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I stared at the stairs long after the old man disappeared.

I looked at a happy Orion, wagging his tail back and forth as he watched me.

"A little dramatic, eh?" I asked him

He barked twice and I patted his huge head "Come on boy, let's go see if there's any dog food laying around"

He barked once more before running down the stairs.

I laughed as he skipped the last two stairs and basically flew into the kitchen.

When I finally got in the kitchen, I started looking in all the cabinets for the dog food. When I didn't find any, I frowned.

"What the hell does he feed you if there's no dog food?"

Orion scratched the fridge door before whining.

I looked at him in shock "Can you understand me?"

He stopped whining before tilting his head to the side and barking once.

I shook my head "No way"

This dog was messing with me.

He barked again

I heard footsteps on the stairs before a sleepy Ares came into the kitchen. When he saw Orion, his face lit up.

When Orion saw Ares, he froze before barking twice and looking at me.

'What an odd dog' I thought before mentally promising myself to question the old man about Orion.

"We got a dog sissy?"

I bit my lip and gently patted Orion's head "No buddy. This is Grandfather's dog, Orion"

Ares ran forward but I put my palms out, slowing down his approaching form "Wait, buddy!"

He paused and started to whine "Kassi..." he drawled my name out "I want to play with the doggy!"

I smiled "I know you do buddy but I don't know anything about this dog. He seems nice but I don't know if he'll attack if you rush towards him again"

I looked at Orion "Sorry Bud, but I rather not risk the chance of having my baby brother mauled to death"

He looked at me and I swear to God it was like he shrugged his wolfy shoulders in a way that said 'I get it'


I reached for Ares and he hesitantly put his hand in mine "He won't bite, right sissy?"

"I don't think so but just in case, why don't we touch him together? Worse comes to worst, he'll bite me and not you"

Ares frowned "I don't want you to get bitten either sissy"

I pinched his cheek before giving it a kiss "I'll be alright buddy. I'm tough, that's why I'm your big sister"

Orion whined and I turned to see him giving us what looked to be a sad look.

He whined again and Ares gave me a nervous look

"Is he okay?"

"I'm sure he's fine buddy. We're just taking too much time and maybe he needs a belly rub"

I put grabbed Ares hand before walking forward slowly and gently petting Orion's huge head.

After a couple of minutes of petting him, Ares became more confident and ended up petting the dog without my help.

Orion laid on the tile floor baring his massive belly to Ares. Ares sat down next to Orion and started rubbing his belly. After I was sure that Orion wasn't going to maul him to death, I left the two in order to continue my search of dog food.

After 5 minutes of searching, the doorbell rang and I looked at the clock hanging above the microwave.

7:30 pm

I scowled "Who in the hell comes knocking this late?"

Orion sat up and started growing before running toward the door.

Ares followed after him and I chased after Ares.

"Ares!" I hissed "Go upstairs right now! And take Orion!"

I was too late.

Ares was already opening the door and once the door was open halfway, Orion rushed out and started growling at our visitor.

"Oomph" a deep voice said "Stupid mutt. The old man let you out of the attic already?"

I swung open the door and found a guy maybe two years older than me, glaring at Orion.

"Ahem..." I glared "Who are you and why are you glaring at my dog?"

The guy's head snapped up at the sound of my voice. When he saw me, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

Orion was still growling, the hairs on his fur standing up like there was no tomorrow.


Ares hid behind me, his tiny hands gripping my hand tightly.

"Who are you?" the guy mimicked

I crossed my arms "I asked you first dude. If you don't have an answer, get the hell out of here"

The guy's eyebrow lifted in surprise and he took a step forward "Look here little girl, I don't know who you think you are but you need to step aside and let me talk to the owner of the house"

My anger rose and I felt my eyes body start to shake. I knew my eyes darkened and shifted colors when the guy's own eyes widened.

I got up in the guy's face "Listen here Guy" my words were venomous even to my own ears "If you don't get out of my face right now, I won't be responsible for my actions. I'm not afraid to mess that ugly mug up"

Now I was trying to reign my anger in ever since my mom left me in charge of Ares but this guy was pressing my buttons.

I wanted to be a pacifist but right now, the only thing I wanted to do was pass a fist across his face.

"Listen princess..." he started but I cut him off with a punch to his face

He went down and I smiled in satisfaction when I saw his split lip

I bent toward him and laughed in his face "I ain't no princess. Princess"

He threw a punch but I was quicker. In less than a minute, I dodged his punch and roundhouse kicked his face.

This time, it knocked him out completely.

I rushed and awed Ares and Orion inside before locking the door.

