She parked outside another mansion and got out of the car. This place wasn't really far from her offices, it was probably a 20 minutes distance away..
I followed her and she kept on smiling a bit. And she was being weird, acting as if she was nervous or something. I brushed it off and we both got inside her house.
It was so beautiful, your vintage style but very classy. We walked to the kitchen, the theme color was black white and red. It was really beautiful I don't wanna lie, so I nodded to myself, "this is nice..for an 80 year old..."
She laughed, "the 80 year old says thank you..."
Then she looked around, "Mike.....Mikey babe I'm home..."
I said mentally as she called for Mike... so she wanted me to meet her husband. This was fucked up and giving me a headache.
"I'll be back... let me go check on him..." She said leaving, not even waiting for my response. I swear to God I went to my pockets looking for my phone, I wanted myself out of here.
I took it out and God it was off.. "noo..." I said a bit audibly. When it didn't wanna switch on I knew exactly that the battery died. Like how the fuck can this happen...
I heard her call a few times and then she went quiet.
I sighed, I shouldn't be thinking about Katherine in any way. She's someone I wrecked my car with and happens to be a hot fucking DOCTOR who just invited me to her house...where she stays with her husband....
Great... this was just fucking great..
"Hey...." She startled me.
"Umhh hi..."
"I thought you'd have made yourself at home right now... like check the fridge and grab something to eat or drink..."
"Do you have wine? God I need wine..."
She furrowed her brows at me and pointed at a bottle of wine, "there... but don't you want food first?"
I looked at her trying to figure out what she was probably thinking. That I'm a drunkard and wanted to finish her wine so she wanted to know if I don't wanna eat first before drinking? Haha I laughed at my thoughts then shook my head at her, "I'm joking.... about wine.."
She smiled as if she knew what I was thinking, "it's okay really.... you can drink it, I won't mind...Stop talking yourself out of it..."
I laughed a bit, "no I'm good really... I was joking... but I'd honestly love...."
"Milk...." She finished off my sentence, "I don't know what I was thinking offering a kid wine...."
I ached my brows at her, so it's like that? Katherine was fooling with me. I decided to change the subject, "So... did you find Mike?"
She smiled, genuinely smiled and one could tell the mention of Mike made her glow and happy, "yeah.. he's sleeping..."
I internally rolled my eyes and murdered Mike fifty times... "yayiii... I'm glad he's alive..."
She laughed and opened the fridge, "you are still not funny..."
I rolled my eyes and stupidly went to stand behind her, "my phone is dead...."
"Yet Mike is still alive..." She said turning around and we collided and I immediately felt something cold hit my skin. I sucked in my breath and shut my eyes. it's so fucking cold... sooo darn cold... God.
"Fuck Katherine what the...." I yelled but couldn't finish coz her right hand was on my mouth within seconds.
"Shhh we shouldn't wake Mike... he doesn't like that..."
I furrowed my brows at her, she was fucking with me right? She just poured ice cold juice on me and I'm supposed to act civil coz I'll wake up MIKE?
"You have got to be fucking with me right?" I whisper yelled, her hand still on my mouth, and she smiled at me, which pissed me off more, trying to act all cute while I was mad, "you literally just bathed me with cold juice and I'm supposed to not react coz I'll wake old Mike?"
She smiled widely now and I moved my mouth from her hand, "stop stop it.. just stop looking so cute coz I'm trying to stay mad at you..."
She immediately stopped smiling, "Umhh oh okay..."
I immediately took off my shirt and tank top.. leaving me with a white sports bra and the jeans.
I saw her eyes travel on my body, they stopped on my stomach admiring my abs and then went a bit down.
God she was totally checking me out.. She involuntarily bit her lower lip.
I sighed and she snapped out of her stare and put the juice on the table, "I'm sorry... let me just go and get you something to put on...."
"As long as it won't belong to Mike..."
She laughed while leaving, "too bad, only his staff could fit you...and they seem more of your style."
