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"Ugh, that uniform is atrocious," My best friend Taylor Matthews said from her end of the line. I smiled, knowing that even though we haven't seen each other in years, we were still the best of friends.

Just like we were in the third grade.

"Tell me something I don't know" I rolled my eyes "How's your side of the country going chica?"

She sighed "It's horrible. Ethan fooled around with this chick that's absolutely crazy. Like stalker crazy. When he called things off with her, she ruined his new truck. Now I'm stuck taking him to school every day"

Ethan was Taylor's twin brother who according to her, was a total player. It made me wonder how such a scrawny and nerdy kid turned out to be a bad boy player. He was always so shy and sweet around me that I never would have guessed that he would have turned out this way.

I heard curse words in the background and immediately knew Ethan was there too "Hey E!" I called out

There was shuffling on the phone before I heard a masculine voice "Hey Kass, what's happening hot-stuff?"

More shuffling before I heard the twins fight "Stop flirting with my friend!!" Taylor yelled

"She's my friend too brat" Ethan taunted

"Shut up" a third voice yelled, one that I recognize as the twins older brother Kaden "Sky just put down the baby for her nap and I swear to God, if she wakes up I'll kill you both"

Once again, more shuffling "I'll call you back Kass"


The next day I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear.

Last night Taylor texted me that she couldn't talk to me for a while because Ethan and she were grounded.

Apparently, they did wake their niece up.

I sighed because I could have used my best friend's advice for the first day of school, it would have helped with my nerves.

As quickly as I could, I took a shower and put on my uniform before knocking on the conjoining door in my room, which happened to be attached to Ares's room.

I bent down next to his bed and wiped the stray hairs away from his precious face before gently waking him up "Ares, it's time to wake up bud"

He whimpered and threw his arms around my neck "I had the dream again sissy"

I rubbed his back gently "Again? Why didn't you wake me up?"

He whimpered louder "I couldn't get up. It was like I was stuck in the dream"

I soothed him "It's okay baby, I'm right here" his grip tightened "Now buddy, I want you to get dressed for school. If you finish fast enough, I buy you a doughnut for breakfast"

He pulled back and wiped his tears away "With sprinkles?"

I laughed and kissed his forehead "Yes, with sprinkles"

He jumped out of bed and I left his room, shaking my head all the way down until I got to the kitchen.

I stopped and saw my grandfather sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.


"Are you driving us to school today?"

He looked at me as he sipped his coffee "You know how to drive girl?"

I gritted my teeth "Yes, I know how to drive. Do you?"

He gave me a tight smile before standing up and motioning me to follow him. I hesitated when he started to head in the direction of his workshop.

He must have noticed my hesitation because he motioned to a second door on the left, one I never noticed before.

"This is the garage. I don't have time to be dropping or picking you two up, so I'm gonna let you borrow a car" he said his hard Texas accent

He opened the garage door and then pointed to a car on the far left of the garage, one that was covered with a sheet "Take that car. I can't be bothered with the whims of you two"

I gritted my teeth "So kind of you"

His lips thinned before he grabbed a key off a hook and throwing it to me. He then pulled out his wallet and handed me a couple of bills "I won't be home tonight. Here's some money for gas and food. My numbers are on the fridge. Don't call me unless someone's dying"

He walked out of the room, living me standing in the garage alone

I took calming breaths before finally losing it "MOTHER..."

"SISSY!!! I'M DONE!!" Ares yelled, cutting off my curse



I cursed as I tried to tie the stupid tie

After the fifth attempt, I just let it hang around my neck and slammed my locker door.

"Ry Ry" I groaned when I heard that high pitched giggle

"Marcy" I faked a smile "How are you?"

She giggled more and brought me closer to her by pulling the ends of my untied tie.

"I'm fine handsome, how are you?" she purred

I stepped back and pulled my tie out of her hands.

She pouted

"What do you need Marcy?" I asked in irritation before looking at my watch.

