Gulf has a mix of feelings now. He can't concentrate in class. No matter what mild tell him. He is not paying attention at all. All he thinks about is how to face mew later on after school. He did tell mew that he will bring him around but gulf himself didn't even know where to bring him. He does have his favourite spot of this town but it is his secret hideout. Gulf keeps on playing with his pen until he feels pain at his head. Mild slap his head trying to get him back to reality.
"Hello, gulf come back to earth now. You have been spacing out way too long. Class is over man. I'm hungry and I want to go back early. Are you alright?" Mild asked.
Gulf didn't even hesitate to hit mild back on that. "Yeah, serve you right. It hurts asshole." Gulf grunts at mild. Mild quickly apologies and said that he is just worried gulf gonna stay inside the dreamland but he decides to tease him more. "are you nervous for your date.?". He grins at gulf.
"Ai sat, who the fuck said that it is a date. I'm just paying him back. That's all." Gulf denying the fact that it is considered as a date. Mild just shakes his head off when gulf decides to curse in everything. "Up to you man, just go easy on him. Please." Mild plead him and walked off from gulf.
Gulf feels those tingling feelings again. Does he feel excited now going out with mew? Judging by the way he is sweating palms. "Yeah, I am so in a batshit hole." Gulf mutter to himself dragging his feet off from the class.
After his football practice, gulf rushed his way off to get ready, be fresh and clean for him. Ignoring his crew chatting about hanging out at a *mixer party. Right now that sounds nothing to him. Meeting this person feels right, his heart is beating fast right now thinking about him.
Gulf makes his way to the shower, giving himself to the cold water to cool down his embarrassment and blushing ear and neck. "This doesn't compare to anything I have ever feel." Gulf is getting edgy and he could feel that he need to release. He had a hard-on. By only thinking about mew body. "broad shoulder, firm handgrips, that almost popped up veins, his eyes, voice.."
"Gulf, your fucking idiot. Don't fall for him. You have better things to do than messed up with your mind and heart right now." He did say that to himself but really he needs to release it soon. He doesn't want mew to catch him in the act, that sounds like a total pervert. So he began to stroke his cock slowly while he keeps on focusing on one thing that turns that horny state of gulf mind. Mew did this to him.
Trying to imagine that mew is touching him, caressing him while giving slow bit passionate kiss to gulf. Yes, he would like that very much.
If that is ever enough, he wants mew to keep on touching him and makes him beg. He wants to plead the man, satisfy him, make mew beg for him.
Slowly mew traces each of his body and gives him a road map along gulf tanned firm body but delicate.
Gulf holds his moans keep on rubbing it hard. Mew did not stop at that, he lifts gulf and now their body will be stuck closer together, gulf could feel mew heavy breath panting while keep on kissing gulf neck, biting his shoulder hard leaving marks in every spot. Gulf would curse and moans at the same time because that will feel so amazing and gulf feels content now.
"Hmm... Mmm. Arghh.*close his mouth. F..ffuk. I'm gonna cum now m... Arghh mew.!!." Gulf said the words too loud and it is too late when he realised it.
Mew pinned gulf to the wall still lifting him. Start to thrust his dick inside to the end of gulfs. Gulf moans just thinking about it.
He strokes his cock faster, he knows that his close but he need more than this. Their mew is back in his mind keep on thrusting hard in him until he finds gulf sweet spots. That will makes gulf moans harder and beg him. He swears that he could hear mew whisper with his heavy panting breath to his ear.
"I would let you cum if you be a good boy and shut up."
That's it, gulf becomes more lost on his wild imaginations, reach his climax and he finally catches his breath now. Gulf hands are warm with the cums imagine all of that lewd things mew will do to him. "I am such a loser, such a fucking loser." Gulf tries to calm himself down after that thing he does.
He tries to check if there is anyone around and it is his luck because his team still chatting and hanging around. Still, in denial about what just happen, he walks towards his locker to get dress."Why the fuck does that feels so great!" Gulf shakes his head off trying to get mew out of his head. They promised to see each other after school after gulf practice. Mew immediately agrees to everything that gulf ask.
Gulf is getting intimidated now by mew because he doesn't want to admit this feeling. He breathes in and out walking towards the gate and he sees mew standing in front of his car waiting for gulf like a good man he already is. "shiat! Why he looks so damn handsome now. I'm being delusional now. This is just great gulf. Why are you being like this? Calm down, pervert! Gulf screams that sentences in his head while his heart keeps on breathing hard.
That stare... Why do you stare me like that mew? I'm getting sink into to your gaze now. I'm scared I will not able to hold on now. Gulf act like he's not bothered at all again and went to the passenger seat. Settles himself down and told mew to hurry up. He glances at mew smiling, showing his gum off, that jawline showing. Blood rush to his head again.
Gulf tries his best to hide his obvious redness from mew. This is nothing, he tries to convince himself and start to tell mew where to go first while making small talks to him. Every time he caught mew stealing glance to watch him talk about himself, school, random stuff. He has to hide his flustered face-off from mew by trying to annoy mew again with his temper.
"Why are you so calm huh Khun Pi?" Gulf looks directly to mew who don't even look angry at all for everything that gulf has said to him. Mew suddenly pull over to the left side of the road and look at gulf. Gulf knows that he finally got on mew nerve now. Mew gonna show his true personality now. He thought to himself.
Who would have thought gulf kanawut hunch is way off when mew pulls him closer and kiss him. It started just from a peck then kiss, slow and repeatedly he bit gulf lower lips. After mew finally feels satisfied, he let go of gulf swollen lips and whisper to him.
"I want you, Gulf... I want to feel all of you. I promise you, I will show you if you let me." Mew deep alluring voice is the only thing that will make or break gulf now. Gulf surrender himself and lift his hand to bring mew closer to him. Gulf feels complete now and he doesn't want to think about anything else right now but mew now. He is enough for him...
This chapter is making me think a lot. Yeah, I am so weak for mew veins. ? Thank you for reading, vote or comment. ❤️❤️