I was sitting in my office, going through the Pack's daily reports when a guard burst though the door in a panic
"Alpha, come quick"
I followed him quickly and he led me to the infirmary.
I glanced at him warily "What is the meaning of this?"
He shook his head "Alpha, I can't explain. Doc said it was imperative that I came to collect you"
I nodded and went inside the infirmary.
As soon as I saw who was lying on the beds, I started to get angry.
"DOC!!" I yelled for our Pack Doctor "DOCTOR COLE!!! WHERE ARE YOU?"
The Doctor came out from behind the medicine station with a strained look on his face "Hello Alpha"
"What is this?" I demanded as I saw my four friends unconscious on the hospital beds "What happened?!"
He motioned for me to come closer before picking up the left hand of the closest person to us, which happened to be Mia.
He showed me Mia's wrist and my eyes widened
She had 3 deep gashes on her wrist, gashes that should have healed already because of her full-blooded wolf genes. Not only did she have the deep gashes, she also had a patch of burned flesh under the cuts
"Who did this" I asked eerily calm. I pick up Matt's wrist and noticed he had the same gashes and burned skin as Mia.
I looked at the Doctor, my anger barely contained beneath the surface "Do they all have this?" I pointed to Everly and Shawn.
Mia, Matt, and Everly would have looked like they were sleeping if not for their pale and sweaty faces. Shawn by far looked the worse. Since he was human, it took longer for him to heal. In all honestly, it looked like he wouldn't last through the night.
"Yes Alpha, they all have this. A Pack member saw them slumped together on the ground outside the Packhouse and brought them in" he shifted on his feet "I've never seen anything like this Alpha. Not in my 37 years of experience of being the Pack Doctor"
"You have no idea what's causing this? Was there a breach? An attack?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I highly doubt it was an attack Alpha. No one would be able to take on the Beta, his mate, and the Third at the same time. It would have been a death wish"
I ran a hand through my hair "Has their families been notified?"
He nodded "They're waiting in the waiting room for you Alpha"
This time I nodded before I began pacing. Four heart monitors were beeping in a steady rhythm and I couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness for my best friends.
I decided that I couldn't handle this situation alone.
I needed some reinforcements
I plucked my phone from my back pocket and dialed my parents "Rhys? Honey are you okay?" She asked anxiously.
"Mom, I need you and Dad to come to the infirmary right away. It's important"
She agreed before hanging up
I waited 10 minutes before they arrived
When they saw all four of my best friends on the beds, they tensed.
"What is the meaning of this," My dad asked gruffly "What's wrong with them"
I gave them a brief gist of what Doc told me before showing them my friend's wrists. When my mother saw them, she burst into tears.
"Mom?" I asked panicked "What's wrong? Have you seen this before? Please tell me what's going on"
She clung to my father and he gave me a worried look "We have seen this before son but only once"
"What is it? Were they attacked? Poisoned? What's happening to them"
"They're going to be fine Rhys" Mom sniffled "They're just preparing for the next stage"
"What?" My eyes widened "What are you talking about? They changed years ago"
"She doesn't mean the Wolf change Rhys," Dad said "Their bodies are adjusting to their new roles as Protectors"
"What the Hell are Protectors?" I gritted my teeth "And why haven't you told me this before?! I'm tired of being left in the dark regarding my Pack"
Dad gave me the stink eye "Watch your tone" he scolded "We didn't tell you before because we didn't think you needed to know"
He looked at my mom "The war is getting worse. Worse than we imagined"
Mom continued to sniffle "Minnie..."
I was losing patience and hated that I didn't know anything at all "What are Protectors and who is Minnie?"
