We slowly walked into the restaurant, I sighed looking around the place, looked empty, exactly how I felt inside. Katherine looked at me showing me the plaster eye.
Honestly I was glad she was okay, it would kill me knowing I killed someone else.
She smiled and pulled out a chair for me, I smiled, "Oh thank you..."
She rolled her eyes, "I can use both my hands unlike you with an arm sling, Don't flatter yourself.."
I laughed, "ouch... I was kinda hoping that was you showing me your romantic side.."
"You gotta see the psychotic side before the romantic one..." She said with a wink sitting down.
I rested my left hand on my heart and pretended to be terrified, "woooah I am so scared right now..."
She shoved me a little playfully before the waiter arrived,
"Hello guys... welcome to Leguasle Le Rasturante... what can I get for you while you decide on what you wanna eat?"
Katherine smiled and took the menu from him, "we will call you when we are ready to order..."
We then looked at each other as soon as the guy went away, "Leguasle Le Rasturante...." and then both laughed.
I smiled and shook my head, then sadly said, "I haven't laughed like this in months..."
She nodded her a head a bit smiling.. then after a few seconds she held her eye, "I think I just need coffee... That collision had me dry and drinking alcohol isn't a good idea right now..."
I faked a frowned, "and I hoped you'd say alcohol... But then I'll settle for coffee too... you are the doctor after all."
"Thank God you still remember that... I thought you might lose your memory...."
I furrowed my brows at her and bit my lower lip, "What did you say your name was again?"
She laughed and pushed me slightly, I giggled a bit. She lifted her hand up and the waiter came. She ordered two coffees and then pointed at something on the menu..
"..make it two...."
The waiter nodded and left us. I ached my brows at the woman, "okay I hope you are not planning on poisoning me with whatever you just ordered..."
She placed her hand on her heart, "ouch and I thought we were getting along just fine..."
I laughed lifting both my hands up in surrender, "okay okay.. we good, we getting along..."
The waiter arrived with our coffee and she looked at me, I smiled, "one coffee and two spoons.."
"Did you just say two spoons.. like two? Not four or six?"
I gasped, "that's too much sugar Katherine.. don't drink that much of sugar.. it's not good for your health.."
She handed me my coffee and took a sip on hers while looking at me carefully. As if she was trying to read me.
I'd like to think that I am pretty hard to read. Like back at school in New York, a lot of people took me as this innocent girl where's they had no idea that every weekend I have a different girl in my bed. I'm not going to gloat about that, I mean it makes me a 'slut' right? But what would you do if you have devoted your heart to someone and then they destroy your heart in the most unbelievable way?
I was in love and that screwed me up, so since then I told myself that I'm good fooling around and so far it has been going good.. now, I have never tried people who are like 5 years older than me... the far I went was with Brooke and she was 28....
I wasn't sure what age Katherine was, but she could fall under people I'd definitely bed.
"Ahem..." She cleared her throat taking me away from my thoughts.
"Umhh.. hey...." I said and she shook he head, "Hey to you too.. where did you go?"
I smiled and shook my head slightly, most definitely not wanting to scare her away with my wild thoughts, I was thinking about her in bed, Godness I needed to clean my thoughts, "I'm here alright... not far at all.."
She nodded a bit slowly and put her cup down, "I couldn't help but notice that your accent is of the United States....."
I furrowed my brows at her, "No it's not.."
She rolled her eyes laughing, "listen to you..."
"No I mean for real... I don't have an American accent...."
"Yea you do...." She said and I sighed a bit defeated and shrugged. She laughed, "why is that? Are you American?"
I laughed a bit hysterically, " Are you losing your eye sight.. God I think I really damaged your sight.... You are really funny Katherine.... but Umhh.. no, I studied there for the past two years, this is the third one... I'm doing performing arts..."
She smiled, "explains the beauty...definitely made for television...."
I blushed and cleared my throat, then changed the subject to avoid what she just said, "What's taking this waiter long?"
She laughed and looked around too then shrugged, "So performing arts... in New York... wow... how old are you 29?"
Shocked at her guess I asked, "Jesus do I look 29?"
She laughed, "No silly.... you actually look 19.."
I blushed again.. what was wrong with her, why was she throwing such compliments at me and why we're they leaving me speechless. To make things a bit comfortable with me I smiled and cracked up a joke,
"Awwww and you look 59... darn so young..."
She slightly pushed me again and I laughed. She was okay, we were getting along pretty fine, worse coz we didn't know each other.
I smiled not wanting this conversation to stop, "is there anything I can do for you Katherine?"
Startled she said, "noooo why?"
I smiled, "thank fuck... because you have been asking me and I didn't bother to ask you back..."
"So you were asking me because I asked you?" she said with a raised brow.
I shrugged, "I mean, it's only fair....."
She shook her head a bit, "you are an idiot you know."
The waiter arrived before I could make a sly remark. He was with two plates of food.. there was something I have seen before but never ate...
"I hope you enjoy this Sautéed Oyster Mushrooms.. It's really nice..." She said starting to eat hers.
I looked at her a bit hesitant and looked at the waiter, he smiled and nodded his head at me.
