As the days went on, it felt as if everything was wonderful for both Akshi and Abhi. They would somehow make sure to come early to school, and then Akshi would tell him the book that she read last night.
It would be the best part of the day, the way she would be excited to let him know what she thought about it, what she felt etc. it made him feel special, as if it was just them and somehow he knew he won’t be able to do the same thing with anyone else at all.
They would somehow find ways to make sure that the whole class would play games together and then Abhi would very intelligently teach Akshi how to play various games.
It would be the best time, the feeling of doing something new each time that they met would make them thrilled, they would always be on toes with the thought - what would be the next thing that they would want to say to each other, what they would do the next time that they met each other etc.
They somehow made the world believe that it was true, a guy and a girl could actually be just friends, it wasn’t necessary to have any feelings, it was fine that one person could care, feel and love for some other person so much that the care, understanding and dependability could be labeled as friends.
It was difficult but it was there.
Akshi once again walked through the same corridors, her steps faster than the ones at which she did regularly. She was on time, yet her mind couldn’t just rest without asking one question to Abhi, the same question which had not made her sleep last night.
As she walked towards the classroom, she was a bit shocked to see the lights still off and the doors locked.
Since last 6 to 7 months never had Abhi been this late, he would always be there before her, waiting for her – a smile on his face, his eyebrows raised in anticipation to what was the story that Akshi had to tell him today.
But alas, unlike every other time, today he wasn’t there, the darkness that had surrounded Akshi due to the late arrival of the sun, as the bitter wind of December engulfed her; she could feel scared for the first time.
Scared of what might have caused him to be late?
Was he already away?
Or, with his yet another girl?
The last question made her squirm, the goose bumps coming to life; there was a slight pain in her stomach which made her want to cry.
The unknown feeling; all she knew was that she somehow didn’t like it.
She was getting stressed she knew, and with a pep talk, telling herself that maybe he would be out for some tournament or would be away for the day, didn’t even calmed her as Abhi’s words would have.
And the only question that she had been asking herself kept on ringing again and again in her mind.
Why would that be? Why this sudden dependence on Abhi??
She wanted to contemplate more on her thoughts but as she saw the peon walking towards their area she stood up, her bag hanging on her shoulders heavily making her shoulder slum down as if in defeat.
Once the peon had opened the doors, she walked in and sat down on her seat, and started to study.
That was very much necessary at the moment. The days were running away at the speed of light, bringing the dates for their exams closer.
Though it made her a bit scared, what made her more anxious was that most everything would be changing soon.
She won't be around the same class, heck she didn’t even know if she would be around this city anymore.
And the thought only made her more worried, she wasn’t ready.
She wasn’t ready to let go of her school days.
She wasn’t ready to let go of her friends…
And most importantly she wasn’t ready to let go of her friendship with Abhi.
The most important thing that she wanted to discuss with Abhi! Though now it seemed to be a difficult task, with the absence of Abhi.
“That’s like 8 times in a minute you have huffed, may we know what would be the reason? And stop looking at the door.” Nitya complained, her hands folded in front of her as she successfully dodged the glares that she was receiving from their Arts teacher.
“You know you are crazy, I am just thinking about nothing else…. Why can't this day end already?” Akshi said and huffed again.
It was way more difficult than she thought to go even a day without him. And as many novels and people with certain experience that she has known the signs weren’t good at all.
“See you did that again, what is it? Are you hiding something from me? Or may I say us… Akshii?” the threatening voice for a moment made Akshi interpret whether she should confide in her or not. But she kept mum and decided to just let it go with an excuse.
“I don’t think so, until it’s you who is?” she raised her eyebrow at Nevi who immediately raised her hands in surrender.
But being as smart as Nevi was, she was about to say something when she heard a voice which had always made her irritated.
“I think that’s my seat.”
As soon as the words reached Akshi’s ears, her whole body was as if on fire, her senses trying their best to get some attention from the owner of the voice, her heart was beating so loud as if to call out for him.
She would have literally tackled him in a hug if it wouldn’t have been for Nevi who ignored the question and quietly got up from that place and walked up to her place.
But now that it was just the two of them, the air around them had turned into a tensed one.
Both of them wanted to say so many things yet nothing came. Their eyes speaking volumes, yet the words as always were registered by their heart and not the brain.
Akshi was about to say a small hi, or maybe whatever that her mouth would have let out, but stopped by a huge voice calling out from behind her for Abhi.
He smiled, a huge smile, stood up and quickly walked out. Leaving Akshi to mend her heart and to accept the feeling that she knew that would never be expressed.
As she once again turned around to look out of the small window, her heart sank. With a happy smile Abhi walked towards a beautiful girl.
As much as she knew she was new to the school, Parul, their senior and the most beautiful girl in their school and unmistakably Abhi’s new girlfriend.
It pained how quickly he had as well got into that game, betting to impress the most new candidate, to date them, have fun with them, all the while chasing their next prey. Who, unknown to themselves, would as well be their friend’s girlfriend.
A hideous game of no strings attached. The one thing that has made Akshi stay away from the lime light; the only one thing that kept her away from accepting her own feelings!
And even though she knew that the feelings would be known if let known, she was scared her acceptance would only lead her to lose a great friend and leave her with a broken heart.