I furrowed my brows in confusion. The fuck did she mean only his staff could fit me. Was Mike his son or husband? Or was he a husband that shrinked instead of growing physically?
I went to the sink and tried to splash water on me so that the stickiness can go away but of course I couldn't do that in the kitchen.
I slowly went to the passage here on the floor I was at, I opened the first door on my right and it was a bedroom, I opened the second one and found a gym, with a treadmill and a few other gym appliances. Which flipping explains why she looks so hot and sexy and beautiful.... God I should stop this.
I went to my left and opened the door, then found an office.. I sighed, I was getting frustrated and not finding her bathroom was just Pissing me off more.
I opened the last door down here and to my luck it was a bathroom. There was a chest of drawer in there, a bathtub, shower, sink and a toilet.. theme wooden and glass, It was just beautiful.
I opened the drawer starting to be noisy and luckily I found new staff there, towels, soup, toothbrushes and toothpastes.. then condoms and bandages...and contraceptives...
"Fuck, who condoms and contraceptives..... these people don't want children." I said to myself.
I went to the sink and washed my face, I looked around and then shrugged while taking all my clothes off. I opened the showered got in, then started washing myself...
My chest was a bit sticky due oto the Orange juice, so I applied a lot of shower gel there and washed myself. After 15 minutes I got out and dried myself with a big towel that was in the drawer.
After throwing the towel on the floor the door opened and I froze hoping and praying it wasn't Mike..
"God Thandy do you know how long I have been looking for you.. I thought you had left." She said walking in.
I was naked, I'm naked... I thought.
"I'm naked..." I whispered and she gave me a shirt, "Yea I can see.. see this is what I call making yourself at home... come let's go eat something so I can read you a bedtime story...put that on first.."
And just like that she was gone...
I looked at myself. Fuck what was wrong with me? Was I unattractive? She didn't even say anything. Nothing. It was like she didn't see that I was naked...
God I was losing my touch... how long am I going to embarrass myself? I thought she liked my abs.. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts and put on the shirt and my pants then got out.
Flip... She was straight. So I was really not that attractive to her... coz she was flipping straight..
When I walked back to the kitchen she already had a burger in front of her. It consisted of tomato, lettuce, ribs, cheese, some sauces and there were fries next to it....
How healthy.. I thought as I sat down. She took a bite and looked at me, "why on earth aren't you eating..."
I looked at her, more like admired her. With a tiny smile growing on my face. She took another bite again and the sauce was left on the side of her mouth.
I initially wanted to come close and lick it off. Coz I was yearning to kiss her beautiful self, but I stopped myself. I cleared my throat, "you... Umhh have something on your lip..."
"Oh...." She said and wiped the wrong side... Shit no.. Shit I wasn't about to have some movie shit happen on me now.. that would be awkward.
I shook my head, "not there..."
She wiped again and still on a wrong area.. I sighed and she did too... I extended my hand and whispered, "let me..."
I whispered because I thought she was going to refuse, but she leaned closer to my hand and I let it rest on her cheek as my thumb slowly rubbed on the corner of her bottom lip.
It was so soft.. so fucking soft I felt wet by just touching it. My wild imagination already seeing it on my lips.
We looked at each other as I slowly did this, I swear I wanted to kiss her so much. But I couldn't, Mike could walk in here any moment and I'd die. My bestie doesn't even know where I am. I involuntarily licked my bottom lip and she looking at me with longing eyes.... no.. She couldn't be longing for me... maybe she was giving me some different look and I was interpreting it wrong.
After wiping it off I finally snapped out of my wild imagination and remembered where I was and with who... I smiled trying to hide the yearning and thirst I felt for her, "there...."
She bit her bottom lip sexily before licking the part I wiped, "thank you...."
I shrugged, "no problem... besides... Mike isn't here to wipe it for you...."
She laughed, "unfortunately....."
I shook my head and before I could stop myself I blurted out, "Your lips are so soft one would...."
She stared at me, waiting for me to go on but I kept quiet. She ached her left brow, "one would what?"
