Arijit singh’s melodious voice was flowing all over Akshi’s room, while she sat in her bean bag which faced her window from where the cool breeze kept on introducing itself to the haywire nerves of her.
Sometimes letting the nature take over your senses is the best thing, it works best way and the soulful songs of Bollywood is like a medicine to the wounds, it makes us feel the pain which we have buried deep inside us and acknowledging that pain is the best thing, it makes you strong and introduces you to your adequacies.
And then when you have such a beautiful voice to hear, then why go and seek cure to your pains in those harmful drugs and alcohol? Seriously if you want tranquility to take over you just listen to this man’s melodious voice it is so beautiful.
Akshi was so lost in his voice and dreaming about a silent and halcyon world, when suddenly the door of her bedroom flared open and in came the devils - ’her cousins’
“What is it, I don’t want to do anything with you guys.” It was Sunday night the whole weekend had gone off with her lazing around just like she was doing a minute ago and did she bewail about it ….NO!
“Let’s go and have some ice-cream.” Kartik said in a dangerously jocund voice.
The rest of them had gone back to their respective places except for Dhruv and they all are left here to live a peaceful life. It wasn’t as if Akshi didn’t like her cousins but who in the world would agree to handle a zoo of 12 monkeys who were none other than her immature cousins.
“no nada I am not coming, last time you all said that you had taken the permission and then you had put all the blame on me, I don’t want to get grounded at all.” She said and walked off to her book shelf which covers one whole wall in herroom, yep a great fan of books she is.
“Okay then we will take you with us.” With that said she was lifted off the ground and carried out of the house.
“Aunty save me these idiots are kidnapping me! Ahhhh!! I don’t want to go with you, leave me Kartik…” Akshita screamed and hit them on their chests but who was she kidding these were here fucking brothers who worked out every day. Letting out an irritated sigh she unenthusiastically agreed for the uncalled outing “okay I will come with you but first let me go,I promise I won’t run.”
The whole clan looked at her as if checking whether she was kidding or not once satisfied with heavens knew what kartik let her down, taking in a few deep breaths she and the rest of them walked towards the SUV which they prefer taking out when they have to go together.
“Where are we going?” Trisha asked sleepily. They were driving since the last half an hour and it seems like kartik had obliterated his way out of that never ending road.
“Kartik we have lost, right?” Rohit asked him in a serious voice. With no proper answer for a comeback against his brother, kartik parked the car at a side and looked at his thighs which all of a sudden seemed more interesting than that of the ice cream which he had carved for about half an hour ago.
“get down let me drive.” Rohit commanded and as helpless as kartik was obliged to the orders given by his brother and got down from the car and within ten minutes the clan reached their destination.
This is why Akshi never liked to drive with these idiots, they know that the person is going in the wrong way but won’t say it- only to drive instead of the one who is driving.
She shook her head in amusement at these 6 feet kindergarten children and rolled her windows down and opened her hair so that the cool breeze would smoothen the tensed scalp .
only the Mumbaikar’s would understand how it felt to go on a long drive on a late Sunday night, when the traffic is retired for the day, most of the shops would be closed, the roads all active to welcome you, and the breeze- the breeze so soft and cool and calm as if you would want to stay here.
It always resembles a lonely soul and trust me this silence gives a whole lot of peace to your mind. The streetlights though not as like of the pleasant morning rays but calm and wanting, as if waiting for us to greet them and when you look at the moon it seems so near as if on the turn you would catch it.
as a kid Akshi would always tell my dad or Ravinder uncle or whoever would be driving them for their late night ice creams, to race to the moon and catch it before the red maruti 800 or the black dangerous looking sumo would catch it and they, they would agree and increase the speed acting as if the moon is running off from them and their sweet car has got out of breath.
She laughed at the thought of how easily she believed in him, believed that one day may be really she would catch the moon.
“What happened, why are you laughing?” rohit asked, looking at Akshita from the rearview mirror.
“nothing, I was just thinking about the moon chase.” They all started to laugh. The memories were so innocent and pure, nothing at all like the reality. Rohit thought , but decided to ignore it.
This was the best part of his life; him having a long ice cream drive with his cousins.
”yeah I remember, how we used to be so hell bound to catch the moon that we would even forget about our ice creams..” kartik said. He as well along with the rest smiling in oblivion!
“Yeah but then it used to be Sid who would make us realize how far the moon is from our reach, and we used to think he knows so much and we are idiots.” Rohit said.
There was this emptiness in his voice which he tried to hide yet failed miserably!
