*Miabella's p.o.v.*
I was soundly sleeping until I feel someone shaking me. I ignore it thinking it's just a dream until, "Mia wake up something's wrong. Someone's here," my little brother loudly whispers in my ear. Groaning due to the lack of sleep from the past couple of days to get here.
"What do you wa-" I turn around and my eyes go wide as I'm met with a Pureblood standing a couple feet away from my brother.
Kill. Kill. Kill. I jumped up from the ground and started to run towards the vampire. As I reach it I swing my fist to it's face but it never collides. I look up to see it has a hold of my fist and a smirk dancing on it's lips.
Shit. I'm so dead. It wasn't suppose to be able to catch my hand like that, but yet again they have abnormal strength and reflexes compared to a human. A normal small human girl that only has little experience by fighting dummies and training with other humans.
I'm suddenly torn from my thoughts when the Pureblood gets ahold of my throat at a death like grip and pushes my whole body against the wall. I do all I can to scratch at it's hands and kicking it but it only tightens it grip closing my airway even more. Black spots start to blur my vision. All of a sudden the hand at my throat disappears and I land on the concrete floor with a loud thud. I blink my eyes trying to regain my vision back. When I'm finely able to see clearly I look up to see my mom and dad fighting off the Pureblood.
I get up and feel a little dizzy. I finally get my footing and start to go towards my parents to help them when another Pureblood arrives and my chest drops. Scared was an understatement, hell even terrified was. What am I suppose to do? This has never happened. I was never trained this much. I-I don't know wha-
"RUN NOW! DON'T LOOK BACK!" my dad screams at my brother and me.
"Bu-" Greyson tries to say.
"NOW" my father yells cutting him off.
I obey my father's command and sprint to Greyson and yank him by his arm to get him to stand. As soon as he's up I grab him again to tell him we have to go. I don't want to leave them behind because this might be the last time I'll ever see them again. I look over one last time at my parents and their struggling to stand on their feet. Hatred and emptiness spreads through me as a turn to start running towards the door.
"Look after each other my children. I love you" I faintly hear my mom say before its silent.
I turn my head to the side to make sure that Grey was behind me. Thankfully he is. We round a corner and there's a set of stairs. Quickly running down and making sure not to slip and fall we make it to the nearest exit. Thankfully the door was unlocked but it was still pretty heavy. I use all my might to push it open and it slowly but surely screeches open. We reach outside, turning back around I close the door behind us.
"We finally found them. Call the boss" I hear an unrecognizable voice come from behind me. I twist my body around at a quick speed surprisingly not getting whiplash, to only see another 5 Purebloods. Great there's no way we're making it out of this one. I pull Greyson closer to me and push him behind me and stand in front of him in a protective stance ready to fight them if they dare come an inch closer to us.
"Oh Miabella silly silly Miabella," I turn to the side to the voice of the Pureblood, so confused as to how he knows my name I've never seen him a day in my life. He's around 5'11 just like the other 4. He has shoulder length brown slightly curly hair and dark eyes showing his hunger and thirst for blood.
"H-how d-do you k-know m-my name" I stutter with my words in complete terror from this soulless stranger.
"That doesn't matter young Bella. What matter's is that you and your brother must come with us" he speaks again. Seriously though this is creepy and makes me even more scared than when they weren't talking.
"No" I say in a monotone holding my ground and stepping back further away from them. Poor Grey is holding onto my shirt for dear life. He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to live in a world of fear and death.
"Well that's too bad. I guess we'll just have to force you" he has a devilish grin on his face. I don't like the sound of that or the face he's making. I panic and try to run with Grey's hand in mine but am stopped when the man stops in front of me at lightning speed.
He sighs, "I really didn't want to do this."
Just as I'm about to ask what he's talking about a cloth is quickly brought to my face and not having any other choice than to breath whatever's on it I start to feel sleepy and everything starts to become a blur and my body becomes numb. I feel the movement of my body falling but I can't do anything to stop it because my muscles won't respond. Instead of feeling the hard impact of the ground I lightly feel the hold of arms and being lifted bridal-style and being brought towards what looks like to be some sort of vehicle. When we enter my eyes start to feel weaker and my body starts to shut down. I see my brother across from me already showing the side effects of whatever they used to put on the cloth. I then feel the movement of a car and finally everything goes black.