Jessica has many scars. Some that have healed, some that will heal, and some that she would be stuck with. Her torturers try to be skillful and smart when it comes to hurting her, they make sure to do it where it counts. Places where they can get the satisfaction but keep it a secret. They hurt her emotionally and mentally.
Her parents weren't deranged or stupid. They didn't do it because of some insane voice at the back of their head telling them it was necessary.
They wanted to.
Her mother especially liked to see her in pain. That's why she did it skillfully to not get caught, and she also kept a fail-safe: Kaylee.
As a child she always gave Jessica just enough of Kaylee to make her love and yearn for her but not enough for her to get annoyed or bothered by the toddler. She made sure Jessica would become attached and always try to protect her. She knew if she never saw or held the child, she wouldn't know how to love her.
Kaylee has noticed some of her sister's scars. It's not like Jessica goes to sleep dressed like a nun, or wears makeup to bed.
Kaylee used to believe that she had some sort of skin condition, but as she gets older, she knows there's more to the story. Her parents have also started to realize they need to be more careful now than ever before.
Aside from the skin condition Kaylee used to wonder if the marks were from Jessica being bullied.
That would explain why she was quiet all the time, never hung out with anyone, always kept her head down, and loved class. But she never saw anyone go near Jessica, so she had to rule that out. Until recently Kaylee had stopped caring and stopped searching, but now her parents were being less careful, and secrets were being revealed.
Two months ago, new rules in the house were established.
Kaylee couldn't go into the downstairs bathroom under any circumstances, she can't go into Jessica's room, and she can't leave her room after eight.
She hadn't realized it before, but it was always quiet in her room. That's because something was put in the walls so she couldn't hear what was going on outside. They were soundproof.
She loved how calm her parents were and how under control everything was in her house, but she didn't believe it anymore— or at least she was starting to not believe.
She wanted to dig and search. She hoped that she wouldn't find anything and that she actually did just have good luck in the family department. But as optimistic as she was, she knew everyone had anger and pain, and they needed to release it somewhere. If they weren't lashing out at her, who were they using to cool themselves off?
She did strongly believe her parents would never really hurt anyone. Kaylee knew she was the favorite so if anyone were getting punished at any time it would be Jessica, but she hoped if it was done it was only being done out of tough love like other parents do.
Jessica has always been nice and protective over her sister. Most siblings fight a lot, and don't like to spend a lot of time together but that's not the case with them. With Jessica— everything is very passive, and Kaylee was always right no matter what day or time. They always do what she wants and Jessica listens to what she has to say. She talks about her problems and Jessica is quiet never revealing her own.
Kaylee always thought it was weird but considered that maybe she didn't have any problems in her life.
She assumed, if her life was so easy going and mellow, Jessica's should be ten times better (being the eldest sibling).
The girls' parents took them out for "Family Fun Time," Kaylee didn't know why, not even Jessica knew why, but the real reason was probably boredom and the need to torture their poor defenseless daughter.
Kaylee didn't even think twice about leaving school. School usually bothered her, she had no reason to like it, other than the fact that her friends were there. Jessica thought of her school as a refuge building, a place where she could relax and not worry about being struck if she said the wrong thing.
The family walks down the halls together, from the outside they looked like an ideal picture-perfect family but looks can be deceiving.
The young small-minded child walked with a pep in her step. She looks over at her sister to see if she had stopped worrying about the stupid test she had to take first period but she only saw her sister whimper in pain and shiver in fear. As the days went on the two adults were becoming careless, lazy and clumsy. They left blood stains untouched, marks not correctly hidden, and small weapons laying around.
Even though Kaylee grew up naïve, she wasn't the same stupid little girl anymore. She was going to catch on.
She examines the situation closely and sees her mother squeezing Jessica's hand while the hand that was enclosed in her mother's grip was perfectly fine. No squeezing, no pain. Weird things were starting to add up but if there's anything Kaylee is bad at, it's math.
When Kaylee was young she dreamed about being a detective, she used to be obsessed with making stories up and exploring. This always worried her parents but they figured out a way to keep her at bay. As she got older she stopped with her silly fantasies, but curiosity still drove her.