Great, I still had 10 minutes left with this annoying little girl.

Now was that harsh??

Yeah but, I had a reason for being harsh.

About a year and a half ago, after I realized that my mate was not coming anytime soon, I decided to go on a date with this girl that was a friend of my friends. This was probably the biggest mistake of my life. Not only did I have a horrible time, but I also gained a stalker.

Ever since that day, she thought we were a couple and that she was the next Alpha Female.

Lately, she's been extra crazy. She's been telling everyone and anyone that would listen that we were getting married soon. Another female couldn't even look at me without her getting psycho she-wolf on me.

"If there's nothing you need Marcy, I have to get going"

"But Rhys?" She whined "I want to spend time with you"

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow "Or do you want to brag about that fantasy you have about being my mate?"

She pouted even more "Ry Ry, that's not true. I am your mate"

The psycho tried to kiss me but I dodged her and walked down the hall.

As soon as I turned the corner, I smelled a sweet smell and caught something soft.

I was late...

On the first day of School...


After my little meltdown in the garage, I quickly googled the nearest doughnut shop (Which was half an hour away. Apparently my "Grandfather" lived in Timbuktu) and buckled Ares in the car before driving to the doughnut shop.

I nearly cried when Ares refused to leave the shop after debating between a chocolate doughnut with pink frosting and colored sprinkles or a vanilla doughnut with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles.

After 15 minutes of indulging my baby brother, I finally gave up and bought him both.

As soon as we were in the car I raced to his school and being the overprotective sister I was, I spent another 20 minutes interviewing Ares teachers and scoping out his school. After I decided it was safe enough for Ares to attend school here, I hugged the life out of my brother and promised I would be here to pick him up as soon as school ended.

He nodded and started to suck his thumb.

My eyes softened and I gently took his hand in my own "Baby, you can't do that here. If the other kids see you, they'll be mean to you. You don't want sissy to get in trouble if they mess with you, do you?"

He shook his head

I smiled before kissing his little hand "Be a good boy and maybe sissy will take you out for ice cream"

His eyes brightened "Really Sissy?"

I laughed and kissed his cheek "Yes baby, but only if you're a good boy"

"I promise I will be" he kissed my cheek sloppily before going into the classroom and taking his seat.

I laughed when he waved and blew me a kiss

I checked my watch and my eyes widened when I realized I was 15 minutes late to my own school.

I thanked God that Ares school was 5 minutes away from mine or else I would have been in so much trouble.

I parked in an available spot and grabbed my bag before hightailing my butt to the building.

I was running so fast that I completely missed the caution sign until it was too late. I felt my ballet flat slip-on water and I close my eyes for the impending impact.

Damn, I was gonna be in so much pain tomorrow.

After a couple of seconds, when I realized my butt hasn't met the floor yet, I opened my eyes and they clashed with pretty gray eyes.

I stopped breathing for a second when I let my eyes wander over his handsome face.


He had tousled light brown (almost blonde) hair, a face like an angel, and for what I could tell, a body like a god.


I remained to pace in the hallways even after everyone entered their classrooms. I couldn't stop thinking about my Mate.

I cursed, fully believing that Fate was trying to keep us apart.

She was close, so close.

I growled and started punching a random locker over and over again until I felt a hand on my shoulder

I shrugged the hand off me and ignored whoever was trying to get my attention

"Uh, Alpha?" a hesitant voice said.

I turned and found a member of my Pack staring at the floor, purposely avoiding my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked harshly.

The guy flinched "Uh..." he stammered "I...Don't.."

I growled and the Dude backed away from me "Spit it out"

He cleared his throat "Alpha, I just wanted to inform you that the Principal is coming this way. He heard a complaint from my History teacher. I wanted to warn you before he caught you"

I stared at his familiar face. He looked young, probably about the age of a Freshman.

