I gaped at my mother as she finished making grilled cheese sandwiches for my brother
"What do you mean we're leaving?" I continued my persistent questioning
She sighed before brushing away the wisps of blonde hair away from her face "Kassi, the movie is only temporary. Besides you get to spend it with your grandfather"
I stared at her like she was crazy "Mom, Pappous died when I was 3"
She avoided my eyes and started washing the dishes "Not you're father's father Kassi, my father"
My eyes widened "Your father's still alive? Do we have another grandfather? Why didn't I know this?"
She continued to avoid my eyes "It's complicated Kass"
"But..." I protested
"Enough Kassiopeia Dimitriou" she gave me a look and I shut my mouth "I am very sorry that I never told you before about your grandfather but it was a decision your father and I made before you were born. I think this will be a great opportunity to learn about my heritage, not just your father's heritage"
"Ares!" She yelled "Lunch is ready"
My 9-year-old brother ran down the stairs in excitement.
I smiled because he looked just like my father at the moment. It was funny to me how much we took after each parent. My brother is the exact replica of my father, right down to his dimples. The only thing that he doesn't share with my father is his eyes.
He has mom's brown eyes.
I, on the other hand, was told I look just like my mother except when it comes to my hair and eye color. When I was still developing my genes never picked a color, therefore leaving me with reverse ombré hair color, blonde from my mother and brown from my father.
On top of having weird hair, I also inherited weird midnight blue eyes from my father. Now normally a girl would be ecstatic when they had colored eyes but my eyes are a pain. Every emotion I experience results in my eyes changing from blue to violet.
I am constantly annoyed when people ask which brand of contacts I use or where I get my hair done.
"Start packing," Mom said, bringing me out of my thoughts "We're leaving tomorrow"
"Knock, Knock," a feminine voice said before poking her head in my office door
I smiled at my mother's silly antics and paused my typing temporarily "Yes?"
She gave me an anxious smile "Hey sweetie pie, can we come in?"
I lost my smile as my parents, Beta, and Third-in-command walked into my office. All four of them bared their necks to me in a sign of respect before sitting down. Matt, my beta, was the only one that remained standing.
"What is this?" I asked while taking my seat "I didn't know we were scheduled for a meeting today?"
"We weren't," my dad's gruff voice said "We're here because we have some concerns"
I raised an eyebrow "What kind of concerns?"
Mom stood in front of Dad, wringing her hands together anxiously "Not concerns, Rhys, just questions"
"Alpha," Matt stepped forward "My Mate has heard chatter in the Pack regarding the new Alpha Female"
I stiffened and released a low growl
My third stepped forward "My Mate as well, Alpha"
"And what is this chatter about?" I said through clenched teeth "What are they saying?"
"They are afraid that since there is no Alpha female, that other packs will see us as weak and attack," Dad said looking straight at me "They aren't wrong to assume that"
I looked away "They can assume anything they like. I am the Alpha and have their best interests in mind. And so far, they have been well taken care of"
He sighed "Rhys, it's been almost 3 years. If you had a Mate don't you think..."
I shot him a look and roared "DON'T FINISH THAT!!!!"
Mom flinched "Honey, your father..."
I growled at her and Dad stepped forward
"Enough Rhys" Dad growled "I think it's time to start considering one of the Mateless women as your Mate. It's best for the Pack"
I looked at my Beta and Third "Get the Hell out of my office and go control that stupid gossip"
They bared their necks at me one last time before leaving my office
I sat back in my chair and pulled at my hair "I care about the Pack, I really do, but I care about my mate more. Even if I don't know who she is"
Mom came to my side of the desk and ruffled my hair "As it should be baby"
She shot dad a look "You know how your father gets when it has something to do with the Pack"
I sighed "I know the smart decision would be to Mate with someone else for the well-being of the Pack, but I just can't. Something is telling me not to"
She rubbed my back gently "I'm not questioning your decision Rhys. I'm here to tell you that whatever you do decide, I will back you up 100%" she bent down and kissed my head before whispering in my ear "Just trust your instincts, baby boy. They haven't let you down yet"
Mom fiddled with the car radio until she settled on one of her favorite old-school songs. I glanced at my brother's sleeping face before asking her the questions that been on my mind ever since we've landed in Texas.
"Yes, Sweetie?" She asked
"What is your Father like and why are you dropping us a block away from his house?"
She gripped the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turned white. For a moment, I thought she wouldn't answer until she started talking "When I was younger, my father was a tough and strict man. He always insisted that I should be more focused on my studies instead of the outside world" she focused on the road "Now that I have children of my own, I see what he meant, but as a teenager, I was upset with him. So upset"
She turned down an unpaved road and continued to drive "I continued to do as he said because if I didn't, he used to guilt trip me" she tensed "He used to scream at me, saying that since I lived in his house, I had to follow his rules"
I felt sad for my Mom at that moment. She was such a wonderful woman that I couldn't imagine what kind of life she had before now.
