It was confusing, kissing Harry, I know for sure I wanted him to trust me, to get to know me, to perhaps negotiate with me without threatening me with a knife, but I never really expected that everything went pass that friend stage and went to a completely different place …
I was in love with him, I never really would allow him to kiss me if I wasn't, I wouldn't even be thinking of him kissing me again if I didn't at least like him, I was in love with him, it was confusing, weird but somehow, I don't really mind at all.
I gripped his neck tightly, we were still stuck on our place, his hands around my waist, my hand around his neck, our faces were so close to each other we can smell each other's breath … his smells like mint and smoke, it was a very rugged scent, it fits him quite perfectly to be honest.
"So…" He says breaking the silence between us
I chuckle nervously "Um -- yeah …" I pulled both of my hands away and held them together, placing them on my lap, I feel very embarrassed now
He frowns "You didn't like it?" He asks
I stare at him wide-eyed "I DID! -- I mean, I did, I was just … I really didn't expect that especially coming from you" I said
He smiles "Well, honestly, I didn't expect it either, I just… you know, as you said, trusted my instincts"
I smiled "So are you going to explain what happened or are we just going to keep doing this reaction type of conversation?"
He nods "I -- as I said, I trusted my instincts," he says letting go of my waist and proceeded to sit down beside me, he reaches out for my hand and grabs it tightly, it still surprises me that I feel very comfortable with it, even though I already know I'm in love with him,
"I felt like it was the right thing to do, honestly, from the very start you introduced yourself in the courtroom, I felt this weird thing and It felt odd and I thought I hated it, but I really didn’t understand it at first, but when I saw you with Liam the other day, that's when it started … the thoughts of you and Liam, I don't want that, so I gave you the job just to keep your priorities straight … that I was the one who put you here, and I'm the only one allowed to go near you … which was a shallow thing to do, I know, and I'm sorry"
I smiled and gripped his hand tightly, reassuring him that I don't mind his past thoughts about me, he smiles and continues.
"Then, the time came where I had dreams of my past but somehow my dreams turned into something that never happened to me before, every time I have dreams, it was always you as the victim, my victim, it was your blood on my hands, I didn't like not one bit, that's when I started to think of my true feelings for you, so I left and talked to Zayn … Zayn didn't set you up, he was a friend of mine, and he kept me like a secret friend from you because he didn't want you to get a wrong idea, he was the one who helped me figure out some stuff … I came back here and saw you again, then everything went ape s*it … I felt angry that I couldn't explain my exact feelings for you, but I also felt very happy that somehow I already know what I really think of you"
He lets go of my hand and places his fingers on my chin and pulls them towards his face, he pecks me slowly on the lips and smiles.
"I love you"
I kissed him, this time it felt more real, it felt amazing, the heat surrounding both of us fits the heat of my heart beating for him … it was a moment I'll never forget.
"I love you too"
At first, he smiled at me, then … he blacked out, he collapses on the floor, leaving me shocked and I don't know what to do.
He started muttering things, I was scared, I lifted him up and hugged him tightly trying my best to wake him up.
Harry's Pov
"I love you too"
I smiled, I lifted my head up expecting to see Louis' face, But I only to be faced with darkness,
"Hello!?" I screamed, my voice echoed continuously until it faded away.
A voice screamed
"Harry! Please!"
The same voice screamed, I ran towards the sound of the voice, The next thing I see was this blinding light, I covered my eyes with both of my hands, as the light faded out, I slowly pulled my hands away from my face, instead of darkness and light I was faced with … a back of a man.
"Who are you?"
The man turned around and faced me, half of his face was covered with a black scarf, he was wearing a black button-up shirt with black jeans and cheap shoes, he was wearing gloves on each hand, a gun on one of his hands.
"Harry," He said
All I heard was my name, his voice sounded like It was underwater, I don't know who he is and how he knows my name, but I know, that this isn't a dream, this is a memory.
I ran around the man holding the gun and found both of my parents kneeling in front of me, I stared at both of them, they were crying in each other's arms.
"Mom? Dad?" I whispered I couldn't believe what I was seeing … I thought … I thought I killed them.