"Sissy that was AWESOME!!!" Ares exclaimed and then started punching the air as a boxer would do for a warm-up.

I groaned

I never wanted him to see me like this, the ugly side of me. The side that takes over when my anger hits. The side that's gotten me in so much trouble at school in New York.

"Ares, buddy" I took his hands in mine "What I did out there, that isn't the proper way to solve problems. It isn't right. Fighting is never the answer"

"I know sissy but he was a giant bully"

"Even if their giant bullies Ares. Violence is never the answer" I narrowed my eyes "Promise me Ares"

"Okay, sissy. I promise never to use violence"

The front door open and slammed shut.

A throat cleared from behind us and I turned to see our grandfather staring at us with raised eyebrows.

"Can somebody explain why David is knocked out cold on the porch?"

I gave him my most innocent look "I don't know who that is"

He scowled at me but the side of his mouth lifted ever so slightly.

"Word of advice girl" he walked towards his workshop "Next time you kick him in the face, make sure he's on the gravel. I don't want no animals at my front door"

I saluted him "Aye Aye, Captain!"

Ares giggled when I started whistling the theme song for his favorite cartoon.


I ran to the infirmary as fast as I could

When I saw Matt and Mia talking to the Doctor, I nearly sagged in relief.

When Mia saw me, she shut her eyes tightly "Geez Rhys, why are you so bright?"

I looked at her in confusion before looking at my clothes. I was wearing a black shirt, pants, and boots.

Her definition of bright must have been totally different than mine because my outfit was as dark as night.

"Uh... Mimi, are you on some medication I don't know about?"

I looked at the Doctor "Is she on something? Is this a side effect?"

He shook his head "No, she's not on medication right now but she's been complaining about head pains since she woke up. I'm going to have her transferred to a hospital in order to run some tests."

"I'm not having head pains" Mia gritted out through her teeth "I'm seeing colors on everyone."

Matt leaned his head back against the headboard of the hospital bed. While Mia and the Doctor were fighting, I quietly walked over to Matt and waited for him to speak.

I didn't have to wait long

"What happened?" he asked quietly

"That's what I'm trying to figure out" I murmured, not ready to tell them everything my parents told me "What do you remember?"

"Shawn and I were walking with the girls to come to get you for dinner but suddenly Mia collapsed. I caught her but then Everly came down next. Shawn caught her but then he went down. I was about to call out for help but then my body started to feel heavy and I couldn't move let alone speak. The next thing I knew, I'm waking up to Mia complaining about seeing colors."

"And are you seeing colors too?"

"No, I'm just super tired" he turned his head and saw Ever and Shawn still asleep "They're not up yet?"

I shook my head "No."

I turned my attention to the Doctor "Doc, how's Everly and Shawn."

"Ms. Daye is stable at the moment" he grimaced "Mr. Montez on the other hand...well, he's stabilized at the moment."

"What does that mean?" Matt asked

"His temperature keeps increasing to very dangerous levels. If it doesn't break soon, I'm afraid that he might suffer some serious brain damage."


"What?" Mia exclaimed

"What can we do to make his temperature drop?"

"We're doing all the necessary things to get his temperature under control but right now, everything we've tried has been unsuccessful."

"Well, make it successful." Mia snapped.

My mouth opened in shock and Matt's head snapped to her.

It was so unlike her to be this hostile and impatient, she was usually calm, cool, and collected.

"Calm down Baby." he soothed

"Don't tell me to calm down" she started crying "I am not losing one of my best friends because of this...whatever this is. Now fix them and make it quick. The longer they're like this, the harder it will be to cure them. I don't care what it takes. Fix them!"

I felt my wolf growl at the power of her command but I had to remind him that she wasn't directing the command at us.

The Doctor's hands shook at her power before he bared his neck and walked to the office "I'll make some calls, see if I'm missing something."

"You do that," Mia muttered before closing her eyes again

"Mia..." I started but then my phone rang, cutting off what I wanted to say.

I sighed in irritation before accepting the call "What is it" I snapped "This better be good."


"Hello?" I looked at my phone and recognized that the number was unknown

"Alpha Rhys Scott?"

"Yes," I stood straighter "Who am I speaking with?"

"This is Alpha Kaden Matthews," the voice said "I am the Alpha of the Matthews Pack in Los Angeles."

I heard of that Pack

Alpha Matthews Pack has the biggest Pack in Southern California and his cousin, Alpha Green has the biggest Pack in Northern California.

I was in shock that the Alpha of the biggest Pack in California was calling me, right now, at this moment.

