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I hug my fake girlfriend. She sleeps soundly. I had never noticed how cute she is when she sleeps. I carry her to her bedroom and tuck her under her covers. I close the door and go to my office. Where I spend most of my time.

Before entering, the voice of my father resounds:

-Eloys? Come here my boy.

I obey and enter his office. A shiver runs through my arms. I hate this place. I stand right in front of my father.

- Yes, father?

- That girl there...


-Yes! Gabby. What is she still doing here?

-She's with me, father.

-I know it, but usually.. They leave as quickly as they entered, don't they?

Nork looks up at me.

- Well, it's been a long time since I did that.

- Is it serious between you?

-Yes. Very.

-That's one thing that differentiates you from Silvio. Do you see a potential marriage?

-Marriage? It is too early.

- Sure, but possibly? he persists.

I'm thinking.

-Certainly. Let's see where the future will take us.

He nods and motions for me to leave. Before crossing the door, I add:

-How did you know?

-I see her bathing with Artania. She looks nice to me. Unlike all these...

-She is! She is nice, yes.

I leave. In my office, I arrange certain normalities of the contract for New Zealand lands. Someone knocks on my door and enters. My stepsister sits at her ease and stares at me.

- What do you want from me, sister? I ask, irritated.

-You? Eloys Bastra. Son of the King of Istanbul.. Apologize? Let me laugh!

- She told you everything?

-I pulled the worms out of his nose. Do not change the subject!

-It also seemed to me that you had something to do with it.

I decide to hold his gaze.

-What do you want Art?

-Since I know you, so twenty-one years, you are stripped of emotion. And it is now, that you have some? This girl works wonders!

-She's under contract. She does what she has to do. Don't make a big deal out of it!

-For a contract, you're acting weird.

- But, what is your problem? I can't live in peace! I'm getting upset.

Artania stands up and points at me.

- This girl is awesome. For once, I approve of your choice. For one of the rare times, too, you open up. She changes you. Maybe you don't see it. But I see it. It is obvious!

-When she finds out, she won't want to...

I stop in my sentence.

- From whom? Of you? Of the contract?

-I don't know!

I take my head in my hands. Artania has the gift of exposing me. To tell me what I don't want to hear.

-I can't wait for you to see it. See it as I see it. And, thinking, she knows more than you can believe.

-What do you mean?

-That you should confide in her. It's only been a week, so what?

-She could be like all the others! Wanting after my money..

-No. That's what you want to make yourself believe to get away from her.

A heavy silence hangs over the room.

"Good night," she told me.

Artania leaves, leaving me alone in my office. I shut the computer cover angrily and go to bed.

Gabby's POV

When I wake up, I'm still wearing my dress from the day before. I quickly make connections and thank heaven that Éloys didn't take it away from me.

I take a long shower, get dressed and go to lunch. I feel disappointed, because I do not meet Éloys, but his dear brother. I ignore it as I walk past. However, he holds me back.

- How are you my pretty? I thought you left without saying goodbye to me.

- Well, I didn't leave. And even if I was, I wouldn't have said goodbye to you.

I break free from his grip. His gaze wanders over me and I find that unhealthy look on his face disturbing. I'm about to leave, but he blocks my way.

-A dinner with me. That's all I ask.

-You know my answer. She is not ready to change. Let me pass now, I order.

He was going to answer me, but Artania is faster than him.

- Silvio. Go away.

He gives me one last look, then leaves. I turn to Éloys' half-sister.

-THANKS. Really, you were on point!

She hugs me.

-How are you. I am used to it. Besides, we're friends, aren't we?

-Obviously! I answer him with a smile.

- Did you have lunch? she asks.

- No. I was just going there.

-Me too! Come.

After our lunch, we stay talking in the garden. I haven't seen Éloys all morning. Even if I don't want to, it worries me. So much that I feel like it's crushing me inside.

I take my courage in both hands and talk to Artania about it:

-Do you know where is... Your brother?

- Probably in his office working. Like all her days..., she said looking at the flowers of various colors.

I sigh. I bite the inside of my cheek not to add more. I feel Artania's piercing gaze staring at me.

-Why this question? You miss him? she laughs.

My breath stops. "Yes, I miss him. I want to see him to piss him off with my sarcasm. Keep him from working. Just hang out with me."

-A cat ate your tongue?

My friend's remark takes me out of my bubble.

-No. It's just that...

-That you want to know what he's doing every moment?

How does she do that? She manages to know how I feel. What I keep pushing back.

"It's only been a week," I tell him. That would surprise me. How can you insinuate such a thing? You listen to too many mushy movies.

-You won't be successful forever.


A small laugh escapes his mouth, followed by a long sigh.

-You know, at the beginning, I was like "how are you going to succeed in this contract?" Now I see that you are the same. You are more alike than you imagine.

- Are you a philosopher or what? What did you eat?

We laugh together, then she gets up. She holds out her hand for me to follow.

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