We get off the plane synchronously. I approach him.
-And when does it start? I whisper to him.
"Now," he said, taking my hand.
This simple touch sends shivers through my entire hand. I keep a cool head and act like it's natural. Which it isn't. Me, Gabby Armis, holding hands with Prince Bastra. His fingers intertwine mine. We enter Istanbul airport. Heaps of muscle in classy uniforms escort us. These are mirror cabinets.
In the building, prying eyes scrutinize our every move. I want to bury myself six feet under. Éloys, he does not seem affected. His demeanor remains cold and impassive. He walks down the hallway, not even looking at the others around. He glances at me and a smile forms on his lips before disappearing to give way to his usual look.
I'm waiting for Éloys to bring our suitcases back, but a young man comes up to me.
"Hello," he says, leaning against the wall.
I give him a polite smile. Reluctantly, he does not understand the message and stays there. His dark eyes run over me from head to toe.
-Are you expecting someone? asks the man.
- Actually, she's with me.
I turn to whoever answered for me. The young prince stands before the unknown. Looks like he's trying to show off his dominance. Which works, because the man leaves without saying anything. I turn to Éloys. He puts my suitcase in front of me.
"You know, I can manage on my own," I said.
-No. And what did we say earlier Gabby?
No formality. Call him Éloys and not "sir".
-Yes. Sorry Éloys.
He nods his head and continues on the way. I follow in his footsteps.
In his car, I mean, his black limo, not a word comes out of my mouth.
-Where did you spend your childhood? Eloys asks me.
I breathe hard and look at my hands. I play awkwardly with my fingers.
-In New Jersey. When I was twelve, my parents and I moved to Washington because of my father's new job. Then, moved back to London. Where I spent the rest of my teenage years and building my career. You?
- I hardly moved. My whole childhood took place within the walls of the castle knowing how to react in front of the public, what to do... What not to do... When I was fifteen, I went abroad for a business school. Thanks to that, I practically went around the world.
His story saddens me, but I drink his words. Seems like everything he says is interesting.
-I went to Paris, Venice, Rome, Tokyo...
-Paris? Rome? Cities so important in the history of this world! I complain, raising my arms to the sky.
-You only travel very rarely, don't you?
-In effect. With my job, it is difficult to take rest.
The car stops in front of one of the most ancient and rustic houses I have ever seen. It has an old side, but so well maintained that it makes its charm from the outside. I get out of the car and admire this huge house.
-SO? Your impressions? asks a deep voice behind me.
I turn back to him. I smile at him.
-It's the most beautiful thing I've seen.
- After me I hope, laughs the prince.
I laugh at this rather arrogant pike. Suddenly, a streak of servant leaves the house and stands in line. Éloys crosses and I follow. Once inside, my eyes sparkle. It's so gorgeous.
A young woman with black hair like Éloys comes down the stairs and rushes into his arms. The prince tightens his embrace by burying his head in her hair. I see the scene, but I don't know where to stand. Should I leave them alone? Where to leave?
Éloys takes off and his smile is bright. For once, I see his real smile.
He turns to me and makes the introductions:
-Gabby, this is Artania. My step-sister.
Her stepsister smiled at me, holding out her hand.
-Delighted! I assume you're that famous girl..?
- The girl under contract? Yes, that's me, just kidding.
Éloys clears his throat at my sarcastic reply.
-GOOD! Now that the introductions are done... Gabby, my dear sister is gonna get you to sign the papers. Am here.
-Yes! It's true! Come on, come on!
She gestures for me to follow her and that's what I do.
In the room, I conclude that it is an office. An impeccably tidy office. Everything in its place. Artania hands me a document. Being a good lawyer, I read every page without exception. At the end, I sign where it says to do so.
The paperwork signed, Artania guides me to my room.
She opens the door and lets me in. My breath catches when I inspect this room. It is no longer a room, but a suite! I have my own bathroom, a huge bed, a desk with some sheets and a laptop. I put my heavy suitcase on the king bed.
-Do you like your room? said Eloys' half-sister.
-A lot.. But, it's too much...
-What? Pfff, it looks like you haven't seen the other pieces. You will fall to the ground!
I laugh with her. Artania is a spirited and dynamic girl. Looks like she's always cheerful. Then she retires, leaving me alone in this large room. I sigh and decide to empty my suitcase.
I didn't meet anyone. It's eleven-thirty in the evening, I'm dozing. I slide my suitcase under the bed and go to bed.
During the night, footsteps are heard. I wake up, all my senses are alert. I dare not get up.
My door creaks open. A dark figure appears in my field of vision. After a few seconds of standing there doing nothing, the person leaves.
I don't know what just happened, but it was weird. Very strange.