I know I've seen this kid before

"Are you Jack Keen's son?" The boy flinched and nodded

Jack Keen was my father's military commander who was found guilty of betraying his Pack and divulging private information about our military tactics to Hunters. He was one of my father's most trusted men and probably would have still been spilling our secrets if his Mate did not turn him in. Turns out, he betrayed her too. Divulging our secrets to his Mistress, a Hunter, who ended up killing him after he no longer had access to Wolf Intel.

Sad really.

Not only did he screw up his life, he also ended up making his family the "Black Sheeps" (Ironic huh) of the Pack. Most of the Pack steer clear of the Keens because they feel that they are just like Jack.

I say most of the Pack because I don't really believe that the Keens are evil. They shouldn't be judged based on a mistake they didn't even commit.

This kid shouldn't be defined by the mistakes of his father

I realized that I was so lost in my thoughts that the kid starting sweating and shaking like he was waiting for some sort of punishment.

I stepped forward and the Kid flinched backward

I raised an eyebrow before clapping him on the back, my demeanor calm despite my Wolf's anxiety and desperation to find his Mate "Thanks, kid. I appreciate the warning"

His posture relaxed and he released the breath he was holding

I started walking "What's your name kid?"

He ran to catch up with me "Alexander, but most people call me Alex"

"How's school so far Alex?" I asked

Yeah, I was Alpha and didn't really need to be talking to this kid but I figured he needed some guidance. High School is hard for regular kids, being a Were makes High School especially hard.

"Good Sir," he said, falling in step with me

I chuckled "Call me Rhys, Sir is for my father" I looked at my watch "Sorry Alex, I have to get going. It was nice talking to you"


"Goodbye Alpha" he bared his neck and watched me leave.

I rubbed my hands, now that this little distraction is over, I can finally look for my mate.


I found her!!!

My Wolf nearly howled in joy as we watched her enter our classroom.

"That's her" I whispered and immediately, my friends turned to watch her talk to our teacher.

"She's so pretty!!" Mia, Matt's Mate exclaimed. Matt nodded in agreement before whispering in her ear.

"Alpha, is that really our Luna?" Everly, My third asked with excitement

"I think so" I murmured

Now that she was closer, I could smell her sweet vanilla perfume.

Our eyes met from across the room and I swear my heart stopped.

Those violet eyes stole my breath away

"Rhys" Matt murmured, "I think that she might be one of the kids of that woman who came to your house seeking refugee"

I looked at my mate and watched as she thanked the teacher before walking past my pack and taking a seat in the back, her cheeks an adorable pink color.

"I think she is" I replied dismissively, "The woman said she had an older daughter and younger son"

After my initial shock of having the Mate of the most powerful Alpha in the world bow down to me was over, I granted her and her children asylum in my Pack. She was relieved but declined my mother's offer to say with them. When mom started to whine, Mrs. Dimitriou Said something about wanting to keep the Hunter's and Other wolves away from her children.

"Well..." Shawn my Third mate, started which broke me out of my thoughts "I hacked the school's database and found 10 new Senior students starting today. "

He nodded at my Mate and the whole pack looked. She caught us staring at her and immediately looked away.

"So I narrowed it down to girls and apparently out of the 10 there were only 3 new girls"

"Did you check if any of them had siblings?" Matt asked before tickling Mia when she started drawing girly hearts and smiley faces on his arm

Shawn smirked "I did. Broke into the DMV records. Made my job so much easier"

Everly pinched him "Get on with it Idiot"

Shawn pouted and started rubbing where she pinched "How did I get such an abusive Mate?"

She rolled her eyes "How did I get such an idiotic mate" she muttered

I sat up in my seat and growled.

Everyone immediately bowed their heads and muttered an apology.

"So which one has a brother?"

"Only 1" he looked at my girl quickly before staring at the teacher "And he goes to school with Mia's sister"

Mia perked up "Really? What grade?"