"Alpha Matthews, to what do I owe the pleasure," I replied smoothly before walking to the corner of the room and sitting down in the hospital chair.

Mia and Matt quieted, no doubt listening to my conversation.

"I am sorry to call on such short notice Alpha Rhys but I have reason to believe that your Pack may have some information that I need."

"Oh? And What information would that be?" I tensed, having a hunch regarding what he might say.

"There have been recent sightings of Rouges and Hunters around my Pack border. Now normally, this wouldn't have been an issue since it is hunting season and hunters tend to take care of the rouge problem for us but, when I checked with other Alphas around the area, it seems like the Hunters and Rouges are working together" he paused "To find something."

"And do you know what that something is?" I tensed even more

"I might," he said quietly "But I'm not particularly concerned with that at the moment."

"And what are you concerned about?" I asked defensively "Surely, you have something more to ask me besides a hunch you had about some information you think I have."

He was quiet for a second "Very perceptive Alpha."

I smirked and he continued "I called you because I wanted to know if there was anything peculiar going on in your area. If there are any Witches or Wolves attacking your Pack and leaving behind distinct markings on their victims."

My smirk dropped and I knew Mia and Matt heard what he said because they leaned forward and looked at their bandaged wrists.

"Alpha Matthews" I said seriously "What do these markings look like and who was attacked?"

He hesitated

"Please" I growled in frustration "I need to know. Whatever you tell me will be strictly confidential. Alpha between Alpha."

Ruffling of papers was heard on his end of the line before he started talking again "A couple of days ago, my younger siblings were injured. They were found passed out in their rooms with 3 deep gashes and burn marks on their wrists. I locked the whole compound down and had wolves around the clock searching for trespassers but no one was able to find anything. After a few days, my family was starting to worry because their gashes should have healed already. It's been almost 4 days since they were awake."

I was stunned

4 days

4 freaking days

My friends were barely out for a full day and they looked like they visited hell.

"Alpha Matthews, I think we might have to meet in person. If my assumptions are correct, and I think they are, My Pack may have the information you've been looking for."


"I'll be there tomorrow."

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me "I'll arrange your transportation."


I woke up in the middle of the night to loud whimpering.

When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw Orion's paws twitching as he whimpered.

I turned my lamp on and slowly walked toward him.

When I got close enough, I carefully laid my hand on his belly. He woke up with a growl and I quickly snatched my hand back.

I gave him a sheepish smile "Hey buddy, you doing alright?"

He looked at me with caution before laying on his back, exposing his belly toward me.

I beamed

Finally, at least one dog liked me!

Growing up, I was never really allowed to have pets because we were either constantly moving or my mom thought we were too immature for a pet. I wasn't even allowed a goldfish because of my mother's fear of me accidentally killing it.

Plus, whenever I was around some type of dog, they would always run away from me or hide behind something.

After a while, I got sick of it and decided that dogs and I just don't mix.

And don't even get me started on Cats.

All I'll say is that they're pretty to look at but that's just about it.

I rubbed Orion's tummy and decided just to talk to him, even if he had no idea what I was saying.

"This new school is interesting" I began "The people are, from what I know, nice and welcoming but it's just my first week"

His tail thumped against the wooden floor loudly so I took it as a sign to continue.

"I've met some friends, I think. They're nice but they weren't at school today. I hope I didn't scare them off"

He got up and sat next to me with his tongue hanging out.

His tail thumped louder

I sighed "I really hope I didn't scare them off, or else it's gonna get real awkward"

He tilted his head to the side.

It was funny to me because it was like he was asking me 'Why?'

I sighed "You're lucky you're a dog and don't have to deal with human problems"

He whined

I was about to calm him down when I heard my brother crying from his room.

I flew up and swung open his bedroom door.

Orion followed me as I ran to Ares side.

"Ares" I shook him "Wake up"

He whined and it reminded me of the whine Orion let out a second ago.

I looked at the dog and found him staring at my brother.

I started to freak out when Ares wouldn't wake up and kept on whining.

"Ares...Buddy, come on. Wake up. You're scaring me"

No Response

A minute later, he began to shake.


I leaned against my truck, waiting for the Alpha Matthews plane to land so I could immediately take him to my Pack and discuss the details regarding this very unique situation.

Mason, my fourth, bounced on the balls of his feet eagerly awaiting the Alpha.

"You think he's a jerk?" Mason asked

"Nah" I said lazily, "I think he's like every other Alpha we've encountered"

"Oh really" An amused voice sounded from our left "Your friend's right, I am a jerk"

We turned and saw a hulk of a man standing there with an eyebrow raised and arm wrapped around a pretty brunette's waist. The brunette was smiling while holding onto a small pink bundle in her arms. A mini version of the man was holding onto her leg as he observed us quietly.

