Thank you to all who reads, comments and vote for this story. This chapter is a bit ? na~. Enjoy ?
Mew hands still hold gulf cheek firmly yet gentle, they keep on staring at each other, they are so close to each other you can feel each other's breaths. It stimulates gulf even more now. Gulf blames that little incident just now and he is having a hard-on. Mew waits for gulf reaction and he is nervous as well. He wants to do more to Gulf but he scared that boy will run away from him. Being in a normal relationship is already hard enough and now it is involving 2 grown adult man which will make everything more complicated.
"Gulf, what are you thinking about. I mean everything that I said to you." Mew maintains his calm composure stills cupping gulf face close to him. Gulf breath hitch when mew does that. He never thought that he can connect with mew like this. They barely met today and gulf is willing to jump into this situation without hesitating.
Mew notice that gulf is not comfortable as he keeps his eyes down not looking at him. He leans back to his seat and apologises to gulf. He drives away to their destination without uttering any words to each other. Gulf needs fresh air now, he rolls down the windows letting the cold night breeze calms his shit down. Mew notice gulf doing that and he took a swift smelling gulf and damn he smells good.
Mew always have a thing with a guy that play sports because he is not that good at it. So now he has gulf, it's a plus point for him. Thinking about it makes mew feel more drawn to gulf now. I have to be with him. I will make you fall in love with me gulf. I promise you on this. He said that with all of his hope is on the table now. He yearns for this feeling for so long when he finally understands it, mew thought is clearer. He can finally be happy, no matter what happens as long as he can feel like this every day. That is the only thing he aiming now. Gulf is his answer.
Safely arrived at their locations, mew holds gulf hand intertwining to his. The gulf is not rejecting him and this is a good sign. Mew is preparing to move on to the next level now but he doesn’t want to use any force towards gulf. He should be willing to be with mew and accept him, his feelings. That will be the right way. *Pha Ngan is not that big, surrounded with local people and tourists makes that place alive and walking around there is perfect for a date.
Growing up in the city, mew never had any chance to do this kind of things. He starts his day with school, music practice, language, mah, business lessons and other practical skills that he have to master to take over MS Holton one day. That is his path, which has been decided before he was born. It still amazed mew that gulf did not recognise him, it feels good to be treated as a normal person, no pressure at all for him to keep his chin up and behave properly.
"You can let go of my hand now. Khun Pi." Gulf looks at mew with that unwilling look. Mew smiles at gulf acting that way when he didn't even let go of mew hand when he said that. "I would not let go of your hands, my hand fit yours and I'm scared you will run away from me." Mew gives his coy look to Gulf. "People are looking at us, aren't you feel uncomfortable." Gulf tries to let go of his grips now.
"No, nong I'm not at all. This makes me feel so happy and I want to cherish this moment with you. Your town is different and mesmerising. I am so glad you are with me doing sightseeing. This is my first time to be able to do this thing and thank you for that nong." Mew hold on to gulf and keep on distracting gulf concern by asking the town history and explaining about the place to him. Without gulf knowing mew sneakily take a picture of that boy. For someone calm as the river flow, gulf creates a wave inside of him. He fights his inner demon urge him to ravish gulf there and be one with him. They step into one of the famous bars after strolling around.
The music blazing and Gulf finally to loosen up after a few shots, he is not a heavy drinker but he did alright. He still able to maintain his rationality and make sure that he will not do anything stupid. Gulf finally looks at mew eyes when he tried to make small talk again. “Gulf, let’s dance na~.” Mew pull his hand towards the dance floor, they move in rhythm along with the music, back and forth dance the night away.
Gulf feels so hot now, maybe he drinks too much cause all he could see now mew face is way to close to him, the crowd is getting crazy making the space pack with drunk people and there you’re stuck with people left and right. Mew quickly put his hand around gulf waist and brings him closer. Dj spins Justin Bieber new song “Get me” feat Kehlani with mix with the trap Traxx making it sexier and mew could feel that gulf is grinding his back to him.
Mew scoots closer and began to kiss gulf neck all over, even though gulf is taller than him by 3 inches, his broad shoulder squishing gulf smaller. Sweats all over their body, both of them dance like there is no tomorrow. At that moment, mew is so damn sure that he is falling in love with him, totally head over heels for gulf. Mew tolerance to alcohol is high because he has been asked to practice to hold it since he was eighteen.
“No matter how drunk you are, you have to maintain your dignity, composure and socialise with our shareholders. This will be your life after school and my pride is depending on you, mew.”
Mew suddenly remembers his dad words who keep on reminding him on his fate after this and honestly he is not that interested in inheriting the legacy. I wanna be myself tonight, I wanna be happy at least for once in my life and selfish. Determine to follow his heart out, mew finally break the kiss-off and taking gulf out from there. Gulf is in no state no of refusing any of mew cause all he wants to do now is give himself to him.
Gulf wants to be alone with mew and beg mew to continue what he did back then, it annoys him when mew stops biting and sucking his neck but not his lips. Gulf bites his lips thinking about it but Mew continues to wander off to the convenience store to buy something.
