The holidays had gone as if a wind and with open arms, Akshi welcomed the rains. This season for some obvious reason was her favourite. The beautiful greenery all around her, the pitter-pattering of the rain and the mouthwatering fragrance of the wet mud would make her feel giddy.
With her wobbly legs and a beautiful black coloured umbrella that had pink coloured frill around it and pink coloured heart shapes, she walked towards her classroom.
It was raining heavily, though it had been a tradition for the rains to arrive at the most unexpected times, yet it amazed her how every year on the same day they would show their presence.
With a small smile as she took her steps ahead, a slightly unsettling feeling began to creep through her being.
The doors of the classroom for the first time were open before the time, the lights and fans were on as well, yet as much as she tried to look through the back door that was made of glass, it didn’t help. Her view was blocked by the first door that was made of wooden and was unfortunately locked.
Yet with a few steady steps, she first closed the umbrella and then walked ahead. It was as if déjà vu as she staggered ahead, her head bent slightly trying to pry inside what was going on, her other half bent as if the structure of an old lady.
But what she saw inside made her blush furiously, her umbrella fell down from her hand and so would have had she if she would have helped herself and sobered up.
In front of her in all his glory was Abhishekh. With his hot football shorts on, his shirt off; clearly showing off his upper torso and the fine apps that he was working on, it was a fine body, drool-worthy to be exact.
Before Abhi could know what was happening Akshi quickly picked up her umbrella and went back towards the gate, giving Abhi his unasked privacy.
However now that she had completely settled the image, the scene could not leave her mind.
She had seen her fair amount of naked torsos if her brothers were to be ever calculated, but seeing they were her brother obviously it didn’t and as the thought finally sunk in her mind did she realize that she finally saw a naked torso… of an unknown male.
“oh, shitt!!!” Akshi squealed in horror as if she had solved a huge mystery that would be a boon to the universe.
“Akshita are you alright?” The maths teacher asked who was trying to explain them one of the important sums.
When Akshi finally came out of her hyperventilating state did she finally realize that she had missed almost the whole of the assembly and first half of their maths period?
“yeah, I am fine… I guess.” She murmured the last part and looked beside her, the empty seat only made her sigh in relief.
‘ how the hell am I supposed to face him now?” she thought and looked around only to meet eyes with nivedita who was eyeing her suspiciously.
With a tight-lipped smile, Akshi tried to assure her, but that only slipped when she heard that thick voice from the entrance of the class.
“Ma'am may I come in?” it was Abhi, his sight only made Akshi to breathe harshly, her heart would start to beat at a fast rate.
And as much as she tried to convince herself that it was fine and it was nothing he didn’t see me, and it was just his naked torso…
Naked torso, the last words kept on haunting her. She could never imagine what would have been her life like if Abhi would have seen her.
Akshi was still in her thoughts when Abhi came and sat beside her, called her out a few times and yet when she didn’t reply he asked
“I didn’t know you would any time be so engrossed in your wet dreams.”
Though he had tried to crack a dirty joke and get on her nerves, his close proximity and the husky voice was a lot for Akshi’s already guilty shoulder.
“me dreaming… no ..i mean.. I … I “
“its okay Akshi you can let it go, I know I am very handsome and it is very difficult to ignore me and –“
“don’t you dare complete your sentence Abhi, today in the morning what ever happened was an accident you can't keep on teasing me like this.” Akshi snapped at Abhi, unknown to the fact that she was the only person who was letting herself on a silver platter to him.
Abhi kept on looking at her in a weird manner, something that made her curious, irritated and embarrassed at the same time. Yet she decided to let it go and concentrate on the class.
But how was it even possible when she had the continuous piercing gaze of his on her. As he watched her each and every move shamelessly; which rather than creeping her gave her waves of pleasure, a pure warm feeling that she had never in her life felt before.
The whole day went in a blur, Akshi kept on giving Abhi nasty looks, sometimes ignoring him as a plague and mostly getting lost in her own world. All the while her thoughts go back to the same morning incident.
When the next day rolled on, she made sure that some other girl had first entered the class and that she would be sitting as far away from Abhi.
But all the while that she ignored him, her mind and eyes still were on him. Somehow she knew that her unpleasant incident wasn’t the only reason that she had been ignoring him.
The very moment the bells for the lunch had rung and the way Abhi had run off the class, the look and smile on his face were different, somehow he wasn’t the same person that she had met before the holidays.
The doubt had as well been proved right when she saw him sitting and chatting along with disha and various other groups of people whom she had always preferred to stay away from.
The last straw for her was the small washroom talks that she had overheard, and as much as she tried to ignore and to judge the confirmation from her brother had got her to decide to stay as far away from as possible.
Akshi once again walked into the class. It was the lunch hour and she had just checked on her siblings. She was about to go and take her seat at her usual place when Nevidita walked towards her a scowl married on her face.
“what's the matter? Akshi asked as she sat beside Nevi, the silence between the two was defining.
“Do you know that Abhi is dating Disha and has been for the party?” Nevi's voice even though she wanted to take it as not as amusing and disappointing it sounded, but she knew that somewhere it was.
They weren’t the ones to judge, but then there was this feeling that somewhere they had and would lose that friend in Abhi which they had got so with so much of difficulties.
“yeah, Dhruv told me, not about the dating ..”
Akshi trailed off as it finally registered in her mind. Abhi was dating disha. As much as it shouldn’t have been a shock and disheartening it did, but the question was why?
She didn’t consider him a friend, nor did she talked with him… yet why did it felt to her as if she had lost something which was very precious to her… that she just lost the most important person in her life to someone as stupid as disha.
And as much as Akshi tried to ignore that nagging feeling that had started to sprout in her heart and brain, she once again got lost in her thought… those thoughts that were somehow nowadays filled with only one person – Abhishekh.