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Chapter Six

That weekend went by slower than a snail. I wasn't talking to my dad at all and Katherine never called, which I assume is why my weekend felt so long.

I wanted to call her, I tried calling the office but hang up before it could ring. I mean I was a bit scared, we had a moment which we almost kissed and she didn't look at me after that and now she was not talking to me at all. That stung a bit coz I thought we were fine when she apologized.

But then again maybe we had a moment coz she was emotional that she lost a patient, maybe she wasn't thinking straight and she needed comfort and I then happened to be the only thing next to her.. maybe it's why she was distant, coz she came to her senses.... So I should just forget about it.

A knock on my door startled me also removing me from my thoughts.  My sister walked in, "can I come in?"

"Aren't you already in kid?"

She smiled, "yah well I got a problem..."

I patted the corner of my bed instructing her to sit there. She did and looked at me.

I ached my brows,"so.... the problem?"

She laughed a bit, "oh yeah I'm sorry, I got distracted by your beauty for a while there..."


Did this kid just say she got distracted by MY beauty?

"Umhh...." She said but then got disturbed when the door opened revealing my best friend. I haven't seen her since Friday after the incident with my dad and Katherine. Which I refused to tell her about..

As always she was just looking super gay, she had on navy shorts, white sneakers and a white and navy baseball top. She let her braids fall on one side.

"Girls....." She said as soon as she walked in and I swear I saw my little sister drooling over her.

"Hey Maudy... you haven't been here for a while.." the kid said and Maud pulled her into a hug as usual,

"Hey baby girl... yeah was busy with work and some staff... how are you..."

"I'm okay... do you need anything to drink?"

"Soda will do kid..." my bestie said and my sister frowned, "I'm not a kid... your drink is coming..."

Then she went out. I looked at my friend who climbed into my bed with her sneakers and gave me a hug. I pulled away, "you love yourself that much that you sit on my bed with your shoes on..?"

She smiled innocently, "Come on...take them off for me..."

"I'm not crazy... why don't you ask that to my little sister who's drooling over you..."

She rolled her eyes, "you should learn to stop saying that all the time.. I will end up hitting her up.."

"You'll do no fucking thing, that's my sister, if you wanna experiment with your sexuality, do it with someone your age.. not my little sister...." I said a bit seriously which also earned me a sigh from her. I shook my head, "I'm serious okay.. ain't about to have my 16 year old sister have her heart broken by your straight ass. now what the fuck do you want here?" 

She laughed, "I want you, ass... I need to know what happened Friday at Centurion.. you have been avoiding that question."

I laid back down on my back and this idiotic friend of mine decided to sleep on top of me. I tried to push her off but she was heavy, "I'm not going anywhere until you answer me you know..."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah well can you lay comfortably, you are making me uncomfortable with your cookie almost on mine..."

She laughed and slid down until her face was on my tummy and my legs were around her waist, a fucked up position for sex. she then smiled at me, "I'm sitting comfortable now, I don't give a darn about you.. so start talking..." 

The door opened revealing my little she immediately said, "oh God I'm so sorry I should have knocked..." as soon as she saw me and Maudy then she got out.

I looked at my best friend in confusion before calling for this idiot, "Sindy....."


"Come on in..."

The door slowly opened and she got in. She walked to us and handed Maud her drink.

My bestie winked at her, "thank you babes...."

My little sister blushed and then seemed like she wanted to say something but she stopped herself.

"What is it Sindy?" I asked and she shrugged, "noo..."

"Come on.. out with it..."

"Okay... you guys shouldn't freak out or be mad..."

Maudy opened the can before she lifted her head from my stomach and looked at her, "we won't we promise... what's wrong?"

"Well nothing's wrong.. I just wanna know if you guys are dating?" 

My bestie jumped and I felt that cold drink splash on my skin, "fuck Maudy!"

I looked at my little sister and shook my head, "No.. hell no we are not dating..."

My sister nodded and the apologized for the drink before she quickly went out.

I furrowed my brows at Maudy and she was dying with laughter, "you can't blame the kid for asking.. I mean we were in a very compromising position.. I literally looked like I was about to lick the living out of you..."

As soon as she uttered those last words I felt a rush hit me inside. God I haven't had sex in a month now and this was the longest on my table.. a week was okay,a month was just too much..

I sighed as I took off my dress coz I was now wet. I heard my friend sigh, "like did I ever tell you how fucking hot you are? Dude your body is definitely goals..."

I rolled my eyes and thought, "yeah tell that to Katherine..."

"Woahhh Katherine already saw that body? Dudeeee why the fuck don't I know about this?" 

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

She laughed, "Yes.. now tell me how did your crush see you naked and why didn't she compliment you?"

I rolled my eyes before telling her what happened. From A until Z...

"Holly shit I hate your dad...." She said, "like God.. I'm sorry but this just sounds so sexy... except for the fact that she hasn't called...."

"Yah..." I said suddenly feeling a lot down.

I felt her hug me from behind and play with my tummy a bit, "you are hot, she knows that and she wants you but she's playing hard waiting for you to make the first move..."

