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Chapter 7

Being dragged down a hallway by two bulky and very muscular men with a rag over your head and your wrists tied with an incredibly scratchy and irritating rope is one of the best things in the world. Not. I can't see anything except for the occasional brightness from a candle or a light we pass. My biceps begin to cramp and I can already feel the bruises forming as the vampires drag me along to our destination. Their practically carrying me since my feet and shins scrap against the hard floor every couple of seconds. I tried fighting them at first by thrashing around in their grips and kicking them where the sun doesn't shine and tried running but it just made them even more pissed when they caught up with me and I just gave up coming to the realization that I had no chance against their superior strength.

I can't think of one good thing that has happened because of the Purebloods and vampires. All my friends and family are all either dead, in hiding, or in my case is or going to become a slave. A rush of depression floods through my body as memories flash before my eyes.


"Oo who are you texting?" I jump on my bed and wiggle my eyebrows at my best friend.

"No one of your concern" she looks up at me pushing her short dark hair out of her face and her brown eyes hard and her normal soft face has a stern expression to it before switching her focus back to her phone.

I move my body closer to her's so I'm able to rest my head on her shoulder to look at her phone. I gasp in excitement as I see exactly who she's talking to.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Caden Rogers, as in the Caden Rogers the captain of the football team and the most popular guy in school have a thing going on" I question loudly and a little to quickly due to the fact that I'm mad she didn't tell me sooner.

"It's nothing serious" she says lowly.

I grab her phone waving it around in the air. "Bullshit. Your calling each other babe and using hearts in your messages and telling each other how much you miss one another" I sappily say the ending of the sentence. She gives me a look that tells me I figured her out.

"So how long has this been going on?"

"Like a month or two maybe" she shyly says because of how long she's kept it a secret.

"OH MY CHICKEN AND RICE TWO MONTHS AND I'M ONLY KNOW FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS?" I'm a little disappointed at the fact she didn't tell me.

"I-I can e-explain." she stutter with her words from my rant. I nod my head at her to tell her to continue on and so she does.

"It just happened one day we bumped into each other at the little coffee shop around the corner and I ended up spilling my coffee all over him and kept apologizing and telling him over and over again how sorry I was and that I'd even by him a new shirt. I expected him to yell at me or say something rude like that I'm an idiot and need to watch where I'm going or something like his other jock friends would say but he didn't. Instead he said it was alright and that it was his fault too and that he has a billion others of the same shirt and that he'd even by me a new coffee. At first I was confused at his generosity and declined the offer but he insisted so I happily obliged and then he even asked if I wanted to sit with him and get to know each other and you know how I am with guys I'm crazy shy, stutter like crazy with my words, and am just a clumsy mess when it comes to guys but here I was sitting with the most popular guy in school who I just spilled my coffee on and am now talking about anything and everything with. And he's so amazing and I'm mean it like he's actually really sweet and caring and surprisingly is involved in a lot of charity work and even has all straight A's while taking all honors classes. He's nothing like a typical captain of the football team type dude he's much more and I-I actually really like him.." she says so quickly that I have a hard time to grasp what she was saying but I managed to put everything together and have a huge grin like smile on my face. I jump on top of her giving her the biggest bear hug a human can muster.

"I'm so happy for you" I exclaim while squeezing her body in my arms. "My little baby Elizabeth is all grown up" I dramatically fake sob into her shoulder. We both laugh at my sorry attempt of acting like a mom. She changes the subject quickly by asking me a question I don't have an answer to.

"Now so are you talking to anyone?"