"Protectors are special Wolf guards that are created from existing Wolves. They are put into place to guard the Females of the Royal Pack. They are usually the closest friends or allies of the Royals they are guarding"
My eyes widened
"When the Wolves were created, although the Royals were gifted with more strength, stamina, and power than the other wolves, it turns out that very few females were born to their Pack. The Goddess that gave the Royals the power didn't intend for that to happen so she granted them another gift. In order to protect the existing females of the Royal Pack, she gave them Protectors. Since females were few and sparse, only the females born in the Royal line received the Protectors"
Mom stepped in "For additional protection, the Goddess only gave Protectors to the eldest female in the Royal Pack. This is to keep them safe from those that wish them to harm like Hunters or jealous Wolves. It also protects any other female born into the Royal Line. Most enemies focus their attention on those heavily guarded because they think that they are the most important. Typically once that the eldest Female passes away is when the next set of Protectors are chosen for the next Royal" she started sniffling again.
My mind started processing everything and then my eyes widened "Does that mean that your friend... The Alpha Female... Is..."
They shook their head "No, Carrie is fine. Only those born from the Royal line are given Protectors. Carrie married into the line but her daughter on the other hand..." Dad trailed off.
I started to panic
Mom grasped my shoulder "Kassi is fine dear. This..." She pointed to my friends "This is happening because the eldest female born to the Royal Pack has just died. Kassiopeia's Aunt Minerva, Minnie as we called her, must have died recently or else this wouldn't be happening"
I took in a deep breath "So that means that she... Kassi...Is the only living female of the Royal Pack?"
They nodded "She must be very important too. To have this many guards is unheard of"
"What do you mean?"
"Normally, Royal females have one or two guards. Kassi has four, maybe more if needed. This tells us that she will be very important in the future" Dad said thoughtfully
I ran a hand through my hair "Mom, Dad. I need to know what kind of danger we will be facing. Kassi is my mate and I need to protect her at all costs"
Mom's eyes widened comically before a huge grin broke out on her face.
Dad just laughed "About time"
I narrowed my eyes before I changed the subject "So what will happen to my friends? Will they make it? Will Shawn make it?"
They both turned serious "They should be fine. From what little Nicolay Dimitriou shared with us, which isn't a lot, he stated that their bodies are getting stronger. Since they were not born into the Royal Pack, they don't have the attributes that the Royal Wolves do like the strength or stamina but, if the Wolves were chosen as Protectors, they become slightly superior over other wolves"
"And there are no other females born to the Royal line besides Kassi? No other Protectors"
They gave me a sad look "No, Nico did have a younger sister but she died in childbirth a year before Kassiopeia was born" Mom pointed at my friends "These are the only Protectors in the world right now. Any previous Protector was stripped of their powers as soon as their Royal passed"
I looked at my friends "How do you know, for sure, that they'll make it?" I murmured quietly.
Dad grasped my shoulders firmly "We don't" he said "But they were chosen for a reason, Rhys. The Goddess wouldn't have picked them if she thought they couldn't handle it"
"I hope you're right" I turned towards my parents "When they wake up, I want to know everything about the Royal Pack. I need to know everything if my Mate is part of their lineage. I need to protect her and my Pack. I can't do that if I'm constantly left in the dark"
They nodded in understanding
"We'll try to tell you everything that we know sweetheart but you have to understand, Nicolay Dimitriou was a very private man. Even more so when his family or Pack was involved. The only reason we know what we know is that we were their best friends, and even then, we still don't know a lot about the Royals. In a sense, we're just as in the dark as you are"
This time I nodded "I understand. Just please, tell me what you know so I can be prepared in the future. Just in case something like this might happen again" I walked to the door "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to inform very worried parents about the condition their children are in"
When I arrived in my English class, I was greeted with the empty seats of my new friends. With all 5 of them gone, the classroom was much more spacious and quieter than it was yesterday.
The bell rang and I scurried to my seat quickly as my English teacher started his lesson.
'Please God' I thought "I hope I didn't scare them off"
By the time that the end of the day rolled around, I was exhausted physically and mentally.
Mainly because of two reasons
Those reasons being: A) Marcy, the girl that was all over Rhys yesterday was a total witch, and B) Because I was lost in all my classes today.