Something was wrong with her family, she felt it in her gut. She thought of ways to prove it. She started to ruminate plans.
She could hide her phone in the living room to record then when everyone's asleep she could go retrieve the device but so many things could go wrong with that plan.
What if her phone died? What if her storage got full? What if she doesn't get a clear shot? What if her parents see it?
She tossed out that plan.
As she gets situated in the car she takes her phone out and runs with her curiosity.
She knew her best shot was getting some sort of camera, whether it was a live feed or recorder, she obviously needed to see it with her own eyes.
Hidden cameras.
She needed something small, something that could be easily hidden so she wouldn't get caught. She saw small cameras that she could hide on a shelf or on the dining room table. They were pretty pricey but if she wanted the job done, she needed to be resourceful. Plus, it wasn't like her parents wouldn't give her money, they give her whatever she wants within reason.
All she had to do to set her plan in motion and watch her life unfold.
As my mom is squeezing my hand I try to make as little noise and emotion as I can. I don't want Kaylee to get suspicious.
That child acts as if everything is mission impossible. She would do some contortionist work to fit herself in the sink if it meant she could figure out what was going on and I don't want her to get involved. She has a perfect life compared to mine.
Kaylee learning that she has abusive parents would ruin and crush her world. It sure as hell ruined mine.
We start walking to the car and once we get in and start driving I already knew where we were headed. It's the same place my parents always took me before they started hating me, before the abuse.
When my mother, Kaila, was eighteen she got pregnant with me, she wasn't married but she had a boyfriend, Marcos Cortez.
My grandmother, whom I've never met, did not help my mom. She was really pissed that she was messing around at such a young age.
My grandpa died when my mom was six, so my mom was all my grandma had; but my grandmother was so mad she kicked her out of her house.
After my mom left the house, they lost all connections.
That was probably the first step into my mother's craziness.
My mom was living in a small two-bedroom apartment with my dad. They were happy, for a while. We were good. We were a cute family, and we were stable.
My mom got a job and my dad had a job and they were both going to school. My dad did night school and my mom did day school, so I was always watched. I was loved.
As I grew into my terrible two's just like any other child, I became difficult. My father grew more and more frustrated with me and was on the verge of leaving. I guess I understand his point of view.
He was eighteen going to school, working, and having to take care of a bratty two-year-old. It would drive any person crazy, especially a young irresponsible teen. But still I was his daughter, he should have grown up and learned to dealt with me, he should had stuck around indefinitely because things would have gotten better.
He was about to leave until, I finally hit three. Then things got easier, by age five I started going to school and even though public school is free, I started eating more, asking for more things, I was only a child and we were at a point where we were almost broke.
What I didn't know or comprehend at the time was that my parents were stressed, they hardly saw each other, and they were always busy trying to scrap money while still managing to get an education. My mom had an affair and got pregnant, again. As if she hadn't learned the first time.
By age seven my dad was gone, and I can truthfully tell you I don't even know if he's still alive or even in the same state as us.
My mom always thought it was my fault he left so she has hated me since. She had to drop out of college, and she started working full time. I was left alone in the house a lot. I was eleven years old walking to school every morning, walking back, cooking my own meals, and tucking myself in at night.
Slowly my mom started making my life a living hell all because she couldn't stop making simple mistakes.
My mom married the man she the affair with, Christian De- La Cruz. He was an abusive man, much older than she was, and he had been taking care of the baby they had together. My mom forced me to move in with him, he made her financially stable.
For a few short weeks life was easier. I didn't have to walk to school anymore, my mother wasn't as depressed and lonely, I even got my own room. Things were looking up. It didn't take long for my mother's bitterness and resentment to reappear. It happened suddenly and all at once... I think I was ten the very first time she made me bleed.
They ganged up on me. I don't believe she ever really told him the real reason she hated me. If he knew that he was making my life hell simply because my needy toddler self drove my father out and she was bitter about it, he would probably reevaluate the situation.