"Same grade as Madison"

"We can gather intel" Matt suggested thoughtfully.

Mia turned on him with narrowed eyes "You are not using my sister as a spy"

"I'm just saying" Matt held his hands up defensively "Isn't is coincidental that some weird woman shows us during the midst of an upcoming war and seeks refuge for her and her kids?"

I winced internally.

I wanted to tell him to watch his tongue because she wasn't just any woman. She was the Alpha Female of the most powerful Alpha in the world and happened to be my new mother-in-law.

I wanted to tell all my pack who Mrs. Dimitriou was but couldn't because of the promise I made both her and my mother.

"I don't think it's coincidental," Mia said softly "I think Rhys needs her, and so do we"

Everyone became quiet.

Mia was always the wisest one in our Pack.

She was an excellent Beta Female and substitute Luna to all those who were seeking wisdom and help. Now that my Mate was finally here, I know that she'll be wise and a great leader like Mia.

I looked at my Mate from across the room, who was writing in her notebook. Her long blondish brown hair was falling into her face, those violet eyes wide and alert with a hint of nervousness in their depths.

Our eyes met and she gave me a smile before turning her attention to her notebook, her cheeks still that adorable shade of pink.

She was beautiful

"You're right," I said softly "We do need her. I need her"


Today has been the weirdest first day of school in my whole entire life.

And I've had a lot of first days of school in my life.

First, it started with that Greek God saving me from some serious back problems, Then I ran away from that same Greek God like a chicken with its head cut off, and Now, when I walked into my English class, the Greek God hottie and his posse of beautiful people are staring at me like I was an Alien with two heads.

I silently watched as they murmured among themselves.

I saw a blonde guy whisper in a pretty Dark haired girl's ear before she giggled. The Greek God Hottie was talking with a guy with reddish-brown hair while a girl with a long blonde bob was filing her nails.

Can this group get any more gorgeous?

I mean, yeah at my old school there was bound to be a handful of beautiful people but there was never this many in one school before.

Suddenly, My savior looked at me and so did the rest of his group.

I blushed and turned my attention to my notebook.

I heard a chair scrape against the floor and then there was a shadow blocking my light. When I looked up, I saw the pretty dark-haired girl standing in front of me, giving me a warm smile.

She was even more beautiful than I thought.

Her jet black hair was long with natural waves, her eyes were a warm greenish hazel, she was tall. Way is taller than me. She had the same uniform as I did but somehow, she made me feel frumpy.

"Hi" she greeted, taking a seat next to me.

I nervously looked at the gorgeous group she came from and saw that they were all watching her, the blonde guy she was giggling with earlier was especially watchful of her.

"Hello," I said quietly

"My name's Mia. What's yours?"

"Kassi" I smiled gently at her. She made me feel welcomed and less nervous about my first day of school.

"Pretty name," she said "Is it short for anything?"

I grimaced "Yeah"

She waited for me to say more but I keep my lips closed tightly. There was no way I was telling her my full name.24

Been there, done that. And guess what, the last time I told someone my full name, I was humiliated until Mom moved us to a new town.

"Well," she gave me another friendly smile and changed the subject "I hope you like reading novels because that's all Mr. Street gives us. FYI, I suggest that you read because he gives us questions that we can't use spark notes"65

She laughed, a light twinkly sound. I couldn't help but join her.

"Mia..." a deep voice asked quietly "Class is about to start"

I looked up to see the blonde guy standing in front of us, he was at least 6'3 ft tall with a lean, muscular body, and the pretty ice blue eyes.

Mia gave him a look "So..."

"Your seat is over there" he pointed to her previous seat, the one she was sitting with him before.

She laughed and stood before patting his cheek softly "I know that Matty, but I'm sitting here today" she paused "With my new best friend"

His eyes softened "But..."