I descretly took out my phone and snapped a picture of her. It stupidly made that annoying click sound and I cursed under my breath.
She lifted her head up and looked at me with a raised brow.
I smiled innocently, "how's your food?"
"What was that noise?"
I looked around acting dumb, "What noise?"
She saw the phone on my hand and I internally cursed at myself for not putting it away immediately. She furrowed her brows, "Did you take a picture of me without my permission?"
"whaaat? Katherine, I thought we were getting along just fine.... no permission and staff...."
She still looked at me as if that was a stupid answer. I laughed thinking, 'fuck... I gotta to come with a new believable thing to say...'
"Umhh... my friend was asking who I'm eating...." I blurted out and then quickly said, "...with.... fuck... who I'm eating with..."
She shook her head and started eating.
I mentally hit myself...my bloody mouth.
Something then beeped on her side and she took it and quickly answered, "Yeah...?"
Then she kept quiet, soon she took a soviet and wiped her lips, "Yea sure... I'm on my way... I'm fine... could you stop worrying I said I'm fine.. you'll see when I get there.. okay bye..."
Then she looked at me apologetically, I smiled trying to hide how sad I was that she had to leave, I somehow enjoyed her company, "I mean... I knew your husband would call sooner... he probably wet his pants in bed and now can't get to the bathroom.. poor old thing... it's okay really.. I won't die."
She smiled giving me a look of admiration I think. The she shook her head a bit, "you are really not funny, you seriously need to work on your jokes... oh yeah please... don't get yourself killed... take care okay...."
She got up and took her coat.
Fuck! ... My palms were sweaty... I needed to ask her numbers but I was nervous.. I've never been nervous before, worse about this!
Why was I shaking?
She looked at me, "see you around?"
Around? I was leaving for New York and I had no idea where she lived. She definitely didn't live where I was from in soweto because that place hardly had white people staying there.
"Umhh.. yeah sure whatever, see you around..."
I mentally hit myself again for saying that coz it earned me a brow from her. I smiled, "Your old man is seriously struggling..."
She laughed and shook her head then walked away, I turned and called her, "Katherine...."
She quickly turned around, "yes....?"
She looked hopeful, or beautiful, or whatever. I don't know how she looked, I haven't done this in a while. And I felt like I was going to lose my mind. So instead of asking for her numbers I said one thing I was really thankful for,
"Thank you for saving my life.. I owe you one.."
I swear if I could read people I'd say I saw a little bit disappointment fall on her but it was gone as soon as I saw it. She smiled, "just don't get yourself killed... that will be you repaying me for saving your life..."
I smiled and said, "I'll let my friend drive...."
She nodded and called for the waiter, whispered something and then left. The waiter came to me, "don't worry about the bill... it's on her..."
"Thank you..." I said before my phone rang and I smiled seeing my friend's name flash on the screen, "hey you..."
"Ass... how are you?"
"Umhh... I got in a car accid..."
"What the fuck? When? How? Where are you Thandy, are you even okay?" She asked quickly cutting me off.
I sighed, God she was going to worry, but she was better than my parents, "Maud... I'm fine, just come fetch me.. I'll send you the location now...."
"Hurry up..." She said hanging up and I rolled my eyes, my best friend was really going to stress me out. But I had no one else to call, I wasn't about to worry my dad.
I sent her a text on whatsapp and then the location and she promised to be here within 30 minutes.... I laughed and put my phone on the table. It beeped and I saw a text from Stacy... God this girl needed to learn to let go.
I wasn't interested in her.
I opened the message either way and it read, "I MISS YOU SO MUCH... I HOPE THE FUNERAL WENT WELL.. WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK?"
I shook my head and responded, "IT WENT WELL THANK YOU STACY. I DON'T KNOW WHEN I'M COMING BACK.."
I rolled my eyes. One big lesson you need to get from me is never to give a one night stand your numbers.. never.... They'll suddenly think they have an opinion on every decision you make in your life.
Immediately my phone started ringing and it was her. God no... I wasn't ready for an argument with this GIRL. Worse since she was in the States and I wa avoid here in South Africa. So I let it ring. It kept quiet and then rang after a few seconds.
All eyes on this restaurant were on me now, I gave them an apologetic look and answered my phone, "Stacy..."
'Please tell me you don't mean what was written in that text....' she said with her American accent... You know if I could date the way she talked, I'd do it without a doubt.. just not her.. Her voice was hella sexy which is why I gave her my phone numbers.. big mistake..
"Stacy... you can't do this.. you..."
I was cut off by my bestie kissing my cheek, "babe don't ever do this to me. You scared the living out of me.. are you okay?" She hugged me..
"Ouch... my arm..."
She let go, "I'm so sorry. I was just worried, are you okay?"
I showed her the phone and she closed her mouth and mouthed an 'oooooo'
I got back on the phone and Stacy was giving it to me, 'I can't believe you, I thought you went back home for the funeral, turns out you have someone that side... how could you Thandy.. what about me? What about us?'
