I woke up with hands cuddling up on me. I lifted the hand up on my waist and opened my eyes... they soon met a picture of me and Maud back at high school. She was my date at prom. She looked hot.
I felt her pull me closer to her and resting her head on my back. I roughly pulled away not caring if it wakes her up on not..
"What?" She whined and I mumbled a, "I'm not Tshepo... stop touching me inappropriately...idiot..."
She mumbled a whatever and I put on her gown and went to the kitchen. I left my phone on the charger this side avoiding my family coz I knew they'd call.
When I saw my phone flash indicating that I got missed calls, a little part of me hoped it was going to be Katherine.. but then again, how would she call if she didn't know my numbers..
And why the hell was I thinking about Katherine so early in the morning...
But then, in a serious note, I hope she was okay, No headache and her eye was recovering.
"What are you doing up so early?" My best startled me by switching on the kettle.
"I was about to make coffee.... I need it.. I have a massive headache..." I said and I swear I felt her roll her eyes behind me,
"You should have gone to the hospital.... but nooo you wanted to eat with your crush instead...."
I sighed, "I told you she's a doctor.. She gave me a few pills for the headache.. I'll drink those after eating and then probably go hunting for her...."
Maud took out coffee mugs and put them on the table, mixed sugar with coffee before pouring water inside and then turned to me, "No fucking ways... you are calling your family now Thandy.... now..."
She handed me my phone, I took it and saw over 10 missed calls and a lot messages.. I opened my messages but was stopped by Maud's voice,
"Call Maa Sophia... now...."
I sighed but did anyways.. good thing about my best friend was no matter how shitty she could get sometimes, she always played by the books and put other people's feelings first.
"Thank God Thandy your father and I have been trying to call you....." my Aunt's voice said as soon as possible. I didn't even hear her phone ring. It's like she was holding it, waiting for me to call...
"I'm sorry...." I said remembering the sorrow I left behind, "I'm sorry... I'm okay... I just need some time off... I'll come back after a few days...."
"Where are you I just want to know that you are safe...."
I nodded as if she could see me.. see she was just the best and she loved me like her own. The way she treated me was no different to how she treated my little sister. Which I was really thankful for coz I knew that somehow I'm not alone alone...
"I'm safe.. I'm okay I promise.... I just..."
"Your father is worried about you, he doesn't even know what to do or say..."
I sighed a bit defeated, "I'll call him Maa... I have to go..."
"I love you...." I cut her off and then hung up. I turned to my best friend who was looking at me waiting impatiently as if I had the biggest gossip ever.
She shrugged, "So?"
I faked a smile, "So I need to get laid as soon as possible...."
She laughed, "this isn't New York sister... people catch feelings here.... you gotta get you a girl..."
I rolled my eyes, "I need to bath and then....." suddenly I felt the edge to say go check Katherine.. but I stopped myself, I didn't want to make a big deal of this. Whatever this little yearning I felt of her was going to go away and I'll be back to my old self... I tried to convince me...
"And then?" My friend said and I furrowed my brows at her, I soon laughed when I realized I left my sentence hanging coz I couldn't make up my mind, I smiled, "and then go get laid...."
She rolled her eyes and pushed me slightly. I ran to the bathroom and bathed myself. After thirty minutes I came out butt naked and asked her to lotion my body.
She did without any problem, this was our routine... if you didn't know us you'd sweart we have had sex before but no... we have never even kissed in an inappropriate way...
When she was done she threw me her ripped jeans and a tank top then some track pants to choose from. I rolled my eyes and took the Jean and tank top. I looked so fucking gay..
"Finally... you can now wear your 'I'm gay' crown and not say that to people.. you just walk and look it..."
I rolled my eyes at her stupid remark. She was an idiot but I loved her with all my heart.
"Where are we going?" I asked and she smiled, "to check out Katherine...."
Immediately my heart literally started beating faster on my chest. I furrowed my brows at her, "why would we do that?"
