The deafening sound of the bass as Radioactive plays and the blinding light of the strobe lights kept me awake, though I was already knackered from the alcohol I've been drinking, I feel like at any time now, I can collapse and sleep on the floor.
Zayn and Niall wanted me to at least celebrate my victory even though I knew I should be at least planning something in case something bad happens, but honestly, I knew I was just being paranoid, Harry is in jail and he's not going out of there until the day he dies, which is good, because he deserves to die.
I smile and gulped down an entire bottle of whiskey, He's going to die and for once in my life, this town will look forward to someone like him to die, harsh, but it's true, the whole town hates his guts, I don't even know why after all of the crimes he committed and all of the things he escaped, why did he still stay here?
Probably some psychopathic shit of some sort that I won't fully understand unless I'm actually witnessing it for myself, in all honesty, whatever kind of thing he thinks about or does as of this moment or any thought that has gone through his insane mind, I won't care and I don't care.
A tap on my shoulder made me flinch and I pushed myself away.
"Woah, Lou, It's just me," Zayn says
I took a deep breath, I am getting paranoid.
"Sorry, I'm kind of jumpy, probably just the alcohol," I said, I'm lying, I'm jumpy because I'm scared Harry will be here to kill me, even though I already reassured myself that I will be okay, guess a talk with yourself isn't really big help.
"Haha, speaking of alcohol, I'm knackered, though we could just ride a cab and sleep at your place for a while, none of us is allowed to drive like this, none of us are actually going to have the guts to drive," He says, chuckling to himself afterward.
"Alright then, maybe we should just get going now, it's already late anyway," I said
"Okay, I'll go get Niall"
"Where is Niall?"
"He drank too much even his Irish blood couldn't take it, he started teasing the old men in the corner to strip him, it was hilarious, I bet he's not even going to remember it tomorrow"
"Oh, so he's okay?"
"Yeah, he's right there," Zayn says pointing at the floor
Niall was plastered on the ground, knocked out.
"the old men punched him in the face, he fainted and fell on the floor, I left him there because I'm too lazy to put him anywhere else"
I look at Zayn, one eyebrow raised "Really, Zayn, Really?"
Zayn shrugs and walks towards where Niall is fully sleeping.
I got up and felt like the whole world was turning upside down before I knew it, I was vomiting on the floor, the pungent smell of it made my head hurt, I need to get out of here before anything bad happens.
I walk towards the corner of the room that was closer to the exit, I hold my whole body weight to the wall and dragged myself across it towards the exit, I can feel my stomach burning, and felt it rising, I kept my head high and focused on getting out.
Finally, I grabbed the door handle and opened it, I walked outside and closed the door behind me, I'm hoping this is where Zayn and Niall will be exiting, 'cause I'm not going back there.
40 minutes past, Zayn and Niall are nowhere in sight, did they go without me?
Damn it,
I got up and checked to see if my wallet is still here? It is. Maybe I'll just go check in to the nearest motel or whatever, I won't be able to stand up for long, hopefully, I won't pass out in the middle of the street.
I walk gradually slower than my usual pace and focused on my footsteps
"I know there is a motel near here" I muttered to myself.
I saw the lights with the sign M O T E L in big bold letters plastered on a metal connected to the wall, I smiled, I thought I was going to die if I stayed here for too long.
I walked faster and felt like my whole brain was trying to sleep, I felt my eyes close and I forced them to open, you're almost there Louis, you can do this.
Left, Right, Left, Right. I kept repeating, the sound of my footsteps echoing the lonely streets. The coldness wasn't helping, I shivered from the cold and felt my eyes drooping, I pinched myself awake … a few more feet Louis.
If I survive this, I'm going to punch Zayn for leaving me behind like this. Before I knew it I felt my eyes closed shut, I didn't have time to jolt awake, I fell asleep. …. Great.
"Wake up"
"Hey, Wake up"
"Dude, you need to wake up, I can't help you if you don't wake up"
I opened my eyes slowly, I couldn't see anything aside from the shadow and the figure of the person shaking me awake.
"Oh great, you're awake, I need you to come with me, Let's take you to a hospital'
I nod, or at least try to, he lifted me up and I balanced myself, I felt his hands grab my shoulders tightly, too tight, I felt my body shake in fear, is he good? Or is he bad?
