In the morning, I stay locked in my room until eleven o'clock. It was Artania who made me move from my comfortable mattress.
She told me that we are going to walk. I put on a pair of shorts and a black tank top and go with her.
During our walk, I have to undergo an interrogation:
-You know, Éloys is not good with his feelings. Very often, he prefers to silence them rather than talk about them, she told me.
-I thought I noticed it... You are his half-sister, which side are you?
-Of the King. Let's just say my dad, Nork, also has trouble with relationships. 'Guess it runs in the family.
-Does the queen know?
Artania stops and gazes into mine.
-The.. The queen is dead, Gabby.
His eyes fill with longing. She keeps:
-My biological mother was irresponsible. After I was born, she handed me over to my father. The queen, Miranda, raised me as her own daughter.
-I didn't know. Excuse me!
-No, it's fine... For your information, she died five years ago. And I must admit that most have moved on, but not Éloys. Frankly, his mother was everything to him.
-And the king?
-After a certain tragic event, our father despises him for having failed. Today, her favorite son is Silvio. This one doesn't complain about it.
-Is this tragedy related to his baseball accident? I ask.
Artania's eyes go white.
-How do you know?
-I saw the video cassette..., I confess.
"Have you spoken to Éloys about it?"
-I tried in a subtle way, but he quickly got angry. Afterwards, he came to see me in my room to forgive himself.
-Wait.. Éloys? Apologize?
-I swear to you!
We laugh together. After our walk, we bathe. Around 3:20 p.m., a servant comes to see me. She tells me that the youngest prince wants to see me. Surprise, I go out and go see him.
A butler in his thirties guides me to the prince's office.
Dressed only in a beach dress, I enter the room. Éloys, comfortably seated behind his computer, details me.
-You bathed with my sister I imagine?
- What insight! I said.
He growls at my fantastic sarcasm.
-You wanted to see me?
-Yes. In fact, I have a very important dinner tonight with potential buyers...
-And you want me to stay locked in my room all evening?
-I want you to come with me.
-Wow! Am I allowed an outing, your majesty?
-I will take for a "yes". I hope you have an elegant dress? he asks, raising his eyebrows.
-I can fix myself. That's all?
-Yes, you can join Artania.
I smile at him, then leave.
We relax, with our backs to the sun, sunbathing on the deckchairs.
I close my eyelids, savoring the warmth. I hear Artania say "I'm going to leave you.." Without really knowing why. I open my eyes and realize that Éloys is there. Checking me out. I sigh.
-I was there, I cry, turning my head.
-So you were well, you didn't notice that two male servants were looking at you and my brother.
-So what? They didn't touch me, I argue.
-Why did I have to come across a lawyer? he lectures himself.
-That's your problem your Highness! If not, what did you want from me?
- Looking for you to emphasize that we have to go.
-Go where... Ah! Yes, it's true! That famous dinner for business.
I get up taking my towel.
Before I go to my room, Éloys grabs my arm.
-Twenty minutes. I'll give you twenty minutes to get ready. It's clear?
- Crystal clear.
He nods and releases me. I rush into the room and breathe loudly. In any case, he still has a hell of a grip thanks to baseball. I slip slowly into a slender, long black dress. I wear black high heels too. Smooth my hair and put rings not too huge. A touch of scarlet lipstick and mascara. So! That's it!
I come away proud of myself. Éloys watches me, then looks at his watch.
-21 minutes and 37 seconds... Late.
-Excuse me if I'm not perfect.
A bitter chuckle escapes his mouth as he looks down at his polished shoes. What?
Eloys viewpoint
She? No perfect? From the second I met her eyes, I knew she was not going to be like all the others. True, it is far from perfect. The definition of perfection in a woman comes down to; cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, not protesting, being polite...
Gabby is the complete opposite. She doesn't want to hunker down, she protests all the time, she's sarcastic. But she's still embarrassed and she doesn't think all the time when she talks. Especially with me.
For some ignorant reason, I like it. This side she has of making me laugh, of answering me with sarcasm, of grumbling...
Anyway, I take her by the waist and wave to her to get into the white car. When I enter the transport, she does not fail to make her little remark:
-How many cars do you have?
-I stopped counting at the age of thirteen, I answer arrogantly.
She smiles at me.
-And how old are you?
- How much would you give me?
-I don't really know... Twenty-three?
-It's flattering, but I'm twenty-six. You, if I'm not mistaken, are twenty-four. No?
She looks at me in astonishment.
- Congratulations champ! I didn't think I looked my age, she said with a hint of sarcasm.
I sigh seeing his amused expression.
Arrived at SeamIRs, a server installs us at a table for four.
-What is your job? she asks me, sitting down.
-Have a contract signed for land in New Zealand.
She nods, pouting with her mouth. I clench my fists to stop myself from thinking about her. To my mother. My dear mother whose reflex was identical to what Gabby does. I look away trying to look calm.
Seeing my discomfort, Gabby puts her right hand on my forearm. Which doesn't help me, because this gesture gives me tingles where his hand is.
"Is that..." she begins.
-Ah! Lovers! exclaims a strong voice with an accent.
We turn to see the married couple we are expecting. The two sit down.
"Good evening Watchowsky," I said, holding out my hand to the man.
-Call me Many! he replies, shaking my hand.
Out of politeness, I introduce Gabby to them as my girlfriend for months. She smiles at them and shakes their hand. At least she's cooperative!
Dinner takes place in a good atmosphere. At the end of supper, Many gives me his verdict.
-Listen Éloys, I like you. You are the complete opposite of your brother. I'd love to give you the green light, but I'm afraid of your stability. I don't want to give part of my people's land to a careless man.
-I understand you perfectly. I would do the same.
-We expect on it! I will sell you these lands.
-I would be honored. Thank you so much. I will contact you as soon as possible to sign all the paperwork.
-The pleasure is shared my prince. See you next time.
With that, the married couple leaves. In the car, I sigh. I watch Gabby dozing in the seat. Tough night for her too.