"What's wrong with you today Jimin? You look so tired, are you sick?"
It was cute how Taehyung was worried about me, I smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek.
We decided that skinship would be normal between us, I loved how open minded he was, especially when he confessed that he was gay as well.
"No I'm alright, I just didn't sleep so well last night."
After yesterday's conversation with that mysterious producer, I couldn't stop thinking. I searched about him on the net and found a lot of articles;
"Kim Namjoon accused of sexual harassment", "Kim Namjoon betrayed Top Star Entertainment".
It was really unfair.
He indeed produced a lot of songs for the most famous artists in Korea, a bunch of them were already on my playlist and I was ready to add the other ones.
He's so talented, I can understand why his boss was jealous but his plan was definitely stupid.
"Jimin, is there something I don't know about?" Taehyung interrupted my thoughts.
He was my best friend during the last six years, I never hide anything from him but this time I wasn't sure if I should tell him what happened or not.
He was looking at me with those cute cat eyes so I couldn't resist.
"I'll tell you everything after class. We'll go to our coffeeshop, okay?" I told him before going back to my sit.
After a long and boring biology class, we finally went out of school and headed to our usual coffeeshop.
"An iced latte for me!" I told the guy behind the counter.
"And a cappuccino for me." My friend said shyly.
Taehyung has a crush on him but he's too shy to make the first step. He never had a real conversation with him actually.
"So, now tell me what happened!" He said impatiently.
I told him everything while drinking my coffee, he was just listening to me. I liked it about him, he always listens.
"Woah! That's great!" he exclaimed.
I couldn't believe how excited the situation made him when it made me totally confused.
"You said that your dream was to become a singer, it's your chance Jimin!" His smile was so wide that it made me laugh.
"I don't know...I'm not sure about this honestly. My parents would kill me if they knew."
I honestly didn't care about my parents, I was just afraid that my life would be messier than it already is.
"Look." He started. "I have a feeling that one day you will become a great and famous singer."
I giggled.
"And I have a feeling that one day you will become Hoseok hyung's boyfriend."
His face was so red after what I told him. He looked at him while he was serving some customers.
I kind of understand why he likes him, he's really handsome. He has a blond hair, he's tall, way taller than me, and he was always kind to us.
"You should really talk to him Taehyungie." I told him after seeing the desperate way he was looking at him.
"Okay..." he blushed. "But I'll do it tomorrow."
I rolled my eyes and finished my coffee.
No one was at home when I arrived, as usual.
I took a shower and went to prepare something to eat for dinner. If there is something I was good at a part of singing, it was cooking. It's kind of a hidden passion, I always relax when I prepare something for me.
I turned on the music and started dancing while cutting the vegetables and sausages before putting them in the fry pan.
I never cooked for someone, not even my parents because I know that they will just keep on criticizing me and say that I better go study instead of wasting time on making dishes.
While I was eating, I received a message.
"Kim Namjoon-ssi?" I raised an eyebrow.
I was surprised to receive a text from him then I remembered that I gave him my number yesterday.
09:45 pm From : XXX XXX XXX
"Can we meet tomorrow?" Kim Namjoon.
The tall man was waiting for me in a table at the corner of the coffeeshop. I couldn't recognize him when he first waved at me because he looked so different comparing to the last time I saw him.
The dark circles and the pale face were replaced by a glowing skin and shiny brown eyes, the messy hair was now still messy but in a nice way, and his wet and dirty clothes have given way to a classy outfit; a light blue shirt and beige pants.
What a complete metamorphosis!
From a sad and desperate man who wanted to end his life to this elegant man now smiling at me with his bright teeth.
"It's nice to see you again Jimin!" he said after sitting back.
"You look so...different." It was the first thing that came out of my mouth because I was so surprised by this change.
He started laughing when the waiter came to take our order.
"So, have you thought about it?" He asked me after drinking a sip of his americano.
I hesitated before speaking.
"Honestly, I really want to do it, but I'm worried about my parents as you know."
He nodded.
"But I want to do it." I continued before he could say anything. "I really want to start a new chapter."
He smiled. "You've made the right choice and you don't have to worry about your parents because one day, they will be able to accept your dream." He sighed and continued, "I know that I'm risking your life by doing this but I will just ask you to believe in me and believe in your passion."
While I was looking at him I realized that I never trusted someone as I do to him.
"I'm already believing in us Namjoon-ssi, or should I call you PD-nim?" We started laughing and continued talking about our future plans while drinking our coffee.
The next day we went to look for a small studio where we could work together, it took us the entire day to finally find one that we like. It was occupied by some college students before, it was clean and with enough space for at least five people. I wish that one day I will find some partners to work with here.
Namjoon signed a rent contract, he didn't have a lot of money left after the incident but he had enough to pay the rent for a few months, I should maybe look for a part-time job in order to help him.
When I was waiting for him to finish the paperwork, my phone rang.
"Hey Taehyungie, what's up?"
"Jimin, you won't believe me!" He was screaming.
"Why? What happened? Wait! Don't tell me..."
"Yes, I talked to him! Oh my god I'm still nervous! I just went to the coffeeshop earlier, there were just a few customers and he was in a good mood so we kind of talked and laughed a little and damn Jimin he's so cute!"
I started laughing because he was too funny, he never talked that much before.
"I told him to meet tomorrow."
"Oh! That's so good then. You will have the chance to know more about each other and-"
He cut me off.
"I couldn't ask him to meet alone so...I told him that the three of us will go out together..."
I knew it.
"Where are you going?" I was about to open the door when my mum suddenly stopped me.
"To Taehyung's."
"Jimin, it's Sunday. You should be studying, finals are approaching, stop wasting your time hanging out with that dumb boy."
Calm down, calm down.
"Eomma, as you said it's Sunday, so I should be resting to start a new week. And that dumb boy's name is Taehyung." I slammed the door and ran to catch the bus.
My best friend was styling his hair when I arrived, he was wearing an expensive blue shirt. I loved how he always does his best to look classy and handsome. I'm so proud to be his friend.
As for me, I was just wearing black skinny jeans, a dark blue jersey and a leather jacket.
"So, are you ready?" I asked him while helping him put his jacket.
He smiled. "Well, I'm a little bit nervous but I'm so fucking ready!"
"Make him melt for you." I smirked after winking to my friend.