It's December first and Kaylee De- La Cruz was walking home with a very thin jacket and jeans, she knew she should have bundled up especially since she lived in a state that drowned with snow every year, but she forgot her heavy coat and scarf. Was she an idiot? That's already been established.
As she was walking she tried to rub her arms for warmth, she was moving slowly with aggravation trying to find her sister. Jessica usually sits outside the school and waits for her in the same exact spot but today Kaylee wasn't in the mood for her friends and she just wanted to go home. When she went outside Jessica wasn't there and now she was walking around aimlessly trying to locate her.
Jessica didn't have a real phone that Kaylee could contact her with. She only had a small emergency phone their parents provided her, that she was instructed to use only if Kaylee was hurt. She wasn't sure where Jessica could have gone, she was almost one hundred percent sure Jessica didn't have any friends.
She enjoyed being alone, something that Kaylee sometimes admired about her. Kaylee always got anxious when she was alone, she would never be able to live a day in Jessica's life.
As Kaylee walks irritated, breathing her hot visible breath into the air she spotted Jessica on a hill. She half expected her to be alone, reading a book, or maybe staring off into space but she wasn't. She was with a boy.
A cute boy.
Kaylee thought surprised observing her sister with an eyebrow raised.
Kaylee was going to chivalrously decide to wait for Jessica to finish up because she couldn't believe Jessica was talking to a human, much less a male. She always kept to herself and Kaylee was sort of proud of her for making this social interaction. But she couldn't wait, she was too cold. Her feet were going numb, hands were shaking, and her cheeks were turning red. Even the little hairs on her arms were standing up.
After a few seconds she sees Jessica stand up frantically making the boy stare up at her confused. Jessica didn't notice it, but Kaylee did, this boy was staring at Jessica admiringly and he was hiding his small crush on her with confidence and cockiness.
Kaylee raises an eyebrow and decides now was the time to make her position known to her big sister. As Jessica was about to run down the hill to find Kaylee and drag her home, Kaylee calls her. Her head snaps in Kaylee's direction frightening her causing her to freeze in her place.
What the hell was wrong with her? Why was she so on guard?
When Kaylee saw her expression relax she calmed down as well assuming that her sister was only startled. Jessica was trying to signal for her sister to walk down the hill and go in the direction of their house but Kaylee was intrigued to meet this new boy Jessica was concerning herself with so she did the exact opposite.
I'm explaining quickly to Jayden, trying to inform him of the fact that I needed to go home right now, but he was trying to convince me to stay longer.
He kept questioning why I needed to go already and I was getting frustrated.
Because if I don't I could quite possibly die.
The park had been pretty silent, it was cold and no one really wanted to bring their kid out in the snow for any reason or any amount of time. So when I heard faint footsteps I became alarmed. When I was little I somehow trained my senses to pick up the little things, at this point in my life I was practically a ninja. I hear my name being called and I turn my head supernaturally fast.
I was hoping and praying it wasn't my mom. It sounded just like her and I knew she would come up this hill and completely disregard the fact that there was someone else here and she would drag me all the way back home by my hair. Or dig her claws into my skin the whole way back and once we got there I would never see the light of day again.
I look that way hesitantly and soon relax as I see my little sister, innocent and clueless as ever. I wave my hand to signal her to start walking home, I couldn't have her wasting time striking a conversation, plus she would probably say something stupid and embarrassing to Jayden that would make me want to murder her.
Jayden fixated his eyes on me as Kaylee completely ignored my signals and came up anyway. I groaned annoyed crossing my arms crossing my arms like a child. I see her forcing out a devious smile, I could tell something was wrong with her but I wasn't sure what.
"Jayden this is my little sister Kaylee, Kaylee this is my friend Jayden." They both shake hands and smile, I roll my eyes trying to push her down the hill but she spins out of my grip having other plans.
I watch her start a conversation with Jayden, examining her face I notice she has irritated eyes, puffy cheeks, and tear stains. You wouldn't normally notice this if you didn't know Kaylee and you didn't know how she looked when she finished crying. I lean forward to look at her face closely.
