The party was in full swing and not as bad as I thought. I got to meet some new people too as I was always cooked up in the house.
But then I saw Audrey with Dylan. She was laughing like a hyena. For heavens sakes what was so funny?
All her teeth could actually fall out.
Why did Dylan have to bring her along? To ruin the party? Okay, they were both walking over to me.
After Dylan came over to hug me, she extended her hand for a greeting and I just forced a smile at her and said,"Welcome to the party!"
When Dylan left to go say hi to Joey and Julian, she tried to engage in small talk.
And then.. Whoops! My glass containing red wine spilled on her white gown. Accidentally.
I just said accidentally, totally not on purpose. Okay maybe it was done on purpose but who wears white that white to a party anyway?
I saw her shocked face as she hurriedly grabbed an handkerchief from her purse, trying to wipe the stains off.
"Oh I'm so sorry," I gasped, showing my very best surprised look as I held her by the shoulders. "It was all a mistake. Let me take you to the bathroom,"
I guided her out of there, taking her upstairs. Thankfully, Dylan hadn't seen what I had done.
I watched her from a corner as she desperately tried to get the stain off on the sink.
"This would never come off," she groaned. "And I just got this dress,"
Walking over to her, I said nothing and proceeded to turn off the water faucet. She looked at me and blinked.
"You're wasting water," I simply said to her.
Her mouth opened slightly and no words came out.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I had to ask her.
"Did you spill the wine on me deliberately?"
"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't,"
Her lips containing too much purple lipstick pressed into a thin line. "Look Kara, I know you don't like me all that much but I just have to make it clear to you that I am not my mother!"
"You're your mother's daughter aren't you?" I replied sharply."Your mom is a tramp. You're her daughter. You are in the same family, correct?"
"I would not tolerate insults of any sort, Kara. I don't care if you're my boyfriend's sister."
"What?" I edged closer to her. "Are you going to beat me up? And about your relationship with my brother, relax. We don't know yet if its short term,"
"Why are you so bitter?" She folded her arms, lines creasing her forehead.
"Because your mother ruined I and my brother's lives." I said through gritted teeth.
"It was your father's decision to leave your mother." she replied me curtly. "Maybe your mother was too boring and no longer good enough and he just couldn't resist my own mother who brought him so much happiness!"
My palm flew to her face, hitting her on her right cheek, hard. She held her face in awe.
"Bitch. How dare you?" She cursed, glaring at me.
"Another word about my mother again and I'll flush your face in the toilet."
"Oh you get sensitive about your mother but you can talk crap about mine?"
"My mom's dead. I can never bring her back!" I raised my voice a little as I waved my arm in the air."And somehow her death is connected to you guys, no matter how we look at it. I hate my Dad, hate your mom and I hate you. Stay away from my brother. He's all I have left."
And with that, I stormed out of the bathroom, whisking off the tear that was about escaping my eyes down to my cheek.
I inhaled deeply, shutting my eyes tightly for a brief second as an attempt to calm myself down.
But was I too hard on her? After all she hadn't really done anything and I wasn't a bad person. But she talked about Mom in that manner and I just couldn't take it. I sighed and decided to push all thoughts at the back of my mind.
I needed to focus on something else. The party. I re-entered and found Dylan first. He was asking me, "Where's Audrey?"
"She spilled some wine on her dress and she's upstairs cleaning it up," came my response. She was probably going to tell Dylan about our encounter but I didn't give a hoot. After Dylan had left, I noticed Joey.
For the first time in a long while, I actually saw my husband loosen up and have fun.
"Baby!" His eyes lit up as he saw me. "Come on, let's dance, shall we?"
While we were dancing,my eyes caught sight of Julian and his hands wrapped around some girl.
A girl who was clearly not his fiancèe!
And then, they were kissing!
Oh wow.
Not that it was my business or anything but Julian had denied being a flirt.
I also saw him hang out with numerous girls as well. They seemed to keep swarming around him like flies. Obviously he didn't tell them he was engaged.
I didn't even know why it irritated me so much.
Soon the party was coming to an end and Dylan confronted me.
Ah. Right. The incident with Audrey.
"Why did you have to raise your hand on her?" He looked irritated but I didn't care.
"Because she insulted our deceased mother, Dylan. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"You insulted hers first! I already said this before, Kara. Audrey isn't her mother. She is her own person. Don't treat her badly because of past issues she knew nothing about."
"Why are you talking like you don't even care about our mother?" I shoved him a little.
"I care about her Kara,I love her so much. But she's gone now. And we have to face the reality. Dad is happy with Audrey's family and we can't change any of that. Can you please let it go?"
I swallowed hard and said nothing as I watched him leave with Audrey who had been standing at a corner, watching us.
Oh God. Was I overreacting?
I needed an extra drink.
I made sure not to get drunk at the party because I knew I was gonna have to clean up. So I did take just one glass of wine which I didn't even finish because the remaining contents were spilled on Audrey.
I grabbed a bottle of Chilean Chardonnay and poured myself a glass. And then another. I was about to take the third glass when someone snatched it from me.
I glared at him. "Give it back, Julian,"
He raised it up, away from my reach and took the bottle away too.
"The party is practically almost over and now you wanna get drunk?"
"What do you care?" I snapped. "Besides, I wasn't going to get drunk. I just needed some drinks to clear my head."
"It doesn't clear your head," he replied quickly, stressing on the 'clear'
"It makes your head all messed up."
"You're such a liar," I suddenly told him.
"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked back.
"You said you weren't a flirt, but you were clearly having so much fun with all the girls around. You even kissed one!" I laughed shortly. "So much for being engaged,"
"You were watching me? Sounds creepy. You were supposed to be focused on your husband and not me, you know" he said staring at me. "And um, were you jealous by any chance?"
I scoffed. "Jealous? Of what exactly?"
"The girls around me? You sound pained right now."
"Me? Pained?" I pointed to myself. "I've got your brother, you just said so."
"Exactly. So I don't see any reason why you should care about what I do." He answered calmly.
"You know what? I think the alcohol is clearly messing my head up. I need to stop talking." I rose to my feet.