I looked around the room, "Umhh...."
She waited for an answer but I honestly had no fucking idea what to say coz then I'd blow my cover. I didn't want that, I didn't want my crush on her messing our relationship... Or whatever this was...
"I'm still waiting..." She said and I sighed, "I should go sleep... and text my friend, she's probably worried coz I told her I'll call and I haven't and it's late..."
She nodded a bit and pointed at her phone next to the knife holder in the kitchen, "you can call her in the meantime...before bed.. use my phone...."
I nodded and got up, took the phone and it wanted a code. I was making my way to her but she stopped me, "oh the password is Mikey.. without a C and with a capital letter M.."
I rolled my eyes and punched in the password that made me feel sick, Mikey.. Mikey.. Mikey....lucky basted.... Then I dialed my bestie. She answered after a few rings and she sounded like she was tired. She was on loud speaker.
"Hello..." She said breathing hard.
"Did you just have sex?" I asked and she laughed, "idiot.... hey, is this your girlfriend's phone?"
I snapped my head at Katherine and realized she wasn't listening, she was just eating her food. A part of me was happy she missed that.
"Stop talking nonsense... this is Katherine's phone.... are you home?"
"Not yet idiot.... so have you hit it yet.. how does she taste... God you better tell me some juicy news or els...."
"Fuck.....Maudy" I said...
When I looked at Katherine, she was looking at me too, shock written on her face. "Wooooow....." She said and I hung up without any warning..
"Fuck.... I'm so sorry about that."
She looked at me still shocked. I sighed embarrassed... "um I don't know where the bedroom is at..."
She just ached her brows at me.
Flip, I felt so embarrassed. I looked at the time on the wall and realized that it was past eight. I then looked at Katherine who was still looking at me weirdly. 'fuck you Maudy' I thought before saying, "Or I can just call my dad and ask him to come fetch me..."
"I thought you were staying over so I can check you tomorrow...." She said simply.
I shrugged, "I don't know... I have been embarrassing myself since I saw you... Umhh... I'll find another doctor or something..."
She said nothing and looked at me. I sighed a little bit nervous, "so can I... please, before I embarrass myself more?"
"Upstairs second door on your right...." She said and went back to eating. I rolled my eyes, of course, she was going to tell me where to sleep because she cared so much about my well being.
"Thanks... sleep well...."
I didn't think she'll respond but what she said almost gave me a heart attack. As I turned around and made my way upstairs she said,
"Ohh I will.... and after charging your phone, do tell your friend that I taste so fucking gooood...."
My cheeks flushed. I turned to her and found her with a smug on her face. She laughed, "go to bed child..."
I laughed and went to the bedroom. I didn't even check how it was, I took off my trouser, and was left with the shirt she gave me. I charged my phone and got inside them blankets..
Tonight I didn't think about my mom a lot, I just stupidly played the part where I was wiping the sauce on her lips over and over in my head until I drifted off to sleep...
After bathing and putting on my pants, there was a knock on the door, I only had my bra and jeans, I froze but when she said, "before you embarrass yourself more... I'm coming in, I warned you okay...."
I laughed as the door opened, she was trying by all means to not make things awkward between us and I loved that about her... fuck not love.. not love.. I liked that about her..
She handed me my tank top and dress shirt, then smelled so clean and nice. She then looked around the room. I smiled satisfied that I fixed the bed earlier, "it's all good.. I didn't have a big wild party in here.. so it's good..."
She laughed, "that was a good one... keep on working on it... Umhh we are leaving in an hour, or before that if I get a call.. come down for breakfast..."
I put on my tank and I swear I saw her eyes ran to my stomach again. I smiled as she turned around and I followed her downstairs.
There was already cereal for me and her there and the third bowl was clean. I furrowed my brows at her.. She smiled and started eating.
"So... where's Mike the love of your life...." I asked and she smiled, the same fucking smile I wanted to see when she was thinking about me. God I sounded so jealous..
