"Taehyung-ah, come down to eat your breakfast!" Ms.Kim called from the kitchen.
The younger just finished shower and was choosing what to wear. It was their last day of exams so, he was so excited that he wanted to wear something very special to impress Hoseok. He was planning to go with Jimin at the studio after they finish.
He chose black ripped jeans and a dark blue shirt, Jimin told him before that these colors suit him a lot.
He styled his brownish hair and put on some pink lip balm to complete everything.
"Morning eomma!" He kissed his mother's cheek.
"Morning son!" She ruffled his hair. "My son is already handsome but you look even more beautiful today, want to impress someone?" She smirked, making Taehyung slightly blush.
"N-no! I'm just happy because we're finishing today and I'm going out with Jimin after so..." He said before taking a bit of his chocolate cupcake.
She sat in front of him and looked at him suspiciously then smiled. "You like Jimin, right?"
He was on the point of dropping the glass of juice he had in his hand. "Eomma! He's my best friend!"
She started laughing. "Come on Taehyung-ah! Let's be honest, he's really cute so, I can understand."
Taehyung widened his eyes, he couldn't believe what his mum was telling him right now. "Eomma, I swear he's just a friend. I never felt anything for him."
Ms.Kim pretended to believe him.
"I have to go! See you later!"
He closed the door after him and spotted someone waiting for him with a large smile on his motorbike. His jaw was about to drop when he recognized him. "Hoseok hyung?"
His crush waved at him and patted the seat behind him.
Taehyung was speechless, first he didn't know that the dancer had a motorbike and second, he was looking damn sexy with white ripped jeans, red t-shirt and black leather jacket above. Looking so badass.
"Morning cutie! You look so good!" The older caressed Taehyung's arm. "Sit, I'll take you to school."
Taehyung shyly smiled and sat behind Hoseok. He was so nervous around him that he simply hung on his jacket. The older turned so that their faces were very close to each other. "Don't be shy cutie, put your arms around my waist, I don't want you to fall." He whispered, making Taehyung gulp.
When the dancer started the engine, he slowly rested his face on his back making him smile.
Yoongi's POV:
I woke up well, for once. I felt very good, my muscles didn't hurt anymore and my stomach didn't gurgle because of hunger.
I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by white walls, I rubbed the back of my neck and got up. It was so calm.
I looked around me and spotted a small kitchen, a table and a cushion. The main room was surrounded by mirror walls. Is it some kind of studio? I remembered Jimin mentioning that they were working on music, maybe they dance too?
I went to the bathroom and thankfully there was also a shower cabine. I toom off the horrible hospital gown and jumped under the warm water.
I never thought that cleaning myself would be the best thing I can ever do in my life. I couldn't describe that amazing feeling when I finished.
I put a towel around my waist, wiped the steam on the mirror and looked at my face, it was weird every time I saw what I looked like. It was maybe difficult to forget other people's face but it was even more hard not to remember mine.
I know that this face was mine but I was like a stranger to myself. Like, I had to memorize every feature, every possible charm, every flaw, every scar to know what people see when they talk to me.
"Shit, I need to shave." I mumbled to myself.
I looked at the dirty hospital gown with disgust, I didn't want to see it again, it was horrible.
I left the bathroom and went to look for something to eat. I found a cereal box and some milk in the mini fridge. I sat on the table and something caught my attention, I looked through the window, the weather was incredibly nice, the rays of sun reigned over the city in the middle of a magnificent azure sky.
I found myself smiling for the first time since I woke up in the hospital.
3rd pers POV:
Namjoon parked his car next to the studio and went to the convenience store to buy some water bottles for his trainees.
"Good morning Jin-ssi." He greeted the handsome worker.
"Oh! Good morning?"
"Namjoon, I'm Kim Namjoon." He said with a smile.
Jin's eyes widened after hearing his name. "K-Kim Namjoon? You mean THE Kim Namjoon that I know?"
Namjoon smiled awkwardly. "It depends on which Kim Namjoon you're thinking of."
"You're the producer!" Jin's mouth was widely open.
"Yes, I am." The older shyly rubbed the back of his neck.
The worker came out of behind the counter and stood in front of Namjoon.
"It's really nice to finally see you Namjoon-ssi." He shook his hand.
Namjoon was confused, he slowly shook hands with him. "Why?"
"I love your music, I'm your fan!" He smiled causing the producer to feel something special inside of him. "Thank you Jin-ssi."
"You can just call me Jin. You're one year older than me." He smiled.
"Oh, so you can call me hyung." He said with a deep and manly voice.
"Okay Namjoon hyung!"
The producer finally arrived to the studio, he found a half-naked Yoongi eating a bowl of cereal.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked.
Yoongi jumped on his chair, ignoring Namjoon's presence. He widened his eyes when he saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt, making the producer chuckle. "It's okay, we're all men here."
He sat in front of him and handed him something. Yoongi looked at the bag confusingly. "What is this?" He asked.
"Just open it." The older said.
Yoongi opened the bag and found a pair of black jeans, a grey simple t-shirt and grey baskets. He looked at Namjoon with surprise. "Why?"
"Are you planning to wear a hospital gown for the rest of your life?" The producer chuckled.
Yoongi slowly shook his head, he stood up and bowed to the older. "Thank you."
Namjoon smiled. "It's alright." He didn't want to ask him about his personal life, respecting his privacy.