"One night" she continued "I got so fed up with his yelling that I left to a friend's house. Of course, being stupid teenagers we decided to do something rebellious"
She chuckled and for the first time on this damn trip, I smiled
"Since the nearest club was 2 hours away, my best friend and I decided to go to a Bonfire one of the college kids was throwing" her smile remained as she continued to drive "So we decided to take a short cut threw the woods"
She turned to me and smile "And of course, with my sense of direction skills, we got lost"
I chuckled
Mom's direction skills sucked. My favorite memory as a child was when my father decided to teach my mother direction skills with just a map and a compass. I loved watching how patient he was with her even after she kept getting us lost.
"After an hour" she continued "We started getting worried. It was dark and there were reports on the news about recent wolf attacks. Then suddenly we heard a wolf howl"
I sat up straight in my chair, enthralled with her story
"And being the idiots we were, we ran" we chuckled and I saw mom's fingers relax "After a couple of minutes, we stopped for a break, near where we started when we heard a twig snap" she shook her head "And at that point, we were so freaked out that we started screaming at the top of our lungs"
She pulled to the side of the road and parked the car "As soon as we started screaming, a handsome guy with brown hair and the prettiest midnight blue eyes I've ever seen came from behind a tree and asked if we needed help" she raised an eyebrow "Have any idea who might that be?"
"He escorted us home. My friend first and then Me" she sighed dreamily "during our little walk, we played twenty questions. If I'm being honest, it was love at first sight for me"
I chuckled "Well, apparently the feeling was mutual" I pointed to my brother and myself "If it wasn't, I don't think we would be here right now"
She shot me a look "Anyways, I was having so much fun that the walk home came and went so fast. I found myself wanting to stay with him but sadly, I knew that wasn't possible" she shook her head "I was thinking 'This guy is too perfect to be true or "This guy is way hot to not have a girlfriend"
I chuckled but she ignored me and continued her story "Imagine my surprise when he leans forward and kisses my cheek, promising me that he'll see me soon"
"OOH!!" I laughed loud enough that my brother woke up from his nap "Dad was a smooth talker!!"
Mom shot me a look "He was not!!! He was just being sweet"
I rolled my eyes and she shook her head before climbing out of the car. I jumped out too and managed to unclip my brother's car seat.
He ran out excitedly and started jumping up and down "Are we there yet?"
"Almost baby boy" she turned and handed me out bags "Your Grandfather's house is just up that road. Take care of your brother and no matter what, don't go out into the woods alone. There are always Hunter's hunting wolves and I don't want either of you to get hurt"
I looked around "Where are the other houses?"
"There is no other house Kass, your Grandfather owns all this land"
My mouth dropped open "All this? You never told me you were rich?"
She looked away "I'm not Kassi. Your Grandfather is. The day I married your father was the day he made that very clear" she shook her head "That's a story for another day, come now, you better get going. It'll be dark soon"
I helped my brother put on his favorite wolf backpack "Tell me again why you aren't coming to live with us?"
"New work opportunities" she wouldn't look at me in the eye and I knew there was more to it than what she was willing to tell me "I'll take a plane to Alaska at 10 pm. Call me when you get to your Grandfather's and I'll call you before I leave"
I was hesitant "He knows we're coming, right?"
She looked me in the eyes for the first time throughout this whole trip "He knows. I made sure of it"
I nodded and she gave both of us kisses "You have my credit cards, hospital cards, and important numbers, right Kassiopeia?" 303
I cringed at my full name but nodded nonetheless
Her eyes jumped back and forth between us like she was trying to remember something
"OH!!" She exclaimed "I enrolled you both into Private school. For you, school starts Monday"
I looked at my brother and he looked right back at me. We both looked at my mother and started whining.
She laughed and kissed us one last time "Be good, both of you"
She looked at me "Remember to always be yourself no matter what. Embrace who you are and listen to no one." She touched my face gently "Remember you are the daughter of Nicolay Dimitriou. The man that never backed down from anything or anyone"
I shook my head "What does me being the daughter of Nicolay Dimitriou have to do with anything?"
She smiled gently "You will find out soon enough baby, Soon enough" she walked to the driver's side of the car "Take care of each other. And Remember, Mom, loves you so very much"
"Alpha?" One of the border guards knocked on my door
I raised an eyebrow at him "Yes? What is it and why aren't you at your post"
He bared his neck "I am sorry to bother you Alpha but there is a woman there and she is asking to meet you" 20
I stared at him "Is she part of the Pack? Tell her that I am not taking meetings today"
He shook his head "She's not part of the Pack Alpha. She's... She's Human?"
