• Eva's POV •
After Tyler left, I was pretty tired. After all, I didn't get much sleep last night.
When Tyler kissed me yesterday, it was pretty clear that he had strong feelings for me.
But that's not what scared me. What scared me was that the kiss felt amazing, even to me. It was simply amazing and surprisingly, I found myself craving for more.
But then again, it probably was just intensified lust. To be honest, he was one of the hottest guys that I had dated.
Scratch that, he was THE hottest guy that I had ever dated.
As my mind wandered I decided to catch some sleep since I didn't really favor the thoughts running through my mind at that moment. I walked towards my bedroom, opened the door and jumped onto my bed.
Sleep came to me easily, but I couldn't deny that my last thoughts were about Tyler.
I awoke to the constant buzzing of my phone. Stupid thing. Apparently I had four new messages. One from Ty and three from my parents.
Huh, I didn't even know I had his number.
From: Tyler
To: Eva
So you wanna sleep alone tonight or should I come over again ;) xx
From: Eva
To: Tyler
I think I'm good.
I hit send.
I got a reply almost immediately.
From: Tyler
To: Eva
Well that's a shame :'( xx
I didn't reply.
I was really hungry so I headed for the kitchen. Unfortunately luck wasn't with me today because there was nothing in the kitchen. Like literally nothing.
Who finished all the food??!! UGHH.
I had to go to the grocery store. Again.
This is the third time I'm going in the same week. I grab my car keys and head to my black Range Rover.
Yes, I had an awesome car.
I pulled into the supermarket and parked my car. I got out and walked into the supermarket with nothing but a tiny purse. Why girls carried huge purses was beyond me.
As I walked into the market and into the food section, I felt like I was being watched. I turned around but saw no one there. It was afternoon anyway, so not many people were at the store.
I started looking through the shelves of food trying to decide on what exactly should I eat right now, after all, since I came all the way here, might as well treat myself to some variety. I was also thinking what else to buy for the next week.
This turned out to be harder than I thought because I'm not a very organised person, nor am I very good at planning things.
Gosh! I'm having such a hard time just deciding what I want to eat over the next few days!
I finally decided on some Ramen noodles for today and decided ton some macaroni and cheese for the next week.
Just as I was headed for the counter to pay, I was startled by a soft 'Hi' from behind me.
I spun around to see none other than the familiar face of James Benson.
"Hello." I said pleasantly. After all, he was Tyler's brother and if I make a good impression on him, maybe he'll tell his brother something nice about me and that'll just make the bet easier.
"Fancy meeting you here." He said, sounding an awful lot like Niall Horan.
"Why are you here anyway? Tyler said that you'll be out the entire night and then probably sleep in till 5." Okay, so Tyler never said that, but its fun to get a rise out of people.
"Oh really? Well you should know that I was home all night yesterday an that he was the one who was out doing god knows what." He said smugly.
"He was at my house last night." I said, matter-of-factly.
He looked a bit disappointed for a second then he smiled at me. "Cool. So what are you doing here?"
"I asked first."
"I'm just buying condoms." He said casually.
Okay then.
"Well I'm here just shopping for food for the rest of this week and next week. The food in my house seems to have disappeared." I informed.
"That happens when Tyler stays over. He probably got up at midnight and ate up your fridge." He chuckled.
I laughed along with him. Then I remembered, I had yet to pay and go home and eat. This boy makes me forget things.
"Okay then, I really gotta get going now. Bye James." I waved at him before walking away.
I paid and headed home.
So, team Teeva or team Jeeva?
Also, once again, I apologise for the fact that I have not updated in soooo long. I will try to make it up to you, but I have a math paper day after so I can make no promises.
Also, thank you everyone who is still reading in spite of the long one month wait. Love all of you to bits.
Love, Aisha