"Me? Why me?"

"Because ass she's attracted to a girl younger than her, she probably thinks you are not interested in her coz she's old and wrinkled and... she's a woman... maybe she thinks you are straight...." My friend ranted.

"I have been giving her hints..." I said matter of factly and she rolled her eyes,

"You idiot she's been giving you hints too... you see the same excuses you make are the exact same excuses she's making... you guys are actually idiots... both scared to ask each other out for the same reasons... Ohh and she is married..."

I shrugged looking at my abs in the mirror in front of me, "I hate crushes..I should go back to New York and forget about her..."

She kissed my shoulder and pulled away, "Put on something, we going out to party... you might find you a one night stand..."

I nodded, I seriously needed to go out and try not to think about this woman. "So where are we going..."

"I'm craving for Sandton... I'm taking you straight to a gay bar...."

I laughed, "straight to a gay bar? This sounds so twisted and confused.. putting straight and gay in one sentence..."

She pushed me playfully and laughed too, "Let's make you sexy...."

She looked in my wardrobe and took out my short black dress, she looked at me and took out and red and white one, then she took the navy blue one too...

All these dresses were the same design, one long sleeve, short over my knees and they held my body like it was no body's business.

She smiled at me, "you are going to be smoking hot..."

I rolls my eyes and she threw the navy blue dress, "I think this one will be perfect with your black stilettos..."

I put the dress on and it complimented my body like hell. All my curves in the right places.. She pulled me to sit down in bed and started playing with my hair.

I had a black three wave Brazilian weave. She smiled and she styled it. She fixed my eyebrows and nails. She put a bit of make up making me look older than my actual age, and then she smile at me, "if I was lesbian, I'd totally fuck you on the spot... you look so sexy beautiful..."

I kissed her cheek, "thanks to my best friend..."

She blushed, "yeah yeah mother fucker.. always remember that, so the shoes...."

She went to my wardrobe and took my shoes then put them on. I stood up and she smiled at me, "fuck you are hot...."

"I so am... God, I'm totally having sex tonight...I can feel it." I said and she laughed, "okay, Let's go get me changed and we are so going to party out your miserable love life..." 

I scoffed at her, "fuck you..."

She laughed and took my bag and I followed her. My dad was sitting watching TV with my sister. They both looked up at us and my sister gasped, "Jesus you look so sexy..."

That earned her a smack on her hand from my dad, "she is practically naked... where are you guys going?" He directed the last question to me and Maudy.

My bestie smiled, "We going to a friend's party in Sandton..."

If course she wasn't going to say we are going to a gay club. I laughed to myself.

"It's 4 in the afternoon.. when will you be back?"

"I'll drive us back to my place...." My friend responded and my dad ached his brows at her, she smiled, "tomorrow it's Monday Uncle, so I won't drink, we will be home before 10... I am waking up early..."

My dad looked at me, "okay.. just be safe alright?"

I smiled as my sister mumbled a "bye Maudy...."

"Bye babes..." Maud said and I roughly pulled her outside.

She sighed, "for a lady you are so fucking rough.. no wonder God made your ass Gay.."

"Stop these games with my little sister Maud... you can see she's got a crush on you..."

"Like you have a crush on Katherine..." she said and I got inside her car and slammed the door, "if you do something I swear I'll fuck you up idiot...."

"Relax... I'm straight.."

I rolled my eyes, "has that ever stopped anyone? Stop it with labels... and stay away from my sister..."

She laughed and started driving.

When we arrived at her apartment she didn't waste time. She put on her navy jeans, white sneakers, a white shirt and a navy blazer.

She looked so hot... she didn't put a straight cap since she did braids. She just let them fall freely... She did her foundation and put on lipstick. It was like we were matching.

After we got inside her car I sighed, "Maudy if I walk in with you there they'll think we are the hottest couple and not come back home with me."

"Hold on... Before you say Shit... are you taking back this girl to your home..."

I laughed, "idiot you know I got your place.. you have a boy whatever he is... you can crash at his place.."

"And how do you plan on going back to my place?"

I rolled my eyes, God you would swear she doesn't live here, "there's Uber and Taxify idiot..."

She laughed a bit and parked at the famous Ladies Only Club. We both got out of the car and she locked it.

"Wait.. let me check if you are okay?" She said and I stood in front of her. She stared me from my head to my toes and even turned me around. She pulled me into a hug and smelled my neck,"you look gorgeous.... now kiss me so we can walk in as if we don't know each other..."

I laughed and kissed her anyways. "Don't be too far.. I don't want creeps creeping up on me."

She smiled, "I got you..  we getting you laid tonight..."

I looked around and the parking lot was a bit packed. It was a bit like this on a Sunday.. packed, you'd swear these women had no jobs.. but darn they were all independent... except for me. 

We slowly made it to the door and the security gladly let us in. She leaned over my ear and whispered, "I am watching you... enjoy...." 

I nodded and walked upstairs to the bar, it wasn't full up here. Down there it was full because people were dancing and grinding on each other.. I sat down and ordered a lesbian cocktail...

