A week has passed and nothing has really happened or changed. Everyday is the same routine. Sleep wake up talk to Alivia eat food talk a little to Oliver and continue to talk to Alivia. Sometimes I'll take a nap since sleep is the only way to escape my nightmare called reality.
There's something about today that seems different. When I woke I just had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I ignore it it's probably nothing anyway or just my body getting more effects due to the lack of nutrients in over 3 months. I twist my body so I have a better angle to look into Liv's cell.
"Psst Liv. Are you awake?" I whispered loudly.
"Ugh just a couple more minutes" she groans turning back over away from me. Great now I have nothing to do but just sit and wait till Oliver gets here.
It's been a couple hours and he still hasn't come to drop of my food for the day. That's weird he usually comes by now or maybe he doesn't because I mean I don't even have a clock to tell me or to know exactly when he comes so maybe it hasn't been as long as I thought or he delivers it later than I expected. Either way I wonder what he's doing now. Does he have other work that he has to do besides watch the humans and give us food. I guess I won't know till I'll ask. I'll make sure to ask when he comes but for the meantime I'll take a nap because I feel a little tired and maybe time will pass by and he'll be here with me food. And with that I close my eyes welcoming the darkness of slumber.
I hear the silent opening of a door scraping against the hard floor. I look up to only be met with darkness the feeling in my stomach from earlier comes back, but this time it's 10x worse.As I start to think of reasons as to why this doesn't feel right or my stomach continues to act up like this someone roughly grabs my arm and jerks me up with so much force that I think they pulled it out of the socket. I let out an ear piercing scream due to the sudden pain. "What's going on," I think to myself looking around frantically searching and hoping for an answer. And the it hits me, it's the end of the week. I'm the one. I'm the one that has been chosen this week to be either sold or killed. I start to panic at the thought of actually being a slave to one of those creatures. I snap back to reality as the vampires' hand that around my arm starts to pull me into a walking motion. I start to panic and can only think to flail arms to try and get out of their stern grip, but it does nothing but for them to tighten their it even more. Scared out of my mind little droplets of tears fall down my checks and I start to kick at them trying to aim anywhere that might cause them pain. As I continue I hear a grunt come from one of them and my one arm is now free. But it doesn't help because the other pulled me through the open door. As soon as the door opened and we went through it. I snap my head back to see it was already closed ending any of my hope of making it out of this.
I turn my head back around to see we entered a long narrow hallway that was dimly lit with candles littering the walls. As I staring at the walls I was pulled forward giving my legs no choice but to move. It seemed that we were walking for 5 minutes when the vampire in front of me suddenly came to a halt and another door opens from the wall and I'm pushed inside. I was pushed with so much force that I ended up falling straight on my knees causing a burning pain most likely scraping it on the impact, but I just ignore and get up. I turn around to see the door is already closed and locked. I look around the room to see that it's just a normal bedroom. There's a twin size bed in the far corner with a small and of course barred window, and also a dresser next to it, and on the opposite side there's 2 doors. I take my time and make my way to the first door and it's a closet and it's surprisingly filled with clothes. Deciding I'll look more at it later, I go over to the other door that was just a couple feet away. I push the door open and it reveals a bathroom. Stepping in the space it's a normal full bathroom with a built in closet in the wall filled with towels, shampoo, conditioner, body was, etc. I then look in the mirror for the first time in years. My once lightly tanned skin is now just as pale as the whites of my eyes. My once sparkling green eyes are now dull and dark and lost of all joy. Then my hair, that was once filled with life and smoother than a baby's butt is now frizzy, filled with dirt, and has lost all form complexion. I don't recognize this girl at all. The girl in the mirror looks lifeless. I guess now would be the perfect time to finally be able to take a shower after years of being on the run and months being in a cell. I turn to the shower to find there's already soaps set out for me to use. Before I step I remove my ratty and destroyed clothes. Closing the curtain behind me I turn the shower on and let the water hit my and run down my body to cleanse me. I take some of the soap and massage it on my scalp and then rinse it out. I take one of the wash clothes I got out of the little closet and put some body soap on it and start to scrub and my dirt covered body. After 20 minutes I think that I've been cleaned pretty well so I step out of the shower. When I get out I find a towel in one of the cupboards and wrap it around myself and walk into the bedroom. I make my way to the dresser next to my new bed. I open the top drawer and find bras and underwear. I take the first pair I see that's looks comfy and looks like it'll fit I ignore the bras, not feeling like putting one on. I then close the drawer to open the one underneath it and find sweatpants and some t-shirts. I take out a black pair of sweats and a grey t-shirt and put them on. When I'm comfortable in my new clothes I walk over to the new bud and pull the covers over my body and wrap it around my body like a cocoon and close my heavy to welcome sleep. The last thought I have on my mind is what's going to happen tomorrow?