"Took a walk... we have to leave before he comes back..."
"Woah don't want him to see me?... I feel like your big dirty secret or something..."
She laughed, "back to wack jokes... Umhh no you're not... it's just sad to leave him here so I rather we leave before he gets back.. it's less painful for me.."
I rolled my eyes, "but you see him when you come back..."
"I know..."
I shook my head, "God you are so clingy...." and that earned me a laughter from her and a spank on my thigh. I laughed too thinking I wouldn't mind if she was clinging on me like that.
We both got out of her car and made it to the office door, it was open and there was a receptionist today. By looking at her I found out that she was probably on her middle 20ties, very hot and had a beautiful smile.
We walked up to her and Katherine smiled, "Hey honey... this is Thandy... She came for a check up..."
Her smile became wider when she heard my name, "thee Thandy?"
I furrowed my brows in confusion, what did that mean? They gossiped about me?
"Oh yeah... she's alive... just experiencing headaches and neck pains..." I said and they both laughed at me.
"Thandy... this is my receptionist Bi..."
"Bianca.... my name is Bianca...." the receptionist said extending her hand and I shook it before I flashed her a wink, "nice knowing you Bianca..."
Katherine looked at us oddly and then cleared her throat, "Bianca say hi to your fiance... Thandy...follow me.."
I swear there was a hint of jealousy there... I let go of Bianca's hand and followed thee madam.
We went down to a new room that had a hospital bed and some machines I had no fucken idea existed. She ordered me to go to the bed. She was a bit bossy now, I figured a person in her profession would feel bossy when they were doing their job.
"Take off your clothes..."
I felt a bit uncomfortable. I mean last night she saw and didn't even compliment or anything.. it was embarrassing..
"Come on I already saw you naked.. it can't be that hard now..."
Shocked, "So I should take off all my clothes? Like all of them?"
She laughed, "God you should see your face... idiot I only need your head and neck, so just take off your shirt, tank and....bra..."
I took off my shirt and tank then looked at her with a smirk on my face, "nice try with the bra Doctor Omarley, but it's not going anywhere..."
She laughed, "I should have given you sleeping pills so I can do anything I want with you...."
God, that arrive on the most dirtiest brain, without even thinking I said, "God you wouldn't have to drug me to do that.. I'm all yours..."
She froze and looked at me and I made a more idiot myself, "..would you handle me Dr Omarley?"
God the closed her eyes, I was so getting to her, she opened her mouth to say something but couldn't..
I smiled, "Did Dr Omarley run out of something sly to say?"
She laughed and shook her head, "shut up and let me do my job..."
I rolled my eyes but obliged anyways...
In two hours I was I was putting on my clothes and walking back to the busy reception now.
"Dr Omarley, you have been paged by Dr Stevens at the hospital. There was a vital accident on N12 and three people need operation... he needs your help ASAP...." Bianca said and Katherine nodded,
"Okay honey.... Umhh please take care of Thandy until I'm back..."
Woaah until she's back? I would love to stay here but not when she wasn't around. She ran to her office and I followed her, "woaaah Dr Omarley I can't wait for you to operate three people.... it might take almost the whole day... I have to go fetch my car today and see my family.. they are worried about me."
She nodded while putting her coat on then handed me two two hundred bucks, "get Uber and get home... come back tomorrow for the results of your scans.. I mean I'll read them after the surgery... so if you can't be here later then tomorrow.."
"I can be here long as you are here too.... anytime Katherine..." I said honestly, as much as I was telling the truth I hated how vulnerable I sounded. Like I was giving myself to her....
She smiled and nodded, "I'll call you when I'm done then...."
I smiled too, "I can't wait..."
She came closer and leaned in, for a second I thought she was going to kiss me and to my disappointment she pulled me into a hug. But as soon as I inhaled her perfume I smiled,
"God you smell so fucking good...."
She laughed, "and she's back.... I'll see you later okay...."
"Or maybe tomorrow..."
"Tonight... I can't wait that long to see you again......." She said....