I rolled my eyes and made boring faces and was startled when Maud took my phone and said, "honey... she's a bit busy right now... so bye..." then she hung up...
I laughed, "Thank you..."
"This Stacy chick is hot, I don't understand why you are not giving her a chance."
"Hot and clingy and a little bit too much. I need my space.. not to be called 24/7... she's just over doing it..." I reasoned and my friend shrugged and looked at my phone that she was still holding.
After a few seconds she gave me a question look and I asked, "What?"
She turned the screen towards me, "who's this?"
Immediately without meaning to, I blushed, "Oh that... Umhh it's Katherine..."
"Ohhh..." my friend said, "Katherine... who the hell is she and why is she on your phone?"
I laughed, God she needed to relax... "umm the woman who I collided with.."
My friend ached her brow, "collided with? And what? She takes you out for coffee and whatever this food in front of you is? Did she even care enough to take you to a doctor..."
"Well.... She didn't have to coz she's a doctor herself... so she took care of me.."
Maud shook her head and mimicked me in a more smitten way, "Oh that... it's Katherine...."
I rolled my eyes at how stupid she could be sometimes, "Maud stop, you sound so smitten.. and I thought you was straight."
"Of course I'm straight idiot.. I love dick....that's just how you sounded when you said it.. so smitten...."
I laughed, and yes she was straight. But if you walked in here you'd think she was my girlfriend and she played the "guy" part as "straight" people call it.. which is very stupid...
My best friend was very tomboy ish. As we speak, she rocked up jeans and a white shirt with a straight cap and sneakers.. looked fucking hot.. every time when we were at a party people would think we are dating and they'd refuse to be with me... I know right... cock block....
But this started back in high school, people made fun of me, asking what kind of a lesbian was I if I wasn't wearing trousers and cutting my hair.. very stupid.. who said a lesbian should not wear dresses and should cut their hair.. I thought anyone had their preferences when it came to how they wanted to look and I never knew that one's sexuality meant they have to dress in a certain way...
So my friend being my friend back then stopped wearing dresses and she dressed tomboyish just to prove that what you wear really isn't saying who you should sleep with.. you dress how you feel comfortable.... not by your sexuality....
I smiled as I thought about that but of course I was taken off my thoughts by her crazy self, "so when are we scoring Katherine... player..."
I cleared my throat, "we are not scoring Katherine... or anyone for that matter. You know I don't do that staff here at home.."
"Mhmm... I'm definitely scoring Tshepo tonight...." She said with a smirk on her face.
I frowned, "but babe... I was going to ask to crash with you tonight and maybe for a couple of days... I can't go back home for at least one week."
She shook her head, "No.. no... and by the way you are talking I'm sure you haven't told them about the accident.."
I looked away, and that got to her, "God Thandy... how long are you going to hide this....? How long... just tell them please... tell them..."
"No Maud... No!"
"No... you need to call Maa Sophia and tell her... they are probably worried sick about you while you're just..."
"No Maud.. and this is final.. I am not telling them anything.. I'll worry them for nothing..."
I was getting pissed, I couldn't understand why she was making this such a big deal, I was okay so there was no need to worry them.
"Thandy you need to call your mother now and tell her what happened..."
Out of instinct, without even thinking I spit, "my mother is dead.. she's dead.... how the hell am I supposed to tell her that when she's dead! How?"
She froze and had no idea what to say.
I sighed in frustration, "fuck...."
Then I got up and made my way out. I regretted it as soon as I did. Maud was just trying to help like everyone else. Why the hell was I pushing everyone away? Why?
She appeared and approached me next to her car. I leaned on it and looked away a bit embarrassed and sad that I'm taking out my anger on the wrong people.. first it was Sindy and now my best friend... God who was next?
"I'm sorry...." She said and I turned to her, "don't... don't do that, you know exactly that I was out of line.. you are only trying to help and I'm..."
"I understand... Thandy it's not easy... so if you need someone to punch... I'm here...."
I was getting frustrated, "no... I won't punch you okay.... I don't need to punch you or my sister or anyone for that matter... I just......"
She cut me off, "...or you can always take it out on Katherine....with some hot...steamy....amazing sex..."
My cheeks immediately flushed and I felt hot, "stop it... God... Katherine isn't that kind of a woman... and she will never be... let's go home before you breathe more of your idiotic thoughts on me...."
We both got inside her car and she started driving, "I'm telling you though.... you so want to put her in that list..."
I shook my head, "no I don't..."
"Oh yeah...." She said with a voice that it very familiar, I knew that voice, it was challenging, "you wouldn't.. Katherine is a woman and you wouldn't even ask for a kiss.... you'd sweat like hell... She's not like the girls you sleep with and leave.. "
I tried to put on a front, "I would not sweat anything."
She smirked, "is that a bet?"
"I'd kiss her if I wanted.... let's not bet on it...."
She laughed, "fuck you are such a coward...."
"I'm not a coward..."
"Then do it...."
I rolled my eyes, "fine.. you are on...." and then I mentally asked myself, 'What the hell did I just get me into? But it's good, I'm probably never going to meet her again... So I didn't have to worry about asking her for a stupid kiss'