"Namjoon hyung! Good to see you again!" Jin greeted the older.
"Hey Jin!" Namjoon smiled. "You look so happy today."
"Yes, I finally finished my last semester's exams." The worker said.
"Oh, what do you study?" Namjoon asked him.
"Movie direction." Jin smiled.
The older widened his eyes. "Woah, that's great! I hope that you'll become a famous movie director."
Jin smiled shyly. "Thank you hyung. By the way, what do you need?"
"Water bottles and some snacks." Namjoon said.
"Why do you need so many of them? Did you invite some friends?"
The older shook his head. "For my trainees."
Jin looked at him chocked. "Y-You mean you're starting again?"
"Yeah, I don't know how the result will be but I hope that it will work." Namjoon said.
The younger put his hand on Namjoon's shoulder. "I believe in you hyung, you can definitely do it!" He said, cheerfully.
The older just stared at him, not believing how can someone be that beautiful.
"Let me help you carry everything." Jin proposed.
"Taehyung didn't come?" Hoseok asked Jimin and Yoongi who were already back to the studio.
Jimin shook his head. "He told me that he'll come but he's still not here."
The dancer nervously bit his lip, he wanted to see Taehyung, to explain everything to him, but why did he feel the sudden need to tell him everything?
"What's wrong hyung?" Jimin asked him.
"Nothing, don't worry Jimin-ah." He smiled sadly.
Jungkook's POV:
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" That scumbag asked me.
"No reason boss." I answered, coldly.
"You have two more deliveries, you can go home after." He said.
I looked at the paper, both deliveries were at Hongdae next to their studio.
The reason why I'm smiling 'like an idiot' is because I was happy to have someone take care of me yesterday, I didn't care about fainting and ending in a hospital, I just kept on thinking about him, about how he stood by my side during all that time.
Who am I to deserve help from someone like him?
I can never forget his kindness and that beautiful smile of his.
What can I do to thank him?
I don't have too many options, I should just buy him something, but I don't have enough much money. What should I do?
Oh yes! He must like chocolate so. what about a cake? Yes, a cake!
I quickly delivered those shitty pizzas and ran to the bakery before it closes.
"We just have one cake left sir." The cashier said.
I took a look at it. A strawberry cake.
It looked so delicious but what if he doesn't like strawberries? Nevermind, I'll just take it.
"Wait, please!"
I stopped the elevator's door for someone.
"Thank y-oh! You're Jungkook right?" I recognized one of Jimin's friends.
"Yeah, you're..."
"Taehyung!" He said with a cute box smile.
"Nice to meet you Taehyung-ssi." I politely bowed to him.
He chuckled. "Why so formal? You can just call me hyung." He smiled.
So sweet.
3rd pers POV:
Someone knocked.
"Are we expecting someone?" Namjoon asked.
"It must be Taehyung." Jimin said, before going to open the door.
"Hey." Jungkook greeted him, shyly.
"Oh! Jungkook-ah! Taehyung-ah! You came together?" Jimin asked.
"We met in the elevator." His friend said with a smile that immediately disappeared when he spotted Hoseok looking at him.
"Jungkook-ah, what are you doing here?" Namjoon asked the younger.
"I came to thank you guys for yesterday." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Here!" He handed the cake box to Jimin.
"Oh, what's this?" The older asked curiously.
"Just a cake." Jungkook answered awkwardly.
"Oh!" Jimin run to the table to open the box.
"Strawberry choco cake!" He was so excited that he acted like a child. "My favorite! Thank you Jungkook!"
The younger was blushing, thinking that Jimin looked extremely cute at that moment.
"Hey." Hoseok whispered to Taehyung who ignored him.
"Taehyungie, please answer me." he touched his arm but the younger ignored him again.
He tried to catch his attention multiple times but he failed so, he decided to pass onto the Plan B; he grabbed his arm and forced him to stand up. "Guys, I need to talk to Taehyung privately, we'll go back."
"Ya! Let go of me!" The younger tried to detach himself from him but the dancer was stronger.
He took him to a small garden near the building.
"What the hell is wrong with you Taehyung-ah?" He asked, angrily.
"Nothing hyung, nothing." The younger said, coldly.
