Chapter 4
without saying a word.
I followed until we reached the center. There is a pot there where you can get water. He came there, washed his hands and feet. The road leading here was so muddy that it was inevitable that my shoes would get dirty.
I still regret why I wore shoes today. I stepped forward to approach her. But I misplaced my foot on the ground so I slipped and sat in the mud.
She looked at me with a blank stare. But he bit his lip before looking away, holding back a smile because of what I had gained.
"Why don't you just help me instead of laughing secretly?" I mocked, still lying in the wet ground with a mud.
She glanced at me. Still biting her lips to resist her smile. But he also came to extend his hand to me, he would also help me but he would laugh first. It's really different.
"Who told you to lie there?" I feel bad about this because he is already laughing. She is still in a condition to tease me even though I have already sat in the mud. I'm really grateful to him and my heart goes out to him.
"Just help me first, winter.."
"How many frogs did you catch?" she kept laughing as she extended her hand to me to help me stand.
I grabbed her hand while I was sitting. Because of his laugh, I felt better. I pulled her so she could also sit where I fell He managed to sit down in the mud too. His eyes twinkled as he looked at me.
See. It's nice to be with someone.." he pursed his lips. No longer smiling as I brought my hand closer to him to smear the soil on his cheek.
He hit me very hard.
"Your still cute, winter.."
He hit me the second time, he couldn't stand it either and covered me with mud too.
She hit my forehead with the mud. I was able to hold it before she stood up to run away.
I stand. I chased it to get revenge.
She totally had fun while walking away to escape me. But she was too fast that she tripped which caused me to catch up with her.
I smeared it on my cheek. He complained before he corrected me. Very sadistic and heavy handed, not satisfied and put it all over my face.
I stood up to stay away because she already ruined my face. But there he is and running away from me. I walked to hold her hand, she was laughing at my appearance before she took her hand back. But he slipped as he pulled his hand that I was holding.
We both fell asleep because of the force he exerted. I did nothing but
support the palm on the side so that he does not completely run over.
She lay under me. She felt her fall before I looked at her face. Our faces were so close, even she didn't move as I stared atnHis face is dirty because of what I did. I know that we both have a cold because of the wetness in our bodies.
But I don't feel that way. Winter has a different effect on me. Not like the other women who can't satisfy me.
Winter is strange, she's not like the girls I've been with. I respect her but her lips attracted me
I can't control myself. I keep losing myself just because I like her. I don't think that someone owns us anymore. All I could think of was that I wanted to kiss her.
I want to feel again how to kiss her. how soft her lips are. How is the true love that I only experienced with her.
He didn't protest when I tried to kiss him. He let our lips touch a few times. I can't name what I feel. I felt like I was floating in the air as our lips touched. It responded to my kiss, only softly as if it wasn't used to it. But he got me all excited. What he did was so simple but it felt triple to me.
I kissed her deeply. That's the only reason why she pushed my chest to break our kisses. She was panting with her lips half open. She couldn't look at me before she stood up to run away from me.
I did not catch up with winter when I got home. Aunt Elena was surprised to see me dirty. I explain to her about what happened, she nodded before I asked where winter was. He said that his son has not come home yet. I frowned before saying goodbye to take a short shower.
The people are gone after I take a shower. There was a party here last night and I can tell they were fun to be with. They had an argument a week ago but they forgot about that too.
I headed to the resthouse because I expected winter to be there. But it was Trixie who greeted me while already sniffling.
"Where have you been, Philip?" she immediately put her hand on my arm. I didn't complain as my eyes searched for the missing girl. where is he "I'm looking for you. They are leaving mommy tomorrow."
"What?" They have a client to assist. They won't be able to stay here mommy either.."
"So fast?" Yes. Are you going to stay here until new years come?” I don't know what to answer especially when I focus my attention on it. I don't know if I can last until the new year.
