Harry and Louis woke up in each other's arms, they were lying across from each other, face to face, Harry's arms placed under Louis' head, Louis' arms wrapped around Harry's waist, their legs were tangled together, they are literally the perfect fit.
Harry slowly opens his eyes and sees Louis still with his eyes closed, Louis hums and flutters his eyelids open, Harry shuts his to let Louis know he is still "asleep"
"You're so beautiful" Louis whispers, he places his hands on Harry's cheek, and trails his fingers on every corner and every space of Harry's face, outlining and memorizing Harry's face, it was habit of Louis whenever he likes someone and they cuddle, he outlines the person's face and just admires it, he realizes when he does that he feels more relieved to actually know that the person he likes is real and not a figment of his imagination.
"and You're so cute" Harry answers, startling Louis, making Louis shout and skid backwards, until he fell on the floor.
Harry laughed out loud, his voice still hoarse, "Babe, you okay?" He asked, still chuckling.
"No" Louis answers,
"Aw, does going out on a date make you feel okay?" Harry asks, smirking and waiting for Louis' reaction, as he expected, Louis lurched up as quickly as he can and gripped Harry's face with both of his hands, staring straight at Harry's eyes, seeing no lies, he grinned.
"You mean, outside? Like, just the two of us?" Louis asks, he still thinks Harry is playing a game with him, he thinks this is some kind of trick to let Harry know how much Louis wants to go outside, 'cause he never got to go outside after everything that has happened, Louis misses it so much, he'll give anything just to feel the sun against his skin again, it's a dramatic statement, but Louis knows it's what he really feels.
"Yeah, now, go on, wear something casual, nothing fancy, I'll meet you downstairs," Harry said
Louis just nodded and went to his room and did what he was told,
Harry lifted himself out of the bed and walked towards his closet, he picked one of his favorite outfits and wore them, he looked at himself in the mirror and stared at the bags under his eyes "f*cking nightmares" he muttered.
Harry really never understood why all of the sad things that are happening to him, is coming at him all at once if he didn't do anything wrong, and he didn't kill any of the people he thought he killed, then why does he still feel guilty for everything, why does he still feel exactly the same, but worse.
He sighed and ran his fingers through his greasy hair, he tied a bandana around it to hide the fact that he hasn't washed his hair as of this week, he felt pretty ecstatic but also scared, but he knows as long as Louis is there to distract him and let him focus more on beautiful things and happy things, he'll be okay.
Harry made his way downstairs and saw Louis wearing a rainbow shirt with boney hands and tight skinny jeans, that made harry felt his jeans tighten just by looking at it, he doesn't even know if he can survive this, as dramatic as it sounds, it's still true.
Louis on the other hand was stalled by his own questions surrounding his head, that he didn't even notice Harry checking him out. When he did notice, he coughed to release the sexual tension between the both of them, it's just the start of the day, and there is already this feeling that they can't let each other notice.
Harry was driving with Louis beside him sitting calmly on the passenger seat, Harry was gripping Louis' hands every now and then just to check if Louis is okay, while Louis just loved the feeling of Harry's hand in his, and loved every single moment of the almost 30-minute ride to someplace that Louis still doesn't know.
Harry slows down until they both saw, the amazing field on their view, Harry parks his car near the field.
Louis was pretty excited, but also very anxious to see what Harry has got in store for him, they both climbed down and just stared at the beautiful view, Harry opens his trunk and pulls out a large box, as big as regular-sized TV.
"What's that?" Louis asked
"You'll see" Harry answers
Louis smiled "This is amazing by the way Harry, Thank you" Louis states while they walk beside each other, their feet unknowingly mirroring the pattern of each other's steps.
"Well, I actually wanted to take you to some fancy restaurant, but I forgot I am supposed to be in prison, so I just thought of something else, still special but less extravagant"
"Extravagant or boring, I still love it" Louis reassures Harry, which Harry grinned at,
"Cheesy Git" Harry mutters
Louis just laughed, their laughter never seems to bore each other, it sounded like music in their ears, they never really thought, the cliché, disgustingly sweet, feelings they have for each other was actually real, they both still think it only happens in movies and books and not in real life, they were very wrong.