Definitely tear stains— wait..
She leaned back trying to keep my face away from hers. I gently grab her face and tap her cheek.
Yup. Tears stains
"What?" She smacks my hands off her startled and annoyed. I roll my eyes, "Kaylee why were you crying?" She huffs shrugging, "I don't know detective Cortez. Maybe I just had a bad day."
It didn't look like a simple bad day or sound like one. This wasn't just a lousy day cry. She was hurt and it was pretty much my job to make her feel better.
If she went home and my parents saw she was crying they would somehow blame me. But I also really cared about my sister.
"Kaylee. What. Happened."
"Nothing—" Her voice cracks and she takes in a breath looking away from us.
She was probably embarrassed to be breaking down in public but honestly this was the only time and place I would be able to deal with her emotions. On the walk home I would probably be too stressed to even talk and as soon as we got home we would be separated, so it was now or never and I was getting a bit frustrated with her for not realizing that.
"Kaylee I'm going to ask you one more time. Why were you crying?" I demanded it with unintentional harshness and soon see her eyes start to tear up which makes my heart soften. I lose the hard stance that I was holding and I pull her arms in for a hug. She grabs onto me tight. She didn't like crying so I didn't mind her shoving her face in chest to hide it in my shirt.
She mumbles something into my shirt which I couldn't understand. I pulled her face back up and use my calming voice.
"What was that mama?" She groans wiping her eyes so she didn't look weak. It was something we both did. We try to act tough in all situations. "Anthony broke up with me."
You're crying over a boy? You're like two, what are you doing.
She starts crying again.
"Why did he break up with you?" I question not really concerned anymore. She shakes her head into my shirt. I just rub her back comforting her.
I swear our generation is trash.
I see Jayden walking slowly from side to side thinking, I had honestly forgotten he was here till I picked up the sound of his footsteps. I let go of my sister and she wipes her eyes.
"Is something wrong with you?" I ask him not that interested either. I was anxious to get home before I was slaughtered on this damn hill. "Anthony? Anthony the eighth grader?"
We both look at him confused.
Why do I always get the crazy ones?
"Yes..." She answers slowly, we look at each other mentally agreeing that he looked a bit nuts.
He started pacing slowly again. I grew impatient waiting for him to give us an explanation. This was time consuming and we had places to be.
When Jayden finally spoke he didn't sound the way he always did. He was pissed for some reason and it made me feel a certain way. Was it weird if I said it made him look attractive? With my parents it was terrifying, but him? I somehow felt safe.
I was against violence, but there were some exceptions.
"What did he say when he broke up with you?" I was getting a little irritated with the fact that we were still on this topic. She obviously didn't want to think about it, and it's just a boy. A stupid teenager. They come and go. She just needs to forget about him.
She wipes her nose with the back of her sleeve and we both wait for an answer. Jayden was hyped but I was just bitter. I accepted the fact that I was going to lose my life today. It was that simple.
"He said he thought I was messing with his friends and cheati-- He was basically calling me a slut."
Jayden and I both got wide eyes. "He said what?" I had asked protectively but Jayden asked it simultaneously in aggravation, I looked at Jayden distraught.
Why did he care so much? I get that it's my sister and he was probably trying to be nice and make a good impression or something but it was not this deep.
Something was bothering him and you could tell as soon as he started using a firm voice as he spoke.
"Do you have to go home?"
"Why? What are you going to do?" He disregards my questions grabbing his bag that looked like it had only a few sheets of loose paper and some pencils. "So you can come?"
No. Unless you actually never want to see me again.
Kaylee starts to nod eagerly while I shook my head yanking her arm, "No. We have to get home." She scoffs looking at Jayden admiringly. She was fixated on this boy like he was a celebrity. "No we don't."
Bitch, you're not the one who's going to get attacked if we get home late. So yes, we do.
"Kaylee. We need to go home." They both completely ignore me and I throw my arms up irritated. Why was living so difficult?