A few tears slip past my eye as I remember my best friend. I miss Elizabeth she was so full of life considering how short she was. She was always a morning person which I most certainly am not. She knew me better than I knew myself. Her and her family were taken a couple months after the Purebloods started to terrorize towns. Her family was the first one to go missing in our town. I don't know exactly what happened to her and I'm not sure if it's better not knowing or actually knowing either way I'm left broken and torn without her smiles and humor to bring my life light.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the men tugged on my arms harder probably because I wasn't moving as much while I was busy in my thoughts and memories. I hear a loud creaking noise that sounds like an old door was being opened for the first time in a while. I feel myself being lifted off the ground and notice that we're walking upstairs. In not even 10 seconds we reach what seems like the top. All of a sudden a hard force punches me to the ground and since my hands are still tied behind my back and I can't see anything I land straight on my right arm and feel a pop as it goes in a direction it's not suppose to. I scream in agonizing pain as the feeling of sharp knives repeatedly stabbing me move all along my arm. Tears pour down my face and choked grunts escape my lips. Without a warning the rag covering my vision is ripped off in a blink of an eye and my hair flies everywhere with the sudden force and then finds its way back down to cover my back completely and a few strands stick to me tear stained face.

I bring my eyes up from the ground to see my surrounding. I'm left shocked as my view is met with a grand room full of hundreds of tables that so happened to be filled with Purebloods and vampire lords. All of them look to be in their 20's or early 30's but in reality they could be hundreds of years old due to the fact that they don't age much. Most of the vampires here are men but some of them are accompanied by a few women here and there. The men are dressed in full suits and tuxes with their hair gelled back for a more business look while the women that are there are in gowns with marvelous jewels covering their necks and wrists to give them an elegant look. Most of them are talking amongst each other and the others that aren't look around observing their surroundings. There are a few vampire waiters since they walk around with a tray of wine glasses filled with blood. Asking and setting them down at a table for any of the blood-thirst monsters. I shiver in disgust.

Turning my attention away from the crowd I move my head to the left and right of me to see other girls and guys around my age with the same shocked and horrified expression as me. So this is how the auctions are placed.

The clicking of a knife against glass makes me snap my head towards the direction from which it is coming from.

"May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen so we can start another successful month of slave auctions" I tall lean man with light hair and light eyes with fair skin says efficiently. A small smile comes across his features as the crowd lowers down to nothing but silence. They have slave auctions every month? I thought it was every week. Maybe that's why there's so many of us on the stage they're from weeks before hand.

"Great. Welcome all new comers and regular comers for this weeks auction. I believe this one will be as successful if not more than the lasts" he smiles creepily. This mans smile alone gives me the creeps. It's more sinister than sincere.

"Now with our first human of the night" he turns his attention to the human closest to him who happens to be a young male with red hair that looks a couple years older than me. The same two vampires that brought me here go over to the guy and yank him up to his feet as the speaker goes on. "This is Alexander. He is 20 years of age, around 6'2 and has lean muscle on him. He would be excellent with any chores that require lifting a lot and building anything. He doesn't speak much so the possibility of disobedience is very low with this youngster here" He pauses for a second "Now do we have a first bid?"

"5,000" a woman with sharp black hair from the back yells raising her hand.

"7500" a man in the front says not bothering to raise his hand like the woman did. He had a smirk on his face as knowing he was going to have Alexander and already knew what he was going to do with him.

"8,000" the same woman from the back screams while standing up looking like she's losing her temper. Who would have thought vampires have really short tempers. I mean I figured since their so heartless and have to get everything they want like a 2 year old.

"12,000" the same smirk face vampire says seeming to enjoy the woman's frustration. The women in the back sits down anger evident on her face. Must be she couldn't go any higher.

"Do we have anything higher than 12,000?" the auctioneer asks while looking around the filled room. Silence follows as smirk face has an even bigger smirk on his face now. He must be one of the higher vampire lords or maybe even a Pureblood. "Alright 12,000 it is. Congratulate one of our regulars, Dominic Rae, with another successful buy" the speaker claps while waving his attention to smirk face whose name is Dominic. The two men that where holding Alexander were now dragging him down into the crowd to give him to Dominic. Smirk face looked at Alexander once over with a look of approval while grabbing him by the arm and walking out of the building. I only hope for luck for Alexander and all the other humans being auctioned.