"Human?" I questioned "Send her away, she's probably just a lost tourist"
He shook his head again "She's very adamant and..."
I raised an eyebrow "And? Spit it out Jensen!"
"She has the Mark of an Alpha"
My little brother gripped my hand as we hiked up to our grandfather's house
"Don't worry buddy" I gave him a reassuring smile "Everything will be alright"
He put his thumb in his mouth and nodded. My heart melted. No matter what happened here, I vowed to protect my brother. Although he was nine years old, he was still smaller than normal nine-year-olds. This made me 10x more protective over him. At his old school whenever someone tried to bully him, I threatened them to the point where they went home crying.
My parents used to call me their little She-wolf because I was so protective over him like he was my little cub.
A couple of minutes we were standing in front of the biggest house I've ever seen. Scratch that. It was more like a Mansion instead of a house. Much bigger than our apartment in New York.
When I turned to Ares, he had his mouth open.
He went to take a step forward when I grabbed his should. I bent down to his height and he looked at me with his cute brown eyes
"Ares, while we're here, I want you to tell me everything you experience. Can you do that buddy?"
"Sure sissy, I'll tell you about my day!" His eyes brightened
I smiled "And tell me if you feel uncomfortable in this house. If you do, we'll leave. Promise"
He gave me a crooked smile, one that would surely charm the girls when he's older.
"You think Grandpa will like us?" He asked
I ruffled his hair "He would be an idiot not to" I grinned "Race you to the front door"
He squealed and took off.
I tried to run after him but the movement of the curtains in the living room caught my attention
"Neener Neener" Ares teased "I won"
I rolled my eyes and walked to the front door before ruffling his hair "Yes you did squirt"
He knocked on the door excitedly. After a minute of no one answering, I rang the doorbell.
After 5 minutes of no one answering, we frowned and I pounded on the door.
"I thought Momma told him we were coming?" Ares spoked around his thumb
"She did" I started yelling "HELLO? IS ANYONE HOME?"
"Stop all that hollering Girl," a deep voice said from behind us. Both Ares and I jumped before he hid behind my leg.
'If he's out here then who was in the house a second go?' I thought
The man in his late 60's had silver hair, wore flannel, and dark Levi jeans. He was a tall man and not the type of person I was expecting to be my grandfather. His demeanor was cold and uninviting.
The opposite of my mother
"I wouldn't be hollering if you answered your door"
His lips thinned "I suppose your Carrie's kids?"
I raised an eyebrow
He wouldn't even address us as his grandkids let alone, my mom as his own daughter "Yes we are"
He looked us over.
I stood protectively in front of my brother when I saw the look of disapproval in my "Grandfather's face"
He looked at us before nodding his head toward the house "Follow me"
Ares grasped my leg tighter and I patted the top of his head "It'll be fine buddy"
He nodded but continued to suck his thumb
The old man opened his door and my mouth dropped open in horror.
His whole living room was filled with animals
Dead and stuffed Wolves to be exact
I felt Ares shaking nervously
"What the Hell?" I muttered, knowing damn well that the old man heard me.
He pointed to the left "Kitchens through that way" he then pointed to the right "My study and workshop is that way. If I'm not in the study, chances are that I'm in the workshop"
I shivered
"The second floor is the guest rooms. Pick whichever room suits you. Stay off the third floor"
He started to stalk away before pausing "Word of the wise, stay out of the woods. Sometimes I like to practice my shooting out there"
He went to the right, probably to his evil workshop to torture helpless animals.
"Come on bud," I urged Ares up the stairs "let's go unpack"
Hey Guys
First authors note of this Book!!!
I know I've been lacking with posting chapters but trust me, that issue will be resolved once my chaotic life calms down!!!
Next chapter coming very soon!!!
P.S everyone, if you haven't noticed, each chapter has a picture with the character's name on it. That's how I'll be informing you of who's Point of View you're reading from.
Just letting you know!!!
Also, I want to do something fun for the next chapter and I need your help!!!
There will be a lot of new people coming and I need names!!
Give me more girl than boy names and a small description!!!
That will really help get the next chapter published so you guys can enjoy it!!!
I stood up as I smelled the unfamiliar smell on the opposite of my door.
"Come in" I said
The door opened and I saw my guard standing there with a blonde woman who looked at me with a blank expression.
I waved my guard away and he bared his neck to me before closing the door
The woman and I stared at each other until she spoke up "You're so grown up now"
I raised an eyebrow "Excuse me?"
