Bella sat herself down on one of the free barstools, while her friend mingled with the crowd. At least, I hope that he’s her friend. I never dared to ask her about her love life, because if she already had someone, I didn’t want to hear it.
My doubts soon disappeared, when I saw the man she came with, sucking mouths with some random girl. Well, that’s a relief, I guess.
I decided to make my presence known to her as I slowly approached her. Might as well scare her. I don’t know how she will react, but at least I’ll get a laugh out of it. What I didn’t expect to see was her scrolling through my Instagram profile on her phone. Wow, now, that’d be hard to explain. Maybe she does have the hots for me after all. After a brief contemplation, I decided that I’m going to taunt her for a bit. Approaching her, I took her phone out of her hands, and waved it over her head.
“Stalker much?”
My guess was right, her expression was priceless. It went from shock, to surprise, and finally to embarrassment. She forcibly took her phone from me, and turned it off.
“In your dreams, I was just wondering about something.”
She said with an incredibly cute pouty face. I should probably stop teasing her, or she might just explode her. And I certainly don’t want her exploding. At least not in that sense.
“What are you doing here, anyway, Meldy?”
That’s right, I did mention to her that I have a job, but not where I am employed.
“I work here. What are you doing here, Miss Steele? And on a week day? Treacherous, if you ask me.”
I made sure to say it in a joking tone, otherwise she might feel insulted.
“No, darling, what is treacherous is that you haven’t made me a martini yet, so that I can judge your cocktail making abilities.”
I had to laugh on that one. Very soon however, I excused myself in order to make her martini.
I will never understand how people make a martini with vodka. Gin is like a god of all alcohol. The fresh, almost minty taste makes it an exquisite addition or base of many cocktails. I took one of the already prepared chilled glasses, and added gin and dry vermouth. And stirred it in a circular, clockwise motion. As for the garnishing, I personally prefer lemon, but olives aren’t bad either. In this moment, I decided to go with lemon, because it was next to me, while the olives were a few feet further.
As I was heading back to Bella with her drink, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. There she was, still sitting in her stool, making out with a man, presumably a random guy whom she had just met. Damn, this hurts…