"Harry, where are we going?" She asked me, I felt her shiver under my arms, she was scared … that's great.
"To my house babe, why?" I said
"Oh .. Nothing, I'm just nervous, I guess .." she says
I nod "okay, but don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen, trust me"
She smiles and nods …. If only she knew
"No!" She screams
I was gripping her arm and pulling her towards me, she struggled to get out my tight grip but failed, I pulled her as fast as I can, and kicked her hard in the stomach, she makes a grunting noise and whines about the pain.
I smiled, I let go of her arm and let her sink to the floor, she curled her body and hugged her knees and sobbed loudly, it was annoying, so I kicked her hard once again, twice, thrice and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up to her knees, I grabbed my knife and pointed it towards her face, I trailed the outline of her face with one motion, I slit her throat.
She makes one more sound
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion … wait a minute, that's not her voice
"Harry, why?"
I looked down on Louis' body twitching on the floor, blood splattered across the floor, he was almost drowning on his own pool of blood,
"Louis!" I shouted, I reached for his hand but felt nothing, his lifeless body was far away from me, the more I ran towards him, the more he got away, tears were streaming down my eyes, I was scared … sad and hopeless,
"Louis!" I screamed, I felt like I was drowning in pools of sweat and felt like my whole chest was going to give out … that dream was graphic, why did I have that dream? Why did Louis suddenly appear on my dream? … that never happens before, I -- I think I need to take a break for now, away from here just for an hour or two.
I grabbed my phone on the top of my bedside table, I dialed a number that I know too well and clicked call.
It rings 3 times until someone picks it up.
"Hello?" A familiar voice answers
Louis' Pov
"Good morning, Liam" I greet
"It's 1 pm already, Lou" He snickers
"Close enough"
He laughs and pats the seat next to him, he was watching a scary movie that doesn't seem familiar to me.
I sat down beside him, he moves in closer and I felt a little uncomfortable so I subtly moved away, he doesn't seem to notice it and just continues to watch the movie.
The movie shows us this possessed girl holding a knife of some sort and putting it on her tongue she slowly drags it across her tongue splitting her tongue into two, it was gore and it was horrible, only it wasn't the last of it, the same girl kisses the other girl with her severed tongue making the other girl gag and vomit on the floor.
"God … what are watching?" I asked while lifting both of my hands and covered my face with it, blocking the horrible images being stuck in my mind.
"Evil Dead, it's an awesome movie, guessing from what you're doing with your hands, you don't like it," He says
"No s*it," I said making him chuckle, he reaches for the control and shuts off the telly
"Where's Harry?" I asked.
Liam shrugs "I honestly don't know, I was about to wake him up earlier, but he wasn't in his room"
Oh … so he's not here then, I realized how much I care about getting close to Harry, I don't really know the particular cause of my sudden attraction towards him or why I care too much about him, but I just thought I don't really need a reason for everything I do, maybe for the first time in my life, I'll succeed at something just by trusting my instincts and winging it.
"Earth to Louis, are you there? Are you daydreaming? Are you being possessed and will cut your tongue in two and make out with me?"
"Yes, Yes, and No."
He laughs "anyways, Harry's not here so we have the house to ourselves, and also, we don't have any limit on the personal questions so if you still have any questions regarding me and harry, ask away," He says
I smiled "Alright, I need to ask something about you"
"What about me?"
"If Harry already trusts you, why don't you get out of this place and find your own place to stay or maybe find a girl and start a family, why are you still taking orders from him?"
To be honest, I'm just really curious about Harry and Liam's friendship, it seems odd and planned out, I don't know why I thought their whole friendship is set-up but I just do … even if it doesn't make sense.
"Well … for starters, I hated Harry from the start because he killed one of the people I cared about, I stalked him and tried my best to get him killed or arrested or just let him pay for what he did, but I ended up getting kidnapped by him and forced to do one of his jobs, until then, I knew I didn't have any choice and that I put myself into this situation so why not get a hang of it?"
