''Hey beautiful."
Quinton kissed his wife on the cheek as she sat with her cousin.
''Hey baby,why are you back so soon?''
''Business for the day was done so Ethan and I thought we could come chill here for a while.''
Menique internally rolled her eyes when Ethan walked in on his phone as Quinton spoke to his wife. Ethan sat in the only available seat which happened to be next to her.
''So what are you two ladies up to? Hope you ain't exhausting my son. Mimi how are my nieces?''
''Quinton I ain't doing nothing,we are both great now leave us to continue with our girl talk.''
His wife Bianca or Bibi as she was affectionately called.
'' Bibi can I holla at you for a second?''
Bianca stood up with help from Quinton who was guiding her into the house from the backyard. He walked behind her with his hands holding onto her belly.
''I thought we should give Mimi and E some privacy,he wants to try talk to her-''
''What the-!?, are you crazy? Why would you do that."
Bianca tried walking away but Quinton grabbed her.
''Quinton after everything he did and said to my cousin. How could you trick me into letting him speak with her.''
''Bibi I know you love Menique but you got to stop meddling in their business.''
'' I am meddling?! What do you call what you're doing?!!''
The couple continued to argue while in the other room Ethan was nervous as a sinner in church.
''So uhm......can....uhm......(sigh)....can I take you out to lunch?''
''I don't know,can you?''
Ethan was a ruthless killer and a more ruthless business man. He feared nothing and was never nervous except for when it came to his wife. She was the first woman to ever make him nervous and that was how he knew that she was the one for him.
Having had enough of watching him fiddle with his hands and pocket. Open and close his mouth like a fish gasping for air, trying to come up with something to say, she grabbed her designer bag and headed upstairs to get her friend who was still arguing with her husband but not before conveying her feelings.
''F.Y.I you and I will never ever go anywhere together. You ended it and there is no reviving it. Stay away from me and worry about your little girlfriend. You and I staying together is just for show,do not expect anything.''
Bianca joined the couple and by the look on Ethan's face their session did not go well. She grabbed her own bag and headed out to her car where her bestfriend sat waiting for her. Quinton came down after Bianca.
''I guess it didn't go well?''
''Nah man,she hates me and she has every right too. I have fucked up so many times and she forgave me over and over again but this time she is really done with me.''
''So you're going to give up?,just like that?''
''Q what do you expect me to do,she said we are done. I have fucked up and I need to accept that.''