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Chapter Nine


I pulled away not because I wanted to but because I had to get some air, and mostly because I don't think I was going to be able to stop myself from taking things further... my temperature  was getting hotter by every second, and I was tempted to just rip her clothes off..

She rested her forehead on mine, "you know I thought you'd never ask..."

I furrowed my brows, "why? Were you expecting me to ask?"

She nodded a bit and I removed my forehead on hers and I looked at her, "so you weren't going to ask me.. you was going to wait for me to ask?"  

She totally pulled away from me and sat on her table facing me. I frowned because of loss of contact, I mean I felt like keeping her in my arms for the longest time.

'fuck! The things this woman made me think are so wack..'  I thought.

"Yes.. I needed you to be ready..... and not me to ambush or rush you.."

I sighed feeling a bit defeated but smiled at the back of my mind. She wanted to ask me but she couldn't because she was waiting for me to be ready. This means she likes me.... right...?

"Well I almost went to New York... I thought you are faithful to your not husband Mike..."

She laughed and changed the subject,  "so since you are leaving, when is this date of yours and how does it work?"

I smiled, "I was thinking on Saturday because I'm flying back on Sunday morning... and we are going to catch movies and then go eat burgers after that... I hope you love burgers...."

She laughed, "movies and burgers, I feel like I'm 21...."

"And what's wrong with being 21?"

She then turned to me... "please don't tell me you are twenty one..."

I laughed, "what if I am?"

She kept quiet and looked at me as if waiting for me to say I'm kidding or something.. She shook her head, "when will you be back from New York?"

God, I had no idea and because I was terrified she might change her mind when she heard that I changed the subject, "please wear something very comfortable on this date. Not your normal clothes..."

She looked at herself, "What's wrong with my normal clothes..."

I shook my head and shrugged, "I think imma have to help you with your wardrobe, you look like an eighty year old lady... I mean your clothes scream Dr Katherine Omarley..."

She pushed me slightly when she saw a smirk on my face, "Shut up... and just leave before I..."

I smirked, "Before you what?"

She smirked, "nothing.... is your friend girlfriend okay?"

God... Umhh I prayed the look on my face isn't giving it away. I smiled, "she looked fine two days ago.. and she said she's fine so... I believe her..."

"You do?"

I sighed, "no, her ex boyfriend fucked her over so I don't believe she's okay.. but I can't do anything to the busted yet, I just have to believe that she's okay.... or else I'll be forced to cancel out date and hunt him down.." I said the last part with a playful smug on my face. She laughed, "I think we should cancel the date....."

I gasped and walked backwards towards the door, "Dr Omarley.. are you sure about that?"

She stood from the table and followed me. I opened the door still facing on her and she quickly closed the door and ended up resting her hand over my shoulder and balanced with the door.

We looked at each other like that for a while. I wanted to close the gap and kiss her. She smelled so nice and her lips were so tempting. I took my bottom lip in between my teeth...and she sighed,

"I... I think you should go get everything ready for New York and the date..."

I nodded then leaned in to kiss her but she backed away and went to sit down. I furrowed my brows at her, "Umhh... do I have to ask for a kiss? Because I was heading for that when you backed away..in case you missed that."

She smiled, "I don't kiss until the end of my first date..."

I looked at her as if she was crazy.. I mean she is crazy.. didn't she just kiss me minutes ago? Didn't she kiss me three days ago at a bar?...

"Umhh Katherine I really am sorry to disappoint you or break your bubble but you kissed me three days ago and a few minutes ago.. I'm sure those weren't dates.. or were they?"

She laughed, "smart... but at the bar you were my fake girlfriend so we had to make it seem believable... and right now you couldn't stop talking..."

I nodded, she was telling the truth, "so should I talk too much again..."

"What you should do is go home and plan to blow me away with this date.... coz that really doesn't happen often..."

She had a smirk on her face, her confident was really killing me. It was making me wet. I secretly hope she really wasn't married.. but then again she wouldn't have been at a gay bar if she was married, and she wouldn't have kissed me. Or was she the cheating type?

I nodded, "alright... be ready to be blown away... I'll see you Saturday?"