"Then why won't you talk to me? Why did you go earlier?" Hoseok asked.
"I don't know why I did it..."
"Is it because of Chaeyoung?"
The younger lifted his head to look at Hoseok who looked very concerned.
"Yes." He finally said.
"Why?" The older whispered.
"You looked very close and she's pretty and-"
"Shuu." Hoseok cut him off by placing his finger on his lips. "She's my ex. Our story ended long time ago." he sighed and raised an eyebrow. "By the way, why are you upset? Are you jealous?"
Taehyung shook his head quickly. "No!"
Hoseok smirked. "Do you like me Taehyung-ah?"
The younger widened his eyes, staying shocked for a long moment then cleared his throat.
"Hum, why would I like you? You're straight anyways." He rolled his eyes.
Hoseok approached his face to Taehyung's. "Who said that I was straight?" He asked with a deep voice.
The younger almost had a heart attack, feeling how close their faces were, he could feel the older's breath.
"Y-you're not?"
Hoseok chuckled. "Look at how relieved you look. Well I'm bi, I like both men and women but I like cute guys more." He winked at the younger.
Taehyung blushed, he was so nervous that he didn't know what to do in this situation. "H-hyung, let's go back to eat the cake." He whispered nervously.
"You're so cute." Hoseok smiled before kissing his cheek. "Let's go!"
"Umm this is so deliciouus!" Jimin was in his own world, eating the cake noisily like it was the best thing in the world.
"Stop moaning like this idiot." Yoongi growled.
Jimin widened his eyes. "I'm not!"
"Yes, you are idiot."
"Stop calling me idiot!"
Namjoon burst out laughing, looking at them fighting like kids.
"Stop fighting you idiots! You're so cute." He said.
"Hyung, do you want some?" Jimin asked Yoongi.
"I don't like sweets." The older said, coldly.
"Ugh you're as cold as an iceberg."
Jimin arrived a little bit late at home, the lights were off. "They must be sleeping." He mumbled to himself.
He took off his shoes and went to the kitchen to drink some water.
"Aishh! You scared me!"
His mum was sitting in the table, waiting for him, with an angry face.
"Where have you been?" She tried to stay calm.
"I was with Taehyung." He said.
"His home." He lied.
She stood up and looked straight at his eyes. "Stop lying Jimin-ah! Where have you been?"
"Why does it matter to you? It's none of your business!"
She slapped him without hesitation. "How dare you speak to me you fucking liar!" She yelled. "I know where you've been all these days! Making music?! What a joke!"
Jimin widened his eyes. "Y-you followed me?"
"Yes, I did! I asked the concierge of the building, he told me that you make music with two other idiots." She said.
"Don't call them like that!" Jimin yelled.
"I can call them as I want!" She said. "You're a disgrace to our family! All your cousins are successful, all of them are doctors an engineers and you? Huh! Wanna make music? I can't believe you!"
The younger felt tears in his eyes. "E-eomma, this is my dream, y-you should accept it." He said with a shaky voice.
"This is not a decent dream!" His father, who entered the kitchen, yelled.
"I can't let my son do such a disgraceful thing!" His dad yelled.
"What's wrong with making music?" Jimin asked, sobbing.
"Everything's wrong about it." His mum said. "Now quit this nonsense and concentrate on your future."
"My music is MY future." The younger said.
"No way! You will stop going to that studio." His dad said.
"I won't stop dad."
Another slap, but this time from his father, stronger than the previous one, he felt like his cheek was burning.
"I can't stop." He mumbled, his face hurting so bad.
His parents left a heavy sigh.
"You know what?" His dad said. "Disappear from my sight, I don't wanna see you again."
Jimin felt like he received a bunch of slaps at the same moment. "W-what?"
"I don't want a disgraceful son in my house. Go to your stupid friends." The older said.
"But d-dad..."
"I SAID GO!" he yelled.
Jimin got scared, he quickly grabbed his backbag and left home crying.
It was midnight, so there were no more buses at that time, he didn't have any choice but to walk to the studio.
He finally arrived, his feet were hurting too much from walking.
He didn't have the key, he knocked at the door, hoping that Yoongi will hear him.