"What are you going to do?" She directs her question to him hoping it had something to do with Anthony and beating him up.
"Come on." Was all he said, and it began to freak me out the way he was talking and how he was acting. This was all getting very dramatic for no reason. It was a bunch of words out of a thirteen-year old's mouth.
Kaylee started to follow after him like a puppy and I groan loudly. Where are we going? Why am I actually following him? What time is it?!
We kept walking, me trailing behind them, looking around paranoid. At some point my parents were going to pop out of nowhere, I could tell.
I notice we were headed back towards the school and I was so close to just pulling the plug on this. I was a minute away from grabbing Kaylee by the hair and dragging her home but when I looked at Jayden to tell him we were leaving I saw that he looked like he could rip someone's head off with his teeth right now, and I decided leaving him alone probably wasn't the best idea.
I keep my mouth closed and start to think about how my funeral would look. Maybe they would say I died in a car accident. They can't say I died of natural causes because my autopsy would say otherwise. Maybe they'll drown me in the tub and make it look like it was my fault. Who knows.
We finally get to the front of the school, he turned towards me and Kaylee unexpectedly which caused us both to jump back. Maybe we were finally going to get an explanation for why he was acting like a psycho.
He seemed really annoyed. "Anthony knows you didn't cheat. He is the one who was the asshole. I mean you're like five."
I laugh and cover my mouth as she pouts crossing her arms with a huff.
Finally someone said it.
"Point is, he's an ass and a liar and it's not the first time. And I've been trying to—" I remembered now hearing once or twice that Jayden helped out with the middle school baseball players, a mentor of sorts. I guess this was one of the kids he tries to help, but I don't know if this was an issue he can fix.
He opened the school doors loudly gaining a lot of attention. I raise my hood embarrassed and cover more of my face.
We saw Anthony and Kaylee narrows her eyes, Jayden calls him making a few heads turn. Luckily not too many people were in the building, it was just the kids who were in clubs and did sports.
He speed walked, practically raced towards Anthony who was coincidentally talking to a girl which I could tell only made Jayden see red. I thought it was kind of adorable. He had this cocky player act but he thought loyalty and faithfulness were important.
They started to argue and I just watch from afar. Honestly I wasn't paying attention. I was praying. We were an hour late and if Kaylee carelessly tells our parents it was my fault, that was it. The end. Game over. No story left to tell. I wasn't paying attention when I hear a loud contact noise. It sounded like a punch, a very violent one at that. I hoped they weren't actually fighting because I'm sure Jayden would get in more trouble being the eldest in this fight.
Jayden pushes the young teenager making him stumble. Anthony pushed him back. They started wrestling and it was getting serious. I debated whether I should break it up so Jayden wouldn't get in trouble, but I also thought I should just grab Kaylee and flee the scene.
If the principle came out we were screwed because we were related to her and she knew about my abuse. She would have no problem telling our parents that we were involved.
I heard weird noise and loud curses. I covered my sister's eyes.
"I hope you know hitting isn't the answer. Just remember that."
I should know, and I wanted Kaylee to know for when she was older. I knew that when I had kids I was going to make sure they knew they were loved. I was going to hug and kiss them every day. They never had to worry about disappointing me or ever losing my love.
After Jayden pushed him he started ranting. "What have I told you? —"
I cover Kaylee's ears even though I knew she wasn't innocent and understood everything being said. I simply ignored them wishing Jayden would hurry this up so we could thank him and go home. The rant continues with a few pushes.
Soon they both calmed down and there was just a lot of yelling. Anthony seems as though he's listening but his irritation for being tossed around was evident. I see a couple of eyes rolls and talking back but it didn't get past that.
It looked as if Jayden never took a breath. I've never seen someone so young bottle up so much anger, he was really good at portraying this authoritative role. I start to tap my foot impatiently looking at the clock in the hallway.
When he finished he shoved the kid that didn't really look like a kid and stomped outside. He pulled me by my arm gently and I pulled Kaylee.