She nodded with that beautiful smile on her face, "see you then..."

I opened the door and got out, but before I could leave I said, "I'm allowed to call you right..."

"You start by doing that when you get home so I know you didn't kill yourself...."

I laughed shaking my head then turned to leave, she is funny, that was a good one...I arrived at the reception to a smiling Bianca.

"By the smile on your face I bet she is fine now..." Bianca said as soon as I approached her and I nodded, "She's more than fine... I'll see you Saturday..."

"Oh.. you visiting again?" She asked and I smiled, "You'll see.... stay cute B.. bye..."

She said bye and I left, I got inside my car and started driving off. I was happy, very happy it was weird.

I arrived home and parked my staff.

My phone started ringing and it was this idiot friend of mine, "babe"

"Hey ass.. time is moving.. tick tock tick tock...."

I sighed, "Oh yeah... I can't wait for my date with Katherine on Saturday.."

She laughed and screamed excitedly, "ass... you finally grew some balls? Oh My God... how did she take it.. did she just say yes or did she give you a hard time.. wait.. did..."

"Shut up... Shut up ass... God.. so many questions at the same time.. She didn't say yes, she kissed me though... which is a yes in her language..."

My bestie laughed, "Right... She just loves those juicy lips of yours..."

I kept quiet. She did not just say that. Since I fucked Maudy we been having awkward moments when we were turning a bit sexual. It wasn't like before, but it was funny.

I laughed, "this is awkward...."

"Fucken awkward if I tell you... but to wipe it off, when are we going shopping for you. You gotta look sexy but not too sexy.... She has to know that she can touch but she can't take to bed..."

"What if I want her to take me to bed..."


We both laughed as she told me I gotta sleep at her place tomorrow so we can go shopping for a dress and shoes. She was more worried and excited than I am..

I started zipping my bag, then I heard the door open, I turned around and saw my little sister looking at me. I smiled, "come on in...."

"Who's that ass? My future wife?" Maudy said on my ear.

"Don't fuck with me Maudy... you wouldn't know where to start...." I responded to my best friend as I tried to pay attention to my sister, she looked worried, like she was trying to run away from something. She looked a bit disturbed, and was pacing back and forth..

"Look idiot I have to go... my little sister doesn't look okay .."

"Tell her I'll come give her thee kiss of a lifetime..."

"Fuck you Maud..." I said and hung up.

I looked over at my sister again, "Hey... you wanna sit down?"

She looked at me for a while and then shook her head, "I'll leave..."

I went to her side, "Hey... what's wrong? What happened?"


"Sindy what happened?"

"I don't.... I... I can't say... I'm just... ohh God..." She rambled sounding like she had no idea where to start.

I took a deep breath and took her hand in mine, "It's okay... just tell me what is going on. Why are you like this..."

She pulled away from me and went to sit in my bed, "maybe I should tell you when you are in New York... it will be easier...."

I came and sat right next to her, "why?"

"This is hard okay... I'd rather you sound disappointed in me than to actually see it on your face. I don't wanna see it okay...." She said in a shaky voice. I sighed, I wasn't getting through to her and it was frustrating, I didn't wanna assume coz I might be wrong.


"I kissed a girl... and I loved it..." She blurted out and I just gave her a blank look. But in my heart I was so happy that she finally spoke. She looked at me and I smiled, "okay... that's all?"

"I think I am gay...." She said and again I smiled, "okay...why do you think so..."

"I have a girlfriend....I think.." She said. All this while she had her eyes closed and she had no idea that I have been smiling.

I laughed now, I laughed a bit audibly and she opened her eyes. "You are laughing....?"

"Why are you freaking out like this?"

"Because my girlfriend's sister caught us kissing and she told us hell... and how we should die like dogs because we are sinning.."

"So you thought I'll be like that too?"

She shrugged and suddenly, I hated how little she knew about me and how private I was with my life.. I wanted me and her to be besties and make her feel like she can talk to me about anything. So I know I needed to let her in my life too so that she can trust me with staff in her life.

I got up and took my phone then came back down. I scrolled down my pictures, when I stopped on Stacy's picture I heard my sister say, "oh God she's so hot..."

