Spice up things a little."
"Wait... Are you implying that it is my fault?"
"In a way, maybe. Look I'm just saying since his head his filled with work, fill his head with something else. Thoughts of you. It may be distracting, but its gonna be good for you both. Just do some new things to spice your relationship up and he won't be able to resist. Thank me later,"
She wrinkled her nose at me. "Relationship coach, thank you very much."
"Ah yes of course." I smiled a bit. "And about your bro being your best friend you need to understand that you're married now and he also has his life to live. He has a love life now so he can't be around you 247 like before. Get it?"
"You know what? Enough with the lecture. I do not need your opinion."
She chugged down the remaining part of her drink and continued. "What I really need now is to get drunk and forget all these negative vibes. And also get laid."
"Seriously? It seems to me you're already drunk. About getting laid, your husband isn't here,"
She stood up and staggered. I quickly rose to my feet and held her in place.
"You, my friend, can help with that can't you?" She gave a lazy smile.
Okay, this lady was definitely drunk. And nuts.