This chapter will give you hints for my next storyline. I hope you guys get it. Thank you for your love and read especially comments.
"What did you say?" Gulf eyes widen now as he is too flustered by what mew request. "I want to kiss you, gulf," Mew repeat while holding his hand seeking access. Mew know that he is being persistent and needy but he want gulf to be his. He wants to be able to do things with and for him. He can't contain any of these feelings which he has kept it for a long time and he already made up his mind.
"I want to be with you gulf, I want us to be together officially. I want you to accept me wholeheartedly because that's how I feel, you are my lost piece and when I'm with you I feel something that I never have before. I want to say those words to you but I don't want to rush things and scares you. My nong." Mew finish his sentence with ease and kiss his hand gently, gazing at gulf with his heart lay open. Waiting.
“What if I say no, what will you do?” Gulf gave him another test before he replied to him.
Mew stop what he is doing and look at gulf, he doesn’t want to fuck this up, his relationship will always go down to drains because his dad would not approve it or he was bored with his exes. He is no expert on loving someone but he is willing to give everything to gulf now. Is he mad in love or is it just lust now playing around with his head. Is this some kind of phase that he is going through for all of that stress from his father, company, and unwanted attentions which make him annoyed and blames his fate.
“Decisions, decisions decisions,” Mew mutters slowly to his head. Then he realises that what if gulf is straight and he doesn’t even want to be in a relationship and everything is not what he wants. Mew is doing it again, being impatient and letting his desire take controls.
It hit mew that his spontaneous act may not gulf liking and he is just following whatever mew want because he doesn’t want to make him feels uncomfortable. Gulf is just being a good host and showing him around but what did he do. He takes advantage of gulf kindness.
“I would not do anything that you hate gulf. I am sorry for what happened yesterday and today. I will get ready now, let me send you home. That’s the least I can do for you. Please don’t argue about this.”
Mew feels dejected but there is nothing that he can do, one-sided feelings are inevitable. With a heavy heart, he left gulf hanging there and went upstairs to change his clothes. He doesn’t even want to hear what gulf has to say because he knew that gulf will let him taste his own medicine. Paranoia mew locks himself in the room when he tries to calm down.
He walks back and forth in his room, sitting and standing again, thinking on what to do. “This is what you get mew, that kid doesn’t want your reputation and your money. He is not like that. He is just being himself. Now you messed it all up. What the fuck is wrong you mew.” Mew sit down again and begin to thumping his leg. He stops after a while and changed to more decent clothes.
After he gets ready, mew picks up and fold gulf clothes nicely and he is ready to be hit by gulf missile and it will be the death of him. He will have to go back to his life after this and gulf too. Yes, that will be the right thing to do. What mew wants, it does not matter anymore, he will have to continue and act like normal. The way his father wants him to be. His dad is so good at using force and his power to bring anyone down and growing up he has to live with that.
Even Uncle Kanawut, his right man become a victim of his anger issues. He loves him more than he loves his dad. He shows mew what happens when you did not manage your anger issues. Remembering what happened that one night, change the whole things.
Both of them are bickering about the company, mew’s dad thinks that it will be a great image for MS Holton if they merge it with one of their competitors and letting them in the shareholders. Uncle Kanawut against the idea because he knows what is their true intentions. They will overtake the company, assigning their spies in the hotel and tracks down all of their company strategies and brings a bad image to them.
“This so call Legacy will not last even for 5 years. Suppasit! I am your best mate for fucking 20 years, you better listen to me. If you do this, I will walk away. In real this time and do not ask me to calm down when you know you talk too much!”, He raises his voices to mew’s dad and they continue to be in those situations for a long time. Mew overheard the whole conversations at the side of the door and when it all over, he stops that old man before exiting the house, trying his best to keep him working for his dad.
"Phorh, you don't have to this. Dad will listen to you. You know that right. He is not in the right mind now. He is too eager to expand his company without thinking about the long term." Mew said the words because he doesn't want him to go away. That man has been with him since he was a kid and the reasons why mew is not against his father is because he wants to make him proud.