"So you can kiss her.. we have a bet remember..."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm never going to meet her again.... so chill.... that's not happening..."
"Or we can Google her...." She suggested and I honestly considered it, "yeah... let's do it. Let's type Katherine on Google and see how many million Katherine's we get...."
She laughed, "idiot... we can break it down do Katherine's who are doctors in Johannesburg... we wouldn't even have 10...trust me."
Of course I trusted her. She was telling the truth, but the thought of doing that sounded a bit creepy.
I shook my head, "no dude... let's not do that.. that's just creepy, literally stalking... noooo she'll run for her life..."
"And we basically don't want her running.. do we?"
I shoved her dirty ass, "fuck you Maudy..."
My bestie laughed and went to bath. I made breakfast and ate. And strangely the old doctor wouldn't leave my head. Like what the hell...?
I wasn't about to listen to a little crush over a woman who's probably old enough to be my mom.. but mostly on a person I almost killed.
I sighed and laid back in bed.
I closed my eyes and mentally screamed.... 'fuuuuuuck'
I felt someone walk in. And I got up, "ass, we better hit a club or something because if we don't I'll lose my mind..."
"What's up?"
"Headache and I can't stop thinking about...."
"Katherinaaaaa...." my friend said in a stupid french accent. I pushed her a bit making her naked ass lose balance and stumble backwards..
She took her lotion and threw in at me, "come do your job and stop thinking about old women..."
"I'm going to pinch your nipples...." I said and she looked at me a bit disgusted. I laughed and smeared the lotion on her back and then started applying it.
She started laughing and doing stupid dances. You really wouldn't understand my friendship with this idiot. We been together since I was eight and we vowed never to stop being friends... and 15 years later we are still strong. She's like my friend-wife... if that even exist...
I stood up and started applying the lotion on her shoulders. I was standing behind her and applying it from the back...
She tilted her head to the left giving me full access on her right shoulder... I gladly did that and kissed her shoulder, "I honestly owe you my life.. thank you for taking me in..."
She quickly turned around and furrowed her brows on me, "dude I'm not taking you in. We not moving in together. That's a no... Tshepo and I...."
I rolled my eyes, between you and I, I wasn't really found of this Tshepo dude. I don't know why, but there was just something off about him. But every time I tried to voice that out, she'd shut me out.. yeah, so much for a 15 years of friendship...I know...
"Yeah sure whatever, I don't want his ass here for this week then... maybe the next one.."
She pushed me, "no... he's probably on his way as we speak...."
I rolled my eyes and applied lotion in between her breasts... She laughed and said, "if he could walk in right now.. all hell would break...."
She didn't even finish her sentence.. we heard the door slam and him asking, "What the hell is going on in here?"
Tshepo... he wasn't good or bad either, he was just him. Not skinny and not fat. He was cute though but so fucking homophobic it made me sick... when we were in front of my friend he'd give me a few weird glances and I'd feel uncomfortable, but because they were not official official it didn't worry me much.. as far as I knew, they were just fucking... besides, I really wouldn't want him dating her, he might be cute with a good job but he was an assy of a person personality wise....
My bestie moved away from me and hugged him, still all naked, "Hey Tshepo.... you are here already....."
He nodded, "I am here.. why aren't you dressed?"
Ohh and over protective... I forgot that part.. fucking over protective... I mentally rolled my eyes and whispered, 'she's not dressed because I'm fucking her idiot'
My friend sighed, "I was bathing... and I'm so sorry about last night, Thandy will be here for a while so...."
He looked at me from behind her and said, "hi...."
I nodded my head and laid back in bed. They mumbled a few words before they kissed and she went to the wardrobe. He came to sit next to me.
"How are you Thandy?"
I shrugged, "under the circumstances... I'm okay thanks for asking..."
He leaned over to me and whispered, "good... I'm glad you are okay, just need a favor from you... I understand your mother just passed away and you might need some support and consoling... but... umm... I'd like you to keep your hands to yourself.. especially if my Maud is naked... it makes me uncomfortable...."
