Sunlight peaked in through the small opening of the window shining in my eyes. I pull the covers over my head to block out the brightness to continue my blissful slumber. I moved around a bit to find the best position and ended up laying on my stomach because it was the most comfortable. My body starts to feel heavy letting me know that in a few moments I'll be dreaming of an alternate universe from this one.
What the hell? I get up angrily and rush to the door ready to punch whatever is behind it for ruining my peace. I put my hand on the handle and go to turn it but it doesn't budge. I jiggle it irritated. Oh yeah that's right the bastards locked it. Now even more pissed than I was before I shuffle over to the dresser and take a pair of jeans, a white v-neck, socks, some underwear, and I decide to actually grab one of the bras that look like it'd fit me. I then continue my path to the bathroom to take a bath. I place the clothes on the counter and take on of the towels and put it on the toilet seat. Luckily while searching through the little closet there was a bottle of bubble bath in it. Starting the water I put half the bottle in for extra bubble because why not. I step in letting the warm water soak and soothe my sore and tired body.
I open my eyes to see I'm still in the bathtub and its now cold water. I get out and wrap the towel I placed for myself earlier around my wet body. I unplug the tub to let the water drain and then start to dry myself off. I put my undergarments on first and then put on my jeans and shirt. I let my hair fall down and air dry being to lazy to do anything else to it. I walk out to 'my room' for the time being and find a note neatly placed on my somehow made bed. I pick up the note in curiosity.
It's almost your time. Make sure you are well dressed and act well-mannered. It's in our best interest for you to be a successful sell. If not there will be consequences for any rules not followed. We will be coming soon to finish you and make sure all plans for you are achieved. See you soon little Bella.
It was written anonymously. Well that's one of the best letters I've ever received *note the sarcasm*. I puff out my cheeks and fall onto the bed and lay there just thinking about what's going to happen now. How can I survive as a slave to one of those things? Well I won't they'll probably kill me the first day for not following a rule or doing and/or saying something wrong. But will I even be bought? Even if I'm not bought they can either kill me or keep me and use me in ways I don't even want to think about. I shiver in disgust not wanting to recall memories of when Alivia told me about a girl that didn't get sold but they kept her for the men's personal needs. Well maybe if I do get bought it'll be one of the good Pureblood or lords. Ha like there is any. I frown wishing the world wasn't this way. I just want things to go back to normal, back to way it was before all of this. I just want my brother and my parents back. God I miss them so much. I wish I could see them again to tell them how much I love them and apologize for not keeping my brother safe and getting caught. I always mess up I can never do anything right. A tear slips past my eye because of my failure of keeping my family safe.
I hear a silent knock on the door and quickly sit up and wipe the tears off my face.Out of habit I straighten my clothes and brush my hair with my fingers to flatten it. The door slowly opens and it reveals Oliver with his dark hair cascading a bit over his left eye bringing out the color of his bright emerald eyes trying to reveal themselves behind his hair. I sigh in relief to see it's only him and give him a small smile but he doesn't return it instead he has a sad look on his face like something bad is going to happen. As I'm about to ask him what's wrong he opens door more so that it's completely open and on full display there's 2 other vampires behind him who are very big and well built holding a familiar looking cloth and a rag like bag. My eyes widen in fright not understanding what's happening. But then it hits me as in the blink of an eye the 2 men are in front of my the one holding the cloth over my face as the other brings the rag over my head covering me vision.
It's time. It's time for destiny to chose if I become a slave or if I die. Either way I lose.