“Ohh shut up you people we don’t have any idea about it and nor do we want to hear it. “ Trisha said, she had always been jealous that these four of them used to have so much fun together and till the time she became old enough to play with them, the boys were busy with their work or projects.
Akshi showed her tongue and again began to look at the beautiful world outside.
soon they reached the farthest kulfi store from their house and gave their orders to kartik , while trisha, rohit and drhuv who god knows why stayed back began talking about stupid things and laughing their ass off. Soon kartik came and gave them their orders and they began to devour it.
Out of nowhere trisha began to sing “let it goo let it go can’t hold it back anymore” Akshi and kartik tried to stop her but she put her head outside the window not before saying “Rohit I am going to sing now and as soon as that guy turns around speed up okay” rohit gave a nod and started the car where as Akshi still tried to pull her inside but who was she kidding once trisha is set to do a thing she would never back off .
And with that she sang loudly “let it gooooo let it gooooo, can’t hold it back anymore” hearing her the guy pulled up his pants and zipped them up and began running ,and that’s when they realized that he was doing his business over there, he came running towards the car but Rohit was fast enough to run of , but not before hearing some beautiful words from him.
The cousins came back home still laughing their ass off but soon became silent not wanting to disturb anyone and went to their respective rooms.
After wearing her pyjamas Akshi picked up her book ‘nadia knows best’ and walked out into the balcony and stared at the beautiful full moon.
she felt a small drop of water falling on her hands that’s when she realized that she was crying, the moon it looked so big and bright and surrounded by so many stars but still- if looked carefully it looked empty, it looked as if there is something which he wants and isn’t there with him something which would make him smile, something which would take away all the pain, she thought .
but then was it really the moon or was it she who was feeling like that, there are so many people around her laughing and enjoying , but she, she feels exhausted, exhausted of reminding herself to laugh to bring out that curve around these lips .
The whole weekend looking at the empty seat around the dining table made Akshi want to curl up in her bed and cry , want to leave everything and go in search of him, or the person who would have answered all my questions.
Why did she really lose her smile? She was the princess of 12 brothers life of her family , best sister ever, best friend , but then why this empty feeling as nothing is as it is , just like these stars who would fade away with the next morning sun , the moon is what gives her piece , it’s the only one in front of whom she has to not pretend, pretend to be the best sister , pretend to be the best daughter, pretend to be the most happiest girl , when she is not .
She just wants to be a girl ,a sister , a daughter and not at all the best . she want to be a kid at least till the time she would her own votes legally , she didn’t want to be a 15 year old at the age of 10, she didn’t want to give away her ice cream in order to get a notebook ,she didn’t want to do all the things that she did , she just want to be her papa’s girl, her sid bhaiya’s princess who would make her breakfast while she sat of the kitchen counter banging the plates while he cooked, she wants to lie in the bed when not well , while her grandparents would sit beside her ,her head on her grandma’s lap and would get lost In the dreamy world of her grandpa’s stories.
please god if you are really somewhere then please send that person who would give me this all , who would make and believe me what I am not at all the someone who is best. She thought and once again tried to confide in that moon which was her companion for quite a time now.
The next day Akshita walked through the small lane surrounded by two beautiful gardens of her school, it seemed so difficult to get up in the morning and to hide the swollen eyes that she had got by crying herself to sleep from her family .
breakfast went into an haste everyone screaming for what not. It had seemed as if suhani would pick up the first girl walking through the door and marry her of to her son kartik who was the only person who was quite late and wanted things which were kept in front of him but didn’t had the decency to pick them up,all needed to be handed over to him.
Way to spoil your sons indian moms and then cursing their faith for giving them such lazy asses. Akshita always pitied the girl who was to marry her idiotic brothers.
She looked around smiling at how interesting her breakfast went and walked ahead to her class, as usual she was the only one around the school other than the boys practicing for the football tournaments who wouldn’t be considered as attending the school till they were there in their uniforms.
she smiled at a peon and walked to her class only to find it locked as usual, she was really irritated as she had specially warned the bhaiya who worked in this block to open the doors to their class till 7:10 in the morning as she comes by 7:15 but no as usual the class was locked and here she was standing outside the class with a damn heavy bag hanging on her shoulders.
“locked again?” …”ahhhh” Akshita screamed as suddenly she heard someone whisper in her ear. She turned around to see it was one of her classmates Rishab .
she smacked him on his hand and turned around and glared at the look wishing it to open up somehow. she was still looking at the lock when someone suddenly pulled the door with a force and since the latch was not that strong it opened up easily without breaking the lock . She smiled a bit in relief and was about to hug Rishab, but when she looked up all her happiness went into drain.