"I'm not sure. Trixie. Where's grandma Perla?" that's all I asked even though I wanted to go straight to find winter. She sighed before looking away.
Calix picked them up. Winter is with it, they're going to visit aunt Leonore..”
My forehead was deeply wrinkled. But I couldn't be more curious while trying to calm myself down.
Trixie also offered me to go inside. They were all there except grandma perla and winter. But I couldn't turn my attention to them. My mind is flying as to why winter still needs to agree to be with calix.
I'm dying to think. We don't have a relationship but I'll beat her boyfriend if I feel jealous.
Seven thirty in the evening when they decided to go back home. The flowerfarm was closed but I let them go first. Meanwhile, Trixie went with me but was obviously tired from taking care of some tourists earlier.
"I'm sleepy, philip. I can't go with you here.." I nodded to Trixie.
"I'll take you home."
Trixie nodded. It was obvious from his eyes that he was sleepy. I walked home with him, The way its too dark. But it's not even in my mind to be clingy to Trixie. I'm annoyed, it's not like before when I wanted him to answer me so that he could be my girlfriend. But now that we're here I seem to be the first to give up "Aren't you going to sleep yet?"
I shook my head while looking at Trixie. We are in front of the house. The air here is getting colder. He hugged himself while breathing deeply.
"You alright?" she seems to notice my mood. I just nodded. "I don't know what's on your mind. Its been months seen you've changed.." I couldn't say what trixie said.
He bowed. There was a few seconds of silence before he looked up at me again.
"Are you sure you want us to be together?"
"Why are you asking me about that?"
"I just want to know. You know I choose you over Apollo." I couldn't comment right away. She chooses me over him? I thought apollo stopped flirting because he wanted me. ”He decides to stop even he helped me about my studies. You know, apollo is nice guy too. But i like you more than i like him."
"I'm sorry.." that's all I said. "I'm sorry if I'm not in the mood today. But im fine, were cool."
He just snorted before letting out a deep breath.
"I'm going to sleep inside." that's all he said. He didn't wait for my answer before he went inside.
I was left dumbstruck by his position earlier. I thought about the situation that happened to me while enjoying the cool air. I don't want Trixie to feel my coldness, I don't want to hurt her either. But how do I feel about winter?
I can't replace my feelings.
I can't stop it because I feel you on my own.
I close my eyes before brushing my hair. Just then a car stopped in front of the house so I turned around.
grandma Perla went down there with an unfamiliar man. I was waiting for winter to follow but the car left and I didn't see the girl I was waiting for.
"Why are you still here?" that was Lola Perla's question that I did not immediately answer.
"Where is winter?" Calix is with it, they just went somewhere..”
"Where did they go?" I couldn't believe what I heard. Where will that man take winter? I didn't ask anymore. But I guess that was a surprise to calix because it's now their third month with winter.."
"Why didn't you come?"
"That's just for the two of them, son. Besides, calix won't do anything to my grandson. I've known that boy for a long time. "How can you be sure?" grandma laughed at my reaction. He grabbed my shoulder before tapping it "Calix is a good boy. That will be respected and I have a lot of confidence in it."
I didn't answer Grandma Perla anymore. If they have confidence, I don't have anything!
That man's appearance! Maybe what will he do with winter while they're just the two of them?
Shit. How can I calm myself down?
"Come in son, winter will come home too I nodded. "I'm just here for now, rest now. "Are you sure?"
"Yes grandma. Get some rest..” grandma smiled at me.
"All right. I'll leave you there.." grandma walked in. Again I was left almost restless. Jealousy is rising in me because I think winter is with another man. I want to mess up, but I don't know how! I'm disgusted, I'm disgusted with myself because why do I feel this way!
I want these feelings. But i don't want this d*mn jealousy! Its going to kill me hardyl Fuck!
It was past ten o'clock when I heard an engine outside the house. I was in the living room with Uncle Henry. Even he has not slept because he is also waiting for his son.