"Harry, step aside" The man ordered, I didn't want to do what he told me to, but I realized, I wasn't in control of my own body, it was moving by itself, I moved away and let him see my parents in full view.
I wanted to scream no, I wanted to kill him, push his body on a moving train, drown his body in acid, I wanted to murder him and let a dog eat his insides, I wanted everyone to feel disgusted to what I wanted to do to him, I want him to pay, I want him to suffer, I want him to die.
"Now, Harry … I want you to forget this, and remember something else instead" He says
"You're the one who killed your parents … and you don't know me, Harry"
My mom screamed and turned around and faced me, her face was filled with tears.
"Mom?" I whispered a tear rolled down my cheek
"You're the one who held this gun Harry, You're the murderer"
I couldn't do anything else but Nod.
He laughed maniacally until my whole eyesight was filled with the same blinding light, I closed my eyes and re-opened them only to see Louis' face filled with tears.
Louis' Pov
"Harry!" I shouted and hugged him tightly happy that he's conscious again.
"Wh-what happened?" He asked
"you blacked out and fainted, you were muttering my name and "Mom" and "Dad" … It was scary, Harry"
"Louis … I need you to know something" He said suddenly serious
I stared at him and waited patiently, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes and re-opened them once again.
"Louis … I didn't kill my parents"
"What? … I mean, how do you know Harry? According to the file … you're the only one on the scene of the crime when your parents were murdered, who else could've murdered them?" I asked confused
"Listen, Louis, I thought I was the one who killed them but somehow … you … you made me remember a REAL memory, When I dream about my parent's death, it was always me holding the gun, but when I blacked out, it was another man, a man with a scarf around his face, he knows me, Louis … but I don't know if I still know him … I don't think he's familiar, but I'm telling the truth, Louis … I didn't kill my parents"
I stared at him, all I could see through the way he was talking to the way he was thinking … was fear and realization, no lies, he wasn't lying, he really didn't kill his parents …
That's not the only thing that I realized … he described the same man In my dream last night … I remember it clearly.
In my dream … I was running In an endless corridor, with only Harry's screams echoing throughout the head, I was crying and was scared that I might not find Harry … but I did, I found Harry and another man, he was holding a gun pointed at Harry's head, gripping Harry's neck loosely, Harry was shivering, the man laughed, Harry struggled to get out of his grip and looked hopeless, I couldn't move in my dream, I was stuck, it felt like my whole world was shattering into pieces, one by one, the man stopped laughing, he gripped Harry's neck tightly, choking him, he reached for the black scarf covering half of his face and pulled it out of his face before I could see his face clearly and discover who he is, I woke up.
I chose not to say my dream to Harry, it might scare him more, it might also trigger his scary side and might go on a rampage, I'll find a proper time to say this to him once all of the earlier things that happened gets sorted.
"I believe you … I'll tell you why once we get the earlier stuff sorted out, I think it's time for Liam and Zayn to know all of this.."
He frowned "All? You mean the just US right not the whole memory thing?" He said with panic on his tone
"yes, Harry … the thing about US, wait, there is us right?" I asked suddenly nervous
He chuckled, He lifts himself up and reaches out his --still shaking-- hand for me to grab, I grabbed it and squeezed it tightly, he intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked towards the door.
"There is an US, babe," He says and opened the door, we walked outside and I closed it behind me.
Harry and Louis walked down the stairs hand in hand, they both still know there are still a lot of things to be done, discussions to be discussed, but they put it aside for at least today, they just want at least a day where they can figure some things out for themselves and maybe get to know each other a little better.
As they walk towards their two friends confused as to why their hands are joined, they were ecstatic, Liam and Zayn weren't
As Harry and Louis told both of them what happened,
one of their friends were full of rage, opening and closing his fists, wanting to punch someone, his knuckles were almost white, he wasn't happy, he didn't expect any of this to happen, all he wanted was to still be able to do what he has always been doing for the past few years … kill.
Harry and Louis were too fond of each other that they didn't notice one of their friends plotting out a murder.
But which one?