He stood there during five minutes, wiping the tears from his face. He knocked for the last time and someone finally opened the door.
"Jimin? What the hell are you doing here?" Yoongi groaned.
"Damn, it's 1am what the fuck?" The older said. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Jimin's sad face. "What's wrong Jimin-ah? Were you crying?" He asked with a soft voice this time.
"My parents chased me from home." The younger said with a weak voice.
Yoongi widened his eyes. "What? Why would they do that?"
Jimin entered. He threw his bag on the table and took a water bottle from the mini fridge. "They knew about us." He said.
"Did you tell them that it was your dream?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin slowly nodded his head. "They won't accept, never." He started crying again.
"Ya, ya! Don't cry. Look, don't worry about them, I can guarantee you that they will understand you one day." Yoongi wiped Jimin's tears with his fingers.
"Your hands are cold hyung." Jimin smiled.
"My hands are always cold." The older said.
"Like your heart." Jimin joked.
Yoongi just rolled his eyes.
"Seems like you're better now, let's go to sleep."
"Where will I sleep?" Jimin asked.
"You sleep on the blanket, I'll sleep on the couch." Yoongi said.
"Oh, no hyung, you sleep on the blanket and I'll sleep on the couch."
Yoongi sighed. "I want to you sleep on the blanket just for today cause it's an exception but after this don't even dream about it."
Jimin chuckled. "Alright hyung."
Yoongi layed on the couch and Jimin on the blanket next to him.
"Who's gonna turn off the lights?" Jimin asked.
"Obviously you idiot." Yoongi said.
Jimin rolled his eyes and stood up to turn it off. When he was going back to his place, he stumbled and fell on his ass.
"Shit it hurts!"
"The hell is wrong?" Yoongi groaned.
"I fell." Jimin giggled.
"Serves you well idiot." Yoongi said.
"Stop calling me idiot hyung!" The younger whined.
They kept silent for a long moment, hearing theirs breathings and the sound of cars outside.
"Jimin-ah." Yoongi broke the silence.
"Thank you." The older said softly.
"For what hyung?" Jimin asked.
"For the clothes."
*Warning* Abuse and rape in the beggining of the paragraph, you can skip it if you want.
Yoongi's POV:
I was scared, very scared. I was running so fast that I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest, but all this was of no use to me because they caught me, three hooded men grabbed me and stuck me in a small dark alley, I had no energy to scream, I was out of breath.
I tried to defend myself but they were strong, how can I beat them all?
"Don't try pretty boy, it's no use."
"Hyung, can you let me begin first?"
"Ya! Ya! I told you that I'll start and you continue!"
What are they talking about?
The taller of them blocked my arms with one hand and unzipped my pants with the other.
"W-what are you doing?" I asked with a shaky voice.
He smirked. "Don't worry pretty boy, I'll be gentle...maybe?" The three of them burst out laughing.
"I know how gentle you are hyung!" One of them joked.
"Pretty boy, I don't want to hear a single word coming out of this dirty mouth of yours until I finish what I have to do." The older threatened me.
"What the hell are you doing? What do you want from me?!!" I yelled and he slapped me. His hand was bigger than my face, I felt like a bulldozer destroyed my skull.
"You're gonna shut the fuck up or I'll fuck you harder than you can ever imagine."
He pulled down his pants and his boxer and positioned himself in front of me. "Guys, I got the round 1, Bobby you got the round 2 and you Junhoe the final round okay?" He smirked.
He looked at me with a dirty look and chuckled. "Look how scared you are! Don't worry I'll make you feel veeery good before you die pretty boy."
"N-NO! STOP IT!! YA! N-NOO!!!"
Jimin's POV:
"N-NO!!" I jumped on the couch after hearing someone scream. I turned my head and saw Yoongi shaking on his blanket, shouting loudly, sweat all over his pale face, asking for help.
A nightmare?
"Hyung?" I called, but he couldn't listen. He was sweating a lot, from head to toe.
I stood up and went to the bathroom to grab a towel and went into the kitchen to fill a glass of cold water.
I sat next to him and started slowly wipping his sweat, his body was extremely hot, I think he's sick. I stood up again and went to look for our small first aid kit and I thankfully found a thermometer.
