Since last night, all that occupied my mind was the girl who we run into. She looked so scared when that drunkard, Jack, grabbed her. I understand her; this world makes us, girls, feel like that when we encounter a man, let alone more of them. It seemed like she’d have fainted any moment if I hadn’t pulled him back. Too bad I didn’t catch her name, she’s cute.
I must admit, those were the last thoughts I should be having now, because I am almost twenty minutes late to work. Excuse me, to my first day at work. And I have finally landed a decent paying job.
As to why I am so late… Well, besides the fact that I had fun last night, drinking with friends, I might have broken up with my boyfriend ten minutes ago. I’m not sure yet. If he’s still there when I come home, we’re staying together. And if not - his loss. I can’t seem to keep them for longer than two months. Neither boyfriends nor girlfriends. I wonder if I’ll ever find someone to settle down with…
Entering the music school, I put on my stern, professional façade, and prepared for being scolded.
To my surprise, I wasn’t. The only inconvenient thing that happened, and that mind you, I didn’t sing up for, was that I have to take the school’s orchestra. I looked over the list of the students, and laughed when my eyes found a girl whose last name was Grey. Come on, it is funny, having in mind that my last name was Steele.
It’s actually incredible how a rip-off of Twilight became so popular in such a short time. There is a story, I guess, but it is more of a fan service. Overall, I am a huge hypocrite, since I have read all three parts, and enjoyed it. Eh…
Forget that, what I don’t get is this messed up schedule. I have a violin lesson for the first period, then three free periods, then another violin lesson, and orchestra. It’s a waste of the time. If I can somehow transfer that first period to the fourth, I would have another three or so hours to myself. I made a mental note to ask the principal about it.
Until then, I need to do my best so I have the credibility to ask him for a favor. I guess this is going to be one hell of a long day.