"You are a very wonderful person. Do you know that mew?" He responds monotone. "Your mother will be so proud of you if she can see you now. I have to leave mew. I know that your father will not change his mind and I'm just a nobody. He is the man. I might not be able to see you more often now. Take care of yourself kid." Then he left. That night is the last time that he sees his phorh, next thing he knows that his dad dismisses him without any notice and heads up.
His head hurts by just thinking about it and he doesn't want to go through that again. When someone even if they are blood-related to you when they take one thing that meant the whole world to you. That is betrayal. When he was sent to finish his study here in Pha Ngan, mew thinks that it's a good idea because he can find phorh again and meet his son. He will know what to do and when mew became the CEO, he is going to appoint phorh son as one of the shareholders.
Even though he still doesn't know who *Nuu is. Phorh never mentions his real name, he never met him. Mew still regret it till this time because he really believes that they will befriend but more than that if they met each other. This way, he will be untouchable and his position will be the same. He will not tolerate his father. That's the only thing that drove mew every day. To repay phorh in the way that he should be.
Mew calms himself down and prepares himself to whatever might happen. He went down the stairs and look for gulf. "Gulf this is your clothes, the bathroom is on your left side." Mew handed the cloth to gulf who still sitting at the couch. He is not ready to let him go, it's not easy for mew to find his love here in Pha Ngan. It's irony cause his dad hates the name. He still thinks that he's right which he is not. Mew will prove his dad wrong. He needs more time with gulf.
Mew then realise that he is too caught up with his flashback he notices gulf is not moving from his seat and keep on looking down. "Gulf, why aren't you dress. I thought you have to go home." Mew steps in closer and sit next to him and lift gulf face. Gulf face is red now almost look like a ripe peach with his puffy cheeks. He's been crying.
"Gulf, why are you crying. Did I say something that hurt you? I'm really sorry. Phi didn't mean it." He hugs him closer and pats his back gently. Gulf who's still sobbing like a baby put his chin above gulf shoulder and hit his back. "You are so mean phi. Do you know that? You act like your so obsessed with me then you just flipped your switch like that to throw me away. So easy." Gulf trying his best not to cry again when he actually said the words.
Say goodbye to manly Gulf when he's with his boo. ?
"No, I don't mean it like that. Nong. I just don't want you to do things that you hate. Look at me gulf. I want you. Here feels me, who do you think it beats hard for?" Mew takes gulf hand and put it at his chest. Gulf stops his tear and looks at his hand on top of mew chest.
"There's no way out for you now. Cause you will be mine. Only mine. Do you hear me.?" Gulf faces change to more serious now. He wants to make sure that mew understands that he is not joking around and possessive is another gulf side that he yet to see.
"Show me what you got. I want you to show me how much you want me." Gulf dares mew.
Mew is shocked by the offer, this doesn't feel like real. He's been waiting, to waste his time like this. Either way, it's going to be worth it. He lifts gulf and crushed their lips together. Both moans and mew quickly make his way to the bed. Now their feelings are mutual, makes them feeling more turned on than the first time.
"I hope you're ready for me. Baby. I won't hold back. Do you choose me still?" Mew with his none stop paranoia doubting himself again.
"Mew, you better shut up and show me right now before I change my mind." Gulf teases him more by slipping his hand inside mew and pinch his nipple. "Arghh. The gulf that hurts." Mew pouts to the young person.
"Get ready now baby. I will take you to heaven. Phom chorp khun mak khrup" Mew let go of his beast.
Some of you might not understand some of the words that I used but I'm trying my best to write this book to portray Thailand language, the way they act, their characters. I hope we can learn together. ❤
*พ่อ /Phorh/ it's the word that most of Thai call their father.
*Phom chorp khun mak khrup - I really like you.
*kráp/kâ are used frequently on their own as a polite way of saying 'yes'.
*หนู / nuu / its nickname usually for tiny, petite little thing or spoiled kids. Can be used to teasing as well or being sarcastic.
*Koh Phangan, beautiful island. ‘the name derives from the word "ngan", meaning "sandbar" in the southern dialect, for there are many sandbars offshore. It's a very beautiful place. A bit of modification by me. ?