All this while, he was smiling.
I smiled too and nodded my head, "I'll do that when my friend tells me to... you know... you don't matter one bit to me..."
He had no idea how assy I can get... If he thinks that in America I just picked up those girls I slept with from the bus stop? He was fooling himself... I got into a club, talked to a girl whether she's with a man or not. I wasn't scared of anything... let alone him..
He smirked, "stubborn I see.... just do what I asked...."
I rolled my eyes and planted the biggest fake smile, "Tshepo... I am really not in the mood... like you said, I just buried my mother three days ago and the last thing I need is your ass after me... so please..."
"What are you guys talking about?" My friend asked approaching us. Tshepo rested his hand on my shoulder and faked a giggle,
"Just asking her to look after you while I'm not around..."
I rolled my eyes and looked at my friend, "dude... I'm not up for what we talked about... I need to sleep..."
She looked at me suddenly concerned, "What's wrong... are you okay?"
I shrugged, "Just a headache.... I need to sleep it off..."
I was honestly off, him brining the death of my mother in this was just childish and shitty... busted.
"Tshepo...." She said to him... he got up and looked at me, "be okay..."
I laid back in bed. She sat next to me, "are you sure it's just a headache..."
"Yah... probably the crash... I'll be okay though...."
She removed the stray of hair on my face and kissed my cheek, "I'll walk Tshepo out... I love you..."
"Me too..."
They both got up and left..
I took off the morning shoes I had and folded my knees up my body and couldn't stop crying. Why? Why did she have to die and leave me here alone? Am I going to be constantly reminded about her death all the time?
I shut my eyes and prayed for the tears to stop. I prayed for my thoughts to just go away so I'd be left in piece. Maybe.. just maybe if Katherine left me in that car, I would have burnt and died. And I wouldn't have to worry about all this nonsense... I'd be in piece..
"Thandy.... Thandy....." I heard a voice call me from afar, "God... Thandy wake up...."
I opened my eyes a bit slowly, "What?"
"Thank God you are not dead.... fuck... you been sleeping for more than 12 hours... 12 fucking ours Thandy, do you have any idea how worried you got me."
I furrowed my brows at her, "What?"
She rolled her eyes an pulled me into a hug, "nothing... do you want something to eat...."
"Umhh yea... what time is it?" I asked a bit confused... fuck... how long have I been sleeping?
"It's around 10am..."
"What the fuck?" I said suddenly waking up, "was I asleep since yesterday....?"
She nodded, "yeah... which us why I was so worried dude... but thank God you are okay...."
I got up into a sitting position. I was in her shorts and tank top. I looked at her, "you changed my clothes..."
She smiled, "there's nothing I haven't seen there..."
I rolled my eyes, "whatever.... let me go bath..."
She nodded, "I'll make you food and put it in the microwave.... I'm going to work okay... I called in and told them I'll be late..."
"Sure...." I said bathing quickly and getting out. I didn't wanna waste time. I mean I didn't even get why I was bathing coz I had nothing to do. Was just waiting water coz I honestly wasn't dirty....
But then, cleanliness is godliness... I heard something in those lines...
After putting some of my friend's clothes again I went to the kitchen. I went straight to the microwave and my noodles were there. I smiled and sat down. She was such a wife material...
I looked around and saw a letter on the coffee table. I took it and put the tv on. I browsed through all the channels which were very boring until I reached Fox.. and Grey's Anatomy was on....
I took one spoon in my mouth and found myself thinking about Katherine.. God.. I hope she was okay. I hope she wasn't experiencing the same headache I was..
I wish there was a way to just call her.. or talk to her. I was only with her for a few hours and she made me smile and forget about my problems...
What really lying bored me was how I was drowning in my thoughts right now... it was really tiring and draining.
After eating I texted with my sister a bit and at least she sounded okay. I sent her kisses and went to bed again.