Harry stops walking, making Louis anxious, Harry opens the box slowly, when he was about to let Louis see the contents of it, Harry closes it again.
"Close your eyes, Lou" Harry commands
"Please?" Harry asked while staring into Louis' eyes, and battering his eyelids simultaneously, making Louis laugh because he found it, cute, amusing but also very stupid.
Louis covers his eyes, trying not to peek, he felt a hand on his shoulder and shuddered from the touch,
"Okay, open your eyes"
"This is so chee-" before Louis could even finish his sentence, he found himself, standing in front of a picnic, 4 platters spread on the floor, two-seat cushions for them to sit on, blankets placed neatly folded on the side, and a bunch of DVD's on the other side, with the laptop right beside it.
"Wow, that's actually impressive," Louis says
"Well, thanks, I never really done anything like this before," Harry says, he sits down slowly on the seat cushion and pats the other one beside him for Louis to sit on, and Louis did.
"You mean, you never did anything extravagant or disgustingly cheesy yet very sweet dates?" Louis teases Harry
Harry shakes his head "I never really went on a date before" Harry states
Louis cocks an eyebrow at Harry "but what about the girl you --"
"I meant, I never really went on a date with someone I actually really like, Louis," Harry says cutting Louis off
"Oh," Louis says and kisses Harry on the cheek
"Thank you, and I'm very honored to be the first one"
"And probably the last" Harry adds
Louis nods, "hopefully, the last one"
Harry lifts the covers of the dishes placed in front of them to reveal different kinds of dishes,
"I worked hard on cooking this for you," Harry says
"When did you do this? I was with you the whole time today"
"I prepared it the day before, it's cold platters, it's not supposed to be, hot or at least heated"
Louis nods "well, cold platters or not, this still looks amazing"
"I hope it tastes as good as it looks"
They tasted the dishes and occasionally fed each other, it was simple but very sweet, Louis now understands why Harry planned a cheesy sweet date, it's because he doesn't really know how to go on a date with someone he really likes, thinking about Harry liking him made Louis feel much more excited.
"Maybe someday, I'll be the one to cook for you," Louis says in between bites
"Oh really? So what will you make me?" Harry teases
Louis bows his head down in embarrassment "I only know one dish that I think would be romantic to make"
Harry tilts his head and waits for Louis to continue
"It's this chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese, wrapped in parmesan with the side of homemade mash potato," Louis says with hand gestures that Harry seems to mock
"That sounds amazing Lou"
The evening came early, they cuddled while they watched the Silver Linings Playbook, they occasionally stare at each other once in a while, still not really sure if what's happening was real, being in each other's presence was like a dream, an endless dream they didn't want to end
"I love you," Harry says
Louis turns his head and smiles giddily "I love you too"
~*~ [smut] *warning* [smut] ~*~
Louis leans in and smacks his lips with Harry's, nibbling his lower lip and sucking on it slowly and passionately, until Harry gave him permission to enter, Louis trailed his tongue around Harry's mouth, never missing a single corner inside,
Harry rubbed Louis' soft skin under his shirt, Louis pulls away for a second so that they could both strip their shirts off, after a few seconds, their lips were connected again.
Harry felt the bulge in his jeans getting tighter and tighter, he couldn't wait any longer and pulled away and forcefully pulled his pants off, Louis took advantage of the time and did the same, until they both were left in their boxers and rejoined their lips once again.
"Harry" Louis hummed between breaths and kisses
Harry grunted and pushed Louis down on the ground and rested his whole weight onto Louis, He palms Louis' length over his boxers, making Louis grunt and moan in pleasure, He pushed his hips upward to create more friction, Harry smirked and pushed down Louis' hips hard and gripped it.