Once we were outside I try to hide my surprised look, I didn't know he was capable of that. He scratches his arm nervously and looked at us apologetically. "I'm sorry, I don't usually get that pissed. But when it comes to this— it's— it's a long story. I just can't stand it. I hope you're okay.."
I just shrugged with a half smile and he knew I wasn't that freaked out. His huge relief for my lack of fear due to his outburst confused me. I wasn't sure why he needed my approval, who the hell was I?
"Thank you for caring and my sister--" Before I finished my sentence Kaylee was giving him a hug.
He didn't mind he just hugged her right back. Kaylee's phone flashed the time and I jumped. Kaylee and him looked at me weird. "Kaylee we are so late!" She looked down at the device in her hand and agreed.
I'm going to get pummeled. I'm going to die. Today's the day. Goodbye world.
She gave Jayden a kiss on the cheek saying goodbye. I make a face with wide eyes and she shrugs raising an eyebrow with sass.
I am not that daring, I wish, but even then I don't. I don't want to be like Kaylee. I couldn't, I hated myself at times but I wouldn't change who I am either.
I gave him a simple hug and wave as my farewell, then we started rushing home.
I started praying halfway through the walk. I was terrified. My parents were no joke, they had no mercy for me. I continuously beg in a whisper that I would be okay and that I would go numb early so I wouldn't feel the extra pain.
I turned the ring on my finger at an insane speed to cope with my nervousness. I was speed walking so fast it could be considered a skidded run. Kaylee was taking this as a leisurely stroll, acting like we had all the time in the world and I couldn't show up without her.
I was doomed.
The whole walk home Jessica was fidgeting, she was twirling her hair, and biting her nails, she looked really nervous overall and Kaylee was concerned. Here's the thing, this time she was actually going to do something about it. She started on her spy bullshit and while nobody expected her to actually do something smart or productive, she did.
She bought a small accessible camera that she could hide anywhere so that she could see what was really happening in her house. It was a live feed but Kaylee didn't care if she had to sit up all night, she was determined to figure it out.
As soon as they got home Kaylee said her greetings then bounced up the stairs. Late last night she set a few up, getting all the angles and a perfect view.
As soon as the door to Kaylee's room closed, Jessica felt as though it was like the bell ringing at the start of a boxing match.
Kaylee got comfortable in her bed under her covers holding her phone close to her face, observing the small screen seeing everything.
Jessica walks in and their parents have a look of disgust and anger. She contemplated turning on her heel and running out the door.
I could be a runaway. I could live on the streets, steal from gas stations, become a smuggler. I could join the circus. It would be a risky life but I could live with that.
Before she could even take a breath and disregard her idea, her mother caught her arm and she knew she was in for it.
Kaylee sat in her bed thinking, if her sister was actually crazy she would only hear her parents talk about her medication or witness them give her some kind of drugs to help her. Maybe they would just talk to her and give her therapy.
Anything but what she actually saw.
She watches in horror as her mother grabbed her half sister's hair yanking her around like some animal.
Even though her mother swung her to a new part of the room she could still see her poor sister whimpering in agony as she mentally prepared herself for her parents'discipline.
Kaylee had to check and refresh her phone a couple of times believing she was tuned in to the wrong camera.
There was no way this could have happened every day right under her nose without her getting the slightest of hints throughout her lifetime.
Her mother grabbed her by the arm and crushed it with her adult strength forcing defenseless Jessica into one of the dining room table chairs. When she let go Jessica's arm was red, almost purple.
Kaylee couldn't believe that Jessica wasn't fighting back. What she didn't know was that every time Jessica was getting tormented and tortured, she had a system.
She would simply imagine a life where she would come home after school and jump onto the couch laying her head in her mother's lap. Her father would bring her a home cooked meal while her mom massaged her shoulders knowing she had a rough day at school. She would talk to them about her hopes and dreams, her fears and weaknesses.
She imagined that she was part of a real family. She imagined that she was loved and a vital part of someone's life.
And while she got steaming hot slashes on her skin and blood dropped out of her nose, she pretended they were warm kisses.