I took off his t-shirt and placed the small device under his armpit for a while. I observed his body, he looked so fragile that I felt like I wanted to protect him at all costs.
Something attracted my attention. He had a big scar down his stomach, it was not any scar, it looked like he'd been stitched. It was really disturbing. I, then remembered that he was wearing a hospital gown before, this is really confusing, what happened to him?
39 degrees
Shit, what should I do? It's already 4 am, I don't have a car to take him to the hospital and I didn't want to disturb Namjoon and Hoseok hyung.
I thought about what my mum did when I had a fever and decided to do it.
I nervously took off his pants, to let him stay only with his boxers. "His skin is so pale." I mumbled to himself.
I lifted his head a little bit in order to make him drink some water.
I quickly ran to the kitchen to wet the towel with cold water and put it on his forehead so that it absorbs heat.
"N-no!" He screamed again.
I was really worried about him, I wanted to enter his nightmare and fight whoever was making him like this.
"Hyung, shuu, calm down.." I whispered after holding him in my arms. I caressed his hair gently until he stopped screaming.
After a long time, I could hear his heavy breaths and his body began to shiver, he was cold I guess. My mum always told me that we should sweat a lot to heal a fever.
I wanted him to heal quickly, I didn't like seeing him like this.
His sheet was very thick, not enough to warm him up. I think he needs human warmth more.
I took off my t-shirt and placed his back against my torso.
I started humming the song I was working on with Namjoon hyung until he completely calmed down. I looked at his face, he looked so innocent and so peaceful, it was the first time I saw his face so close like this, the first time I realized he looked very beautiful.
I left a gentle kiss on his black hair and slept.
Yoongi's POV:
I woke up very well the next morning, the rays of sunlight coming from the living room's window blocked my view.
I opened an eye, I noticed that Jimin was not on the couch. I sighed and my jaw was about to drop when I realized that I was completely naked, wearing only a boxer.
What the hell?
I tried to move but I felt two arms holding me. I slowly turned my head and found Jimin sleeping peacefully, looking like an angel under the sunlight.
His brown fringe was hiding half of his face, I could only see his pretty pulpy lips, but why am I looking at them? And why is he half naked? And why does he have such sexy nice abs? And why is he holding me?
I quickly retired from his embrace and stood up, more confused than I ever had before.
What the hell happened?
While looking at him, I remembered a little bit of what happened last night, I remembered that I had a really bad dream, but why am I feeling that dream was so real?
I also remembered that I was feeling very sick so, he must've taken care of me, he was awake for the whole night just to take care of me.
I'll repeat it once again, who am I to deserve such a nice person in my life?
I took a quick shower and put on my clothes, Jimin was still sleeping. I prepared some pancakes and fresh orange juice for him and grabbed my notebook to write what I remembered from the nightmare, I'm wondering if it was just a dream or a memory? I'm wondering if I suffered that much before the incident.
I went to the other room and found the magestic white piano, I sat down and kept staring at the keyboard, it felt too familiar.
I lifted my head and found a sheet music with the title "I NEED U", I thought it must be the piece Jimin and Namjoon were working on.
I don't know what happened the next seconds, I just closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them once again and started playing.
Jimin's POV:
When I finally woke up, Yoongi wasn't here. I was laying alone on the blanket.
I stood up and found a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice on the small table. I smiled, thinking that he must've prepared it for me.
I went to the bathroom to quickly wash my face and brush my teeth, I immediately stopped when I heard a sound. Not any sound, piano notes, a beautiful melody, our song.
I ran to the other room and my heart was about to burst when I found him playing the piano.
I played this song a bunch of times before and I already heard Namjoon hyung play it but it's really nothing compared to Yoongi's talent.
The way he played was really special, he was not only playing music, he was also playing with his feelings, I didn't need any lyrics to feel how deep the song is.
I approached him slowly from behind, I was really under his charm, this is too beautiful I could listen to it for the rest of my life.
"Hyung." I whispered.
He immediately stopped playing, I think I surprised him.
He widened his eyes not because I was there but it was like he wasn't believing what he just did.
"Hyung, I never knew you played piano so well!"