I was shocked by how much power the children had for being so young. Normally inheriting the Alpha Wolf genes was a hit or miss. You either had it or you didn't. There was no in-between. Usually, Elders of the Pack could determine if a kid had the gene in one of two ways: either asking them to transform into their wolf early or measuring the dominant power that radiates off them. Everyone born has some type of power that radiates them, it is just that Alphas tend to have this power more strongly than others and can shift before the average age of 16.

There was no doubt in my mind, and apparently, Mason's as well since he was gawking at the kids, that these children would rule the strongest packs in the world someday.

Strange, since their mother seemed to be fully human.

Usually, the gene was recessive when one parent was human. About 95% of the time, any child born of a non-wolf mother was guaranteed to be human as well.

After my initial shock was over, I straightened and held my hand out to the Powerful Alpha.

"Alpha Matthews, it is a pleasure to meet you" we shook hands "Although, I wish we met in better circumstances"

"Likewise," he said before wrapping his arm around his wife again "This is my Luna and our children. I don't mean to impose, but she insisted she came along to aid in any way she can"

He grumbled under his breath

Luna Matthews rolled her eyes "Get over it Wolf Man. Mama's here to stay" she looked at me "Call me Sky, everyone does"

Alpha Matthews rolled his eyes but a small smile graced his stoic face.

I smiled as well "My land is your land, Alpha Matthews. I promise my Pack and I will protect you and your family like you were our own"


He nodded and a look of Respect passed through his eyes.

Good, we were on the same level now.

"Well, that's new" Luna Matthews exclaimed "Never heard another Alpha offer his land to us, well, besides Gabriel of course"

I motioned toward the car "If you would like, we can head back to my Pack now. I know all of you are anxious for our discussion"

They nodded and hopped into the backseat.

Mason grabbed the passenger seat and I hopped in the driver's seat.

Within ten minutes, we were on our way to my Pack.

The car was filled with silence until Luna Matthews spoke up "So...How long till we arrive at your Pack?"

I smiled in the rear-view mirror "About half an hour, Luna"

She huffed "I told you to call me Sky. Everyone does"

"Skylar..." Alpha Matthews warned

She shushed him and leaned forward "So tell me, Alpha Rhys, do you have a Mate?"

"You can call me Rhys" I smiled politely "And yes, I do have a Mate"

Mason glanced at me in shock but I quickly shot him down with a glare.

"Ah" the ever so vigilant Alpha caught my look and said from behind me "You have a Mate but haven't announced her to the Pack yet"

I glanced at him in the rearview mirror "She doesn't exactly know about our Kind"

He snorted "I know how you feel brother"

Sky rolled her eyes "Word of advice Rhys, be a man when you finally tell your Mate. Don't wait like this bozo for twelve years before he had some cajones to tell me what he was"

"I gave you all the hints, it's not my fault you understand them"

She gasped "How dare you!"

She was about to say more but I cleared my throat, not wanting to get in the middle of this "If I may" I interjected "I suggest you wait until we are in the safe confines of my Pack. You never know who may be listening"

They quieted and we continued on our journey to the Packhouse.

20 minutes later, we pulled up in front of our Packhouse.

"Mason, help the Matthews with their luggage to the guest cottage on the west side of the property"

I looked at the Alphas "I know you must be tired from your trip. We can arrange a meeting in my office in an hour from now. If that's alright with you?"

The baby started to cry and get fussy.

The little boy gently touched her foot.

The baby stopped squirming but continued to cry.

Luna Matthews nodded "I think that would be a good idea. I need to feed the kids and I know Kaden would like to secure our perimeter"

Alpha Matthews smirked "You know me too well"

She rolled her eyes "Yeah, yeah" she grabbed her son's hand "Come on Tristan, let's go. Daddy has something to talk about with Alpha Rhys before he joins us"

The boy nodded and followed his mother in silence

I turned toward Alpha Matthews "You shouldn't have any problems with privacy. The cottage isn't close to town and it's about 10 minutes away from the Packhouse. The only neighbors you might encounter would be my Parents. My mother's a sucker for babies"

Alpha Matthews chuckled before turning serious "Whatever is happening with my siblings, will it kill them?"

"If they have what I think they have, no, this won't kill them. But it might mean they're involved with something that can affect the Wolf Community greatly"

His shoulder tensed

"One hour Alpha," I said "Tend to your family first and in One hour, your questions will be answered"

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