Mew woke up that morning feeling energised by having a feast last night, looking at that slender body of the other person sleeping like a log. Gulf glued himself to him, barely leaving any spaces, Mew slowly moves his body to the sight until gulf let him go. Mew stare at another side of gulf when he frowns in his sleep when Mew leaves his side. Sunrays hitting the room though it is still early in the morning and the light begins to occupy the room.
Mew can have a good look on gulf again. Staring straight at all the bruises he has made, mew strokes it with his fingers and give a peck in each of the marks. "You look so beautiful Gulf, I will do anything to be with you." Mew give one last kiss to his lips, tucks in the blanket for him and got up from his bed.
As a morning person, mew brewing his coffee and turned on the TV to look over at the current market channel. "Gulf must be famished, I should feed him maybe I will survive." Mew who is still being wary about what will happen when he wakes up. After enjoying his morning routine, mew changed to his workout outfit and go for a run. He won't be long but mew still prepares a sandwich for gulf in case he woke up when he went out.
"Please eat the sandwich, I made it for you. There's nothing to it. I promise and Nong, please stay. I will be back soon." Mew left the notes at the kitchen table hoping gulf will notice it and stay...
Lucky mew, gulf is still asleep when he's back and that relieved mew. He brings the breakfast at the bed and painkillers. "Hey, good morning sleepy head. I made breakfast for you. Nong." Mew caress gulf lips as he tries to resist himself for acting recklessly again. Gulf finally has the energy to wake up and said. "Where am I. Arghh my head hurts like hell!" He rubs his forehead and tries to make a sense of what just happened to realise there is mew sitting at the edge of the bed with breakfast.
"Hey, good morning. How are you feeling now Nong? Mew gives a nice smile to him and acts calm but he actually got a habit shaking his legs off when he is nervous or in trouble. Right now he is in big trouble. He could feel like gulf will kill him at this moment. Gulf notice that mew is blaming hard on himself and act like a little kid who tries to ask forgiveness and he is not giving in easily now his body feels like being hit by a car.
"Fuck my hips aches so bad. How many time you wreck me mew, jeez I don't even know you, man." Gulf still trying to sit up straight but he didn't manage to. "Let me help you gulf, I am sorry for last night I couldn't help myself. This gonna get difficult but I don't want you to regret any of this. Gulf.." Mew patted his shoulder gently while helping him up. Try to keep his record straight again with gulf hoping that he would fall for the plan. He hands the painkillers and water to gulf and he takes it gladly.
"Forget it, I am not moving anywhere. You have to be responsible for me. Khun pi." He points his finger to mew's chest and pokes him. Time flies even when I'm barely gazing at him. Gulf thinks to himself. "I still couldn't figure you out mew. What do you want with me?" Gulf raises his brow waiting for mew to react.
"I will tell you everything you want to know but I want you to tell me aren't you gonna regret this?" Mew wants to reassure gulf that he will not bail on him. "I don't know. Stop pushing me. Mew." Gulf started to have a nervous breakdown, he doesn't want to say anything that could hurt mew feelings but he doesn't want to admit that he like mew.
"Ok gulf, I am sorry for doing this. Stay and spend the day with me na~." The older person starts by again. He knows that it will not be easy but he will take every chance that he got.
"You seriously a sly fox. Mew." Gulf now giving in one more time to his cheesiness. They spend the day lazying around, talk about themselves except mew hides the fact that he is MS Holton heir. He wants gulf to see him as a normal person who treats him equally. He knows now that gulf hates it when he's being lied but right now he only need gulf to be with him.
Mew realise that mild is right, gulf maybe hot-tempered person but he is an actually good kid and he has good intentions in everything. Eventhough he is not the type that will say to you about his feelings but he acts instead. Later, when they realise that it's getting late gulf decided that he should leave but mew stops him.
"You should be honest about your feelings and that is what I'm doing now. " Mew reassures himself while giving his all attention towards gulf again. He stares at him fondly and lean his face closer to gulf and couldn't help himself.
"Gulf can I kiss you..."