She had a vivid imagination. But it only lasted so long.
Kaylee watched stiffened as her father took her scarf off the coat rack and yanked Jessica's shirt off tying her to the chair. It wasn't in a pervy predator way, it was so they had direct access to her skin.
At this point her parents couldn't even give a valid reason for their torture. At this point it was just a hobby, a chore that they found some sort of joy in. They've hated her for a while and now it was just a daily activity. With activities you get bored, so you have to get creative. The more blood the more joy they got.
Kaylee's hands shook as she held the small device in her hands radiating with fear.
I've never seen this side of my parents.
Her mother gets a sharp object, most likely a knife, or a razor. Kaylee couldn't see perfectly because of how far they were from the actual camera, but she feared that if she saw it she wouldn't be able to keep herself from throwing up.
She was disgusted and distraught. She didn't know what the hell was happening and she was almost certain she was stuck in some nightmare.
Jessica soon snapped out of her daze, she could only hold it for so long. Mind over matter they say, but how strong can your mind really be once you've given up?
She started struggling to get out of her stepfather's grasp, but her mother grabs the sharp blade and skillfully pierces her skin making patterns in her stomach till she was pleased with the markings.
It looked as though she was drawing, or maybe sculpting something memorable into her body.
If it wasn't such a cruel and harmful act some would call it beautiful.
At first all that was seen was perfectly placed markings, but soon and all at once a rag was shoved over Jessica's mouth as the blood seeped out in unison.
As Kaylee observes she notices this is definitely not her first masterpiece, and she had a feeling that if she didn't do something, it wouldn't be her last.
She observed the fact that her sister hardly screamed, she stopped struggling, and her eyes sort of just rolled around in their sockets.
She looked like a lifeless puppet and you could tell she was used to the feeling. Kaylee didn't even have to ask if this was why she was so conservative with her body.
She trembles as she witnesses her mother cutting deeper trying to poke a reaction from the teen, but Jessica was gone. She couldn't feel anymore, all she noticed was the pounding headache she had and the burning sensation on her stomach.
She tried to think of her future instead of the present or past.
Would all this scarring prevent her from having kids? Would this screw up her psyche when she's older? Would her parents ever feel justice for their crimes against her? Could she make it the last few years until she was a legal adult?
Jessica tried to occupy her mind and keep herself awake, she refused to give them the satisfaction but everyone knew she was on the verge of passing out or dying.
Kaylee couldn't believe that these were her parents, she noted that her father wasn't contributing much. She didn't know whether to be relieved or even more pissed off. She could tell he was somewhat uncomfortable which made her question why he didn't stop the act altogether.
She could always tell her mother was a little crazy but never this insane, she squirmed and grew sick as she watched blood pouring out of her sister's small frail frame.
She knew she had to do something but what? She never thought she would get this far. She thought she would sit on her bed and just watch as her parents tried to medicate her sister for crippling depression, social anxiety, or maybe even a bipolar disorder.
She never expected to witness a crime happening in her living room, so she wasn't sure how to act.
They were showing her no mercy.
Go down Kaylee. Just go down and stop this monstrosity.
She nodded agreeing with her conscience as she stood up taking a deep dry breath. She was hesitant and terrified but this was for her sister.
Though she couldn't help but question whether her parents would do the same to her.
As she walks down the steps she stares closely at her phone and sees her parents rush to force her sister's shirt on and place her outside the door.
She watches through her phone screen in awe. She couldn't believe this was happening.
She walks down the stairs completely and stares at both her parents with a scared and dead look in her eyes.
"Where's Jess?" The look at each other then look at her with pressed on fake smiles.
"Oh she went for a walk."
She couldn't believe it. If she hadn't put in the camera and seen it for herself she probably would have believed that lie forced through her mother's teeth.
She would have been skeptical but she wouldn't have cared to ask. If she hadn't seen the crime with her own eyes she would have just passed over it.
She nods and secretly glared as her parents smiled at her. She turns around and once her back faced her parents she closed her eyes feeling a conundrum of emotions.