"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you"
I don't know what I was thinking, but I believed him, I smiled and muttered "Thank you"
"You're welcome …"
He pushed me inside, and I felt like I could sleep for a few years.
Click, I was asleep.
Intense pain, That's what I felt when I woke up
I flutter my eyes open, realized I wasn't In my room, or in any hospital … where am I? I felt something cold strapped on my ankles, I looked down and saw my ankles handcuffed on the bedpost, I shuffle away from the bed only to get stopped by the handcuffs.
I struggled to get it open, I was panicking, Where am I? Was I kidnapped? Did they do something to me? Who took me here?
"He's finally awake," Someone said,
I felt my body tense, I couldn't move, that voice …. It can't be.
I tried my best to move so I looked up and twisted my head in the direction where he was standing, my heart beats faster when I saw the green-eyed man that I thought will be locked far away from me and will never get out, sometimes, my thoughts are just too far from reality … 'cause now he's standing a few feet away from me, while I'm completely helpless.
"Good evening, Louis," Harry said
"How --- No. …. You can't be here, you're supposed to be in jail?" I said but it came out more as a question than a statement.
"Fortunately, people still thought about the power I had and the "insane" mind I have, thinking I would kill them if they wouldn't let me out, which they were right about honestly, but I'm glad they did an action to what I wanted before I got someone killed," He said and laughed afterward
"You're insane," I said
He stopped laughing and glared at me, I gulped, you shouldn't have said that … my inner thoughts were right.
"I'm not insane," He stated, with a much raspier and lower voice, I found it attractive, which worried me.
"I have reasons Louis, reasons why you're here and what I need you to do for me"
"Why would I do things for you?" I asked
He walked towards me, grabbed the handcuffs and pulled it away from me, I felt the metal sunk in my skin, I yelped in pain, he gripped my shoulder with his other hand and pulled me towards him, closer and closer, I could feel his breath on my lips, a shiver runs down my spine, hopefully, he didn't notice it, I closed my eyes to prevent me from doing anything else that I would definitely regret.
"Because you're my property now Louis if you abide by rules and go against any of my wishes or jobs for you … I'll be sure to put you to sleep … forever"
I whimpered … is this is really happening? can someone please tell me it's a dream … I opened my eyes only to find two beautiful emerald green eyes staring straight at me. How can someone with those eyes be filled with so much pride and no remorse, none at all?
He doesn't feel any guilt or any pity on what he is doing to me, all he has is his pride and his big ego, he is a big douche, if he's not insane as he is clearly stating, he's still the most fucked up person in this town … or probably in the whole world.
He pulled back and grabbed a small key on his front pocket, he slowly unlocked the handcuffs off of my feet, is he serious? He knows I'm going to try and escape right? He looked at me and smirked … he grabbed something behind his back pocket … it was a knife, he pointed it towards me and made stabbing actions towards my stomach and my chest, I felt my heart beating faster and faster after every movement. He unlocked the last lock of the handcuffs, he released my feet on the cold metal, he gripped the knife once again and pulled it away from my body, I didn't realize I was holding my breath, I breathed out slowly.
I didn't move … I knew he was going to realize I would want to escape, he planned everything out, I can't escape … not with him around.
"Try and escape me, Louis, I wouldn't mind, but you do need to understand that I am not alone, I have people I kept captive like you who is now working for me, the only difference is, they didn't put me in jail, so I don't hold a grudge on them."
He can be a bit pretentious … that's one thing I realized, which is odd, I should be panicking right now, but fortunately, I'm not, I'm actually paying attention to how he uses his words.
"good night," He says
He walks outside and closes the door behind him, C L I C K, I'm now alone.
I can't escape, I can't do anything, I'm going to be kept here as a prisoner, which is ironic because he's the person who is supposed to be imprisoned … not me, What will my family think … what will my friends think.
Zayn and Niall, what happened to them? Did they get hurt? Did they arrive at their home safely? Are they looking for me? Half of my mind says hopefully they are looking for me, half says No … don't look for me, you'll only get hurt.
But what if … what if they are involved in this? At this moment, I can't stop thinking of the possibility that they are somewhat involved in some way. but there is also a big possibility that they aren't … honestly, I don't know what to believe anymore.
Before I could think of anything else, I fell asleep.