Every single class felt like the teacher was speaking a different language and every chance she got, Marcy kept throwing snide remarks at me. First, it started with passing comments in the hallway but as the day continued, she and her group of friends would always mutter things under their breaths or whisper to each other as soon as I walked by. 22
Now if I was back home in New York and people were talking about me behind my back, I wouldn't have minded asking them what their problem was but here, for some reason, the little voice in my head was telling me not to start problems with them just yet.
Its not because I was a coward, far from it.
I think it was because if I did have a fight with those girls, my warden ( aka Grandfather) would have a coronary and probably kick us out.
I knew I could handle myself, years of getting in trouble at my old school proved that, but I was smart enough to know that if my grandfather kicked us, Ares would have an unstable life.
And that COULD NOT happen
I even tried to call my Mom at lunch to update her about my situation and how we're adjusting but my call just kept going to voicemail.
"Dammit Ma," I huffed "Pick up your phone"
As soon as that final bell rang, I jumped in my car, picked up Ares from school, grabbed some dinner, and headed home.
When we got home I noticed that my Grandfather's truck was here but he was nowhere to be found in the house.
"Sissy," Ares said after he ate "Can I watch some cartoons?"
"Sure" I said "If you're finished with all your homework"
He beamed "I finished it at school. Mrs. Torres checked it too!!"
I laughed and ruffled his hair "Okay buddy, go ahead and watch some T.V. If you need me, I'll be in my room"
He ran excitedly to his room and I heard his t.v. turn on.
I quickly cleaned up, grabbed my bag, and then hightailed my lazy butt to my room to get started on the mountain I call homework.
Halfway through my Economics Homework, I heard a creak from the upstairs attic.
An attic that happened to be right above my room.
An empty attic
I paused and waited to see if there was another creak and this time, a thump sounded from above me.
Being the Moron that I am, I decided to investigate.
I quietly tipped toed to the door that connected Ares room to mine to see if he was being nosy and sticking his nose where it shouldn't be.
When I found that he was passed out on his bed with cookie crumbs on his face and snoring, I ruled him out as a suspect.
Now besides being a professional moron, I am also a detective.
I also checked to see if my grandfather's car was here.
It wasn't 1
I gulped "If Ares is sleeping and our Grandfather is gone then that leaves..."
"Hell no" I grumbled "I don't deal with ghosts"
Normally, I wasn't a believer in all that supernatural mumbo jumbo but after living in this house filled with dead and stuffed things, every little sound makes me jump.
Wouldn't you freak out if you felt the dead eyes of an animal followed your every move every time you stepped into the house?
I went into the hallway and the thumping continued but this time, it was coming from the door at the end of the hall that leads up into the attic.
Now I usually laughed at those stupid girls in movies that run towards the creepy sound but now I've become one of those girls.
Ironic Huh,
I walked towards the door slowly, willing the thumping to stop.
It didn't
In fact, I think the thumping increased
"Okay Ghost and or Demon" I said once I grasped the door handle "I'll make you a deal. I won't bother you if you won't bother my brother and me. You can haunt the old man, his workshop, or anything else of his but please don't haunt us" I took a deep breathe "Remember, he was the one who killed and stuffed you"
Great, I'm losing it
I counted a quick 1...2...3 in my head before turning the handle and yanking the door open.
I screamed when a black blur knocked me down.
My entire body shut down and all I could do was tremble in fear as a hot breath washed over my face and a growl sounded in my ears.
"I thought we had a deal!!" I screeched out in fear and started cursing in Greek
The growling stopped and suddenly the hot breath disappeared. When I dared to sneak a peak, I opened one eye and saw a giant black dog was sitting 5 ft away from me, wagging its tail.
I sat up but the shaking continued no matter how much I willed it to stop.
The dog lowered its head as a sign of peace and I hesitantly back up.
I'd seen Cujo before and I'll be damned if I get attacked by a rabid dog.
Nope, Not happening.
The dog whined when I started moving.
I paused and It came closer.
"Stay" I stuttered, cursing myself for the tremble that accompanied after I spoke
The dog tilted his head in confusion before coming closer.