I took my phone and called my besty on the other side of the country..
'oh God Did Thandy just call me?' Her strong American accent echoed in my ears, I bit my lower lip feeing my body grow hot immediately...
"Hey Chloe... how are you babe..."
'I'm okay thanks and how are you? I was starting to worry about you...' she said and I right after she asked I had no idea what to say....
"... umm..."
"Babe how are you holding up?"
Right there... that is all it took for tears to waltz down my cheeks. I sobbed a little..
She sighed, "Thandy.... Babe who's with you there...."
I sobbed again and then said, "no one... I'm at my friend's house and she just left..."
"You shouldn't be alone...." She said softly and I smiled a bit, she always cared, "I'll be fine Chloe don't worry...."
"No... you can't be alone... I just hate how far you are from me.... when are you coming back?"
I shrugged as if she could see me, "I don't know.... I'm just a mess right now and I need a break from everything....and everyone... I just..."
"You can't be alone... you need to be with someone right now...."
I sighed, "Babe don't worry... I'll be okay... really... I just called to check up on you...."
We had small talks and she hung up. Even though I promised her a thousand times that I was okay, I was startled by the door opening an hour after the phone call...
Of course she called Maud and this idiot took a day off to check up on me. She sat next to me, "are you okay?"
I shrugged, "I know she called you.... I was off then... when I'm alone I'm off... so I cried... but I'm feeling better now..."
She pulled me into a hug, "you know you can talk to me idiot right...."
I laughed, "yes idiot...."
She brushed my cheek, "I love you..."
"I love you too..."
A few days later, my headache was still here and I was feeling like shit day by day... kept on thinking and worrying about Katherine...
Today was Sunday, three days until I get my car, four days since the accident... and Maud and I planned on staying in and eating a lot of junk while watching movies...
"So... you really giving up on this Katherine woman...." my bestie said and I rolled my eyes, "you seriously ate giving me a headache."
She shoved me off a bit playfully and I rolled sighed, "can I just not be reminded of Katherine for a bit... please.."
"But she's forever in your mind..." She said getting up. I faked an angry face at her and she stuck her tongue out,"let me go get us something to drink before this movie starts...."
She then ran out of the bedroom before I could say anything... I smiled and shook my head... and pain struck on my neck... I groaned, "ahhh fuck..."
My phone started ringing taking my thoughts off my neck. I scanned the screen and was about to put the phone on my ear when I saw some shitty thing.... the call was from
'Katherine's office' the darn number was saved as that....
"What the?"
I looked around and then at the door, "Maud... Maud bring your ass in here.... now..."
She came in running and I showed her the screen of my phone, "why the fuck is a number saved as 'Katherine's member's calling me?"
She couldn't even hide it.. her face was written guilty.
"What the fuck Maudy...." I snapped, "did you call her...?"
She shook her head, "Umhh no I did not... I just..."
"I... you... just what? You just what? Talk Now!"
My phone started ringing again and we both looks at it, she smiled, "answer her...."
"How the fuck did you find her number and how did she mine?"
My friend shrugged, "Google..... I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself. You were worried about her... and please answer the phone...."
I calmed myself down and without even thinking I answered, "Katherine....."
'Umhh....I'm sorry I maybe have the wrong number....' she said and I stopped her, "Katherine wait..... it's Thandy...."
She kept quiet and then, "wait... how did You know it was me...."
Fuck Thandy...!
"Umhh I have been having headaches and experiencing pain on my neck, so my friend Googled you and we were about to call you....."
She sighed, "okay.. so the pain and the headache... how bad are they?"
I shrugged, "a bit... they are just giving me a hard time..."
"Okay... can you make it to my office today... now in fact... I will check it..."
"Look you don't...."
"No..." She cut me off, "come... please I just want to make sure you are okay... please...."
I sighed, "I... Umhh..."
"Please.... Thandy, I honestly want to make sure you are okay..."
Defeated I said, "okay... send me the address...."