There wasn't much else she could do but go back upstairs. Jessica was laying lifeless on a soft dry patch of grass on their front lawn trying her hardest to move knowing she couldn't.
Kaylee watched through the camera seeing as they brought her sister back inside with the intent to do some more damage.
The thought of tiptoeing down the stairs crossed her mind as she considered how little time they would have to move her if they had no warning.
Before she left her room again she saw through her screen that they were starting on Jessica's back, all that nasty crimson shade of blood was getting on her perfect light brown hair.
Kaylee scoffs in disgust. She thought so highly of her parents— she thought they were basically exempt of flaws. Kaylee thought she had those parents that all the other kids were jealous of, the parents that everyone wished they had because they were calm and easy going, the ones that gave you whatever you wanted.
She tiptoed down the stairs her heart going a mile a minute, and when she got to the last step it was confirmed. It didn't feel real at first, just movie magic appearing on her screen, but now she was seeing it up close and living it: She had monsters for parents.
She gasped loudly and dramatically to catch their attention. They both looked at her with shock and rage. Soon they looked at each other trying to form a plan. Lastly, they look at Jessica not knowing exactly how they were going to get out of this.
Her mother ran to her embracing her tightly as if she hadn't seen her daughter in years.
"Kaylee my love, we found her in front of the house like this. She was covered in cuts and blood. We assumed she was mugged or maybe your sister is getting bullied at school."
Kaylee was shocked at how easily the lies slipped off her tongue. She pulled away slowly tears brimming as she responded quietly and calmly.
"Mother... I saw you."
She pulls her in closer to hear better. Kaylee felt like she was stuck in some alternate universe. Her life was crumbling right in front of her eyes.
"I saw you. I saw you hurting her, you hurt... your own daughter?"
They finally understood what she was saying and they were like deer caught in headlights.
"I saw you cutting her, and you—" She began to accuse her father, "—Tying her up? Slapping her! Like she's some animal hung for slaughter. What's wrong with you people? Who are you and where are my parents?!"
She looked at them both with disgust then walked quickly to Jessica who was falling in and out of consciousness promptly untying her.
She tried to maintain a straight rage filled glare while she used all her strength to drag her sister out of the chair and carry her up the stairs but it was a difficult task.
When her face was finally out of her parents view she dropped the hard stare and showed how painful the task really was.
Though her sister was skinny, she was years older than her and Kaylee wasn't exactly muscular.
She dragged her to the bathtub, and tried her hardest to put her in gently. Once she did, she wiped her forehead dramatically, practically hyperventilating from the exercise.
Kaylee peeled the blood drenched clothes off her sibling's back and got an old rag. She made sure the water was warm before she started to gently clean the dry crusted blood off the girl's frail body.
Thoughts were crashing in her mind as she tried to mentally sort out her situation while still keeping to her task.
She had abusive parents, and they weren't exactly the mild kind. Blood was literally pouring out of their victim, this wasn't some novice level. What was she supposed to do?
When she got off all the blood even the residue in her hair, she hesitantly grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol wanting to make sure her wounds didn't get infected.
She knew it would sting but the pros, outweighed the cons.
She dabbed a soaked cotton ball across Jessica's cuts and watched her body flinch.
At least she knew she was alive.
Once her sister finally stopped fidgeting Kaylee put a wet cloth over the cuts again and some Neosporin.
It was extremely difficult to keep her sitting up in the bathtub. She contemplated placing band-aids but there were just too many cuts, so she did the next best thing. She grabbed a beige colored medical wrap that was kept under the sink and slowly wrapped her back, doing everything in her power to make sure Jessica healed correctly.
She dressed her, standing her up before dragging her back to her bedroom.
When she finally gets her on the bed she painfully starts to wake up. Kaylee sits in a chair that was in her room across from the bed glaring at her sister with narrowed eyes.
She couldn't wait till she was wide awake so she could get an earful from her. She starts planning her lecture wanting to know everything she was going to say before she said it.
Jessica was in for a rude awakening.