I held my breath
When it was less than a foot away from me, I was struck with shock as I looked at its eye color.
The same eye color I had
"Holy..." I stared at the dog
It stared right back at me and we were locked in a staring contest until a loud voice interrupted.
"Girl, whatcha doing with their mutt?" My grandfather's voice said in annoyance.
I turned my head and saw as he came toward us with a frown on his face.
I stood up slowly, being careful not to spook the dog "You know, you could have warned me about your dog"
His frown deepened and he grabbed the dog by its collar, a collar I didn't realize he wore.
The collar was strange-looking, with metal chain links and a weird symbol carved onto the metal front tag of the collar.
"I didn't warn you because he usually stays away from strangers" he pulled the dog by the collar toward the attic.
The dog whined and resisted, clawing at the wooden floorboards as he was dragged to the attic.
"Wait!!" I said "Why are you putting that poor dog up there by himself? That's animal abuse!! He should be roaming free!"
He ignored me and continue to drag the dog.
I ran up to him and caught his wrist, my anger rising.
This time, he did stop and was about to say something when his eyes widened.
I knew he must have seen my eyes change color, and for once in my life, I was glad that they did. I liked surprising this old man. I liked knowing that he should never underestimate me.
"Let the dog go" I said through gritted teeth
The dog growled and I looked down to find him growling not at me, but at my grandfather.
A warning
The old man huffed before letting the dog go.
I glared at him before hesitantly petting the dog's big head "What's his name?"
"Orion," he said
I continued to pet the dog's head "And is he dangerous? Will, he hurt us?"
"I highly doubt he would hurt either of you," the old man said quietly "You're not his usual prey"
I looked up "What's his usual prey?"
He grimaced before turning around and walking down the stairs"Something, you'll never be"
I was pacing in my office, waiting for my parents to arrive. I couldn't help but replay the awful scene from hours ago When I had to inform all the parents about their children's grave condition.
It was by far, the worst part of being Alpha.
Having to inform any family member about the condition of their loved one.
A soft knock sounded on my door and I stopped pacing "Come in"
My mom poked her head in "Can we talk?"
"Sure" I went to my desk and sat down.
Mom came in and I noticed that Dad was right behind her. They sat down in front of me and I raised an eyebrow "I assume you're here to finally tell me about the Royals?"
They nodded and I continued "And how the Royal Prince was Mated to a Hunter"
Their mouths dropped open wide "How did..."
I rolled my eyes "It isn't hard to figure out Mom. First, she refused our help and asked for only protection for her kids. Then Everly stated that her daughter, Kassi, felt off. I had Shawn look into her before..." I trailed off, knowing that they understood what I was about to say, and continued "Plus, I'm pretty sure the old Legend was about them"
"A Royal and Hunter will forever be bound, for they will produce a child that will wear the crown. Once the child meets their Mate, will their destined fate await"
Dad nodded grimly "You're right son. The legend is true"
"But..." Mom said softly "Kassi or her brothers were never supposed to be born," Mom said quietly
"So? She was unplanned? That's common to happen nowadays" I stilled, processing what she just said "Wait? Brothers? My report said she only had one?"
Mom shook her head "No son, I'm not talking about an Unplanned Pregnancy. I'm talking about how Carrie, Kassi's mother, was physically unable to have children"
"And Kassi has 2 brothers" Dad added with a sad smile "Kassiopeia is the middle child. She had an older brother"
My eyes widened "But...how"
I was absolutely shocked
Dad hated my questions "Let your mother explain"
I nodded but my mind was scrambling with hundreds of questions
This could not be possible
"When Carrie and Nico got married, they started planning for a family right away. No matter how hard they tried, they never could conceive a child. When I found out I was pregnant with you, Carrie was the first person I told. I was just so excited that I didn't think about how painful it must have been for her to watch her best friend have something she'd been wanting to have for a long time. Of course, they were happy for us but they started to lose hope. As a last resort, Nico began praying to the Moon Goddess. Being that he was descended from the first bloodlines of Wolves ever created, he felt that he had a special connection with her. According to him, he felt that throughout his life, she was always there watching and guiding him on the right path"
"And boy was he right" Dad chimed in "I swear that Man had Nine lives. He was like a danger magnet. Always getting into trouble. But somehow, every time, he managed to escape unscathed"
Mom smiled "A week after we announced our pregnancy, Carrie found out she was pregnant"
"So if she was pregnant, why aren't there three kids with the Dimitriou the last name? Only two?"