But no matter how stupid the reasoning, they always seemed to find joy in making me suffer. It started with deprivation, it was food, sleep, love, mental stability. Then he convinced my mom that hitting me would teach me, it would make me a better person, it would clean up my act. Honestly all it did was traumatize me. My father probably knew my mother was crazy, and I understood why he left. He had to get out of there as fast as he could. I just wish he would have taken his poor defenseless kid with him.
Soon the monsters agreed that they hated me and they loved the innocent blessing, Kaylee.
I wasn't allowed to touch her. They thought I would pass on my bad luck or something. I don't know. But I always felt a special bond with her and even though she couldn't stop my abuse, I felt happier around her. She became the favorite and I became the minority in my own household.
Once Kaylee was old enough and we knew she wasn't stupid or that she would be oblivious to what was going on, they did it less frequently. But they made it very clear to me that it wasn't for my benefit. It was for hers.
I was just glad that she was happy and safe.
The golden age where my discipline was on hold didn't last long. It only took the two adults a couple of weeks to come up with a schedule that would keep me in check while keeping her in the dark. They were never scared I was going to tell anyone because they knew I would protect Kaylee.
Anyone else in my situation would loathe her but I couldn't, she was my sister, and she didn't choose this as much as I did. Though my parents claimed to love her they frequently threatened to hurt her if I ever tried anything. I couldn't let anything happen to her, so I kept my mouth shut.
I don't know why my stepfather hated me. Maybe he didn't and he just wanted to please his new wife. Maybe he actually liked me but he just had anger issues. Maybe he just couldn't deal with children. I wasn't sure.
What hurt more than their physical and emotional abuse was the memories I couldn't get rid of.
I had memories of my father and my mother. I remember my mother's hugs and kisses and the bedtime stories she told. I remember my dad trying to teach me how to play sports even though I was just a clumsy little girl.
I remember being loved, and to have it all taken away and replaced with something so horrible, so quickly... Was just awful.
If I was forced to be abused but I could change one thing, I would change the memories. I would just clear my mind and make me forget it all. It would have been easier to just hate my parents from the beginning and not have an emotional hold. It was draining always trying to have hope in the back of my mind— hope that my mom would just wake up from her trance one day and realize all the wrong she's done.
I would rather just hate my mother and forget about my father every night before I go to sleep. Then to hope and believe that my dad is going to come through the front door one day, kick the living shit out of Christian De la Cruz and carry me home. A home where I would be safe.
I wish I didn't have the memories. I wish that I could be as cold hearted and as numb as they were. That would make everything better.
But nothing I wished ever came true. Nothing.
Once we arrived at this "Special Place" I wasn't surprised at all, but I put a smile on for Kaylee. This was the first time we had brought her here.
She was jumping up and down in her seat. All I could do was roll my eyes at her enthusiasm.
We were at an old run down roller skating rink. It was more of a punishment than a family outing. Kaylee thought that this was just a family making memories, but I already had memories of this place.
My father used to bring us here. My real father. I used to have fun here, I used to think this place was pure magic.
It was great till the first time I came here with my mom and stepdad. I thought they were finally doing something nice for me, finally rewarding me and treating me like an actual decent human being. Of course, they weren't, it was just another sick form of torture.
They were purposely ruining a memory they knew I cherished.
These places are supposed to be great but they're not when you know that the whole time you're on wheels your parents will try to push you down and make it look like an accident. I'd rather not.
However, I'm a smart kid, I know how to be clever. I'm a child who gets good grades and pays attention.
I usually know how to get out of extra punishments put in place for their entertainment. When we're at home I have nowhere to run, but outside of the house the world was practically my personal refuge.
If I stay next to Kaylee and hold her hand, they won't touch me, if they do they'll make their precious jewel fall.
Evil aren't I?
I mean, I would have a field day seeing Kaylee fall down multiple times ruining her perfect little face— and I know her and I are supposed to be these amazing sisters that never fight but honestly, we're not robots— however my parents would not enjoy that and they would likely find a way to blame me. Even if I'm not in the same room as her when it happens. I would honestly be too busy laughing to really care, but as soon as we got home I knew for sure I wouldn't be laughing.
Staying next to Kaylee was my best bet, it would be the solution to my problem.