"So, Jimin said that I won't regret letting you stay here. Impress me." He said after thinking for a long moment.
"Okay." Yoongi nodded. "I'll come back after dressing up."
He came back with his notebook and handed it to the producer who leafed through the pages, finding some rough drafts, some random quotes and some lyrics that caught his attention.
"Can you rap this for me?" He asked.
Yoongi took a deep breath, he closed his eyes and started rapping with a passion that made the producer look at him with disbelief.
He was rapping about loneliness, about the feeling of being alone, without anyone by your side, about you and your own self.
He finished and opened his eyes, looking at the producer with hopeful eyes.
"Where were you when I needed someone like you?" Namjoon finally said.
Yoongi widened his eyes with confusion. "What do you mean?"
"You're a great rapper. I love your words and also the passion you put into the song, this is what I need Yoongi-ssi." He said with a serious tone.
The young rapper let out a sigh of relief. "Did I impress you then?"
Namjoon laughed. "Yes, you can stay with us."
Jimin's POV:
Finals are finally over!
"Jimin-ah, let's go have lunch outside." Taehyung suggested after putting his arm over my shoulder.
"Jajjangmyeon? It's been a long time since I ate this heavenly delicious meal."
"Call!" My friend yelled making me burst out laughter.
He looked so happy, I wonder if something happened.
"Hoseok hyung told me that he will join us too." He said.
I just got my answer.
"You seem to get along well with him, that's a good thing." I smiled.
He nodded shyly.
"I should introduce you to my new friend, Yoongi." I told him.
By the way, I wonder if he had a nice sleep, I should go see him after lunch.
"Yoongi? Who is it?" My best friend asked curiously.
"Someone I met a few weeks ago, he's a good rapper. I think he will join the group too."
Taehyung was surprised. "Wow, you're already three people."
"Well, technically we're four but Namjoon hyung doesn't seem like he wants to be a member."
"I think that's because he's still affected by his horrible past. Fame scares him now."
Everything about what Taehyung just said was true, I felt sad about Namjoon hyung, he's a really nice person but he lost all his confidence because of that stupid accident. I know that we can make tons of great music together but I think that he needs more time.
3rd pers POV:
"Hello, hello!" Hoseok waved to his friends.
"Hoseok hyung!" Both hugged him.
"Woah! What is happening here? Why are you suddenly so affectionate?" The older chuckled, ruffling his friend's hairs.
"We finally finished our exams hyung. We're happy!" Jimin said.
He laughed. "Well, let's celebrate this now, I'll invite you to a good restaurant."
"The jajjangmyeon is so good here!" Jimin exclaimed.
"See, I told you." Hoseok laughed.
"Does Hoseok hyung know about your new friend?" Taehyung asked his friend.
The older lifted his head to look at Jimin. "What friend?" He asked.
"Long story, but I met a rapper and I kind of introduced him to Namjoon hyung." Jimin said.
Hoseok rubbed his chin. "A rapper? I won't be the only one then!" He smiled.
They spent their time eating and chatting about useless but funny things, Jimin was happy to have Taehyung and Hoseok as friends, he knew that he will never be sad as long as he has them by his side.
"Let's go to the studio now!" Hoseok said.
"Oh hyung, you can go with Taehyung first, I'll join you after." Jimin said.
"Why?" Taehyung asked him.
"I have to buy something. Just go with Hoseok hyung." He winked at his friend, making him blush at the fact that he'll be alone with his crush.
He went to a clothing store, it has been a long time since he went shopping.
"Welcome!" The worker said.
He could read his name tag "Wang Jackson".
"He must be Chinese, I guess." Jimin mumbled to himself.
"What are you looking for exactly?" Jackson asked.
"I don't know, something simple." He shrugged.
"Is it for you or for someone else?"
"Someone else." Jimin answered shyly.
Jackson smiled. "He's lucky! What is he like?"
Jimin rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhm, he's kinda cold and grumpy, I don't know what he likes exactly."
"I see." The worker went to look for something.
He went back with an all-black outfit. Black ripped jeans, a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket.
"This is exactly what he will like, basing to his personality." Jackson said.
"Isn't it too black?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrow.
"Just imagine him wearing this outfit." Jackson seemed confident about his choice.
Jimin closed his eyes and imagined Yoongi wearing black clothes, he thought that it suited him so well, black was perfect for his dark personality.
"Okay, I'll take it!" He immediately said after opening his eyes.
Jackson smirked. "See! I'm the best I know."
Jimin laughed at the worker's confidence.
"I hope you'll come here another time!"
"Jimin you're finally here." Namjoon greeted him.
His four friends were sitting around the table, drinking some coffee and talking. He took a look at Yoongi and raised an eyebrow when he saw that he already had new clothes. He looked at the bag in his hands and sighed sadly, he thought that he would surprise him with the clothes but someone already did it before him.
"Want some coffee Jiminie?" His best friend asked him.
"Yes, please." He nodded and sat next to Hoseok.
"I decided to let Yoongi stay with us." Namjoon announced happily.
Jimin widened his eyes. "Oh, really hyung?"
"You were right, he's talented." The producer winked at him.
"That's great! Welcome to our family Yoongi hyung!" Jimin said, putting his hand on Yoongi's arm that he rejected immediately.
"Oh, right sorry." Jimin apologized.
He didn't understand why Yoongi didn't like to be touched.