"I'll get to that" Mom scolded "Patience is a virtue Rhys, you should get some"
Dad snickered and I shot him a look
"Nico was only supposed to be in town for a month to help situate the rouge problems on your grandfather's land. Nico's pack was stationed primarily in Greece, with a few members scattered around here and there. When he met Carrie, his mate, he ended up staying in the town permanently. They married as soon as Carrie finished college and were temporarily staying in the old Pack House a mile from here until their new house was done with some much-needed renovations"
"During that time, Carrie found out she was pregnant and the renovations took much longer than expected. She ended up giving birth to their son in the packhouse"
"Did something happen to the child, health-wise? I mean, if she carried her child to full term without any complications then why isn't he listed on my reports with the other children?"
Mom started tearing up "After their son was born, a pack of Hunters and rouge wolves attacked Our Pack"
"Nico and I fought our hardest to keep them away from your mother, Carrie, and her baby but nothing worked. For every ten we killed, twenty more would pop up"
Dad winced "One of the hunters shot Nico with something that took him down immediately. He was knocked out for 2 weeks"
"I tried to protect her but they hit me over the head with one of their weapons. The last thing I saw before I went unconscious was Carrie fighting off three wolves" Mom sobbed "The next thing I knew, your father was pulling me and Carrie out of the burning house"
"The lit the house on fire?"
Dad nodded "We're lucky you weren't there Rhys. I don't know if I could forgive myself if I lost you or your mother"
"Where was I?"
"You were at Nana and Papa's house. They've been bugging me about seeing you and something told me to let them babysit you for an hour. I'm glad I listened to my gut feeling"
"And what happened to the baby?"
A stray tear fell down my father's face "I wasn't able to get to the baby in time. I was fighting one wolf while another wolf held on to the baby. Right before I killed the wolf, the one holding the baby jumped into the fire. Ending both of their lives"
My mouth widened in shock and my heart mourned for Kassi and her family.
"A couple of days after the fire was completely put out and it was safe to go in the house, we confirmed that the firstborn son of Nicolay and Carrie Dimitriou was dead"
"Are you sure it was him? Maybe..."
Dad shook his head "It was him. He was the only baby present at the time"
"How do you know?" I asked, my mind whirling with different possibilities "I mean Hunters are deceitful. Maybe they might have set everything up? I mean, think about it. What would be the motive behind killing the son of the most powerful Alpha in the world? If they were smart, they would have at least kept the kid for ransom or raised it as one of their own"
"Honey..." Mom said quietly "Don't you think we thought about that? Before Carrie became pregnant again, both she and Nico would spend any waking moment they had searching for leads about the attack. They never gave up hope. I don't think they ever accepted the fact that their child was gone"
I sighed
Maybe I was just reading too much into the situation. I was overanalyzing a situation I didn't even have most of the facts for.
"What was the child's name? Where was he buried? As an Alpha, I would like to honor the Royal Heir and brother of my Mate"
Mom starts crying and Dad gave me a proud yet sad smile "Nico and Carrie thought that it was best for his ashes to be spread in Greece, where his wolf ancestry came from. And as for his name, they never shared it with anyone"
"Anyone? Surely they had to..."
Mom shook her head "No, they didn't tell anyone. Not even Nico's family or Pack. I think it was their way of protecting him, even if he was no longer with us"
I was about to ask more questions when the phone on my desk started ringing.
"Hello?" I asked in annoyance "This better be important"
"Alpha," The Pack Nurse said in excitement "The Betas are waking up!"