''Your mother is right,we-''
''I have nothing to say to you! Mama may have forgiven you but I will never. You ruined our family for some piece of ass! Then you expe-''
''I may have screwed up but that does not give you the right to talk to me like that I am still your father!''
Temperatures were rising by now and Menique tried to let them work it out on their own but the louder their voices grew the harder it became for her to stay away.
She raced from the living area into the kitchen after she heared what sounded like a slap. She found her son red in the face with his hands covering his right cheek.
''Ethan! What the hell?! Why would you hit him?!. Baby are you okay? Let me see. Come let me put ice on that and you upstairs!''
She screamed at Ethan before attending to her son. Then later headed upstairs to her room where Ethan sat on her bed with his head in his palms. She changed into her nightshirt before climbing onto the bed sitting criss crossed.
''If you want to mend you and your son's relationship,you are going about it the wrong way buddy. Why did you hit him?''
''Did you hear how he was talking to me?''
''That does not mean that you hit him. He is an angry teenager and he is angry at you for ruining the only family he knows,hitting him will not make him listen to you. You have to fix this Ethan and soon before he stops coming home.''
''I am trying bu-''
''No buts just fix it. Now I need to sleep, please leave.''
He left quietly. Only to wake up to something heavy around her waist the next morning. The twins were cuddled around her with her eldest. She smiled before waking them up to get ready for school.
'' I am needed at the office. Can we reschedule the doctors appointment?''
''You do not need to go. I have been going to these appointments on my own.''
Menique did not spare him a glance as she continued with her breakfast. He opened his mouth to say something but instead pulled out his phone and called his friend Quinton.
''How are my three favourite ladies doing?''
The doctor smiled and joked with her as he examined her, much to Ethan's irritation. Her constant giggling only made matters worse. They left together after the doctor was done examining her and giving her her monthly prescription.
''You and Dr. Feelgood are really close."
''That's not his name and not really."
'' The way you were all akiki-akiki at his lame jokes would say otherwise. The nigga was not even that funny. That's the real reason you did not want me going with you. It was like I wasn't even there...''
Dineo tuned him out it was to early for them to arguing over nothing and he she did not understand why he was being jealous. She was not about to entertain his foolery not when all this was his doing.