The woman smiled slightly "I think it would be best if you called your parents"
My spine stiffened and I stood to my full height "I don't know who you are and why you're on my land but I think it would be best if you left my property immediately"
She rubbed her neck and that's when my eyes noticed the faint mark on her neck. My eyes snapped towards hers and I realized I was my mouth was hanging open in disbelief.
She smiled faintly "I believe it would be best if your parents were here. Maybe they can help me explain things better"
I cleared my throat and called my parents landline
My mom answered on the second ring "Hey baby boy" she chirped
"Hi Mom" I replied, keeping the woman in my sight "Mom, I need you and Dad to come to my office."
"Why?" She sounded confused
"Because..." I looked at the woman "There's someone here that wants to talk to you"
"Who is it?"
I don't know how, but the woman heard my mom's question "Tell her about the time when she nearly peed her pants after she and her best friend got lost in the woods" the woman said quietly.
I relayed the message to my mom and she remained quiet the whole time. I thought the line went dead before I heard a girly squeal and the click of the phone disconnecting.
About 5 minutes later my office door burst opened and my mom attacked the woman.
I took a step forward, ready to pull them apart when I realized that my mom wasn't attacking the woman, they were jumping up and down excitedly.
A minute later, my father walked into the room with a big smile on his face.
"I can't believe you're here!!" Mom cried "It's been too long"
The woman sniffled "I know Emmie, I'm sorry"
Mom dried her tears and hugged the woman tighter before stepping back. A second later, my father took my mother's place and hugged the woman also.
I was fed up with not knowing what was happening "Can someone tell me what is going on here? Who is she and how do you two know her?"
"Well son, this is Carrie Dimitriou" he smiled "Your mother's best friend"
"And your Godmother" Mom added "If it wasn't for Carrie, I don't think you'd be here right now. She introduced your father to me"
The woman, Carrie, nodded
"But that still doesn't explain what she's doing here or how she has that" I pointed at the Alpha's mark on her neck.
A Royal Alpha's Mark
A mark that hasn't been seen in a long time
"Carrie is the Alpha Female to the Royal Pack" dad explained "Her husband is the Prince of Wolves"
"Speaking of him?" Mom said excitedly "Where is Nico? And your daughter?"
Carrie tried to smile but then tears filled her eyes
"Carebear?" Mom asked in concern "What's wrong?"
"I have a son now" Carrie added looking at the floor "He's gonna be 10 soon. And Kassie's so beautiful. She has Nic's eyes"
"That's great Carrie, but why are you crying?" Mom frowned
Realization dawned on my father's face "Honey, I don't think Carrie wants to talk..."
Mom waved him off and continued to stare at her best friend "Carrie, what aren't you telling me"
Carrie finally looked at my mother, mom gasped when she saw tears streaming down her best friend's face. She immediately rushed to her and that's when the strongest Alpha female in the world broke down.
I've heard stories of the Royal Pack, They were descendants of the 1st created wolves and were known to be the strongest, fastest, and smartest. Unfortunately, these attributes led to jealousy among other packs which led to most of the family being hunted down.
Rumors said that there were only a handful of Royal wolves left but I personally believed that the rumors were fake and the royals were extinct.
Apparently, I was wrong.
"The reason I'm here is that I seek asylum for my children" Carrie sniffled before looking at me "Nic died 9 years ago and ever since then, my children and I have been on the run"
Mom gasped "Why didn't you come to us sooner? You know that this is your land too"
I looked at my mother in confusion
What the Hell is she talking about?
Dad must have sensed my confusion because he answered my unspoken question "This land originally belonged to Nicolay Dimitriou, Carrie's husband. My father had a hard time with rouges invading his land so as the last resort he asked for help from the Royals. Part of the agreement was that the Royals get to keep a piece of land in exchange for their help"
"You're barely telling me this now?" I growled and Carrie chuckled
"It seems your son has your temper Emmie"
Mom laughed before turning serious again "Carrie, you know you could have come to us for help sooner. We wouldn't have a mind. You know we loved you and Nic like family"
Carrie's lip wobbled "I know, but the fight between the Packs and Royals are worse than we ever imagined. There's only a handful of Royal Wolves left, including my children"
"Do they have the Gene?" Dad asked
Carrie nodded "I possibly think Kassi might have it. Her eye color changes when she's mad, like Nic's used to do right before he shifted"
"And your boy?"
She smiled "Ares, is special. He has a 50/50 chance of being Human or Wolf"
She stood straighter and looked me in the eyes, some of her Alpha female resolve coming into place. The looked reminded me of my mother when she was scolding me for doing something reckless.
"I, Alpha Female of the Royal Pack submit to you, Alpha of the Wolf Moon Pack in exchange for refuge for my children"