I have been placing dusty old books in a bookcase for an hour. Out of breath, I drop onto a mattress. Something hard hits my ass and I jump. I lift the mattress and underneath is a baseball soiled with dry dirt. Not far away, I see a box with cassettes. I search inside, I pull out a few.
Celebrates 9 years Éloys.
Celebrates 11 years Éloys.
University recruitment.
There is one whose label has been torn off. In the DVD player, I put Éloys' nine-year-old birthday.
"- Happy birthday É-lo-ys! Blow out your candles, big boy, said a woman. Probably his mother.
- I wish that I will become the best baseball player of all time! said the child Eloys.
- We too sweetheart!
With that, Éloys blows out his nine candles. "
The mini-movie ends. I put another:
"- What did you wish for your eleven years? asks the king.
- To be recruited in the best sports university for baseball!
- And what is your main task?
- Get better at baseball!
- Well said my boy! Come on! Throw me that ball!
When little Éloys throws the ball, it looks like a rocket flying at 100,000/h. "
The cassette is removed. wow! He was good at baseball. Why did he stop everything for business studies?
Someone knocks on the door. I hasten to put everything away and will open. Éloys looks at his watch, tapping his foot.
-Are you ready?
-As you can see, I made myself beautiful! I respond sarcastically.
- Stop being sarcastic.
-Why not?
-Come on, go change your clothes, he orders me.
- It's beautiful, the orders! I am not your dog!
I go to my room followed closely by the prince. I quickly put on my new blue dress that I really like. When I come out, Eloys' olive gaze roams all over my body. Slowly dragging on my rather obvious shapes in this outfit. I'm starting to get hot. Seeing my discomfort, he shakes his head and speaks:
- Fine, you're ready. Follow me.
I hate when he orders me around. I sigh loudly and follow him.
We arrive in the yard, me clinging to his left arm. He smiles at the guests and I do the same. When I see Artania, I forsake Éloys.
-How's it going? Didn't you suffer too much from my brother's anger?
-It's okay.. He took me to a room where you have lots of trinkets! Why didn't you tell me such a room existed?
"Well, because Éloys never wants to open that door," she said softly.
I watch her staring at her. I am about to speak again, but a fairly young guest comes to talk to me:
- Excuse me, who are you accompanying?
-Oh, I'm accompanying the prince...
-Me. She accompanies me Arthur.
Éloys arrives and takes me by the waist. What's wrong with him?
- Excuse me Eloys. Otherwise, how are you, old man? Arthur asks him.
They bump their fists.
-I'm doing well.
- I see that you are in a relationship?
- Indeed, this is Gabby. Gabby, meet an old friend, Arthur Trayill.
- Delighted, I tell him.
We shake hands. After a short discussion, Arthur leaves and Artania accompanies him. Leaving me alone with the prince.
- May I know what you are doing? he asks me.
- Well, I was talking to your sister, but...
-You are paid to pretend to be my girlfriend, he whispers to me. Not to look beautiful in the decor.
- What am I supposed to do then?
-You stay by my side. You smile and you don't talk bullshit.
-It will be difficult in this case, I answer.
-Come on. We still have guests giving them fake smiles.
I watch him for a few moments.
-You are used to?
-What to do?
- To pretend.
Her face closes. My heart tightens. He is never himself. Still, on the videos, he was full of life. But there, he is sad, alone and empty.
The unlabeled cassette comes to mind. My curiosity is growing and I would like to give him the slip to see this tape.
In the crowd of guests, I smile politely and answer the questions posed to me.
Finally, the evening is over. In pajamas, I watch the tape. She's on top of my bed. Too curious, I go to the room where Éloys took me. I take the TV and the DVD player and bring them to my room.
Well installed, I watch this famous video.
"-Bastra has hit the ball perfectly. He runs as fast as a cougar. Will he succeed in the four corners in record time? said the host. can be part of a professional baseball team.
Éloys runs like never before. He almost reached the third corner, but a member of the opposing team trips him. The prince falls aside.
-No! Bastra hit the ground on his throwing arm. Hope it's nothing serious! articulates the facilitator.
Éloys does not get up. Emergencies arrive and transport him.
- Dear people, I believe, alas, that Bastra's career has just been destroyed. "
I put my hands in front of my mouth. A tear runs down my cheek. Oh. My. God. I remove the tape, refusing to see more. I leave the room and walk down the hall.
There is a door ajar, the light illuminates the wall. I push open the door a little and see Éloys in front of his computer. He taps his pen against his desk. The video of his accident comes to mind. I hesitate to enter.
-Go ahead. Between.
His voice resounds. I walk into his office. His electrifying gaze scans me. I play nervously with my hands.
-I can't sleep, I say, sitting down in one of the armchairs.
- We are two in this case.
His gaze does not leave me.
- Your eyes are red. Did you cry? he asks.
- No, uh... My eyes are dry... That's all.
-I know you're lying.
My heart skips a beat. Am I that bad of a liar?
-What do you want from me? he said.
-What is your favorite sport?
- Is it an interrogation?
-Answer please.
-I have a weakness for baseball.
I feel sick. All for a stupid accident. He could have done his obit... Do what he loves.
-Why business school?
-I like this.
-And what do you know about it?
His gaze turns cold. I touch a chord in his heart. He needs to talk about it. Of this pain, this suffering.
- Go to bed, he orders me dryly.
-Éloys..., I mumble.
I get up and go to my room.
Lying down, I stare at the ceiling. I hear my door open, but I don't have the strength to look.
-I'm sorry for being abrupt.
I get into a sitting position. My eyes hold his.
-How are you...
-No, I had no right to raise my voice for such a stupid thing.
His eyes look at television.
- Did you carry it?
I nod my head.
-I studied in commerce, because I was resigned to it.
-You don't want to talk about it?
-I'd rather not.
-All right...
-One day, okay?
-Yes one day.
With that, he goes to his room.