I smiled, "she wants me..."

"She wants you wants you or...."

I nodded, "wants me wants me..."

She smiled, "oh my God..."

I stopped and looked at her, "look I know you don't know much about my life, I don't display it a lot and I don't even tell you about it, which is what I need to change. I wanna be your best friend so you can feel free to tell me anything.. and I can do the same... now, I'll  start by telling you that I have a hot date on Saturday...."

She smiled excitedly, "Who's he...?"

"She... you mean she... her name is Katherine..."

Her eyes were wife open with shock, "please don't tell me...."

I shrugged..

"Why are you living in the closet? Don't you wanna come out so you can live freely?" She asked.

"See kid, this is where you got it wrong. I'm not living in the closet I was never in the closet.. straight people don't come out, why should we? I mean parents should expect their kids to date a person not a certain gender... I have been dating girls Since high school.. mom knew but dad assumed it was a "boy" when I told him I went out on a date and I never corrected him..."

She nodded slowly, "oh okay.... so you are gay too...."

I smiled, "very much... you are sixteen and still exploring.. that's not a problem, don't label yourself yet and rush into coming out. Just do whatever makes you happy..."

She kept quiet and looked at me then she laughed, "it would be so funny if we are both gay... Like holly Shit dad makes gay kids..."

I laughed, "you are an idiot... so now I gotta get ready for my date on Saturday..."

"Oh yea... Katherinaaaa...." She said sounding like Maudy and I scoffed, "don't ever say that again.. she's Dr Omarley to you...."

Suddenly her jaw dropped, "oh darn not Dr Omarley..."

"What? You know her?" I asked a bit worried, the way she said sounded like she knew her and she didn't like her.

She shrugged, "not personally.. just from what dad said about her..."

I rolled my eyes, I should have known that dad would make a big deal out of that day. Jesus I didn't need this, "what did he say?"

"What I can tell you is that he's not a fan at all.... he doesn't like her at all..."

I shrugged it off, "Well it's not like Kat and I are sailing to an Ireland to say I DO... it's just a date..."

My sister stared at me for a while and then nodded, "if you say so, sure...but dad still hates her, I wonder why.. I mean it can't be because she was taking time to read your scans.."

I shrugged and decided to be honest, "Well little sister, thing is Katherine and I met with a bang.... so dad is totally against that..."

"What bang?"

"The crash... we literally crashed into each other's lives..."

My sister started laughing uncontrollably, "and now you guys are going on a date? Wow.... this is very romantic... you two crash in each other and you don't care about that, just your feelings..."

I laughed at how stupid she sounded, "idiot.. she's a doctor, she checked me and I asked her out.. there is nothing wrong with that...."

She laughed, "you met with a bang.... no wonder dad is mad..."

"He blames her, which is very stupid coz it maybe was my fault, I mean I shouldn't have been driving that day, I wasn't okay mentally and emotionally, so I wasn't in any state to drive.. but I did and it almost cost me my life and someone else's..."

"Someone who has stolen your heart.. very romantic big sister.. very romantic..."

I shook my head trying to ignore what she said, "Well... details on the girlfriend who's not a girlfriend..."

She laughed shaking her head no, "I don't wanna get my hopes high for nothing.. I like her but I'm keeping my distance, She's terrified of her sister.. so we are kinda hiding..."

I pulled her into a hug, "I'm so sorry babe.... so you've only touched first base?"

She furrowed her brows, "what?"

"You haven't had sex with her.. that's what I'm asking..."

She looked away, "don't you think that's personal... What would you say if I ask you how many girls you've slept with?..."

"I'd say I'm not sure.. but it's over 17..."

"What the...??"

I shrugged, "Yea I kinda went overboard after my heartbreak... I'm not proud of it okay... which is why I stopped, I wanna see if there isn't something between..."

"You and Katherinaaaaa...." She said again and I shoved her off... "Anyways have you and Maudy ever had sex? Coz I have been asking myself that..."

My face changed, "Sindy that's my best friend... Maud is my best friend..."

She laughed, "okay I was just asking no need to be all serious... so to be honest between you and I.. well no we haven't.. I'm scared.. I wouldn't know what to do and staff..."

