''Have you found her?!''
Ethan tossed his phone onto the bed in his room visibly agitated by the person on the other end. He took off his clothes,walked into his bathroom and stepped into the steaming shower as regretful thoughts and feelings consumed him......
''Did you really think I wouldn't find out?''
Ethan sighed turning to face his wife. He was really tired of coming home to her and her complaining,these days all she seemed to want to do was fuss and fight.
''What are you whining about now Menique?''
It was eleven thirty at night,he had just walked in and was not really looking or listening to her.
''You are still with her!''
He closed the microwave after grabbing his plate of food,prepared by her. He still did not pay her any attention and continued looking for a fork.
''Still not saying much dear wife."
''Do you even care about this family and life we have built? Do you even care about me or the kids.''
He shook his head nonchalantly.
''I built us this life and to answer you I care about my sons,you...''
He shrug his shoulders and continued to eat his meal. Menique was in tears but he couldn't care less.
''I told you that if you cheated on me again,I was leaving. I am leaving you and taking my boys with me. It's -''
Before she could say anything further he stood infront of her towering over her short stature. He tightly grabbed her upper arm.
''You can take your fat ass and leave but you are not taking my boys anywhere."
''You can't stop me from taking my children.''
She tried to remove his tightened grip around her upper arm but with no success.
''Try me Mimi and I promise I will end you. Cathy will be the least of your troubles. Now take your shit and get the fuck out of my house!''
By the look on his wife's face he could see that his words shocked and hurt her but in that moment he did not care. He felt he was no longer inlove with her and it was a good thing if she left on her own.
''And do not think you will get any of my hard earned wealth. All you have been is a hinderence in my life,goodbye! You better not think of coming back either because you will be replaced.''
Dineo was in disbelief and speechless. She left to pack her belongings and four hours later she came down with three large travel suitcases. He never acknowledged her as she left their once happy home.
''I don't know why I bothered with you.''
''Your food is in the microwave and Quinton called while you were in the shower,you are needed at the office. I will be back later with the boys."
Dineo said when he walked into the kitchen after his shower.Ethan watched as the mother of his children walked out of the house with her friend,wondering how could he be so stupid as to chose another woman over her