See kids this is why school is important. It stimulates the brain and gives you good ideas.
So once I get my wheels I hold Kaylee's hand and tell her we can help each other skate around. She obviously agrees.
If you didn't know how to skate, and your big sister was offering to help you so you don't fall down and look like an idiot wouldn't you take the offer?
My parents looked pissed. I will admit it's very fun to have the upper hand.
I guess beating someone up does make you feel like you have a lot of power, and that's probably what they crave. But I wouldn't hit any innocent kid for all the power in the world.
As I'm putting on my skates my stepdad leans in and begins to whisper, "You're a fucking smart-ass you know that? What? You hold onto your sister and think you're untouchable?" I avoid meeting his eyes, "Wait till we're home, we'll see how brave you are then."
I jump at his curses but half expected there to be more. I began to think and plan some new ideas.
If I sleep in the child's room tonight, once again he won't be able to harm me because not only would Kaylee hear him, she would see him and then he would really be shit out of luck.
Plus, the little shit head is a light sleeper.
I just smirked and skated away leaving his mouth wide open with surprise.
He was probably trying to figure out why I was so nonchalant about the situation, he was waiting for the joy he always felt when I cowered in fear, but it didn't come as I had a thought out temporary escape and school tomorrow.
Thank God you can't leave early twice in one week.
Kaylee was about to fall but I grip her arm to keep her up, she smiles at me and I grin back.
Sometimes I hated her for how easy she had it, but I knew it wasn't her fault, and I knew she was clueless to everything. It actually makes me love her even more because she's not insane like her parents.
She holds my hand tighter and we skate some more. I was weirdly still pretty good at it which explained why I wasn't flopping around, but eventually my parents' eyes boring into my skin the entire time caused the fumbling to begin as I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling.
Every time I looked over at them, their eyes were glued to me. Waiting for me to trip and fall making Kaylee get mad and probably storm away childishly which would give them the opportunity to kill me.
You probably wouldn't know that from just looking at them. Actually, they looked like two normal parents just watching their kids skate but you would have to really know them to know what they're thinking.
I had to be extra careful and treat Kaylee like she was precious cargo if not, I was doomed. Every day was filled with little struggles and battles like this. Situations where I had split seconds to outsmart them without pissing them off enough to retaliate.
I knew they couldn't kill me, my disappearance would raise a lot of questions, and even though my mother was crazy she wasn't a murderer. So in all honesty the worst they could do is bring me to the brink of death, but that was a place I wanted to avoid.
I quickly brought Kaylee off the rink and we got water. I relaxed a little.
All I really had to do was stay close to Kaylee until I was eighteen then I could move out and actually start to live my life. I could do that right?
Despite the fact that I had no money, no job, and no place to stay.
I'll be stuck in this hell forever.
Last night the girls had loads of fun, while Jessica was more cautious and wary Kaylee still enjoyed herself.
What Jessica didn't know was that, while she was watching her parents and making sure they didn't get too close to hurt her, Kaylee was watching her and confirming her suspicions.
She knew Jessica was acting weird and even though Jessica was always acting weird she noticed that around their parents her level of anxiety and unusual behavior increased.
In Kaylee's eyes Jessica was constantly acting strange. She was strange in a quiet, swift, avoiding things and acting quick on her feet kind of way.
And she noticed that last night she was being weirder than usual. She kept looking back at their parents and at the end of the night even questioned if she could sleep in Kaylee's room for a couple of nights.
Jessica hadn't realized that Kaylee had recently started picking up on the unnatural things going on in their house. If she had known about it, she would have never asked to stay in her room.
She would have never lied about seeing a horror movie that gave her nightmares resulting in her needing to sleep in her sister's room— which Kaylee was already certain was a lie since Jessica was almost never allowed out of the house and didn't have her own TV.
If Jessica knew about Kaylee's suspicions, she would have done everything in her power to cover up anything peculiar. She would have distanced herself for a while. She would have warned her parents so that Kaylee's life wouldn't be in danger. She would have done so many things.
But she didn't know. She hadn't noticed. And the fact that she paid no attention to detail was the beginning of her downfall.