"Don't move babe" Harry whispers into Louis' ears, he licked Louis' earlobes and sucked them slowly, while exhaling hot breaths, into Louis' ears and neck, Harry pulled down Louis' boxers and grabbed his length and slowly wrapped and unwrapped his hands around them, Louis whimpered, wanting more, Harry didn't want to give in just yet.
He kissed Louis softly behind his ears, slowly kissing and sucking on Louis' sweating skin, on his neck, into his chest, sucking the nipples until it was hard, Harry finally rubbed Louis' length up and down, slowly as he kissed Louis' stomach and finally kissed Louis' hard throbbing cock, he blows hot air at the tip of Louis' cock and teases Louis by slowly licking the tip of it, pre-cum was already leaking at the top.
Harry takes Louis' cock and shoves it forcefully down his throat, in an upward and downward motion, Louis felt his skin blistering from the heat and sweat, he felt Harry's cheeks fit perfectly around his cock, Louis pushes his cock more down Harry's throat making him gag. Louis thrusts more inside Harry's mouth, he was almost at his peak,
"Ha-" Louis says
"Not yet" Harry mutters, after pulling away and lets go of Louis' length.
Harry pulls his boxers down slowly and teasingly making Louis whimper, "Please" Louis begs
Harry crawls towards Louis and sits on his chest, Harry's cock was In full view, stiff and throbbing, "Suck" Harry commands
Louis didn't put a second thought into what he was doing, he grabbed Harry's length and sucked Harry's tip, Harry moans loudly, making Louis felt the heat rising inside him.
Harry kneels to a more comfortable position and thrusts inside Louis' mouth, Louis sucks and wanks himself in rhythm of Harry's thrusts. They were now both at their peak.
Harry pulls away and flips Louis over, he lifts Louis' knees and makes him kneel, he pushes Louis' face down on the ground, Louis like the roughness, Louis liked the commands, Harry breaths hot air around Louis' throbbing hole, he licks it slowly and passionately, once, twice, thrice, he puts his tongue inside Louis and twirls his tongue around making Louis, very, very wet.
"harry" Louis moans
Harry pulls away, without preparation, Harry inserts the tip of his cock inside, Louis tries his hardest not to pull away, instead, he grabbed his length and wrapped and unwrapped his hands around it, Harry waited until Louis adjusted to the size, he places his right hand on Louis' head and pulls his hair slowly as he inserts more of himself inside Louis, Louis screamed and tried to get out of Harry's grip
"Shhh" Harry says
"Harry, move" Louis commands
Harry did so, as he thrust hard, faster, harder, faster, Louis fapped in rhythm with every thrust Harry made,
"harry, FASTER, HARDER, F*CK, HARRY!" Louis screamed the sound of skin against skin echoed throughout the empty field.
They both thrust together, simultaneously screaming each other's name until they felt the heat once again, this time, finally, reaching their climax, Louis pulls away and falls asleep quickly from the tiredness. Harry was awake, still wanting more, but he knows he had to wait, he wrapped Louis in his blanket and brought him to the car, he packed his bags, up and dressed, he climbed in and checked on Louis if he was okay, and drove home.
Louis woke up at 2 am, in his own room, no one was lying beside him.
He felt anxious and scared, he knows something is wrong, so he got up and roamed the place for something interesting or bad or anything that happened, but somehow found nothing,
"Where's Harry?" He muttered, seconds before he heard Harry's scream
"Oh no, not again" Louis mutters as he ran faster than before into Harry's room, he gripped the doorknob, twisted it, and pushed it open.
Only to find, blood, and a screaming Harry.
"Ha--" Louis was about to speak when something caught his attention, blonde hair.
He walked towards Harry and found something absolutely terrifying.
Niall was laying in front of harry bleeding excessively, he was dead, and he was drowning in his own pool of blood, a knife was placed right next to Harry and Niall, Harry was drenched in Niall's blood in the middle of the scene, Louis couldn't believe what he was seeing, was this a dream, hoping it was, but without a second thought. He screamed.