“you can say thanks to me battery” it was Abhi, Akshita wished somehow she could really name him one of the weirdest names, but unfortunately she wasn't that creative with the names.
she took a deep breath and mastered all her courage. She smiled at him never had she ever thought that smiling at unwanted people would be this difficult, but then she was master at this and had fooled even her parents in faking enthusiasm and smiles.
“Now come on don’t give me that fake smile, you can do better than that battery” he said and winked at her frozen state and walked inside the class.
she took a deep breath saying to herself that he was just kidding and then walked inside the class. she walked towards her seat and kept her bag at the wall side of the seat when all of a sudden he came back and said “I want to sit inside.” she gave him a blank look and sat on her seat and took out my book and started to read leaving him in a confused state.
“don’t tell me you are deaf as well, but then you heard rishab whispering sweet nothing to you.” He said wiggling his eyebrows in mischief, while she tried to process what he just implied and when it got into her pretty slow head she hit him with her book and stood up if he wanted to fight then so be it.
“listen Abhishekh I am in a very pleasant mood right now, so please don’t spoil it and talking about you sitting inside, then if you remember you have to go out of the class after every class I don’t want to get out of my place again and again so be seated where I am allowing you to or else you are most welcome to change your seat.” she said, smirking at him.
At his very first week of his school he had got a warning for being loitering around the school premises during classes along with his seniors which also included her sweet cousin.
And he was having such a doomed day that it was their maths teacher who had caught him, and was warned if he would not listen to me then she was supposed to report Abhi to him and what would happen was for sir to know and Abhi to find out.
Akshi looked at him as if challenging him to say something more, but for a change he took a deep breath and sat at the outside of the bench. she ignored him and continued to read her book, Akshita was about to finish with it when she felt someone poke her, she knew it was Abhi as on Friday the whole day he had been doing this to irritate her.
“Abhi I swear you poke me again I will kill you”she said, my head still buried in the book . I mean who would want to give up reading the end of the book. Well at least not me.she thought.
“come on baby doll you can say hi to me “
Akshita Went stiff hearing this voice, she knew sometime or the other he would be here, but so soon was not really expected. She bookmarked the book, closed it and then looked at the person standing in front of her .
“Hi Mohit'' Akshita said, still not knowing what to say. “weren’t expecting me so soon?” he said while he came inside the class and looked around and waved his hands to some of her classmates. she looked around and was great that none of her friends were here.
“yeah, mom had told me you two were going to come back soon, but this soon was not expected.” Akshita looked around praying that what is there between the three of them is highly personal; they shouldn’t bring it out here .
“yeah we came back early, how grandm and grandpa?” he asked, no matter what he had always had a soft corner for them and would respect them highly “yeah they are good, dadi was asking about you on Friday it was a family dinner, we all were expecting the two of you as usual.”
“ha ha akshita you know very well we stopped coming there from the very day when our sister had to leave that house, and somewhere or the other you and your family are responsible for that, because of you people we lost all contacts with our sister” he said, she could see hurt and anger visible in his eyes.
“Mohit even I love her , and it's not only you even I have lost my brother and even Sonika as well. We both are sailing in the same boat.” She tried to make him understand as usual but all in vain .
Mohit and his twin vrishti were her nappy friends they have grown up together stayed together in all the thick and thin of their life, that was not the only relation she shared with them, along with being her best of friends they were also Sonika as in siddharth's wife's brother and sister, and when they had gone even these two were left all alone just like her, they know that they can heal each other but the knot which kept them joined together was gone then how were they suppose to heal each other.
Akshita was about to say something when heard her
“Akshita thanks for condolences but we don’t need them, I am sure our dii and jiju will come back soon and then I am not going to let them near you or any of your family.” She wanted to make things clear between them, but out of the blue Abhi came inside and shouted “heyy mohit, My brother!” she was shocked to know that they knew each other already.
“hii atlast you came, vrishti did you recognize him, Abhi, sushant uncle's son” mohit said and as if she had solved the biggest puzzle she gave a big recognizing smile to Abhi and hugged him.
“we missed you yaar, but shame we are in the other class.” Vrishti said ,”Ohh no problem at all I have a great company to entertain me for the whole day.” Abhi said looking at Akshi and then winked at her, while the later just rolled her eyes and walked away from there, it was difficult to know that our best friends hate us a lot.
At the beginning even she hated them, but then rohit made her realize that their loss is also as big as her . she just misses her family to be together to be one.
Akshita walked towards the end of the corridor and soon a smile came on her face when she saw what was going on there, oh lord this is going to be fun. She thought and waited there to know what happens next.