She laughed softly and kissed his cheek "Stop whining Pretty boy"

She turned to me "Kassi, this is my boyfriend Matt. Matt this is Kassi"


He smiled at me "Hello" he said politely

"Matt," a deep voice said from behind both Mia and Matt. I shivered and my eyes immediately locked with gray eyes.

"What?" Matt turned, his arms wrapped tightly around Mia

"Mr. Street is waiting for you to sit down"

He turned and saw Mr. Street tapping his foot impatiently while giving him a pointed look

Matt grinned sheepishly before releasing Mia, but not before giving her a quick kiss.

Mia shook her head and sat down, grinning.

"You could have sat with your boyfriend Mia," I said politely, not offended in the slightest.

She gave me a smile "Don't worry about it. He needs to learn to spend some time away from me" she came closer "He tends to have separation anxiety"

We laughed and I heard a growl coming from where Mia's group was sitting. I watched as my gorgeous savior was grinning, the boy with the reddish-brown hair was laughing, the girl with the blonde bob was smirking, and finally, Matt looked annoyed and grumpy.

A few minutes after Mr. Street started class, Mia started whispering to me.

"Would you like to have lunch with us?"

"Uh..." I raised an eyebrow "I don't think..."

"Come on, we don't bite" she pointed to her group "You've already met Matty, the guy behind him is Shawn and the girl next to him is Everly, his girlfriend" Mia winked at me "And the loner in the back is Rhys"

"Rhys..." I whispered and his head snapped to the side, looking at me.

I blushed, feeling awkward that he caught me staring at him.

He just winked at me

"So what do you say?" she stared at me hopefully

"Ms. Maci, Ms. Dimitriou is there anything either of you two would like to share with the class?"

"I was just sharing with Kassi how I think the 7 deadly sins present themselves in Dorian Grey," Mia said innocently.

Mr. First huffed before turning back to his lecture

As soon as he starting talking, Mia poked my side "You owe me for saving your butt"

I stared at her "You were talking to me"

"Well, you responded" she stuck her tongue at me and I chuckled quietly

"Come on..." she whined, reminding me of Ares "Just for today and if you don't like us, then we'll leave you alone"

I sighed "Okay.." she cut me off with a loud squeal

Mr. Street gave her a withering look "Ms. Maci..." he warned

"I saw a cockroach"

A few of the other girls in the class started to freak out and scream

Mr. Street started to calm everyone down but when no one listened to him, he gave up and dismissed the class, letting us leave 15 minutes early.

I packed up my bag quickly and was about to leave when Mia grabbed my arm and rushed me toward her group.

I tried to pry my arm away from her but she was just too strong

"Guys!! Guess what" She exclaimed before finally letting me go and running in Matt's awaiting arms.

He kissed her temple and wrapped an arm around her waist "What is it baby?"


He must have caught me because I was still in his arms and he was partially bent down, like that famous picture of the couple kiss after the war was over.

I blushed when I realized I was ogling him.

He growled and I gasped when he caressed my blushing cheek "Beautiful" he murmured.

I pushed against his broad shoulders because I totally did not want to get caught in a compromising position on the first day of my new school.

He narrowed his eyes and grasped my waist tighter "Mine" he growled.

My eyes widened "Uh... I'm not yours. I don't even know you"

He looked away and pulled me up so I was standing straight.

I fixed my uniform blushed again when I felt his eyes on me "Thank you... You know... For saving me from an embarrassing moment"

He continued to stare

"Okay, I'm just going to go now" I started to walk away when a calloused hand grabbed my wrist

"Name..." He whispered

I narrowed my eyes on the hand that was currently held hostage "What?"

"What's your name?" He cleared his throat and released me "My name is..."

The bell rang at that moment and I cursed

I quickly ran away from my savior when students started to fill the hallway "Thanks Again!!"

"Wait!!!" He sounded desperate and I could hear him pushing people out of the way to get to me.

I didn't look back

Because if I did, I would get lost in his mesmerizing gray eyes.


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