"Now next to our second sale. This will also be the first girl of the night. Her name is Hayley." Hayley had black hair and was around my height and she got sold fairly quickly due to her beauty. She was sold for 70,000. I wonder how much some of these humans that have been auction have been bought for. I'm once again torn out of my thoughts as creepy announcer vamp describes the next person being auctioned. I don't pay much attention to what he says until he announces the name of the ext human being auctioned.


No no no no no no. I was the last one her why am I being auctioned already there's at least 6 other people in front of me that would go first if we went down the line like they were doing. But I guess not as the familiar feeling of the massive muscular hands wrapped around my arms and brought me to my feet. I let out a whimper because my arm still hurts from the impact of the floor from being thrown. I look around me to see all eyes on me. The men have a look of amusement, interest, and last by not least lust. The few of the women that were here looked at me with also interest, admiration, but mainly disgust. Probably from my worn out clothes and my frizzy unbrushed hair that was all over the place.

"20,000" a younger looking man with black spiked hair and dark eyes said looking at me lustfully. I really hope he won't be my master. I'd rather have a girl that wants to beat me to death than a man who wants to do things to me that I couldn't even imagine happening. I look at him disgusted with his visions. He seems taken aback by first but recovers quickly with a sly grin.

"40,000" another man says in the far corner closest to the stage.

"50,000" a women says quickly. Maybe my hope for having a women master is possible instead of having a creepy man vampire pedophile. But it's replaced once again by fear when someone from the far back hidden behind everyone else that I didn't notice before till now.

"200,000" the vampire says blankly. His face invisible to any emotions. Everyone went silent as they turned their attention to my most likely new master. They had a look of surprise even the auctioneer but it was all quickly replaced with respect? What was so great about this vampire. He's probably just a young Pureblood that just has a lot of money and that's it. Right?

"U-uh. Congratulate our beloved Ronan Pierre for his first ever buy and for the rest that come!" he overly cheers for this Pureblood. As everyone claps along with the announcer the vampires holding onto me start bringing me to my new master. It takes a while longer since he is all the way in the back but when we get there I notice he looks a lot different up close. He has silky slightly dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes the shade of the ocean, his jawline and cheekbones so sharp that if I were to touch it it might cut my finger slightly, he was tall standing at around 6'4, broad shoulders and his suit didn't hid the fact that he was built. He was gorgeous, beautiful even. I mentally slap myself for thinking that. No I can't think that way about someone, someone that's a monster. I lightly grabs my chin bringing my eyes up to meet his and ending my internal conflicts. His eyes hold no emotion as they seem to be hiding all sorts of secrets in his dark blue sea of abyss he calls eyes.

"Miabella Nicole Arksin correct?" he asks softly his voice sounding like smooth honey. Man I must be hungry because a voice can't sound like honey. Maybe I'm finally losing my mind. I nod my head to let him know he is indeed correct and how he knew my full name when they only announced my first is beyond me but I'm not too worried about it.

"Come we have a long journey ahead of us" he says lowly in my ear as he wraps an arm around my waist bringing me outside of the room and out the building. He doesn't say a word nor does he look anywhere but in front of him. I stay silent as we continue walking and his arm still firmly around my waist. We come to a black SUV and he opens up the back door for me gesturing to get inside.

"Thank you" I whisper slightly but enough for his sensitive hearing to catch. He nods in response as I step inside the vehicle. As soon as I'm seated the door closes and the driver's seat opens and in sits Ronan turning the car on. He starts to put the car in drive and so I lay my head against the window tired and not sure if sleeping would be a good idea or not.

"You may sleep the ride is rather very long" he tells me not taking his eyes of the road. I close my eyes and feel as they get heavier and my body feels lighter. Just as sleep is about to overcomes me I faintly her a soft loving whisper.

"Goodnight Miabella."

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