He tries to ignore gulf messed up face because he swears to god that he will not hold himself if he continues to look at him like that. He will fuck gulf now right here in this public space. That's how bad mew wants him now. Gulf silently follows mew footsteps and make sure that he will not stumble on anything. They reach 7-Eleven and mew straight away ask gulf to wait outside, leaving gulf alone there he scared that boy will run away from him so he rushed to grab what he wants.
Mew drag gulf big ass to his car and drove away, what mew concern now is, he did not know where gulf house is and gulf already asleep beside him. Mew drives to his apartment instead, that's the best idea in his mind. While steering the wheel mew can't help himself to keep on glancing at gulf. He notices, he look like a good boy when he is asleep but what occurs when he wakes up. Gulf is untouchable because of his temper. Mew let go one of his hand and holds gulf's hand. Their hands fit flawlessly like a glove. They should be in pairs.
They arrived safely at mew house, he lays gulf down to the bed and begins to think about how to handle this situation, he doesn't want to take advantage towards gulf now. That will be wrong and he will end up hurting gulf knowing that something happens because he takes advantage of gulf. Suddenly mew feels something is gripping his waist. It's gulf hands, he is hugging him tightly and continue to sleep. Who knew this little devil can be cute as a koala. Clingy gulf gives rise to mew feelings now. He brushed away that thought and change gulf clothing to a comfortable one.
Mew also freshen up himself and went back to bed, lay down beside gulf sleeping soundly. Mew face gulf to take a good look of that person, he notices gulf face is small yet defined, with his thick eyebrows, puppy eyes, plump lips. He could be anyone crush now because he is good looking and mew want to be his crush. Perhaps more...
"You look so peaceful when you sleep, I would like to see this view every day if I can." Mew stretch out his arms to become gulf pillow and pull him closer to his chest. Gulf seems to understand it even when he is sleeping snuggles towards mew. That moment right there makes mew really pleased he smiles and kiss gulf forehead. Closing his eyes and falls asleep shortly after that.
Gulf head is twitching when he tries to open his eyes. He needs to drink water because his throat feels like shit now. As soon as he opened his eyes. Mew is hugging him tightly, he can hear mew heartbeat and that makes gulf so embarrassed and nervous now. Trying his best to remember what happens when he blackout a few hours ago but he can't remember anything, everything is blurry. He tries to break free from mew embrace because he is so thirsty right now.
"Gulf... What are you doing?" Mew who is awake now looking at him with half sight open. "I'm thirsty for water," Gulf responds normally. Mew let go of his hand and gulf immediately walks to the kitchen to drink water. He feels way better now but he immediately froze as soon as he realises that mew has to undress him and change his clothes.
"Fuck, fuck, shit" gulf cursed himself not knowing what to do now. This should not happen, should he just changed and go back home. "What would mew think if that happens?" He talks to himself again. Mew scared the death out of gulf when he stands at the kitchen counter looking at gulf while yawning. Wearing only his shorts, showing his abs and muscle, that veins again. It's crazy to think someone could have that kind of hands.
"Nong, what are you doing. Let's go back to bed." Mew walks closer to gulf pulling his hands to the bed. Gulf still doesn't know what to say and act because he still doesn't want to admit this feeling that he is falling for mew. Gulf pulls his hand away and looks at mew. "Why are you doing this, did you bring anyone drunk to your house. Is that why you asked me to drink." Gulf words sting mew heart when he hears that.
"No, I am not like that. I never bring anyone here except you. That's because I don't know where are your house and your drunk." Mew explains while holding his hands. "How about my clothes, why did you change it for me. Are you trying to take advantage!" Gulf snapped, glaring at mew. Mew is not holding back now and he went straight to gulf mouth and kissed him. He keeps on kissing gulf, biting his lip until gulf gives in after he failed to push mew away. Mew strips gulf shirts forcefully and pushed him to bed.
Everything feels surreal now to gulf, he is making out to a guy which he barely knows and that doesn't feel wrong at all. Mew feels like the one for him and gulf wanted this as well. Gulf finally let down his guard and kiss mew back. Mew kiss all over gulf and that makes gulf moans and making mew loses his mind. "If you don't want any of this we can stop now, nong. I don't want you to regret anything." Mew asked gulf.
Gulf opened his eyes and stares at mew, no matter how much he tries to deny, he wants mew. If it is mew making love to him. He is alright with that, only for him. Gulf who is better at showing it than saying. He cupped mew cheek and slowly kiss his lips, jaw, nape, chest and he peeks at mew again. "I want to mew, I want to do this with you." Gulf reply.
He is so glad they have this talk and begin to work his way to taste gulf everywhere. Gulf is definitely tanner than him but he needs to mark gulf and leaves traces of him. Mew completely undress gulf till he has no strings of cloth with him now. Gulf is so reddish he looks like a steamed bun. Mew grins knowing this side of gulf. Mew leaves his mark everywhere and he stops at gulf thighs.
"Are you craving this so much nong? To be with me, cause your reaction is priceless." He began to stroke gulf off causing him to whimpers. "Tell me that you want me again gulf. I wanna hear it from your mouth." Mew demands make gulf beg for him. "I want you to fuck me, mew. I want you inside of me, make me fall for you mew." Gulf reply surprise mew and he reached out for lube and packet of condoms from the plastic and he began to loosen gulf-up. Both of them are losing it now but they finally understand it. They have a clear thought of each other.