I started sipping on it as I checked people downstairs. The view was pretty awesome. I saw two girls eyeing me a bit.. one was interesting and my type, which was girly.. the other one was too butch for me. I don't take butch girls home coz some are just complicated.. one doesn't wanna be fucked, one wants to be called daddy, one is abusive, one wants you to listen and obey every shit she says... so I don't want that kinda complication in my life...

Don't get me wrong, there are some loving real butch girls... and then there are these wanna be idiots... so no.. no butch girls for me.

I looked at my watch and realized I have been sitting for almost twenty minutes here.. fuck.. I need to go to the bathroom or something.

I got up, fixed my dress and asked the bartender to look after my drink. Then I went to the ladies room. When I got there there was a queue and that cute girl I saw out there was here.

She smiled at me and I did too... She was second before she could get in but she moved and came to stand next to me, "Hey...."

"Hey.... aren't you in a hurry?"

She bit her lower lip before answering, "not anymore... you look so beautiful... and sound so American..."

I laughed, "I get that a lot... you are beautiful too by the way..."

The queue started to move and we followed, "so... where's your girlfriend...?" She asked and I furrowed my brows, "girlfriend?"

"Navy jeans and blazer.. you guys walked in together looking like The black version of Ellen DeGenerous and Portia De Rossi..." the girl said and I laughed realizing she means my crazy best friend,

"She's not my girlfriend...."

"She's hot... but you are hotter..."

I leaned in and whispered, "thank you.. you look hotter too..."

She looked at the queue and there was four people in front of us, I smiled a dirty thought running in my mind, "so will you help me take off my.... you know... coz I think I'll have a hard time alone in there..."

She smiled but soon a guy grabbed her, "we are going home."

She tried to argue but they pulled her away. We all laughed and I finally got in and then came out. Washed my hands and went back to my sit. That butch chick came closer as soon as I sat down.

She took a chair and sat closer to me. Way too close that our knees touched a bit. She was wearing some khaki pants and white shirt and those crocodile skin shoes...

"Hey gorgeous...."

I looked around for Maudy, I seriously didn't want this to even start. But I politely smiled at her when I didn't see my fake girlfriend, "hey"

"Are you here alone?"

I shook my head no, "I'm waiting for my girlfriend..."

"You been waiting for over an hour... does your girl know never to keep a gorgeous lady like you waiting... I mean some of us aren't scared to takeover...." She said biting her bottom lip..

I smiled a bit and said the first thing that comes to my mind, "She's a doctor and I understand when she has to work, and she will be here..."

"Why don't you have little fun with me while you are waiting.. what she doesn't know won't hurt her..."

"Look... I am flattered but... no..." I looked at my watch and then behind me... Maudy you better fucken show your ass or you are dead... I thought...

I immediately felt her hand on my thigh. I turned to her and removed the hand, "stop...."

She smirked, "I won't be rough I promise... just let me..." She said the last part touching my thigh....again.

Starting to get pissed off, I closed my eyes and took her hand off me, "I mean it dude...fucken stop..."

"I love your accent... I could listen to you talk all night.. or maybe moan my name...."

As if God has seen how I needed to be out of this misery and sent me an Angel..

"Thandy... Babe ...."

I turned and oh fucking God I saw a real Angel.. She was standing here smiling at me. She had on a dress a little over her knees and heels, She looked so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her. It was like she was the only person there... I shook my head and wiped my eyes, this isn't happening,

"Babe... is this you? You came....?"

She smiled, "finally... I am so sorry for taking time.. I had surgery... some pregnant woman broke her ankle.... I had to operate her.. I am so sorry for keeping you waiting..."

I got up and she took a few steps closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug, "I thought you'd be gone by now...."

"I was about to... but I'm glad you are here..." I whispered the last part truly meaning it.

She pulled away and looked at me. I found myself getting lost in her ocean blue eyes. God she was just perfect. She might not have called me this weekend but darn she looked hot and sexy at the same time.

She smiled and bit her bottom lip then took an inch closer again. The music downstairs started to fade away as I concentrated on her lips, I licked mine out of instinct.

She held the back of my head and leaned in.

She was going to kiss me.

As she moved closer my heart started beating rapidly on my chest I swear it was going to escape... She took her time, slowly watching me.


Finally, what I have been waiting for for so long.. Her lips touched mine. Sparks in my tummy you'd sweat it was new year and people were foreworks inside. She moved her other hand at the back...to my ass and she grabbed it smoothly and pulled me closer to her while deepening the kiss.

She was totally not straight.. No straight woman would do that with such confidence.. 

I felt like I was going to die of excitement, I pulled her closer my eyes were closed all this while. Her tongue got inside my mouth and moved flawlessly making me drip down in between my legs.

She pulled away slowly and rested her forehead on mine, then whispered, "I think your girlfriend is gone... soo...."

I shook my head and literally begged her, "please... I don't want this moment to stop... please don't stop kissing me..."

And she listened....

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