"Okay don't rush into anything.. take your time and when you are sure, You'll know what to do. Trust me."

She rolled her eyes, "thank you for the advice... that's very useless coz it's not telling me how to.. you know....how to do it.."

"Can I see your school report..."

She furrowed her brows at me in confusion, "what?"

I laughed at how I changed the subject within a blink of an eye, "concentrate on books and not on how to fuck a girl..." I looked at the door then back at her, "I have a call to make.. then Maudy will come fetch me.."

Her face lip up at the mention of Maudy, "God okay... I have to go bath..."

I furrowed my brows, "didn't you bath?"

She ignored me and left anyways. I sighed and took my phone and dialled Kat..

"I seriously thought your car was on fire by now..."

"Your jokes are fading... maybe you are getting old..."

She laughed, "you should stop that... 49 isn't old at all...."

Oh fuck!

She did not say she's 49? She was.. oh fuck she was older than my....


I cleared my throat, "sorry I'm here..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yea... so are you ready for Saturday?"

"No I'm not.. I mean I was literally told to go shopping for that... which I still see nothing wrong with my clothes..."

I shook my head as if she could see me, "Kat, your clothes scream 'I'm a doctor and can afford anything'... so I need you to dress average, like an ordinary person... put some jeans and..."

"Thats kids clothes and my clothes don't scream that.. you want me to dress average... I'll do that..."

I smiled, "good girl..."

"You never actually told me your age..." She said and I laughed, "you never actually asked me my age..."

"How old are you?"

"Okay I'm giving you a chance to ask me one question that you really wanna know, only one.. so are you sure it's my age...?"

She kept quiet, I figured she was thinking.

"Think very carefully....." I said again and she sighed, "okay, I know your name and surname...now I'm stuck between your birthday and birthyear..."

"Right.. this is interesting right..."

"No..." then she chewed something, "I shouldn't have to ask you one question.. it's not fair.... but anyways when's your birthday?"

"It was last month... on the 13th of November.... "

She sighed, "God... now I have to wait for the whole year again...."

"Okay Katherine one thing about me is that I don't want gifts on my birthday... or Christmas or whatever the occasion is.. no gifts..."

"Since I started talking to you I thought you were fun... this thing about you is so boring..."

I laughed, "Well tough on you..."

My door opened revealing my best friend who flew to me, "Hey babe... I missed you you know....and you are leaving.."

I pointed on the Phone and mouthed Katherine.. She smiled and told me to keep talking..

"I guess that's my queue to leave..." Kat said and I quickly said, "wooah, hold on.. I'm the one who called you here.. shouldn't I be the one saying that...?"

"Your girlfriend is there.. so I figured...."

"God you sound so jealous.. relax... this idiot will wait.. but on a serious note, put on something casual okay... dress or not.. I'm sure you'll look ravishing as you usually do...."

She giggled adorably, "stop... um.. Okay I'll see... I'm really starting to be impressed.. I think I'll enjoy this date..."

"Ten points to me... Okay look my friend is already giving me the evil eye... call me before you sleep or get called Dr Omarley...."

She laughed, "I will... bye kid..."

I turned to my friend who was smiling like crazy. I furrowed my brows and she took out a plastic bag she's been hiding behind her...

"Okay I might have went shopping alone... coz I figured you'd wanna be with your family since you are leaving.. I got three pair of casual clothes... pants, dress, and pants..."

"Gay ass.." I said and she laughed while taking out the clothes...

She let me try the trousers and I said no coz they were just too much.. I mean they were hot but just too gay for me.

I tried the black and white dress and she said yes before I could even put on the shoes..

"Look babe.. she'll look at you and never at anyone else when you have this dress..."

I furrowed my brows, "I'm not going to loe her in to marrying me.. this is our first date..."

"Oh fuck, you look hot.. She might as well ask you to marry her... if she doesn't, I will...."

I laughed, "you are an idiot..."

"And you love me..." She said and then took out another plastic,

"Now girl... lemme do your hair... I swear Katherine won't know what hit her....."

"I really hope she takes me to her bed...." I said with laughter...

"Horny ass....."


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