While the others were sleeping soundly because they were also preparing for tomorrow when they left with Aunt Raquel.
Uncle Henry sat beside me before he placed the cup of coffee in the center table "Have a coffee first.." i grab the coffee he made for me. It feels different to me. I never experienced this with daddy, but I don't need to compare them. Since daddy is big in a rich family, I don't need to expect uncle henry to do this.
"Why isn't that boy there yet? I let him go but it was late..”
I immediately responded to uncle's anger. "You should get mad at her uncle, she is a human being and it shouldn't go past this hour of the night with her boyfriend.."
"I really don't know why he is not there. He didn't do it before.."
"It's good that we call calix.."
"That's a good idea of yours.." I held out the cellphone to him so he could call Calix. He took Calix's number from his cell phone before typing it into my phone for him to call.
Hello calix, it's me..” I was listening to their conversation. But it is not clear because the cellphone is not on loud speaker. "Is that so? Be careful..” he ended the call. I looked in wonder before uncle handed the cellphone back to me "Where are they now?"
"They say they are on their way home.."
"Really? is it close?”
"Yes, they just went to the other town to go on a date.." I was speechless at what uncle said. My head is getting hot even though it shouldn't be.
I took a deep breath. I sipped my coffee and waited for calix and winter to arrive.
Half an hour before I heard the car engine in front of the house. My uncle and I stood up to take a look to see if it was them, at the door opening I saw winter getting out of the car.
calix opened her. It holds gifts even flowers that are sure to come from calix.
I frowned as I stood near the door. Uncle came out and met his son. Calix asked for a dispensation which was favored by the uncle.
I was shaking. Calix got into the car and left immediately. Uncle is holding his son while winter is wearing a long jacket.
"Calix will be home tomorrow, I just let him go for a walk.." my eyes rolled at winter's words. I didn't even wait for him to enter.
I walked up to my room to rest. I don't want to feel this, but I can't stop being angry just because she dated that guy.
I collapsed on the bed. My forehead was wrinkled as I looked at the ceiling. I'm not sleepy yet, I want to enter winter's room to ask what they did, where exactly did calix go. But I washed my face, why did I have to do that!
"Shit. I'm ruined!" I messed up my hair. I also got up because I really couldn't sleep. I left the room and passed by winter's room. It's closed and quiet, is he sleeping? Is it tired?
I shook my head. Am I still feeling this normal? Isn't it and I think I'm too much.
This is not normal.
I went down the stairs while massaging my forehead. I went straight to the kitchen and immediately opened the fridge. I saw some juice there which I immediately took. I gulped its contents down before closing the fridge, but I was startled to see who the person was on the edge of the fridge standing and looking at me.
"Why are you surprising me?"
Winter didn't move me. He approached the refrigerator without saying a word. He opened it while looking at the juice cans lined up.
"Where did you and Calix go?" he did not turn to me. He grabbed a drink and immediately closed the refrigerator door. "Why do you spend so much time together?"
He looked at me. "We are lovers, no matter how long we spend together there is no problem."
"Is it normal for your intercourse to last this late at night?”
"That's normal for lovers."
"But you are a very feminine person. That is not normal."
"You don't have to worry about that. Ash. I know you've had a lot of girls, calix told me you can handle three at the same time in a month. so don't include me in your collection anymore..” he managed to pass me after saying that. But it hadn't even gone completely away when I pulled his hand back to me.
"Yes. Im collecting girls before, you know that. I admitted that to you before I met trixie. But that changed, especially when I met you. I don't want to collect another woman, because I intend to claim you.."
I saw her expression change. Even if he tries to harden himself, I manage to soften him. I get all his weaknesses, I know he is affected by me. I know that because I feel it "I can have you even your calix property, winter."
I grinned before bowing to the girl I liked "Because I don't want to be a collector of girls now. Because the villapania girl is what I want."
To Be Continued...