"So I tried my best to not mess up and do my job properly, as soon as Harry realizes that I'm liking the job somehow, he told me I was free to go anytime, I was about to but I realized maybe Harry will lessen his crimes if he has someone to talk to about his problems or just someone who will be there when he gets in trouble, a backup, a best friend, so I stayed"
"Harry has been pretty harsh to you lately, but I can assure you, once he trusts you and once you get all of the things from his perspective, you'll understand him and he will possibly let you go" He finishes and smiles
I smiled back and hugged him "Thanks Liam"
I stand up and walk towards the kitchen to get some food. I'm liking Liam's attitude towards me, he is open-minded and easy to talk to, maybe that's why Harry easily learned to trust him. I grab some granola, berries, and cream and put it all on the bowl, and ate it slowly.
After a few minutes I hear the front door open and close, I placed the bowl into the dishwasher and walked towards the door, I open the door slowly and saw Liam talking to Harry and some other guy who was behind him, I got closer and look and instantly regretting it.
"Zayn?" I whisper
Liam stops talking and turns around, and looks at me confused, Harry just stares at me.
Zayn looks at me and opens his mouth to speak before he can say anything, I ran as fast as I can up the stairs and into my room, locking the door from the outside.
I curled myself on the floor and hugged my knees, my face was covered in tears, the whole room was filled with echoes of my sobs.
A few hours later, I hear a subtle knock on the door, thinking it was Zayn, I stood up and unlocked the door, opening it slowly … it wasn't Zayn, it was Harry.
"Can I come in?" He asks
I was stunned to see him standing there but I was even more shocked when he asked me for my consent … I never thought he could be this polite to me.
"I- um, sure" I stuttered and opened the door wide for him to enter.
He enters the room and walks towards the end of the room and leans forward on the window sill, I close the door and slowly walk towards him.
"I'm sorry," He says out of nowhere.
I stopped walking and backed away and sat down on the bed, I reached for a pillow, grabbed it and hugged it tightly.
"For what?"
"For all of this, I just … there's a reason why I'm doing this to you, there is also a reason why Zayn didn't tell you he was friends with me, but I can assure you, he didn't set you up, he wasn't the one who told me where you were. He's just one of my … friends" He reassured.
"I'm pretty sure, I didn't tell anything about him setting me up, so I don't know what you're talking about," I said sarcastically.
I ignored his apology and also ignored the fact that Zayn set me up, I know he did, I didn't have to tell harry that, he just confirmed it.
"Okay … I understand you're angry at me and at him and Liam" He says, turning around and faced me, his eyes were full of worry and guilt …
"I'm not angry at Liam," I said
He smiles "good, but that's not the point"
"Then what is your point? -- 'cause I don't see any logic in this, you kidnapped me and used one of my best friends to set me up, you tell me you're sorry about doing it, but you still hurt me when I first came here, you still hate me, I assure you that I do too, I just don't understand you, Harry … what's your deal? I don't get anything that you're trying to tell me here" I said
He walks towards me and kneels down in front of me
"I don't understand myself too … that's why I'm keeping you here, because from the very start, you are the one who demolished my wall. You made me confess for the very first time, you made me angry and made me result into physical pain, you made me feel things that I don't quite understand, and you're the only one that is capable of fixing anything that you have done to me, you ruined everything for me, Louis, you made me into something else I cannot quite understand, it's only been 4 days and I already feel so … different, that's the reason why you're here … I just want to understand… I want to understand everything you've done to me and why did it affect me on such a short time"
"that's just a load of bull, that didn't even make any sense"
He sighs and stares at me. I just glared at him, I felt really bad because I can't understand him at all … he's still as insane as I thought he was, he's still a convict, a murderer, a r*pist, he is also a kidnapper, he also hurt me a lot, physically and mentally …. So I really don't think his apologies makes any sense, 'cause I don't think he realizes what he has been doing with his life,
"You don't understand anything just yet, because you don't feel any remorse or guilt into everything you have done, you'll never understand anything about yourself or anyone that you care about not until you actually realize what sins you made and what things you need to feel guilty for, maybe you need to start using your conscience and your instinct Harry, that will help you"
"My instinct?" he whispers
I don't know how or why or what was happening all I know is.
I was leaning forward and so was he, the next thing I know, we were kissing.
But we're not the only one who was witnessing it